Chapter 5
Claira's POV,
I woke up in Brendon's bed and I laid there looking around the room he's always had 'overnight guests' so I usually get thrown into my room, I was surprised to see that I had a night gown on, I was expecting for me to be naked, I felt him moving closer to me and then he mumbled something in my ear, "Night gown soft. But take it off."
I sat up and pulled the night gown off like he said then before I could even do anything else he grabbed me and pulled me closer to his warm and inviting chest, as I was being pushed up against his chest I felt something growing in his boxers and I couldn't move for two reasons, one he was holding onto me too tight, second I was scared straight out of my mind.
"Brendon?" I said, but nothing happened.
Then out of nowhere, I felt my panties being slowly taken off of me and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Did you think that I was still asleep? You woke me up when you took that night gown off."
"You look so hot when you just wake up."
"Thanks, so do you."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yes always. Ask."
"You usually bring home a slut. This time you didn't."
"I wanted time with you."
"Alright," Then as he got my panties down he threw then to the ground and picked me up and put me under him he took off his boxers and said, "Hopefully this doesn't hurt."
"Me? Or you?"
"So you do care if I get hurt."
"Well duh."
Then he aligned himself in front of my entrance, and then thrusted himself inside of me and that's when Kiku knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Urie sir? Breakfast is ready, is Claira in there?"
"Yes she is. Now go! We are both busy with something right now."
"Alright, bye."
Then he smirked at me and whispered in my ear, "Sorry for the interruption. But let's finish." Then he grabbed my hands and held them down onto the bed as he started to go harder and harder to and an hour or so later we both came.
"Can I lay ontop of you Bren?" I asked him and he kissed me and said.
"Sure." Then I climbed up onto his body and laid down on top of him and it felt alright until he decided to put his manhood inside me again, he grabbed my ass and squeezed it and I tried to move but then he slapped my ass and whispered in my ear, "I own you now. You belong to me, I am allowed to touch you. You understand?"
"Y-yes sir, Bren, Brendon, daddy, master."
"I love this." He said as he turned around and pinned me down to his bed and laid down on top of me and started fucking me again, "I like this version better." He said as he kissed me on the lips fiercely and asked me. "Are you going to be a loyal pet?"
"Y-yes master."
"I want you to call me daddy when I fuck you."
"Yes Daddy."
Brendon POV,
I pulled her hair, and grabbed her little ass, and fucked the hell out of her little pussycat, until we both came.
I let go of her and she got up and ran to her other room to get her a new bra and panties and she ran into the bathroom and locked the door so I couldn't come in so I knocked on the door and said, "Don't forget about the soap babygirl."
"Yes sir, master." Then I put my boxers back on and walked downstairs to eat a little something. "Oh, sir. The water is running I thought you and Claira were in the shower."
"No she is though."
"Alright. Um, are you alright sir?"
"Yeah just fine."
"Okay." Then she came down in a new bra and underwear and night gown because I choose what she wears... "There master." She said in a sad voice.
"Sweetheart? Why are you sad?"
"It doesn't matter just go shower and we'll talk about it later. In case you forgot I still need you to pick an outfit for me."
"I'll be back baby I'm going to take a shower then I'll pick out your outfit for today then we'll talk about why your sad."
"Alright, um what's to eat Kiku?"
"Waffles, fruits, pancakes, and many more breakfast foods."
"Alright." Then she got herself one of everything. And I went to the shower, and she ran after me and I just stopped and she couldn't seem to be able to stop and as soon as she tried she nearly fell and I ran to her and grabbed her arm so she didn't fall and I held her in my arms for like an hour just staring into her eyes and she just started blushing like crazy and I pulled her into the bathroom and locked it and she sat on the toilet since she took a shower already.
"So, babygirl? Why'd you run upstairs to me. You almost fell."
"I love you so much Br- I mean master."
"Do you think that I don't want you to say my name? I mean sure I am your mas- wait is that why you were sad earlier?" She didn't say anything at all, all that she did was nod her head yes.
"I love it when my little princess pet says my name."
"Thanks I guess. I'm not sure how I should feel being called a pet."
"Welcome. And get used to it because I own you. Not the other way around got it?" Then I got out and faced her and smirked at her when I saw her start to blush and I slowly moved closer to her and she blushed even more and got up and ran over to the door and tried to open it to get out. "Are you scared?"
"Your too close Brendon."
"No, I think I'm just right where I need to be."
"Don't hurt me please." I laughed in her ear and whispered sweetly.
"This won't hurt one bit."
"What are you going to do to me?"
"Sh... Let's go get your clothes on."
"Alright." Then I held onto her small wrist in my hand and pulled her to her room then threw her to the bed.
I walked over to her closet and grabbed a really cute short dress and threw it at her and said. "Put it on." She just sat there staring at the small dress and I was getting mad so I screamed. "Now!" Then she quickly took her night gown off and put the dress on and she was so beautiful.
"There's a zipper on the back of this dress, and I can't reach it can you help me?"
"Come here." Then she got up and walked over to me and I zipped the back up for her.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, now go wait downstairs and I'll be there in a second."
"Yes sir." So I go to my room and get dressed.
After some time of perfecting my outfit, I decided to go downstairs and when I went down I saw Claira's little ass in the air and her head under the couch so I slowly walk over to her and bend over and whispered in her ear. "Why are you bending over like this? You know how I feel about that ass..."
She jumped and said, "Where did my shoes go sir?"
"The tennie-shoe high heels are in your room." I said
"Alright." She jumped up onto her feet then ran up the stairs to her room and grabbed them.
She ran back downstairs and almost fell so I said to her. "Oh, be careful sweetheart."
I went to the kitchen and ate and then afterwards we left the house and got in the car and as I was driving off, she really had to say. "I feel too dressed up."
Then I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her closer to me and I said. "You look so hot so stop. And did you even fucking brush your hair?" She pulled a brush out of her small bag and began brushing her hair and she had to pull on her own hair to get my hand out of it. She tried to make me let go by brushing my hand all that did was tickle.
"I'll brush it when we get to my office."
"Why did you want me?"
"After I ran and you said that you wanted me. So I'm asking you. Why did you want me?"
"You were scared, saying that no one loved you, you were only 18 that is too young for anyone to feel that way. A plus side to it was you are so fucking hot."
"Thanks." She looked as if she was deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about?"
"What if I did go and try to find Scott, instead of tried to get a job?"
"You probably would've actually have either taken your life or I would have met you at the party later this week, because the employees get to go."
"You scare me when you scream." She had put her hand on my leg and I picked it up and kissed her hand and put it back on her side.
"I'm sorry babygirl."
"It's fine. I just don't like yelling."
"Oh. Why?"
"Back when Scott would always rape me Scott used to yell at me and beat me the others would yell at me too. But Scott seemed to be the only one that was allowed to beat me."
"Oh, dang. I'm sorry."
"It's fine now. You'll keep me safe from him. Won't you?" She said as she slowly moved closer to me and held onto me tightly and I couldn't help but smile at this little angel.
"I'll do whatever I could just to keep you safe little angel."
"Did you just call me an angel?"
"Yes babe."
"Cool... Um... Why did you make me wear this?" She asked me as she pointed to her dress.
"Do you really not like it?"
"No, it's not that. It's just it's too short." She said softly.
I laughed and said, "So?" I touched her face and said again. "Your hot."
"No, now I actually, look like a slut..." She said with sadness coming from her voice.
"Baby no you don't! Come on let's go inside." Then we got out and nearly every men that we walked past stared at her and it pissed me off so I picked her up bridle style and carried her inside and towards the elevator, then we got to my office and she kissed me on the lips and bit my bottom lip as she had let go of my bottom lip.
And I sat her down on my couch and she said, "Sir? I get to go to your party later on this week right?"
"Alright, um I'll be under your desk if you need me."
"Will you put that mouth of yours somewhere?" She gasped and said, "I'm in a dress so I'm going to be lady like."
I laughed at that and said. "Then I'll just have to take the dress off." She gasped again and her eyes went wide and she ran to the desk and crawled under it. "I didn't mean to make you sad or anything like that."
"I'm fine."
"Alright, I have work to do so here's your phone and some earbuds. Also, be careful down there, a prostitute is coming here later."
"Thanks." So she started listening to music and I was working and then an hour later my prostitute had got here, she was still under the desk but once the prostitute came and sat on me she was now technically trapped under there.
Charlotte POV,
I really didn't like rich men. Well, the stereotype of rich men. They were always so snobby, greedy, and power-hungry, and they bragged like crazy. So that was why I was upset when I found out that my father was starting to work for a man that was at the top of that stereotype. And to top that some how he has my sister stuck under his grasp.
It had been his first week there, and he was already busting his back working. He would try to hide it from me and say that he was on top of all of it, but I could see right passed that. And I really hated it because I knew that he was doing all of this to help me get through all of my college funds, and I felt really bad. But my dad was so stubborn, and even if his sanity was crumbling as we speak, but he'd never admit it.
"Charlotte, Mr. Urie is a very busy man-" my father tried to reason as I had grabbed my keys, ready to go and have a chat with my dad's boss.
"Dad, I have to do this. I can't have you working this hard. Now, I will see you in an hour or so maybe." I closed the door on him so he couldn't agure more. I was very stubborn, and I got it from him.
I really wasn't looking forward to facing him, but I found myself standing in front of the golden doors, staring at his face printed on the windows. Ugh, what an Asshole. How could my sister like him?
I marched in there as strongly as I could, trying to keep my head up in a room full of very rich old men that could buy me and my house more times than I could count.
Then I looked around to see where he might be, rehearsing what I was going to say to him all the while. I predicted that it would sound a lot smoother in my head than coming out of my mouth.
I couldn't think of where he would be so I decided to go up to the front desk.
"Where might Mr. Urie be?" I asked her. Her eyes had widened like she was suprised that I was asking about him.
"He's in his office on the third floor, right now doing 'paperwork'. He really shouldn't be disturbed by anyone right now." She said politely, lowering her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
I nodded, "Alright, I'll come back at a different time then."
So maybe I did lie right through my teeth, but it was just too easy. The lady didn't even see me walk straight to the elevator. I stepped in to the gold elevator and pressed the third floor button. He really must have a gold fetish or something like that.
Then there was a ding when I got to the third floor, the doors to the elevator were sliding open smoothly. I entered the hallway, looking down the doors to try and figure out which office he worked in out of all of them.
There were only numbers beside the doors, and the window parts were too cloudy to see inside, you could only see shadows.
But surprisingly, I knew when I found his office. Actually it was very obvious, it was the most extravagant. With a deep red door and a gold plated handle, it was no question that it belonged to him. The man who has my sister and works my dad so hard.
I didn't knock, I didn't like him enough or have enough respect for him to knock, so I just swung open the door and my mouth dropped open when I saw what I had seen.
He was sitting in a chair behind his neat desk, but there was a girl straddling his lap. And she had more makeup on than I could even imagine possible and she was wearing a tiny black dress that exposed three quarters of her bulging chest, all up close to his face. He had his hands on her thighs and was smirking, until he looked at me, then he smiled wide.
"Oh, wow what a very lovely surprise." He yelled, grabbing his thick wallet and pulled out a few hundred dollar bills. I gasped when he shoved it into the top of the woman's dress so it stuck out between her cleavage. Then he gave her thighs a loud slap before he aggressively pushed her off of his lap, zipping up his pants.
I watched in awe as the girl left, giving me a smile while counting her money he just gave her. She eyed me suspiciously while walking all the way out of his office, and I was surprised to see Brendon staring at me instead of her in her dress that gave nothing to the imagination.
"Close the door behind you, please, doll face." Brendon said, pointing towards the door. I slammed the door and when I did something jumped and hit his desk.
I walked over to him, crossing my arms over my chest. He looked at the person under the desk trying to calm them down and he seemed amused by me as I walked closer to him and gave him one of my coldest glare, placing my hands on the front of his desk.
"Easy darling. Watch out swinging those hips, you might bust a guys neck." He said, winking at me and shooting me a devilish smirk. Every now and then taking a few glances towards the girl under the desk.
"I really don't have time for this. Now stop giving my dad all your dirty work while you sit on your ass playing around with those prostitutes!" I demanded, I bent over his desk a little to make sure he was listening, but once I saw him look right down my shirt I immediately sat up, crossing my arms over my chest.
He laughed, like all of this is a big joke. "I don't do favors. I need something in return."
I rolled my eyes. "All this money and you still want more? You're even worse than what everyone says."
He laughed at me again, twirling his ring around his finger. "No, no. You see, with money I can easily buy those prostitutes that would do anything for me. But a girl like you... You're classy, reserved,and beautiful. I'm at a disadvantage with you, because there isn't enough money in the world to buy a girl like you." The desk girl jumped at his words and hit her head again, this time she cried I recognized that cry anywhere... "Claire?"
"Yes, it's Claire. but I changed her name to Claira."
"You can't just. Claire are you alright?" She crawled out and sat on Brendon's lap and said, "First off, don't act like you care. Second, get on with the point."
"Let's say you are being genuine. What do you want from me?" I asked.
"There's a formal business party, later this week. Your father is invited, but I want YOU to go with me. Then, I'll make his job easier." He said, adjusting his gold cufflinks. The moment that he said 'you' she looked hurt. Like she wanted to cry.
After I saw her face it was a hard choice but I still decided to do it. "Okay, but this isn't by any means a date."
Brendon had a gleam in his eyes and he smiled at me. "We will see if you still have that attitude by the end of it." Once he said that Claire got up and ran to the corner of the room crying. She seemed to be afraid to leave the room.
"You are way too confident." I said, as I looked towards my sister and mouthed the words. 'I am sorry.'
"Sure, but reasonably so." He replied smoothly. It seemed like he knew exactly what would happen, and I just really hope that what he thinks will happen, doesn't happen.
"Fine. Well, I have to go back to my boyfriend. Whom I love and will never leave, not for anyone." He really seemed like he should be reminded.
"Huh, I think that you are the over confident one. I will send you a dress that you must wear, and I will have a driver pick you up at seven. Until then, beautiful Charlotte Bell. Oh and your sister will be there too."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wishing that I could see right passed all of the gold rings, fancy shirts, and money just to find the real Brendon Urie. Or perhaps this was the real Brendon Urie. No he had to at least be a little kind somewhere inside him? I mean he took in my sister and he seems to care a lot about her.
Claira POV,
My sister left and I felt Brendon's eyes on me so I tried to turn around and looked into his eyes but, when I tried to turn around he pressed a button and the shock collar that he gave me, my first night with him. It shocked me that he was using it now.
"B- Brendon, please."
"Why did you freak out about me calling your sister beautiful?"
"Nevermind, see. Even you don't care." I ran to the couch to cry and that's when I regretted laying face down on the couch.
He had walked over to me and laid down on top of me and tried to calm me down, "Sweetheart, I do care about you."
"Why don't you see the hate that I have towards her Brendon? I hate her she is nothing but, a bitch who tricked me."
"Sweetie? You only feel that way because they didn't save you."
"I love you Bren, being with you alone you did something to my feelings, and mind."
"So, you don't love me?" I asked, as I was trying to keep in all my tears only because I know how much he hates it when I cry.
"I didn't ever say that. Now, did I?"
"Let's go home."
"But, it's too early?"
"But I feel like my baby needs to be reminded of how much I really love her." As he said that I started blushing like crazy so I tried to hide my face from him and I felt him still on me and heard him laughing in my ear and said. "Now, sweetie you would not be trying to hide your pretty little face from me would you?"
"Then let me see the pretty little face."
"I- I can't. Your still on me." Then I felt his body get up off of mine. I missed it.
"There I'm off. Now, get up and look me in the eyes." I was hesitant to listen.
"Please doll face. Let me see the gorgeous little face." Then I sat up and I felt his hand on my ass before I sat back down.
"There Bren..." He slammed his lips against mine. "don..." Then I looked at his eyes and he looked at mine and I blushed.
And he laughed and said, "There's the blushingb that I love to see."
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