CH14. Rahma Turaki
27th FEBRUARY, 2017.
Rahma walked into the restaurant Zarah told her about. She didn't keep up with the name, that was the least of her concerns. All she cared about was getting the job done. She only had a month yet a week has gone already on travelling back to Nigeria, figuring out where Maria and Noah are, and planning on how to get close to them-or Maria in particular. Rahma wasn't keen on the idea of meeting Noah, she feared he'd recognize her though Zarah convinced her that she has changed so much, no one could recognize her.
She ran her fingers over her knuckles as she looked up, her gaze sweeping across the place as she searched for the particular face she's looking for. Zarah told her something about Maria going there every Monday.
"Why?" Rahma asked, not understanding the logic behind the woman going to a restaurant every Monday night.
Zarah shrugged, "Something about meeting wives of other rich men. It's something she does often to help her husband's image"
"And why would me being there help?" She asked, still not getting it. If the woman meets rich men's wives, there then why should she be there? It's not like she's married or something.
"That is where you'll 'accidentally' stumble across her"
Getting a reservation in the restaurant is hard, it takes days to do so. However, Zarah pulled some strings and so, got Rahma in a small amount of time. That doesn't mean it was easy though because it was far from it actually.
Rahma made her way over to an empty table beside the one Maria sat, along with a couple of other women. A waiter came up to her to take her order. She gazed at the menu, though her ears were strained to hear snippets from the women's conversation, but she couldn't hear a thing so she turned to the waiter and ordered her food, placing the menu down as the man walked away after scribbling down her order.
She crossed her legs and waited, thinking of an opportunity she could use to strike up a conversation with the woman. It was obvious that Maria didn't notice her, the woman's attention wasn't on anyone but the women she's sitting with.
When the waiter returned with the drink she ordered, she thanked him with a small smile etched on her face. Her gaze discreetly moved to Maria before she looked at him, muttering something to him to which he nodded before walking away.
She stood up, leaving her drink untouched as she headed over to the powder room where she kept her clutch aside, fixing her veil in the process as she counted the minutes in her head. She had a plan going at the moment, she just hoped it'll work out in her favor and not go south. God knows she had no plan after that one. If it doesn't work, she'll have to call Zarah and ask for help. The woman always knows what to say.
"Two minute and thirty-eight seconds" She muttered, as she continued to count. Reaching her hand out, she turned on the faucet when she heard footsteps and soon enough, the restroom door swung open and a figure walked in. Rahma watched her through the glass mirror as the woman walked up to a faucet beside her, turning it on and dabbing a wet towel on her cloth where the waiter 'accidentally' spilled a drink on her.
"That looks bad" Rahma muttered, loud enough for the woman to hear. "Here" She turned around, handing her a small handkerchief she had brought with her which would help with the stain much better than the wipes. "This would help you wipe it off"
Maria looked up, turning around to look at Rahma for the first time in ten years. Her gaze moved down to the handkerchief Rahma held before she looked up, looking at her in the eyes. This made Rahma nervously gulp as the smile she had on her face wavered.
Just when she though Maria recognized her, the woman reached out and collected it, a smile making its way on her lips. "Thank you" She said, turning around to clean off the stain which was surprisingly coming off.
"It's okay. I've been in this situation before. I guess clumsy waiters are everywhere in the world" Rahma said feigning nonchalance as she looked away from Maria, turning off the faucet she had turned on. She reached out to get some paper towels to wipe her hand off the water.
"Tell me about it" Maria muttered, trying to reign in her annoyance.
"And here I thought Morocco has the clumsiest waiters"
This had piqued Maria's interest as Rahma predicted. Her lips slowly stretched into a smile when she noticed the woman stilled in what she was doing for a second at the mention of the country. "You're from Morocco?" Maria asked, casually striking up a conversation.
"No. I worked there" Rahma said glancing at Maria through the mirror, who nodded in understanding when their eyes met. "However, I've spent the better part of my life there" She turned around fully, to look at Maria.
"You should tell her you're from Morocco" Zahra said, as the two were drawing out a plan on how to talk to Maria at the restaurant.
"Why Morocco?" Rahma asked, a brow raised.
"I don't know, but for some reason she seems to love the country. She visits it often"
Rahma nodded.
Maria smiled, something Rahma had never seen her done. "And now you're here to work?"
Rahma nodded, slipping her hand into her clutch and pulling out a card, "I'm Rahma Turaki. A business woman. I've worked with successful people back in Morocco. I'm here to support trustworthy people"
Maria glanced at the card, before she reached her hand out and took it, eyes flickering over the words for a brief second. She looked up again, a glint forming in her eyes. "Rahma, right?"
Rahma nodded.
"Would you like to join us for lunch? Or are you here with someone?"
This had Rahma's smile turning into a grin, "No I'm here alone, and sure, I'd love to join you"
Maria's lips stretched into a grin as she nodded. Looking back at her cloth, she noticed that she had gotten rid of the stain and the spot was drying up by itself. "Let's go then"
"Lead the way"
Rahma was right when she imagined the women Maria hang up with are all wealth and no brain. All the women cared about was money and their husbands. Maria though, based on what Rahma understood is that she cares about the money more than her husband. If the girl didn't know any better, then she'd say that Maria doesn't even care about the man. Money is her top priority.
She noticed that much by just spending fifteen minutes with them. With the years she had spent in prison, she had learnt to become very observational and in this case, it's what's going to help her if she wants to get close to Maria.
She smiled at the woman who was talking at the moment, she didn't have any idea what the woman said but somehow, the smile she threw at her was good enough because the woman seemed to appreciate it and taken a liking towards her.
Rahma was satisfied with herself knowing the hours she spent on the internet were worth it seeing as she's making this much progress.
Step one of the how to get people to like you; smile.
Though the women have no role to play in her plan, she needs to get on their good side if she wants to befriend Maria. So, she held in all the insults she wanted to throw at them whenever they brought up conversations on creating some fake awareness program just so they could boost their husband's images or get money.
They were simply unbelievable!
"Rahma..." Called out the woman that sat opposite her. The one person amongst the group who had been throwing daggers at her, "You said you're from Morocco, right?" This made the others look at her, waiting for her reply.
Rahma's lips stretched into a smile as she crossed her legs, resting her hands on it. "Yes" She replied. Deep down she's glad that her voice came out calmly and not giving hints of the nervousness she's feeling internally at the fear of the woman finding out she's faking.
The woman hummed, as she gave her a onceover-not bothering to hide the distaste in her eyes. There's just something about Rahma. Something behind that smile of hers and the nonchalant attitude that made the woman question her sincerity.
It's too good to be true.
It just didn't sit right with her. Besides, the girl is the first outsider that Maria brought to their meeting on their first meetup, it just seems odd.
"You don't look like them though" She commented, letting her eyes finally meet Rahma's.
Rahma didn't look away as she held the women's gaze. "I grew up there. That counts for something, right?"
The woman scoffed as her eyes narrowed, "I don't believe you"
This made the other women look at her with surprise masking their features. They knew the woman could be blunt when she wants to be, but never had she been this blunt. All except Maria who dropped her hand on the table, letting a resonating sound that caught all their attention, snapping it away from Rahma to her.
She turned her head to look at her friend, anger evident in her eyes, "Leave" She stated, surprisingly calmly.
The woman smirked as she glanced at Rahma, "You heard her...leave"
"I wasn't talking to her"
"Excuse me?" The woman asked, swiftly moving her gaze back to Maria who has her unwavering gaze on her. Her brows scrunched up in confusion as her lips curled into a snarl.
Maria calmly leaned back on her chair, "You know I don't like repeating myself. You know your way out"
The woman looked down for a second as she scoffed, not believing what her ears heard. Did the woman just ask her to leave? "You're sending me away because of this girl that you met fifteen minutes ago?" She said through gritted teeth as her fists curled up
Maria ignored her as she released a small annoyed sigh.
The woman glanced at the two other women, wanting to hear what they'll say to Maria for such an absurd decision. However, much to her displeasure, none dared to talk. Her gaze then snapped over to Rahma who offered her a cheeky smile, one to clearly mock. She then hissed and nodded, "Alright then" She mumbled, reaching her hand out to pick up her designer handbag of some brand. She pushed her chair back and stood up, turning to look at Maria one last time, "You will see"
A snicker from across her had her throwing daggers at Rahma who found her situation amusing, "This isn't the end. I promise you" She said. She didn't spare any of them a glance more as she turned on her heels and stormed out.
The three women left at the table turned to look at Maria who smiled as if nothing happened, "Let's continue, shall we?" She said, crossing her legs.
The others, Rahma included, nodded.
"It was nice to have you here with us. Thank you for the support" Maria said as she held Rahma's hand after the handshake the two shared.
Rahma felt like snapping Maria's hands off hers but she held it in. Despite how much she had pretended around the woman with the fake smiles and money donation-which by the way came from Zarah entirely-she couldn't forget the exact words that woman uttered to her the day she visited her in jail. Not to mention, the look she had in her eyes.
Rahma held it in though, masking those thoughts away with that smile she had learned to plaster on her face, "It's my pleasure. I'm the one who's honored actually"
Maria waved it away with a chuckle.
"By the way" Rahma started which made the smile on Maria's face falter, "I'm sorry for what happened earlier with your friend"
Maria rolled her eyes, scoffing slightly, "Don't worry about her. She had it coming sooner or later"
"Don't worry about it" Maria cut her off. She glanced up to see her car arrive just as she said that, Rahma did too and that's when they knew their conversation has come to an end. "I hope to see you soon"
"In shaa Allah" Rahma said, placing her free hand over Maria's. It took every bit of patience she had to not claw at the woman's hands with her finger nails.
Maria nodded, letting go of Rahma's hands. She waved at her before she made her way over to her car, which a man had opened the back door for her already and got in, leaving Rahma alone in the driveway.
Rahma released a sigh once Maria's car was no longer in sight, her shoulders slumped as the smile disappeared. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples as she walked over to where her car is-another thing Zarah provided her with.
She's starting to doubt the money the girl has. It's a bit too much for someone who's just an attorney.
She opened the backseat door and got in, closing the door once she was in. She leaned back on the seat just as the driver revved the car to life.
"I've paid the waiter already" Said the driver making her nod.
She leaned down and took off the heels she words, throwing them carelessly beside her making the driver chuckle. The driver drove out of the parking lot, taking off the face cap that covered most of her face. Zarah glanced at Rahma through the rearview mirror, chuckling slightly at the look plastered on her face, "How did it go?"
"Good" Rahma replied, closing her eyes shut as she breathed out heavily. Being in Maria's presence scared her to the core. God knows she was close to running away amidst of the whole conversation and every time the woman would look at her.
She felt immense anger towards her, but the fear is prominent too.
"She didn't suspect you right?"
"I don't think so"
Meanwhile, in Maria's car, she placed her hand on her thighs and ran her thumb over her knuckles as her eye brows creased in deep thought. She blinked as she shook her head, "David" She called.
The man that sat in the passenger's seat stiffly was quick to respond, "Yes Ma"
"Find out everything you can on Rahma Turaki, the woman I was with in the restaurant earlier. I want everything"
He nodded, pulling out his phone already to start doing as she instructed, "Alright ma'am"
It only took an hour before he walked into the living room where she stood in the balcony, her hands resting on the railway as she gazed at nothing in particular. She heard his footsteps but she didn't turn to look at him. He stood beside her, reaching his hand that held the folder containing Rahma's information over to her.
She collected it but made no move to open it, "Did you find anything suspicious about her?"
"No Ma'am. There's nothing. She has a clean record"
This made her turn her head to look at him, her piercing eyes resting on his. After a couple of seconds, she looked away, nodding. "Alright then" She mumbled, seeming to believe his words. "You can leave now"
Later that day, in a dark alley, the sound of boots hitting the ground filled up the place, along with the sound of crickets. The person with the boots matched over to a silhouette that could easily be disguised for a shadow. Water dripped from some old pipes, dripping one by one ever so slowly. The stench of garbage could easily make one gag.
The person made his way over to the figure, stopping only a couple of feet away from them. "It's done"
"You told her everything I told you, right?"
"And the file?"
"I handed it over to her"
The other person nodded, pulling out a bundle of five hundred naira from her jacket pocket and tossing it over to him. "Here. I'll call you when I need something else"
"Alright ma'am" He nodded at her one last time before he went back the direction he came.
Once he was out of sight, Zarah pulled down the black face mask she had on and smirked, "Let the games begin, Maria"
Let the games begin!
Hokayyy. Maria is back too!
What do you think would happen next?
Can Rahma/Rabia fool Maria?
From now on Rabia will be referred to as Rahma so don't be confused.
Love, Jannah.
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