CH18. Dead Ends

2nd MARCH, 2017.


"Nothing!" Yelled Attorney Zarah as she stormed into the apartment Rahma lives in alone. One of her hands is tucked firmly in the pocket of her grey suit-pants while the other is fixing the other end of her veil wrapped into a hijab, which fell from her shoulder.

Rahma who was fixing the ties to the sneakers she had on looked up, startled by the woman's outburst. Zarah had never been the one to act like that. For as long as she'd known her—which wasn't that long— she had always been cool, calm and collected under all circumstances, until now. "What's wrong?" She asked, straightening her back.

"The number, that's what's wrong!"

"Which number again?" Rahma raised a brow as she watched the attorney pace around the moderate size living room.

Zarah stopped, whipping her head around to look at Rahma, "The number that texted you yesterday..." She said slowly, trying to let the words sink in before she continued. "It hit a dead end, there was absolutely nothing from the results. It's like it doesn't even exist. I can't trace it, I can't get a hold of it, just...nothing!"

"I thought the people you work with are the best, shouldn't they be able to crack something like this?" Rahma was genuinely confused. So far, from everything she saw Zarah do, everything of hers has been top notch. How could she not be able to trace a number like this?

Zarah reached her free hand to massage her eye lid slowly, before she flicked them open, "The person that did it is not some rookie. He or she is a professional, if not, one of the best" This time her voice came out way more collected that it was minutes ago. She had simply switched from the exasperated attorney to the professional one that looks like she can handle everything.

"Maybe it's nothing..." Rahma said, making Zarah's eyes meet hers, "The text didn't seem harmful in any way. Maybe we're just over reacting, we shouldn't worry about it"

Zarah kept her gaze on Rahma for a while, not saying a word before she lightly scoffed, "You're new to this so I don't expect you to get it" She sighed, preparing herself to explain the logic to the girl. "Things like this are never as it seems, especially since the only people that have your contact are me and Maria. I wouldn't pull such tricks so it has to be Maria"

"It could be anyone else" Rahma tried to reason as she made her way over to the kitchen. She didn't hear footsteps after her which meant that the attorney hadn't followed her. "The message sounded more like an advice than a warning, and we both know Maria wouldn't advise me on anything that will not benefit her" She said loud enough for Zarah to hear. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out the bottle of water she wanted to take along with her before making her way back to the living room.

"Then will you explain how the person got your number?"

Rahma shrugged, "Things happen"

The said attorney was still in the same position Rahma left her. She didn't say anything but the way she ran her thumb over her knuckles lightly was all Rahma needed to see to know the wheels in the woman's head are turning.

"If it'll make you feel any better, I'll be more careful so don't worry"

Zarah's shoulder slumped for only a fraction of a second before her stiff posture returned, her loud sigh that followed contradicted her actions though. "Okay!" She shook her head, "but I do need to know something first. Did you run into anyone while you were with Maria in her house?"

Rahma thought about it, trying to remember what happened two days ago. She then shook her head, "Apart from her maids, no one" She had forgotten about her encounter with Tahir, mostly because she labeled it as a pointless meetup that meant nothing. So, that piece of information slipped out of her head.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "I am. I met no one else"

"Okay. You should be more careful though. We both know that Maria is a dangerous person. We can never be sure of what's going on in that head of hers"


Zarah glanced at the watched strapped around her left hand wrist. She then looked up, "I have to go, the sun is rising and I have a meeting at seven thirty"

Rahma glanced at the sky through the slightly opened curtains. She had forgotten how early Zarah stopped by before anyone wakes up since the two can't be seen together. Zarah is well known. If they are spotted together then she'd be the center of attention.

Rahma nodded and was about to bid her farewell when she remembers something. She snapped her fingers slightly as her brows drew in. "Zarah...can I ask you for a favor please?"

Zarah looked taken aback since the girl never asked her for one before, "Sure" She dismissed the thought and wiped the confusion off her face, "What do you want?"

"I remember something"

Zarah pulled her hand out of the pocket, clasping the two hands together as she stepped forward a bit, "Is it from your time with the Maliks? Or is it about your life here?" She was eager to see if the girl remembers something from her childhood, anything could help them.

Rahma nodded, the look in her eyes was one Zarah couldn't comprehend. "I'm not sure..." She shakes her head slightly, "I'm not sure if it's true. My aunt told me out of spite of anger. I don't know whether she's creating stuff up or not..."

Zarah didn't care if it was a lie or true, she would validate it either ways, "What did she say?"

Rahma looked at Zarah, pondering if she should go ahead and tell her or not. However, she trusted the woman enough to know she'll do her bets to find out the truth. "She said I have another uncle...or maybe had. I don't know honestly..."

"What happened to him, where does he live?"

"I don't know" Rahma shrugged, "All Anty Maryama said was that he left me because I'm too much to handle" A part of her deeply believed Anty Maryama's words yet another part believes it's all nonsense, the woman had always been a little mentally unstable, maybe she made that up too.

"What do you want me to do?"

That was the same question Rahma had asked herself times without number. What does she want Zarah to do? Does she want to meet an uncle that may or may not be made up? "I want you to help me find him, if you can that is"

The eagerness coursing through Zarah's veins slowed as she remembered the words of the doctor she had check Rahma back in America. This might be a figment of her imagination. However, if they continue to dismiss every information like that then they won't get anywhere. "Did she tell you where he lives?"

"She said Yola, I'm not sure if he's still there anymore"

"His name?"

"I don't remember honestly. She said it but I can't remember"

Zarah sighed deeply, her shoulder slumping a bit. However, her facial expression is a total opposite to how her posture was. "Don't worry, I'll look for him. It'll be hard but I'll try. If he's alive, I'll find him in shaa Allah"

Rahma smiled for the first time that day, "Thank you"

Zarah smiled back, eyes glancing at her wrist watch again. "I have to go else I'll be late for my meeting" For the first time since she stormed into the apartment, her eyes took on Rahma's outfit, "Where are you going?"

Rahma fixed the small hijab she had on, "Morning exercise" She held the water bottle up, shaking it a bit to prove her answer.

Zarah nodded, "Alright then. I'll get going now. Be careful"

Rahma watched as the woman walked out before she did the same thing, locking the apartment so she won't have any intruder coming in. She fixed the hijab again, already knowing that jogging in it will be a struggle since she's not used to it. However, she can't go around dressed as she was used to back in prison where everyone there is a woman. She'll have to make it work.

She reached her hand out and put on her ear pods.

With slow steps, it eventually turned into light jogs. She made sure she knew the direction she's jogging in so she won't get lost. It's still early in the morning, half an hour to seven so there weren't many people out considering the area she stays in wasn't that crowded. She hardly sees any of her neighbors.

The environment around her changed with every jog she takes, voices shut out thanks to the ear pod, she pushed herself and continued. It wasn't until she got extremely tired that she decided to take a break, perching herself on a bench by the side of the empty road. She waited till her heartbeat calmed before she took huge gulps of the water.

The cold water having being in contact with her parched throat had her releasing a huge sigh of relief as she kept the bottle aside. Out of nowhere, fingers were snapped in front of her face, this had her jumping a bit, surprised. She glanced at the owner, a familiar face that stood infront of her. She had been so consumed by her thoughts that she didn't see the person approach her.

She took off the ear pod, trying to remember where she saw the face and the name. She had never been one to remember people that she doesn't care about especially after spending 10 years in prison, she eventually learnt to mind her business and not bother getting involved with others. Truth be told, she can barely keep up with the names of all the cellmates she had. "Usman...right?"

He chuckled, moving to the bench but sitting on the far end, "Tahir" He corrected, "How can you forget, we met just two days ago"

She rolled her eyes, looking away from him, "Well I happen to only remember the people I meet more than once"

He nodded, an amused smile dancing on his lips but he didn't say a word more regarding it though he had thousands at the tip of his tongue. "So, you live close by?"

"No" She said without thinking twice. Though she lied, she didn't feel about it. By all accounts Tahir is close to Maria, so why would she risk him knowing where she lives? Though the apartment isn't one that resembles that of poor people—it actually goes along with the image she's trying to sell, but still. What is he stalks her and then kill her? There are so many scenarios that could go wrong—especially with Maria involved in the equation.

"It has to be. You look like you jogged all the way"

She resisted the urge to scoff at his words. If she does that, it will taint the nice girl image she has built for herself. Instead, she looked at him and smiled, "I have my ways" She hoped he wouldn't prod any further, God knows she could only hold on her image for long, especially around a stranger.

He didn't ask her anything regarding that anymore because he already trusts her. She would say anything at the moment and he'd trust her. He wasn't kidding when he told his friends he found his soulmate, he would do anything for the girl he only met once, that day being the second. Of course, there are certain limitations that he wouldn't cross for her, but for now, he'd do anything. In that aspect, he's dumb to say the least.

Her eyes moved to her wristwatch, which came along with the phone Zarah gave her. "I have to go now. Nice seeing you again" She stood up, not giving him another glance before she walked away.


Zarah knocked on the study room door, she waited for a couple of seconds before she heard a 'come in' from the other side. So, she took a hold of the handle, twisted it, and walked into the study room with a salaam. Her gaze fell on the man that she had eventually became acquainted to since she took up the whole Rabia case, seated on his chair beside a big mahogany desk.

She placed the folder on the desk after they exchanged pleasantries.

"What's the report?" He asked, reaching out his hand to pick up the folder. His eyes skimmed through it as he waited for her to give him the full details. Somehow, he trusted her words more than the ones in the folder, though it's basically the same.

Zarah gave him a full report of everything that had been going on. She didn't leave a single detail out of her explanation knowing he'd want to hear everything directly from her.

"So you couldn't find anything on the number that texted her?" He asked, once she was don with her explanation. He closed the folder and placed it back on the table.

She nodded, "I tried using every means I got but nothing came up. It looks like it's impossible to crack"

He stroked his chin, eyes slightly squinted as he let the information she gave in sink in, "Nothing is impossible" He looked up, edging closer to the table. He rested both his hands on it, then intertwined his fingers, "I'll have someone look it up"

"But I already had people check it, they're best I've known my entire life"

He chuckled slightly, "Trust me, the person I know is the absolute best in that field. There's nothing he can't crack"

She looked a bit hesitant but nodded. As far as she knows, the people she had check were the best but if the man says otherwise, she can't argue. "Okay"

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"Actually..." She trailed off a bit, "yes. There's one last thing"

He raised a brow, "What is it?"

"She said she remembers something" Zarah said, but evens he doubted the words that roll off her tongue. She trusts Rahma, but as far as she knows, that Anty Maryama of hers can be cunning. What she told her might be a complete lie.

"Really?" The man looked both happy and surprised, "That's great. It'll help our case for sure. What did she remember"

"I'm not sure about it, and neither is she by the looks of it but..." Zarah shrugged, this is another lead they have so she has to stick by it, "That wife of her uncle, she told her that she has another uncle"

Maybe it was her eyes, but at the mention of that, he stiffed for a second. She watched him up close, wondering what the strange attitude from him is all about. The man took off his glasses, lightly caressing the skin of his eyelids.

"An uncle?"

Zarah nodded, eyes still watching the man, "Yes. Another uncle, seemingly her mother's brother since her father only has one brother"

He sighed, but didn't say a word more. His eyes averted form hers and rested on the bookshelf at the other side of the room.

"What?" She couldn't keep her curiosity at bay, "Do you know him perhaps"

For a minute he didn't say anything, and somewhere in her she doubted he'd say anything. So, when he spoke again she was taken aback.

"I knew him" The man said, not taking his eyes off the shelf. His voice dropped, as if he's recounting a sad story.

"Knew?" She didn't miss his use of past tense. She never lets anything slip away from her.

He nodded, finally turning around to look at her. She saw the emotion he tried to hide, the pain—it was very much evident. "Yes, knew"

Zarah looked away. She had already put the puzzle together but she wanted to let the new information sink in first. As she does every time she thinks, her finger lightly caresses her knuckles, "So what you mean is..."

"Her uncle. He's dead"


Late night update.

Well, goodnight 😊❤️

If Veiled is a movie, yall know your roles right😂 I would definitely be Attorney Zarah.

Anyways, her uncle, Saminu is dead 😭

Zarah couldn't find who sent the messages.

Share, vote and comment please.

Love, Jannah.

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