CH15. Falling In Place

28th FEBRUARY, 2017.


It was a couple of minutes past midnight when she heard it. It wasn't discreet nor was it light which threw out every thought she had of him trying to hide it from her out of the window she sat beside. Her head was resting on the couch she's sitting on while her eyes closed but judging from his footsteps, she could tell it was him.

"Why are you just coming back now?" She asked, once she heard the footsteps much closer to her than earlier. She didn't bother to move from her position nor open her eyes but what she said was the only thing he needed to know she's wide awake—and waiting for his return.

He ignored her, his coat hanging over his hand carelessly with neck tie loosened. He was tired to say the least, and the last thing he's in the mood for is her endless, ridiculous rants that means nothing to him.

"I'm talking to you, Noah!" She called out, much louder this time when she heard the footsteps start fading from her earshot. She opened her eyes and glared at him. "Don't forget I am still your mother boy!"

He stopped in his tracks, a sarcastic laugh escaping his throats as he turned to look at her. "Easy there woman. You seem to be getting ahead of yourself" The chuckle died down, and so did his mood. He walked towards her form, eyes narrowed and lips set into a tight line, "You are nothing but a nanny. Always have been and always will"

"That's not what the world thinks"

He scoffed, shaking his head, "I don't care about what the world thinks. You are not my mother so stop acting like it!" He couldn't stop his voice from raising slightly. He had been trying to keep his anger in for so long but with the way she had been acting, it's been hard. She acts as if she's his mother.

"You didn't have a problem with it before" She wasn't fazed by his anger. She knew he had small control over his anger, she knew that first hand. And that was one thing she'd forever hold against him.

"That was ten years ago. Things have changed because you seem to be so caught up on who you've become" He gave her a onceover, one which showed how much detest he had for her.

And for the first time since he came back, she felt genuinely angry. How dare he treat her like this? She gritted her teeth as she glared at him. Raising her pointer finger at him, "Don't forget Noah, everything I've ever did was for you" Her voice was low, but loud enough for him to hear her clearly.

He huffed slightly, "I never asked you to do that, did I?" He didn't wait for her answer, as he turned around and stormed out of the place as he has no intention of staying under the same roof as her.


Noah walked to the parking lot of the house he along with Maria had been staying in since she got married to the man that's the former minister. The man had divorced his wife, Juwairiyya's mother, shortly after he met Maria and in just a couple of weeks, he married her. That was seven years ago.

Noah was never a big fan of the man though the man never did anything to make him detest him. Which is why he never openly showed him his distaste for him.

After he left a couple of hours ago, he stayed in an apartment he owned till morning came, and he had to go to work. But he forgot something at home, so he had to drive back home to get it. He avoided Maria, he couldn't handle another encounter with her in the same day.

He had enough drama for one day.

Rahma on the other hand, arrived at Maria's house at the time. Maria invited her over the day before, and she took that as an opportunity to get closer to the woman. She wouldn't miss out any opportunity to get close to her.

After all, after the week, she only has two weeks! Just two weeks to prove her innocence.

A small part of her doubts she'll ever prove it, and that's the same part that's scared of rotting in prison for years to come.

Another part of her, the one which is hell-bent on not going back to prison believes that she will get the much needed evidence. If she had to risk her life to get it then so be it. She will not go back to prison for a crime she did not commit. That place is nothing but a nightmare to her.

Maria informed the guards of Rahma's arrival so she didn't have much issues with them. This time around, Zarah didn't drive her to the house but got a driver for her since the two can't be seen together. It will arise suspicious since Zarah is a prominent attorney.

She noticed the car that drove past them just as her driver made his way over to the parking lot, she didn't pay much attention to it though.

Noah on the other hand didn't spare the car he drove past another glance. For all he knows, it's another one of Maria's friends that he detests almost as much as he detests her.

Keyword; almost. No one can ever match up to the level of hate he has for her.

Besides, he has a couple of people he has to meet today. So, he doesn't have time to waste in that house.

Rahma's driver parked once he found a spot. Rahma inhaled deeply, mentally and physically preparing herself for the woman she's about to face. Once she's prepared, she opened the door and stepped out, her heel clad feet touching the ground first. It took her a while for her to get used to walking around in heels since Zahra convinced her that for her to sell the image of Rahma Turaki, she needs to dress chicly—and that unfortunately, includes wearing heels.

By the time she reached the front door, a lady was waiting for her there. She then led her into the posh house. It was exquisite to say the least. The woman led her to the living room, before she turned to look at her, "Please wait here ma'am. I'll just inform her of your arrival" She smiled making Rahma do the same.


Rahma waited till the woman was out of sight before she dropped the smile on her face. She glanced at the living room, taking in the position of everything. She walked towards the couch, her fingers lightly grazing the material as her eyes roamed about. She stopped in her tracks when her gaze fell on one of the numerous pictures fixated on the wall.

With slow, cautious steps she made her way over to the picture. It was a family picture of Maria, a man beside her seemingly her husband and the third, someone she hasn't set her eyes on since that fateful day that changed her life. She felt a lump form in her throat but she quickly swallowed it back.

All she could think about at the moment was the look on his face as he watched his father's deceased body ten years ago. The sound of his screams gave her nightmares. She didn't kill him but that didn't stop her from feeling guilty. He believed that she murdered his father, whom tried to help her, in cold blood. He must hate her.

Another reason she wanted to prove that she's innocent.

She might've only known Noah for a couple of days but for the first time in her life, she felt what it was like to have a sibling. Yes, he wasn't the most talkative person on earth, nor was he the most convivial, but he was still a brother nonetheless.

Maybe the time she had known him is too short for her to consider him a brother, but for someone like her who had never had any siblings, that was much more than she could ever hope for.

He was and still is a brother to her, even if he hates her.

Come what may, regardless of what others will say, Noah was and will always be a brother to her and she hated herself that she hurt him even though she wasn't the one at fault. It didn't matter though, she knew in his eyes, she killed his father, and he hates her for it.

He looked nothing like she remembered him to be before. Older? Yes. But there was something else she couldn't pinpoint.

"He's all grown up isn't he?"

Rahma's eyes widened slightly as she turned around, her gaze immediately falling on Maria who stood a couple of feet behind her. She couldn't help but think about the words the woman just uttered. Did I say that out loud? Rahma wondered in her head, wondering if she said her thoughts out loud for Maria to hear.

If the woman did hear her, then she'd realize that she's Rabia. Then that means everything will go down the drain. And like the blink of one's eye, she'd get thrown back in jail because she won't ever prove her innocence.

"Huh?" Rahma managed to utter, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage out of fear.

"Noah. My son" Maria gestured to the picture, "That's what I wonder every time I look at him. 'He's all grown up isn't he?' It's actually so hard to believe" Maria chuckled as she moved closer to Rahma, standing beside her. Her eyes stayed glued to the picture, as a small smile danced on her lips. "You know that look your mother has on her face when she looks at you? As if she couldn't believe that her child is all grown up?" She swiveled her head to the side to look at Rahma. "Are you okay? Your eyes seem a bit glossy"

Rahma blinked rapidly, not realizing that tears had gathered up in her eyes while staring at the picture. She cleared her throat, "Something got in my eye" She waved it off, chuckling slightly as she looked away to blink them back.

Maria nodded in understanding.

"To answer your question, I don't know how it feels like" Rahma said as she pivoted around to look at Maria. A desolate mien taking over her features. She swallowed hard, as if she was trying to relive a painful memory, "My parents died when I was young so..." She shrugged off, blinking her eyes rapidly to sell her act.

It wasn't a lie, she did lose her parents since she was young but the fact that she never knew them, helped her in not feeling melancholy. Yes, at times she wonders what it would feel like to have one. But in between living with an abusive aunt and uncle, running away from them, losing a friend—which is her fault, if she had not been cowardly then her friend, the real Rahma, would still be alive; ending up in an orphanage, ending up being adopted, living abroad for a couple of days and being thrown into prison for ten whole years, all for a crime she didn't commit, there wasn't really much space to think about her birth parents.

"Oh I'm so sorry for your loss..." Maria's brows furrowed, as her lips tilted down into a deep frown. A look of sheer gloom masking her features. She unfolded her hands and held Rahma's in hers, "I'm sorry" She repeated, as if that will help lessen the girl's pain in any way.

"It's okay..." Rahma attempted to smile, but failed miserably. That was all part of the act though. She had to sell the sad daughter who lost her parents role in order to get closer to Maria. This wasn't part of the plan she had with Zahra, she merely improvised out of her fear being out in the open. However, she was sure that anything that would bring her close to Maria wouldn't be of any problem with the attorney.

Maria shook her head, the gloominess still apparent, "If I knew...I wouldn't have said that" Her voice dropped, going along with her countenance.

Rahma sighed, as she looked down.

"If there's anything you need, just know that I'm always here for you. You can always consider me a mother"

Rahma looked up, a wide smile etched on her face, "I would love that"


After the poignant moment Rahma and Maria shared, the two went down to business, what originally brought Rahma there. Maria is holding up some sort of charity event to help orphans, which in reality is just a way to boast her and her husband's image in the eyes of the press and citizens. The woman isn't capable of helping others, she's too selfish to do that.

Rahma is there however because she's now one of Maria's most trusted acquaintances and because she would pay for most of the things. Maria didn't mind that one bit, it only made the trust she has on Rahma grow. Rahma on the other hand, everything is slowly falling in place—her plan that is. With the money she got from Attorney Zarah, a tremendous amount at that, she would be able to pay for everything without sweating. The fact that Attorney Zarah has such amount at her disposal still greatly baffles Rahma, but who is she to judge when the woman is doing all this to help her?

After a couple of hours, they were done planning everything though there's bound to be a loophole somewhere, that is a problem they'll deal with another day. Maria excused herself to check on something, leaving the gazebo they had been working in.

Rahma picked up one of the folders, flickering through it to cross check. Since she had never attended any school, she relied on the little knowledge she learnt in prison and what Zarah had been teaching her. That coupled along with the long hours she spent on the internet learning stuff every free time she gets. Learning how to use an Iphone and the internet was a struggle, but nothing compared to what she had been through and what she's about to face.

The sound of footsteps was what had her tilting her head up to gaze at the source. One of her brows rose slightly when her eyes fell on the stranger making his way over. She closed the folder, uncrossing her legs in the process once he was within earshot.

"Assalamu alaikum"

"Wa alaikasalaam"

"I'm sorry, I was looking for Aunt Maria, heard she was here..." His gaze drifted to the empty chair opposite Rahma which Maria was occupying.

Rahma smiled as she nodded, "Yeah, she just left to check on something inside. You can check there"

He pondered over it for a few seconds, before he shook his head, "No. I'd rather wait for her here"

Rahma shrugged, as she turned to the folder she closed. She wasn't done checking it when he came, she just didn't want to seem rude by looking at it while he talks. She flicked it open, looking for the page she was checking before he came.

"Hey, I don't think I've ever seen you here before. You must be new around here"

"I am" She said imperturbably. She had a feeling he would drag the conversation till Maria shows up but that was what she is trying to avoid. The more people she gets in contact with, the more the chances of her cover being blown up is. Especially if those people know Maria.

"You're not from Nigeria, are you?"

Her finger that was flickering over the pages stopped, as she set her lips into a tight line. Yes, that was the story she goes around with, but it's not like she has 'hey, I'm from abroad' written and plastered on her forehead. He's a complete stranger, so he shouldn't have known that.

His eyes caught the movement of her fingers which stopped, "It was easy to tell" He answered her unvoiced questions.

"How could you tell?" She raised her head to look at him. She tried to hide her curiosity so it wouldn't be suspicious.

He shrugged, folding his hands over his torso, "Aunt Maria doesn't associate herself with people that are not wealthy, which proves that you're indeed wealthy. And I'd like to think I know every successful woman that she interacts with"

Rahma scoffed slightly, noting the cockiness in his tone, "I'm finding that hard to believe"

Before he could answer, the sound of someone walking up to them caught their attention.He was the first to pivot around, and once his gaze fell on the person, his grin stretched into a grin, "Aunt Maria"

Maria grinned at him, "I didn't know you were going to stop by"

"I just wanted to stop and greet you"

She nodded, "Well that's nice of you" She then turned to Rahma who quietly watched their exchange, "I see you've met my friend and new business partner, Rahma"

Rahma's lips stretched into a small smile, "Rahma Turaki, nice to meet you..." She didn't know his name, so she just trailed off.

"Tahir" He smiled, "I'm Tahir Hamza Shagari"


So Tahir meets Rahma...

Maria playing the nice woman game, sha sha I still like her 😅😅

Late night update, hope this makes your night.

What do you think will happen next?

Random fact, I named Maria and made her a major character because of Hwasa's song *Maria*. I fell in love with the name because of the song😻❤️

FYI, even if you don't like Korean songs, listen to that and hear how she pronounces the name, that's how I've always pronounced it too😅😅 don't go around calling her Mariya. I repeat, don't call her Mariya😅😅

And that's pretty much it. Goodnight ladies and the few gentle dudes here.

Love, Jannah.

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