CH16. All Is Fair In Deception

Book trailer is the video above!

28th FEBRUARY, 2017.


Ameerah stood by the door and watched as her mother glanced at the phone in her hand with a forlorn mien, before she sighed and dropped the phone. She reached her fingers up and massaged her temples, she internally tried to convince herself that this will all be over one day, that things will go back to the way they originally were.

Ameerah who knew that things will never be the same again looked away indignantly. She didn't know whether her mother was blind to see the truth or she is just pretending to not see it, not wanting to accept the truth. The woman is clearly in denial, that much Ameerah could tell.

Her gaze moved back to her mother who leaned back on the chair she is sitting on, closing her eyes in the process. "Stop looking at me like that" She said woozily. The headache she's having isn't helping the ache she feels, and Ameerah's judging looks only added to that.

Ameerah resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Of course she knows I'm standing here, she thought in her head. She glanced at the phone that laid on the floor, then to her mother's slumped form, "I told you to stop worrying about him"

Lami shook her head lazily, not having the energy in her to argue with her obdurate daughter, "You won't understand"

"Understand what?" Ameerah asked, folding her hand over her torso, "Understand that you care so much about a man that doesn't not care a bit about you?" Ameerah struggled to keep her voice from raising at her obstinate mother. She shouldn't raise her voice at her, she knows that but the fact that Lami refuse to listen to her regarding something that affects her is irking.

She doesn't get how hard it is for Lami to understand that Alhaji Hamisu does not acre about her at all. He stopped caring years ago and he doesn't show any symptoms of changing any time soon. Yet Lami, the woman who's helplessly in love with him believes that he will change someday.

'When?' Is the question that's lingering in Ameerah's head.

Yes, the man does things are obligatory to him as a husband to Lami, but not all of them. Just the ones that he feels like doing.

His cold attitude isn't the same towards Ameerah though. Similar? Yes but at least he smiles and have conversations with the girl unlike her mother whom he refused to spare a glance at.

And his callous attitude towards her is taking a great toll on her.

Lami ignored the girl's tone, waving off her words like it meant nothing, "There are things that you're too young to understand Ameerah" She said, exhaustion lacing her tone.

"No I'm not" She groaned, resisting the urge to tug the strands of her hair out of frustration. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down. When she was sure that she had her anger at bay, she walked into the room and made her way over to where her mother sat. She crouched in front of her, holding Lami's hands in hers, this made the woman look at her. "I'm sorry if what I said offended you Mama but please understand that I am doing this for you"

Lami shook her head, "It's okay. I just...I feel like it's my fault. If the miscarriage hadn't happened, then maybe..."

"No Mama don't say that please. It wasn't your fault. You have no control over your body"


"Just listen to me for once please. It wasn't your fault. That's how Allah planned it to be. And if anyone thinks that you are to blame, let them. It's easier for people to judge you without being in your shoes. As long as you don't doubt yourself, that's okay"

Lami sighed and looked down. Ameerah didn't need her to open up, she knew why Lami blamed herself all this while for this, "Losing your first child wasn't your fault as well" Ameerah said, making Lami snap her head to look at her.


"Umma told me" She shook her head, referring to her step mother—the first wife. "But don't get angry at her please"

Lami closed her eyes as she felt tears well up in her eyes as waves of guilt came crashing down on her like a ferocious tidal wave. She couldn't bear to look at Ameerah, especially not when she looks at her with such eyes and tone. Deep down, she is more than happy that Ameerah hasn't regained her memories. But what will happen when she doesn't regain her memory? That is something that Lami feared more than anything.

The girl will leave her at the instant without a second thought. Could she handle losing another child?

Ameerah saw the tears that Lami held in cascade down her face like waterworks. She leaned forward and embraced her mother, giving her the much needed comfort that she undoubtedly needs at the moment.

Lami clutched Ameerah like her life depended on it, her body shaking with sobs that rake through her body. "I'm sorry Ameerah, please forgive me...I—I..I'm so sorry" She rambled, her words coming out jumbled.


"I'm sorry. I—I'm so—so sorry Ameerah. I had to do it. I didn't have any other choice. P—please, don't hate me, I don't want to lose another child"

Ameerah's hand that had been rubbing soothing circles on Lami's back stilled for a moment as she looked up, her lips setting into a tight line. She exhaled deeply, blinking furiously to get rid of the thoughts in her head. "You don't need to apologize. We all have a reason for doing the things we did"

Maybe it was just a spur of a moment of weakness, but Lami at the moment felt like the response Ameerah gave her is the answer to all the unanswered question she had never voiced.

But the of course, it's impossible for Ameerah's answer to be the questions Lami yearns for the answer.

It's just a spur of the moment. It has to be.


"Yes Inna, it worked perfectly" Umma, Ameerah's step mother and Alhaji Hamisu's first wife said into the phone she held between her shoulder and side of her face. She pulled out the clothes she brought from the Umrah she and her co-wife came back from, and placed them aside.

Her mother, Inna, said something at the other end that made her hum.

"I know right. It's so sad, I'm just glad I was there to help her when she lost her child. It was so tragic" She stopped what she was doing to sigh, a look of sorrow taking over her features.

They waited for a couple of seconds, before laughing at the same time, loudly. Umma hummed again, tracing her fingers over the light pattern of a lace she bought, "The woman is really stupid I tell you Inna, if only you can see how much she trusts me" Umma cackled, her lips tilting into a smirk.

Her mother said something that made her shrug.

"It was easy honestly. I told you that aborting my third child and framing that useless second wife will come in handy someday. Everyone believes she's the reason why poor Lami had a miscarriage, even Hamisu hates her just as much as he hates that wretched Lami. I told you, all if fair in love and war. All is fair in deception too" She stood up, making her way over to the closed windows. She held the edge, dragging it to the side to allow stream of light into the room.

Umma scoffed when her mother said something she didn't like, "What do you mean by I should be careful? Who do you think will suspect the nonchalant, supportive first wife that adores her co-wife huh? Seriously Inna, it was your idea to get him to hate them by going to Malam's place. I just improvised in a certain way and it worked for me"

Her mother said something in agreement. Praising the Malam that helped her daughter win her husband over.

"Yes Inna. All the laya are hidden in a safe place. No one would ever figure them out in that house. I hid them well. Haba dai, don't you trust my work ne? I mean if I wasn't good at it then I won't reach where I am right now right?"

She listened to her Inna's words. The old woman kept mentioning other stuff Umma could use to own her husband completely. It was bizarre, any sane person could tell but these women are far from saints.

"Okay, I understand. So when will you send the incense?" Her brows furrowed at her mother's response, "Can't I get it earlier than that? I want to fill the house with that smoke in and out, every nook and cranny. If I have to go to the front and backyard to put it then I would. I want to make it in such way that the minute he returns home; the incense will be the only thing he inhales"

She then chuckled, amused by her mother bragging about how she owned her husband before he passed away. This is a tradition that she had passed to her daughter, and they want to keep the circle going, passed down to generations to come.

At the mere mention of one name by Inna, a deep frown etched on Umma's face, "What about Ameerah? The girl is just an adopted child, nothing more. Besides, something tells me that Lami is hiding something from her, and I will find out. I'm sure the thing is big enough to tear them apart" She nodded, agreeing with her mother's proposed idea, "That will work. Once we separate the two, I would no longer need to worry about them ever again"

She thought that by making Lami have a miscarriage, her marriage with Hamisu will end. She had noticed the pregnancy before anyone did. It was easy to slips some of the herbs she got from Malam into the kunun aya she makes, which everyone in the house—including Lami loves. The rest just needed her acting skills and it worked like the charm it is.

She laughed. Her plan had worked from the very beginning and with the way things are going, soon she'll have everything she wants.

And she'll get away with it because who will ever suspect the kind, supportive co-wife that doesn't get involved in the pesky co-wives' arguments?

No one. And that is how she planned it to be. She meant every word she said earlier, all is fair in deception. You just need to know how to do it well and it'll work out in your favor.


After the breakdown Lami had earlier, the woman slept off shortly after leaving Ameerah time to execute her plans. She had plans earlier but because of what happened, she had to delay it. She is going back the school in two days, and she is determined to use every free time she had to visit her senior friend at the hospital, to learn as much as she can and catch up with the school. She needs to do that if she wants to pass.

She had the driver they had been suing since they got to Abuja to take her to the hospital. She knew her senior is a busy woman, and she might be busy at the moment but she'll wait for her if she has too.

It took a while but they eventually arrived at the hospital. She got off after thanking him, and asking him to wait for her. She made her way in, this time around not stopping to ask for directions as she knows her way to the office.

Once she stood in front of it, she knocked on it. Once, twice and after the third time, a faint 'come in' came from the other side.

Ameerah twisted the handle and poked her head in, the completely walking into the office. Her gaze fell on her senior who flashed her a bright smile before her gaze moved to the person that has his back towards her. When he turned, her eyes widened slightly in realization.

"Ameerah! What took you so long. I had been waiting for you since" The doctor made her way over to Ameerah, pulling her in for a hug. When she pulled back, she pointed at the figure that sat quietly watching their exchange, "By the way, that is Doctor Noah, a colleague of mine. And Noah, this is—"

"Ameerah" He cut her off with a nod, "I know her"

"You do?" The woman stared between the two. A look of confusion masking her features.

And Ameerah, being the observant person she is, noticed it. "We met back in Kano. He treated Juwy's mother" She said quickly, not wanting the doctor to get any ideas.


"We're friends now though" That came from Noah who has his legs crossed and an arm resting on the table beside him.

The doctor blinked, a smile making its way on her lips but Ameerah could tell it's fake one. Nonetheless, she didn't say a word on it, "That's great then..."

Ameerah set her lips into a tight line. Something about the woman's expression made her question the situation. "We only met twice, we're not friends" Somehow, she wondered if what the doctor is thinking of is the same thing Juwy told her.

Maybe, it could be it.

"Ouch. I'm hurt" Noah sighed, patting where his heart is, "The last time we met, you were in such a hurry you barely said hi"

One glare from Ameerah was all that is needed for him to shut his mouth. She didn't like how he keeps acting as if they are the best of friends. On normal occasions, it wouldn't bother her but Juwy's words are engraved in her head.

"I'm leaving now. I have work to do. See you later" He waved at the two, before he all but stormed out. The minute he left, the two sighed.

The doctor made her way over to her table, with Ameerah following closely behind her, "So what was that all about?" She asked, keeping her gaze locked on the woman.

The doctor looked up, blinking more times than necessary. Something she does when she's about to lie. "Nothing"

Ameerah raised a brow. They both knew she is lying so what's the point?

"Alright fine" The doctor sighed, gesturing for Ameerah to sit down on the empty chair in front of her. Ameerah did as told, "It's just...It's weird"

"What's weird?" Ameerah asked, setting her books on the table because of how heavy they are.

The doctor swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, internally pondering on whether to tell Ameerah for not. "Noah isn't the one to make friends with people. He barely has any friend and it takes a lot for him to talk to someone other than patients. For him to consider you his friend after only meeting twice..." She shrugged, raising her hands up to make gestures, "It's weird"

"You two are friends right?"

"Colleagues" The doctor corrected, folding her hands on the table. "I've known him for about two years now and never had he ever regarded me as a friend"

Ameerah didn't say anything as she lets the words sink in. When she finally opened her lips again, she asked the question that had been on her mind since, "Do you know who his friends are?"

The doctor stared at her for a while, before she scoffed, "Trust me Ameerah. The last thing you would want is to get involved with any of them. Keep your distance"

Ameerah had other questions, but she had learnt long ago that it's better to keep your mouth shut and observe. So, she nodded.


Mubarak walked into the hangout he, Tahir and Noah usually meet in Abuja. It wasn't some fancy restaurant. No, it's just Tahir's side in his father's house. However, with the renovations he'd made in the place, one would pass it as a fancy elite discotheque.

Ranging from the large rugs made from natural fibers, to the dramatic lampshade, and other stuff that littered around the room, it screams 'fancy'.

The appropriate term to describe it though is a fancy lounge. The only difference is that no one is allowed in there but the three of them. Besides, it's not like they have any friends outside their circle.

Mubarak who was scrolling something on his phone when he walked in stopped in his tracks, raising his head when he caught Noah mumbling about something from the couch he sat on. His gaze moved to Tahir who sat opposite him, grinning like a goofball.

"What's going on here?" Mubarak asked, walking towards the empty space on the couch Noah's sitting on, to sit down.

Noah scoffed, shaking his head, "That girl has some nerves. She was acting as if I'm begging for her attention or something" He said, anger lacing his tone as he stared at nothing in particular.

Mubarak looked at Tahir, wanting more explanation, "What girl are we talking about?"

Tahir didn't reply, he only threw a glance at Noah before he shrugged, silently letting Mubarak know that he has no idea who the boy is talking about.

Noah groaned, "Who else? Ameerah Hamisu of course" He spat, twirling the tumbler in his hand lightly, careful not to spill the drink in it.

" that not Juwairiyya's friend, the one you met at the hospital?" Mubarak asked, keeping his phone aside.

"The one and only" Noah muttered, sinking back in the chair.

"I thought we agreed you won't get involved with her?"

"Relax..." Tahir cut in, the smile on his face never wavering, "It's just a harmless game"

"Yeah and I'm done playing it. I can barely stand her presence, what more now that she feels like she's a big shot? Did you see the way she kept glaring at me? Man I'm done, I can't stand her" Noah said out of frustration, his voice raising at the end slightly. He has never been the one to like other people, especially not people treating him the way she is.

"So you're giving up? I thought Noah never gives up" Tahir taunted. He has always been the devil amongst the three. And with their little game, he wanted to see how far they can go in teasing Noah's step sister. He doesn't plan on doing something extremely bad, he had that much sense of compassion in him.

"Guys, stop this. The girl did nothing to you" Once again, they both ignored Mubarak.

"I'm not giving up" Noah pointed a finger at Tahir, eyes slightly squinted, "I just can't stand her"

"Then I'll guess we'll have to do things the other way, yeah?" Tahir's smile turned into a smirk, soon enough Noah's face mirrored his.

"And what is that?" Mubarak asked, not trusting the two.

Tahir shrugged, "Mess with her school and stuff. She's a final year medical student, imagine how bad things will be for her if her education is on the line, literally"

Noah nodded, a smirk making its way on his face in agreement with the plan, "I have contacts in their school...." He trailed off. The look he shared with Tahir is one that signifies they have a plan on ground.

Mubarak shook his head. There was no point in trying to argue with them. They are both too stubborn. "And you" He nodded his head at Tahir, "Why have you been smiling like the Cheshire cat?"

Tahir grinned, leaning forwards, "I think I found my soulmate"

Mubarak and Noah shared a look.

"I thought you stopped drinking? Have you been taking weed or something?" Noah asked, eying Tahir's figure as if the man has grown two heads.

"You know the extent your drinking addiction took you to, right?" This time it was Mubarak, still doubting his friend's sanity.

Tahir glared at them both, "I'm not high. I'm sober, I've been for years so stop giving me such looks" He leaned back on the couch, crossing his legs, "Besides I met her at your house, Noah. She's a good friend of Aunt Maria's"

"Who is she?" Noah asked, bringing the tumbler to his lips to take a sip.

Tahir smiled, "Rahma Turaki"


Tahir likes Rahma...this should end well lmao.

Ignore the typos please, I'm too lazy to edit rn.

For those of you who suspected the first wife, you're actually right.

Everyone dey warn Ameerah about Noah, but my guy is not bad now...

Ehen make I clarify one mix up from the last chapter. I said I like HWASA'S song Maria, not the HAUSA song. Lmao Hwasa is the name of a Korean singer. So, like I said before, the name is Maria not MARIYA.

Dazzal for today.

Goodnight people.

Love, Jannah.

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