Chapter 4
(One year later...)
Claira's POV,
I woke up in the room he makes me sleep in when he has an overnight guest.
And I overheard his conversation on the phone because I slowly walked to his room and I saw some naked chick in his bed trying to act sexy and get him in bed again and he lied to her and said that he was going to get back into bed.
"What!?" He screamed at her...
"Who is she?" She pointed at me, and smiled when she saw the sadness in my eyes.
"None of your business." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards my room and said, "Never leave this room if I don't go to you first..."
"But, I'm going to be late if we don't hurry."
"Your never late. I am your boss remember?"
"Yes." He kissed me on the cheek, then left my room.
"Kiku! Get your ass up here!" I heard from the door and watched as he told Kiku to kick the girl out of his house. "I have a overnight visitor in that room down there." He explained slowly to Kiku, pointing to the bedroom that she was in. "I'll be with my Claira in the shower, and I'm expecting that girl to be gone when we are done. Understand?"
"Yes sir, Mr. Urie." Kiku said and started doing what he wanted as Brendon walked back towards me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the bathroom and whispered in my ear. "Was there a reason why you went to my room?"
"I just wanted to see you.. And see if I could go ahead and go because I was worried about being late." He chuckled and said, "Like I said before, you won't be able to late. You see I'm your boss, and you live with me." He said as he was getting undressed and I just looked down at my wrist and wanted to cry, it was red from where he held it tightly and then he snapped me out of my trance and said, "Are you going to come in here or do I have to drag you in here?"
"Huh? I'm sorry I'm coming." I said as I quickly took off the night gown that he had bought me, It was pink and red and silky smooth, just like the bed sheets.
Anyways, I took my bra and underwear off and walked inside the shower and he said.... "Sweetie, are you alright? You seem to be a little bit distracted." When I heard him I blushed, then he grabbed my chin and leaned my head up to look him in the eyes and said, "Tell me what you are thinking about."
"Y-you hurt m-my wrist." I said as I lifted up my wrist to show him...
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you baby."
"It's fine."
Brendon POV,
"Good." I said as I let go of her chin and grabbed the soap and started to wash her body and she just stood there looking at my eyes, like I was mesmerizing to her and I chuckled at her and kissed her forehead as we almost got out but, I wanted some fun with her! So I softly pushed her up against the shower wall and said, "Before we leave let's have some fun."
"Alright." Then I pushed my body further against her body and she just stood there looking at me with careful eyes not sure what she should do.
Then I went inside her and an hour or so later she moans softly, and to get it to be louder I go harder and then we both came so we had to wash our bodies again.
"There you go babygirl, you had some daddy time now go get dressed and meet me downstairs to eat."
Claira's POV,
"Yes Daddy." I ran out of the shower and grabbed my bra and underwear and night gown and ran to my room and threw the bra and underwear in the dirty clothes and walked over to the dresser and grabbed a new pair and then put my uniform on which makes me feel weird because he made adjustments to it so when I was on my break and in the office he gave me he always came in and tried to do something to me, and to top that nearly every woman or girl that I walk past calls me a slut, whore even the prostitutes say that and that's a bit ironic, anyways if they knew how our lifestyle, relationship between Brendon and I then would it change anything?
My thinking was cut short by a knock on my bedroom door and I said without thinking, "Come in." And I heard him chuckle and open the door as I was in the middle of putting my damn tights on and he said, "Damn babygirl that's a great little ass you have there." As soon as I heard that I quickly turned around to face him and I had to still be blushing and he just started laughing at how embarrassed by that, then he said. "Turn back around and let me enjoy my view."
"Man slut." I huffed under my breath and he grabbed me by the arm and turned me around so quickly that I was afraid that he heard me.
"What did you just say?" I gulped, and stared into his mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes and he looked at me with an intense stare and smirked at me when he saw the fear that I had showing all over my face.
"Tell me now."
"I-" then out of nowhere he started chuckling and I was frankly scared, but confused. "I- I- I called you a good man."
"I don't believe you sweetheart, you see if that were true you wouldn't of been afraid to tell me and plus, I don't think anyone has ever called me a good man, now a man whore a lot have called me that, along with conceited, desirable, annoyingly hand-"
"Alright, I get it. I'm sorry."
"So what was it that you called me?"
"A man whore." I said as I looked down to the ground like I was ashamed of calling him that.
"You seemed to be ashamed of calling me that. Are you?"
"A little."
"Hahaha, why's that?"
"I don't know." I said as I wouldn't look him in the eyes.
He got really mad that I wasn't looking into his gorgeous mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes so he let go of my arm and grabbed my jaw and forced me to look him in the eyes and he said. "Yes you do. And no more lying to me babygirl."
I started to cry and tried to get out of his arms. "Fine! Because of you and whatever our relationship is people are calling me a slut, whore and more, prostitutes even call me that!"
He slightly chuckles and said, "That's a little ironic that the prostitutes are calling you out on being a slut or a whore. I mean they don't have room to talk. Haha."
"Brendon, they are wrong right?"
"Of course they are. I'm the only one who fucks you now right?"
"See. If you were a slut or a whore you would be with more than one..."
"Can you leave so I could finish?"
"Haha, why can't I watch?"
"You'll distract me."
"No I won't."
"Fine. Just go sit down."
"Alright." He said as he walked over to my bed and sat down... "Brendon?"
"Where's my shirt at?" Then he smirked at me and shrugged. "I don't know."
"Why do I feel like you are lying to me?" After I said that he chuckled and got up and slowly walked over to me and grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and he kissed me and pinned me to the wall and said.
"Babygirl, it's probably because your daddy did just lie to you. I know exactly where it is babe."
"Really? Where?!" I asked him very excitedly and made him laugh.
"Sh, calm down." He said as he grabbed my hands and put them above my head and held them down to the wall.
"Bren? Your hurting me!"
"Sh, don't call me Bren. Remember? I'm your sexy daddy/boss."
"Yes sir, but your hurting me." Once I said that he let go, but then he slapped me in the face and said, "Bitch! How many times do I have to tell you? Call me daddy. Not sir, or Bren. Only things that you are allowed to call me is Brendon, or daddy. Only times you can use sir is at work. Bren is a nickname for when we are alone at the house..."
"Alright, daddy."
"Babygirl, I'm sorry I had to slap you I just wanted you to listen to me..."
"I- It's alright," I said and I was trying not to cry and on the ground.
An hour later he finally gave me my shirt back and the tiny little white skirt.
Yes my uniform is a small tight white shirt with white leggings, paired with a small white skirt the only good thing about the leggings is if I didn't have those on and I bended over to get something, everyone would see my panties.
I think that is why he makes me wear the leggings. The weird thing is that I am the only girl that is even in the kitchen, all of the girls are for some reason waitresses, or the front desk...
"You want me to make you some lunch later on?"
"Sure, why not."
Brendon POV,
We left the house and she seems to like being my pet, I mean I don't know what I'd do if she ever got hurt, or worse dead.
She carefully looks at me with those big innocent looking eyes, and I smiled at her and she swooned over my perfectly white teeth and I laughed a little under my breath and she asked very innocently, "What are you laughing at Brendon? Is there something on my face?"
"No. Just thought of something funny."
"Alright." And that was all we said the whole ride.
Once we got there she quickly unbuckled herself and leaned over to give me a kiss and I smiled uncontrollably when she leaned over I couldn't help but look down her shirt and out of nowhere my hand ended up going under her shirt and up to her breast.
That was until one of her coworkers came up behind her and poked her sides causing her to jump and freak out.
I just laughed and we all three went inside and she slapped him on the arm and said. "Never do that ever again. Understand?"
"Sorry princess, but I only take orders from Mr. Urie." Then she looked up towards me and I smirked when I realized that she wanted me to tell him to never do that again.
"Don't ever do that ever again, you scared my princess."
"Alright, but can I do this?" He said as he put his hand on her little ass and I was getting angry and, she jumped when she felt his hand on her little ass so I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the other side of me and held onto her tightly and said.
"She's mine. If you ever fucking touch her ever again I will kill you..."
"I'm sorry."
"Good now go. And for you Claira, I trust you but I'm firing you only to make sure no one takes advantage of you, your mine and only mine."
"At least I had a job for half a year...." We both laughed and said, "Now you have to where that just because I want you to."
"I love you so much Brendon."
"Love ya too." I said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button, and once it opened I pulled her straight to my office. "Stay here I have to go look at something, just make yourself comfortable..."
I left her alone in my office... But since the interviews didn't start until four, I had a little time to go and do whatever I wanted. So I went to tell the kitchen staff that Claira doesn't have a job anymore because of Tyler.
And one of the guys said something under his breath and I said, "Sorry? What did you just say?"
"Just how much we will miss her and her jokes."
"Well it was either this, or fire Tyler. And I rather have her in my office with me at all times. So bye gotta go." I checked my phone to look at the time and it was three- thirty, and I needed to go and speak with my guests. It was good for me to visit with them, because then I would seem more like a genuine person, and then I would get worshipped for it. So then I made my way down to the ground floor, greeting everyone I passed by. Some I knew by name, and some I didn't even really know at all. But I did know most of everyone's faces.
But there was one face that I didn't. Well it looked exactly like Claira so I texted her to see if it was her and it wasn't.
But then I realise that she couldn't be Claira, because she was looking around the place with wonderment, her sparkling blue eyes were staring at the chandeliers and windows' and her clothes were different. I smiled at her, it was almost like this girl has never seen a casino before.
Her eyes almost reminds me of Claira's, so I decided to go meet the girl to see if she is Claira's sister. So before I went I straightened up my tie, walking over to her quickly and smoothly. But unfortunately, she wasn't very quick or smooth, almost like how me and Claira met. Anyways she had turned the opposite way to gaze up towards the ceiling as she walked backwards, but she ended up walking straight into my chest.
"I am so very sorry..." She mumbled, trailing off slightly as her eyes landed on me. I smiled at her.
She wasn't like anyone I've seen before, besides Claira. Part of me wanted to lay her down on a lab table and examine her face to make sure everything was real. I mean two people can't look so much alike, can they?
Then her eyes trailed up my shoes to my hair, and she gulped loudly. Then out of nowhere my phone dinged and I grabbed it and checked it to see who it was.
Claira: Why did you ask me if I was downstairs?
Me: Listen Claira, don't freak but I think your sister is here...
Claira: Can I come down and see her?
Me: Might not be a good idea. I want you all to myself.
Then I put my phone back in my pocket and my mind was screaming at me, say something, jackass. So I said, "Lost, doll?"
She smiled, her face growing red. "Mr. Urie, I-I was just trying to find my dad. He's doing a job interview and he left part of his resume at home."
I nodded, like I was genuinely interested in her father's wellbeing. I'll be honest, if she didn't look like such an angel like Claira, then she would have been walking out of the door.
I held out my hand for her to take but she just looked at it and I said, "Just follow me. The interviews are a few floors up." She just stared at my hand like I was going to punch her.
"Don't worry babe, I won't bite." I said as I winked at her. "Unless you want me to."
And it was true, I'd bite, lick, or kiss anywhere she would want me to. Claira knows all too well that I would. But it would be better that I keep those options to myself for the first impression.
Then she blushed, silently finally taking my hand and letting me lead her to the elevator.
Her hand reminded me so much of Claira's.
The silence killed me as we stepped in, I was dying to know more about her I needed to know more about her all because she was good looking and not just that but I had to find out if she was Claira's sister. Then I pressed the fourth floor button.
"So, tell me your name, darling." I ordered softly, turning over to look her in the eyes as we stood adjacent to each other.
She cleared her throat, "Charlotte- uh Charlotte Bell." Yup Claira is her sister.
I then smiled as the elevator doors opened.
I looked at her once again, resisting the urge to press the button to the thirty-sixth floor and fuck her up against the wall all the way to the top.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She asked me as we slowly walked out of the elevator. We stopped in front of each other.
I scratched my shaved chin nervously, shrugging. "I'm a Vegas man, I appreciate beautiful woman."
She seemed surprised, and just looked down at her shoes. I led her out into the hallway, going towards where the interviews were held.
"So, what do you think?" I asked her as she took everything in.
She smiled, "It's...big."
I smirked to myself, I hoped this wouldn't be the last time I'd hear her say that about something of mine. I cleared my throat, trying to keep my dirty mind at bay. Girls like her didn't like dirty, they liked suggestive, just not dirty.
"A lot of things are big, Charlotte. What else do you think?" I said as I turned around, walking backwards so I could watch her every reaction.
She just shrugged, smiling. "It looks like it was designed by a wealth-obsessed, cold narcissist that had everything handed to him."
I stopped in my place, her stopping as well. Oh no. I am not going to have her smart-off to me, she'll need to fix that real soon. And second would a wealth-obsessed narcissist, take in a small 18 year old girl who had no money or anything? I fucking think not!
I moved closer to her, and then I grabbed her hips and pinned her up against the wall. I held onto her small wrist in my hands and pressed my hips against hers, keeping her there.
I then leaned down closer to her ear, feeling her racing pulse with my lips. "Your absolutely correct, my dear. I am a wealth-obsessed narcissist and I can have and do whatever and or whoever I want. Including you. That also goes for your sister."
She shivered, trying to squirm out away from my hold. "I have a boyfriend. A-and how did you know that I had a s-sister?"
Okay, I would call bullshit on that, but just by looking at her I can tell that she must have to beat guys off with a stick. It would be hard for her to not have a boyfriend. But it doesn't make anything different.
I've had 'devoted' wives of men I knew crawling on thier knees for me, I'm pretty sure a little boyfriend will be a piece of cake to cut out of the picture.
"Yes, and I had a cat once, now are you going to tell me any more things that doesn't matter?" I sassed quickly, amused at how she actually thought that her boyfriend would or could even convince me to leave her alone. "Oh, and to answer your question, it's because she belongs to me now."
Her jaw dropped, "Your not nice."
I shugged, "I don't need to be nice, I'm filthy rich."
"At least tell me do you hurt my sister?"
"No, I could never hurt my little babygirl." I said as I immediately release her, then I lead her to the interview room where she found her father, the man that gave my little Claire away. But it was still cute he called her 'Lottie' and gave me one of those looks that says 'I will kill you if you ever touch my little girl' but what he doesn't know is I already have Claire, I wonder if he even remembers her?
I figured that I really shouldn't tell him about how I have Claire and how Lottie dearest will soon be calling me daddy also, all I would need would be one night with her.
I got the chance to walk Charlotte out, only looking a few times at how great her ass looked in those jeans.
"We will see if you can resist me, I have a certain effect on women. Especially your sister, haha, she's so fun. She's so adorable and cuddly." I told her, trying to let myself deal with the fact that she was denying to herself that she didn't want to see me again.
"I will stick with my boyfriend, thanks."
Then she left, not even letting me get a word in. I knew her type, though. She will act all tough and sass me, but she didn't know what she just got herself into. She was a brave little lamb picking a fight with a lion, and she doesn't even know it, but she will end up getting eaten.
Claira's POV,
I was just sitting on his couch minding my own business listening to a song and out of nowhere Brendon came running in and told me about how he met my sister and my father and I wanted to scream and cry.
He seemed worried that I'd try to choose them over him, but he's the only one that has actually showed me love. "I'd never leave you Bren. May I call you Bren?"
"Yes. Just for today. And before you ask. No. No sluts are coming home tonight, tonight it's just you and me."
"Yes, babygirl?"
"What's my sister like now?"
"Welp, she's hot like you, but she's a bitch."
"You are only saying that because, she's not as pathetic as me and dying to be in your arms. Bren."
"It's not pathetic to want to be in my arms."
"Yes, it is. Because, they know that after the next day, you probably won't want to ever see or talk to them again."
"I talk to you all the time babe?"
"I love you so much."
"I love you too..." He said, but he seems to be a little bit distracted by something.
"Bren? Y-you alright?"
"Yes. Why?"
"You seemed a bit distracted."
"Sorry just thinking."
"Did my sister leave already?"
"Yes. Babe." An hour later the interviews were over he came back and I was in his bathroom using it and he opened the door and just looked at me with a smirk on his face and said, "Sweetheart, you should have locked the door. I mean, what if I wasn't me and I was someone else that was looking for you so I could rape you."
"But, your not."
"That's not the point babygirl."
"Alright, fine, I'm sorry."
"It's cool... So need any kind of help?"
I laughed at that and said, "No, but can you kiss me?" Then he smirked at me and said, "Sure babe." Then he shut the door and locked it and walked towards me and sat down on my lap and kissed my lips. "Bren?"
"Yes babygirl?"
"Will you allow me to ever see my dad and sister ever again?"
"Maybe baby." Then with that he got up and walked out of the bathroom and went and sat in his desk chair.
Brendon POV,
Claira wants to meet her dad and sister, fine. But she'll have to do exactly what I say for at least 24 hours without asking why or anything like that, and if she tries to leave me for them then I will regret what I'd have to do.
"Your not even paying attention to me and this is probably going to be the only chance I have for a night alone with you."
"Later this week I'm throwing a party at my casino."
"Alright, do I get to go?"
"Sure. It's a blood red dress."
"Cool..." Then we go home and she was too tired to do anything so we just went to sleep.
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