Chapter 3
"No problem." I said as I kissed her on the lips and bite her bottom lip as I let go...
"So, Kiku? What'd you make?" She asked with a small smile on her face and she was so beautiful.
"Spaghetti and meatballs." Kiku said and Claira's smile grew bigger than before and I wondered why.
So I asked her, "Babygirl, why are you smiling like that?" She giggled after I asked. Then her smile turned into a frown and I was worried that I said or did something wrong then out of nowhere her phone rings.
"Sorry, um... Spaghetti and meatballs, was mine and my sister's favorite thing to eat... We used to be best friends... Now I'm not even sure if she remembers me."
"How old is she?"
"She's one year older than me."
"So you turned eighteen today right?" She only shook her head yes...
"Hold on... How old were you when he left you alone at the orphanage?"
"And there it goes giving me pity because of my sucky life..."
"I'm not giving you any pity."
"Alright, so can I sleep in the shirt? Or what?"
"Can I sleep in my own bed?"
"On special occasions like this sure..."
"Do you want me to go to work with you tomorrow?"
"No baby. So tell me you have school?"
"Yes. Why?"
"What do you want to do baby?"
"I'm graduating from high school..."
"Alright, when?"
"In three weeks from now."
"Cool. So it's Friday and all so are you sure you want to help her? And not hang out with me?"
"Yes sir."
"But, I want to get to know my sexy little sex slave..."
"Your being gross."
"So... Get your ass over here! Now!"
"Brendon?" She said to me as softly as she possibly could and then I got up and walked over to her and kissed her on the top of her head, then I did something that she wasn't expecting, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me and then I took her over to the couch and sat down and made her sit on my lap and I smirked when she looked up towards me to ask me. "B-Brendon? P-please l-let me g-go."
"Awe, but I like you on my lap..." I said as I started to play around with the ends of my shirt that I'm letting her wear.
"Don't hurt me please."
"Oh, I won't hurt you," I said as I lifted up my hand and touched her hair and grabbed ahold of it and pulled her hair.
She gasped and said, "I-I thought that you said that you wasn't going to hurt me?"
Then we ate and instead of helping like she originally wanted to do she ended up falling asleep in my arms and I picked her up Bridal style and carried her upstairs to a bedroom.
I didn't want to be tempted to rape her while she was asleep so that's why I put her in a guest room and I decided to watch her sleep.
I just love watching gorgeous girls like her sleep so after four hours of watching her sleep I got tired so I went to bed and laid down on my bed in my master bedroom and went to bed.
(In the morning)
I woke up without a shirt, but I had my boxers on and there wasn't a naked girl anywhere by me so I figured that she is downstairs and helping Kiku with breakfast, so I run as fast as I could down the stairs and I don't see either one of them.
So I ran up the stairs to see if Claira was up there, and she was still asleep on the bed that I laid her down on last night and she seemed to be cold, so I picked her up and wrapped my arms around her and she moved around on my lap and I smirked at the noises she made in her sleep and then I saw drewl coming out of her mouth and I chuckled softly and wiped it away, and as soon as I put my arm near her mouth she opened her eyes quickly and jumped and fell on her ass and I couldn't help but laugh at that and she immediately apologized for it. "I'm sorry Brendon!"
"Haha, it's alright... Are you okay? And you better of not hurt that ass of yours."
"And if I did?"
"I'd be angry with you."
"Al-alright," and she looked at me and then the wall and said, "Then you'll be angry with me, because my ass hurts like hell..."
"It's alright, so... Will you tell me what you were dreaming about?" I asked as I was smirking at her because I kinda figured that it was about me, she shook her head no and I stood up and pinned her up against the wall and said, "Yes, you will."
"Y-yo-" She was about to say.
Kiku came in my house and said. "Mr. Urie I'm back! What do you want to eat for breakfast?"
Then I looked at at Claira and whispered softly, "I'm not done with you yet, but I'll be back baby."
And then I let go of her and she falls to the floor as I shut the door and go downstairs and said, "Make your usual."
"What about Claira?"
"She can either eat it or starve."
Claira's POV,
I snuck out of my room and was tip toeing down the stairs because I wasn't sure if he wanted me to stay in the bedroom or not so I just decided to go and once I made it down I hide behind the wall and I heard him say, "She can either eat it or starve." And I gasped when I heard that and he ran back up to the room and said, "Sweetheart, come out or you won-" he had opened the door and saw that I wasn't in there and then he starts his way back down when he looks over to the left and saw me and smirked at me when he started running down the stairs and ran straight towards me. "Hey!"
"Why are you down here?"
"I was getting bored in the room and all, hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course you can."
"Do you think that my sister and my dad ever missed me? Or forgot about me?"
"Oh, sweetheart I don't think anyone could forget about anyone as beautiful, young, and gorgeously scared as you..." He said as he had his hand on my cheek.
"Why do you think that he gave me away?"
"He probably had to give one of y'all up..."
"I was four... If he wanted to give me up then why didn't he do it when I was a baby?"
"I don't know Claira."
"God... Here comes the tears..."
"Sh... Don't cry, please stop crying." He said as he put his hand on my head and started playing around with my hair and lifted my chin with one finger and kissed me on the lips and said, "Don't cry. I have you now."
"Alright," Then he smiled at me and took me to the dining room and told me.
"Sit." So before I sat down on the chair I gave Kiku a hug and apologized for not helping her last night, Brendon smirked at me when I apologized for that and said, "See babe? I told you that either way you wouldn't be helping her..."
"Okay? And Mr. I'm just using this sexy little girl for a damn sex toy Man, why would you not let me help. You do know that I can do so much more than just sex right?"
"Claira! If I were you I'd shut my fucking mouth right now, before it gets you into more trouble." He yelled at me, and I got up and got under the table and started shaking out of fear. "Claira. Come out from under there."
"No, your too scary right now." I softly said as I was crying.
He said in a sweet sounding tone of voice. "Sweetie, come here. I'm sorry for screaming at you It's just I feel so stressed out right now."
"W-why are you stressed out?"
"I'm planing a party." I crawled over to Brendon and he looked at me with a smirk on his face and said, "Unless you are going to give me a blowjob, move away from my legs..."
"Y-yes sir." I said as I tried to get up but hit my head on the table and he helped me out and smirked at me when I let him check on my head, I told him it was fine but he insisted that I let him check on my head and when it turned out to be fine I smiled and said, "See, I told you Brendon."
"What did I say about that gorgeous little mouth of yours?"
"To shut it?"
"Yes and what have you not done?"
"Shut it?"
"Yes. Now shut that mouth of yours, before I put it to good use..."
"You don't mean what I think you do, do you?"
"What do you think?"
"A b-blowjob?"
"Mhm, I love hearing you say that word."
"Well I don't like to say it..."
Brendon POV,
"Then shut your mouth. Before I make you give me one..." Then she looked at me and was about to say something but she stopped and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. What did I do to my babygirl? I feel like I hurt her feelings, so I want to make it up to her so I ran over to her and tried to get her to talk to me. "Please talk to me babygirl."
"But you told me not to talk."
"I know. But I feel like I hurt your feelings babygirl."
"Okay... So, what do you want me to do?"
"You know."
"I'm scared that it will hurt!" She screamed at me and ran up the stairs to the room.
Then I got up and ran after her and I caught her and pinned her up against the wall and whispered in her ear as sweetly as possible, "It won't hurt you, if you don't make me force you to do it. That's the only reason why it would ever hurt, you understand?"
"Alright," She said as she slid down the wall and I looked down towards her and she asked, "Are you just going to stand there looking at me, or are you going to take your pants and boxers off?" The moment that she said that I couldn't fight the smirk that went on my face.
Then I took off my pants and boxers and she hasn't actually ever seen it, now felt it was a different story, anyways once she seen it her eyes got wide and she gasped and crawled away from me. "Sweetheart, come back here!" Then she looks at me and hides under the desk in the room.... "Really? I saw you go under there, you've had it inside you before so why are you afraid of it now?"
"It's b-big..."
"And your scared that it could kill you? Or what?"
"Yes." I laughed at what she just said. "Hey don't laugh! I really am scared."
"I'm sorry, It's just... I've never heard of someone dying from a blowjob, I don't even think that it's possible to die from a blowjob..."
"Promise me that you won't hurt me."
"I promise." Then she crawled back towards me and I kissed her forehead before I made her start. Before she put her mouth on it she kissed it, and licked it... And then she finally put it in her mouth and I smirked at her when she started to gag and I came straight into her mouth and I told her, "Swollow baby swollow." And she did then I helped her up and kissed her cheek and said, "Thanks babygirl, I know how scared you were, and yet you still did it just so I could be happy... And I love you for that!"
"I have a tiny little bit of a crush on you..." She said as she looked away from me.
"I know. Nearly every woman does. But you seem to be ashamed of it... Can I ask why?"
"Of course you can your Brendon fucking Urie!"
"Haha, then tell me. Why do you seem to be ashamed of the fact that you have a crush on me?"
"Because, nevermind. It's really stupid."
"No. I want to know."
"Fine. It's because I'm only here for three reasons..."
"First off, you raped me in that limo and I shouldn't love you anymore because of that. Second, you kidnapped me. And last but certainly not least, I feel like you just want sex from me and that you hate me... Stupid, right?"
"Look at me." I said as I grabbed her face and forced those gorgeous babyblue eyes to look me in the eyes and said, "First off, I don't hate you, if I did I would have raped, and abused you I only raped you... Second, I do mainly want sex from you. Third, I wouldn't use the word kidnapped," and as soon as I said that I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Since you just turned eighteen I'd call it adultnapping... Haha. See what I did there?" I made her blush and laugh a little under her breath and I just love her eyes.
If she is this gorgeous, then I wonder how her sister looks. "Brendon?"
"I want to go to work with you."
"Alright, but tomorrow is a very busy day."
"Interviews with future employees."
"Can I look at the list?"
"Sure. It's in my office though, so I need you some clothes." It was almost like Kiku was right outside the door because an hour or so later, Kiku came in and gave me a bra and panties for her to put on and then a t-shirt with dark-blue skinny jeans and some high heel shoes and some socks... And dang! Claira looks great! Although we should take a shower... "Claira?"
"Would you like to accompany me in the shower?" And once I asked her that she just looked at me then the ground and started blushing like crazy, and damn it was hot. "So? Is that a yes? Or is it a no?"
"It's a oh my god did he really ask me that!" She laughed after she said that and kissed me on the lips and said, "I don't know if I should."
"Oh you definitely need to."
"Shower? Or bath?"
"Either one."
"Race ya!" She said as she ran into my bathroom and took off my shirt from her body and I almost scared her so bad that she would have peed herself, I smiled at her as she got in the shower.
When I turned on the water she shrieked, because the cold water immediately fell onto her instead of me, I couldn't help but to laugh at what happened.
"You alright?"
"Yes." We ended up having shower sex with each other for at least two hours and once we were done we got out and got dressed and she slapped my ass when she left the bathroom and I kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "Next time I'll be better... I promise you that."
"Better? You can't possibly be better than that... Can you?"
"Oh just wait and see... By the way I'm having a slut over tonight, is that alright with you? So we can either have a three way sex or you sleep in that room you were in..."
"But, your my Bren."
"Your so cute!"
"I'm sleeping by myself then..."
"Your the one that is bringing home a slut!" She screamed at me and I heard something in her tone. It had a hint of sadness, heartbreak, and a little bit of a jealousy rage, It was so cute coming from her.
"Calm down."
"Alright," then we left and she raced me to the elevators and I smirked because I let her win but can you really blame me? I mean like damn just look at that ass. "Brendon? Can I try something?"
I laughed at her question and said. "Of course you can."
"Alright, but please don't let me fall."
"Haha, alright." Then she got on her hands and said.
"Brendon hold my feet up..."
"Oh... A handstand? You've never done one?"
"Yup. Always been too afraid to try to do it..." And now her ass is right next to my face and omg its so hot and as I was thinking this she accidentally runs into Scott and she fell onto the ground and he had the audacity to try and help her up, like it wasn't his fault in the first place.
She immediately apologized to him for running into him and he just silently laugh then I noticed that I haven't fired him yet... "Scott, your fired."
"What? Why?"
"For raping her yesterday."
"Oh... Wait," he turned to her and said, "You little bitch, you told him."
"I-I uh I had to... I felt bad, ashamed, and guilty..."
"Oh really now? Why's that? You seemed to enjoy me singing to you..."
"Just leave!"
"No!" He screamed at her and pushed her down to the ground and she landed on her ass and he just kept walking like he didn't do anything wrong.
"Stay here babe don't mo-"
She cut me off and grabbed my face to make sure I was looking at her and she said, "Forget the Bastered. I came to spend time with you, not to watch you fight someone..."
"Fine. And I'm sorry he pushed you..."
"It's fine. He was just mad. That's all."
"Alright." Then we go into the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button...
And she was happy to be with me instead of at home alone, sure she would have had Kiku and all that, but I got the feeling that she still wants me to give her a job.
"Sweetie? Do you just want a job here? Still?"
"As what? I forgot."
"A waitress."
"Of course you do. But what kind of waitress? A bar one or my restaurant?"
"Restaurant... I'm tired of man slapping my ass." I just stood there looking at her and laughing about what she said that it didn't register that she was serious...
"Who slaps your ass?"
"Scott and his friends."
"Sh... Let's go to your office."
"Alright," I let her walk out of elevator first, just so I could stare at her gorgeous little ass some more. Then I couldn't help but touch her ass once we got to my office and I flung myself towards her and she didn't notice until I landed on top of her and on the floor it was funny, because she had a suprised expression on her face and I kissed her on the lips and she bit my bottom lip as I let go of her lips and said, "So... I suprised ya?"
"I just wasn't expecting that..."
"Hahaha, I love having you."
"So... Am I allowed to get up now?"
"Yea.. Only if you be a good girl for daddy and sit on his lap."
"Do I have to?"
"Well duh."
"Fine." Then we got up and went to sit down on my desk chair and she looked at me when she saw a name on the list that she recognized... "It's my friend! John Donaldson!"
"Oh cool."
"Be nice to him."
"Yes ma'am." I laughed.
An hour or so later, and I can still smell the soap that I made her use... "Sweetheart?"
"Go sit on the couch."
"Yes sir." Then some prostitute came in and came over to me and unzipped my pants and pulled my dick out and sat down on it.
And I told her to stay right where she was, and she of course listened to me and stayed and watched this prostitute do this seemed to make her want to cry, so she looked at the wall behind her and I smirked when I could tell that she was jealous of the prostitute.
"Brendon? Can I go to the bathroom downstairs?"
"Why do you not want to use mine?"
"I need a little walk. So can I?"
"Sure here's your phone. Message me if ANYONE messes with you."
"Okay. Um, can you throw it?"
"Sure." Then she caught it and left and the prostitute said.
"Dang, what's her problem?"
I laughed and rolled my eyes and said, "Just shut up and keep going... A little less talking and a lot more acton please."
And an hour or so later Claira came back with food in her hands? "Claira? Why do you have food?"
"I made it at the restaurant's kitchen. Taste it. Tell me how it is." Then she slowly walked over to me and sit the plates down... "So, where's the prostitute?"
"She left a second ago."
"Who is he? And why is he looking at me like that?"
"He's that guy that also raped you..."
"O-oh, well hi..."
"Hello gorgeous, tell me... Is there enough for me to try what you made?"
"Yes. Because I for some reason made a plate for the prostitute so here."
"Thanks. But will you sit on my lap and feed me?"
"You are a grown ass man, you can feed your damn self!" I screamed at him and he said.
"Fine..." Then when she sat the plate down he slapped her ass.
She had ran over to me and I held onto her and she kissed me on the lips and asked, "How is it?"
"I haven't taken a bite yet."
"I like it." The man said. And then he asked, "Can you get me something to drink though?"
"What do you want?"
"Do I have to go all the way back downstairs?"
"I'll go with you." The man offered to her.
I knew she was afraid so I said, "No! She goes alone." Then she mouthed the words 'Thank you Brendon' causing me to smile.
She had asked me, "Would you like any?"
"Whis-" She cut me off with a realization.
"Wait I'm only 18 they'd never give me whiskey... So someone has to come with me..."
Then the man I was just talking to before she came in, grabbed her waist and pulled her down onto his lap and whispered something in her ear and she begged me to help her with her eyes, so I helped her.
"Let her go! She's mine!"
"I raped her first!"
"Well I fucking met her first!"
"Fine here's your stupid little bitch!" And he threw her at me and left.
"Sweetheart? Are you alright?"
"He took my phone."
"He said something about taking pictures of himself and then giving me the phone back."
"I'll go get your phone back."
"Thanks." I left and after a very heated fight the man finally gave me her phone back and I left and came back and gave it to to her and she took a picture of the food she made.
"Haha, what are you doing?"
"Gonna post this on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. That is if it's alright with you."
"It's fine with me..." Then she uploaded the picture and said.
"Good because I already have."
Then I tackled her and said, "Then why'd you ask you silly girl."
Then we both start laughing and then Scott came running in and pushed me off of her and said. "I need her for a moment please!"
"What the hell do you want!?!?" I screamed at him and she laughed and he was mad, not that I really care though.
"To tell her fucking sorry!"
"Then do it..."
"I'm sorry Claire."
"That's not her name anymore!"
"You changed, her beautiful name?"
"Yes. So?"
"To what?"
"Bye." He left.
I walked over to her and kissed her lips as I helped her up and I went over to my chair and I sat down and said, "Babygirl come sit on daddy's lap and you can feed me..."
"Yes Daddy." She said as she walked over to me and sat across my lap and picked up the fork, and fed me the food she made.
"Daymn baby."
"Did I do something wrong daddy?"
"Haha, no. It's good. I didn't know that you could cook that good..."
"See, I told you that there is more to me than just a hot body..."
"I don't like it when I'm wrong baby."
"W-w-what are you trying to say daddy?"
"Nothing. Baby just sh..." I decided to just not make her sad. So to prevent her from being sad and crying I started petting her head like the pet she is, I love my pet. "Sweetheart, you start tomorrow. Your my new cook for my restaurant. You have to be. It's too good for you not to be."
"Thanks but, I wanted to be a waitress."
"But, babe... I need a new cook. And people would be all over you if you were a waitress..."
"Fine. So it's good?"
"Duh!" I said as I took the fork from her and made her eat some. "Come on baby, eat it... You made it. Why won't you ea-" someone came in and it scared her so bad that she fell backwards out of my lap... "Baby! Are you alright?" I asked as my eyes had grew wide... "Ow... My head."
"Let me check it." She shook her head no but, I insisted on checking on her head, and she decided to just let me.
"So how is it Brendon?"
"I think that your fine." And she blushed when I said that then her realization that I was talking about her head came and she blushed harder and got up and ran out of my office and hid in my meeting room crying. So when I went in to talk to her, I had got under the table just so she couldn't run and I wiped the tears away from her face and moved closer to her body, and I whispered in her ear, "Baby? Why are you crying?"
"I- I- I got embarrassed..."
"Because, I knew that you were talking about my head when you called me fine but, I- I- I thought you were also gonna say something about my body like yo-"
"Oh... I get it now. So when I said that you were fine, you thought I was talking about your body?" She shook her head yes and I smiled and said, "Well the thing about that is, it isn't fine it's far from just fine. Your body is perfect, fine, gorgeous, sexy, and do I really have to keep going? I'm sure you get it now..." And she blushed when I said that and next thing we knew was we both started pulling our clothes off and I started kissing down her neck to her body. Then next thing we know is that my meeting came and I was in the middle of sex when they all came piling in to fill in the chairs and then she started moaning and screaming my name and then EVERYONE looked under the table and two of my employees had said that she was hot. "Baby I love you and all, I just gotta go start the meeting..."
"Al- alright um... Brendon?"
"Yes baby?"
"Our clothes are out there..."
"Someone give me her clothes!" And one of the guys grabbed her clothes and gave them to me and I gave them to her then I crawled out from under the table and got dressed and said... "Sweetie, are you dressed yet?"
"I'm in the middle of putting my damn jeans on!"
"Hahaha, No cussing baby." Then she finished getting dressed and started crawling out from under the table and, asked.
"Can I go back to your office now?"
"No baby, stay."
"She will be the new cook for my restaurant, if any of you have a problem with that than come to me!"
"When does she start?"
"Alright." They said.
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