Chapter 2
"I'm sorry but, I do want you. And you are never allowed to leave me now... Your mine now...."
"Sir? Please don't do this to me. I'm scared. Haven't you ever been scared before?"
"No. I'm Brendon Urie. What on earth would ever scare me?" He said as he put his hand on my face and outlined my lips with his thumbs, then he touched my hair and pulled it and someone came in and touched my ass and Brendon slapped the man... "W-who was that?"
" no, you don't need to know that..." He said as he put his hand on my ass as if to tease the man who tried to touch me... "Brendon? Please stop this."
"Your so beautiful but, your making me mad at you, now shut up and be a good girl and stand here and let me squeeze that ass, got it?" Then he smirked at me as I gulped down my tears that threatened to come out and then he kissed me on the lips and slapped my ass and squeezed it and I tried to get away from him but, at the same time I was too scared to move... And then I felt his hand go further down and next thing I know is that he put his hand on my lower inner thigh and pulled me up onto his body then he yelled at me to put my legs tightly around his waist and as I did that he opened the door and walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button and walked in and it closed then he pushed the 3rd floor button and carried me to his office and laid me down on the couch and kissed me on the lips and said, "I love kissing you!"
"Thanks I guess."
"Your welcome... You look so good."
"Thanks. But you are scarring me and only said that because, the only thing that I have on is this small white dress."
"I could always take the dress off babe."
"N-no sir, please let me keep it on..."
"Only if you would be willing to do something, for me..."
"Do what?"
"First get on your knees and look up to my eyes and say I'm ready daddy." Then I got on my knees and said, "I'm ready daddy."
"Good girl." Then he pat my head like I was a pet and said, "Babygirl, take my pants off."
"But sir anything but this please..." I said as I was crying and he grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to him and said, "Your scared? Why?"
"You want me to suck on your dick, don't you?"
"I've never done that before."
"Good. That means that you have to now..."
"Don't hurt me please."
"Please," I said as I was crying....
"Fine. Get up and hug me." He said.
Then I got up and smiled at him and hugged him then said, "Thank you Brendon."
He kissed me on the lips and said, "Boy oh boy, how I wish I could fuck you so bad right now... But I have to go do something so be a good girl and let me put this on you..."
"What is it?"
"A collar for you to wear..."
"So you are gonna treat me like a pet."
"Babygirl, it's more like a necklace. It's so men know that you are taken, and I'll kill anyone who touches or hurts you!"
"Alright..." Then he put the shock collar around my neck and he told me to try to touch the doors to his office so I did and a shock went and zapped my finger and I was more scared then hurt.
And I got right next to Brendon and he looked down towards me and smirked at me, as I was holding onto him and shaking I was so scared.
"Sweetheart, calm down... I had to test it out. If you need me for anything text me."
"But, I don't even know your number."
"Give me your phone." Then I did and he put his number in my phone and saved it as sexy daddy/master then he gave me my phone back and kissed me.
I was too scared to let him go so he decided to let me go with him to the meeting and as he was talking about his professional stuff, I was holding onto him tighter every time I looked at one of the guys that were staring at me and Brendon finally sees that the guys are staring at me and it made him really mad.
Apparently he heard me say something under my breath and looked down towards me and pulled me back towards his office and once we got inside he said sternly. "What the hell did you say?"
"Ar-are you mad at me?"
"Tell me what you said!"
"I said that I should have killed myself, but only reason why I didn't was the fact that John was my friend and I didn't want him to feel like he failed."
"Don't ever, and I mean EVER say that you want to kill yourself ever again! You hear me?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl, now you have to either stay in here or stay by me. Now which one?"
"I'm too scared to be by myself, and when I see lust in people's eyes it scares me. So I'm trapped in a really hard decision right now. Do you have to go back?"
"Yes baby."
"Great..." I said as I was crying and he said, "Sweetie, don't cry. Come be with me...And hold onto me."
"Alright then." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug and said, "Don't worry, because I won't ever let anyone hurt you ever again..."
Then we go back to his meeting and then I saw someone that looked familiar and then the man looked straight at me and smiled and said, "Well, well, well, Claire, it's been awhile since we were even in the same room together..."
I had let go of Brendon and stood up straight and said, "S-Scott?"
Then he smirked at me and said, "Hi sexy little thing, I see that you still studder when your scared or nervous."
"S-stay away from me!" I screamed at him as I backed up closer to Brendon.
He looked down at me and said, "Sh...It's alright, he's not going to touch you babygirl."
"Oh so Brendon owns you now? The man that you always dreamed would save you from me and the rest of the guys..."
"Yes. I do own her now... And she loves it!"
"Mmmnn, I bet you have nothing on under that beautiful little white dress... Hell you don't even have shoes or socks on anymore, what happened to them?"
"N-none of your business Scott."
"Why are you so afraid of me?"
"Y-you already know!" I screamed at him as I was crying and ran away to Brendon's office and hid under the desk and cried.
Then I heard the door open and close so I tried to be quiet so the person who is in here couldn't find me, the person had sat down on Brendon's desk chair and I was trying to get out of the way where I wouldn't hit the person's leg, but it wasn't who I hoped that it was.
It was Scott, anyways as I was trying to move he shifted in Brendon's chair and stepped on my hand and I nearly screamed and cried, I bit my bottom lip to not scream or cry.
And kept my hand where it is because if I moved it Scott would feel it.
And after an hour of his foot being on my hand, I finally heard Brendon swing open the door and said, "First off, get the fuck out of my chair! Second, you made me lose my girl now leave and never come back!"
"Sir, I need this jo-" as he was saying that he moved his feet around and I yelped and then he looked under the desk.
When he saw me, I said, "H-hi. Please get your foot off my hand."
I was trying not to cry and he moved his foot off of my hand and grabbed my arm and pulled me out from under the desk and said, "Brendon, I found her... Does that mean that I can keep the job?" Then he looked at me and said in my ear, "How long were you down there? And does this mean that I could have made you suck on my dick?"
"You hurt my feelings back then, have you not learned anything from the past?"
"Sweetheart, don't act like that... It's a tradition to rape the new girls, I thought John was going to tell you that day...."
"I remember the one day you tried to make John rape me. That was also the day before you got kicked out. The day the bastereds left was the best day of my life because you guys weren't there to rape me, your followers they were too afraid to try to rape me."
"Did you just call me a fucking bastered?" He said as he put his hand around my neck and the only thing that I can think right now is 'oh, god he's going to kill me.'
"S-Scott, I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."
"Let me hold you against my body again, I've missed your body." He said as his hand was still around my neck and had a smirk on his face as he pushed himself deeper onto my body and when he didn't feel a bra, one of his hands went up to my boobs and said, "Mmmnn, if I was correct about the bra, then... I must be right about the panties, here let me check..." He said as he moved the hand from my boob to my legs and slowly went up to my ass and smirked at me when he grabs my ass aggressively and squeezes it and had said, "I'm so happy to be right."
"I'm not." I said as I started to cry and tried to get away from him and to Brendon.
"Stop it little bitch. God, you don't know when to just give up do you? That first night when I was raping you, you kept trying to fight me... But I always won."
"Y-you kept saying that if I didn't stop and just let you do it that you would brake my arm or legs..."
"I only told you that to scare you."
"I hate you!"
"I don't care. Now tell me, can you feel my little friend that is right up against you?"
"Please don't try to rape me again."
"Sweetie, I don't want you to hate me forever. Is there anyway you could forgive me? I mean I am truly sorry for what I did to you, back at the orphanage even though it was kinda fun, and cute, you looked hot naked, let me see your naked body for old times sake? I promise you that I won't touch you."
"First off, thanks for the promise, second ask Brendon, third you need to learn how to apologize better..."
He got mad and pushed me further up against the wall and asked, "Why, do I have to ask Brendon!?!?!? You shouldn't be his! You should still be mine!"
"First off, Brendon owns me now. Secondly, you NEVER owned me! And never will,"
"Um, excuse me? But, who's bed did we make you sleep in everynight?"
"Y-yours." I said as he held my head still and kissed me on the lips.
He then kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, "See, you were scared to say it, so that means that you cheated on me with him!" He screamed the last part at me and I cried and tried to apologized for something that makes no sense to me, how could I cheat on him if the last time I saw him he raped me over and over and over again all night long until he finally went to sleep.
I cried and cried and cried and when the morning came the whole pillow was wet with my tears and so was Scott, then before he left he told the others to finish what he started, but they were too afraid to try to rape me after I punched someone in the face for just grabbing my ass.
"Scott I'm sorry alright..."
"You should have went looking for me, not look for a job! All you can seem to do right is be a little sexy toy, other then cooking your horrible!" And I cried. "Oh shut up! I know that you only came here to meet Mr. Urie and he liked you... But not the way you want him to, he just wants one thing from you! And it's exactly what I want from you..." And I cried more, "Oh great, river Claire is back."
"Why'd you call her that?"
"Because the night before I left I raped her all night long until I finally went to sleep and when I woke up the pillow, the bed, and me was all wet....And she wasn't in bed. She was over in the corner crying and when she looked up towards me her eyes were all red and puffy from crying..."
"Leave her alone!"
"Let me rape her one last time."
"N-no let me go..."
Then Scott slapped me in the face and said, "Shut up! Or it'll be worse!"
"Will you leave us alone if I did let you Scott?"
"See, sweetheart, he's ready to throw you into a shark pit right here and now..." He whispered in my ear.
"W-what do you mean by that?"
"I mean if he's willing to let me rape you, then you need a new master. Preferably, me sweetheart."
"No. If Brendon wasn't able to own me then I'd go to John."
"What about me?"
"If you were the last man on the earth and I needed sex really bad? I'd do what ever I could to have sex with another girl instead of you..."
"That's a mix of sad but, hot."
"You know what?"
"If you wasn't such a jackass, dickhead, asshole, and a sex crazed idiot you'd be kinda hot... But you are one so byez."
"You called me hot?"
"I also called you a bunch of insults."
"So, you also called me hot... So I'll be nice and let you go. By the way Happy birthday beautiful."
Then he left and Brendon walked over to me and I said, "That was so confusing and hurt a lot and scary." Then Brendon grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and said, "Sweetheart, Scott doesn't know what he's talking about."
"Sh... Just stay here and I can finish my meeting real quick and then I take you to eat somewhere."
"I don't want to be alone."
"Sh... I'm here."
"I'm scared... And I still feel his body pressed up against me still..." I said as I started to cry and he was right next to me and kissing my face and I ended up laying down and he went to the door and locked it and started walking towards me and said.
"It's time to do some paperwork sweetheart." And once he said that I sat up and started crawling backwards and then he fiercely reached out and grabbed my foot, and pulled me back towards him and said, "No one told you that you could crawl away from me!"
"Brendon, calm down please. You promised to keep me safe..."
"And what do you think that I am doing?"
"Scaring the hell outta me!"
"Sh..." He said as he put his finger against my lips and smirked at me when he started to lift up my dress and tried to take it off but then Scott knocked on the door and asked to talk to me, I never in my life been so happy to be near Scott, but being near Scott might be a little bit better than being alone with Brendon while he's mad.
"Sir, may I speak with Claire alone?"
"No. We're busy come back later!"
"Alright." Then he left.
Brendon was hovering over my body and said, "Are you ready?" And I shook my head no and cried and I felt his pants going down his legs.
I cried more because I was scared, "Please, stop crying!"
He screamed at me as he punched the floor by my head. "I'm sorry, I'm just scared..."
"I'm sorry too." He said as he took off his boxers and fiercely and forcefully shoved his manhood inside of my entrance.
I wanted to get out from under him but he's just too stong for me to push him off and it doesn't matter if I went to the police station or not, no one cares if I get hurt or raped, every day after school I would always try to, but the police officer never believed me... No one loves me.
"Ugh... Brendon you feel so great..."
"Call me daddy baby."
"But, but, but,"
"No! No buts! Call me daddy when I fuck you."
"Good girl."
"Please what? Sweetpea?"
"G-go softer please."
"Why is daddy's big D hurting your little kitty?"
"Well I'm sorry but, I go hard."
"Alright, I'm sorry."
"It's alright, hey you don't mind if I pull your hair as we fuck do you?"
"Don't mind. Just don't hurt me. Please."
"Deal." Then he grabbed my hair and pulled it as he fucked me harder than before and if we were on a bed instead of the floor the bed would have not only broke but would be banging on the wall... "So, are we done?"
"Call me daddy right now baby."
"Alright, daddy? Can we please be done sir? Daddy? I think you killed my legs."
"Sorry baby." He said as he laughed and was getting up off of me and kissed me on the lips and helped me up and put me on the couch and gave me my dress. "Your mine and only mine. You understand?"
"Good girl," as he said that he pat my head like I was a pet.... "You sure you don't think of me as a pet? Because you sure do pat me on the head like one."
"I'm sure." He laughed as he said that.
"Okay, so um... Why are you staring at me like I'm your prey?"
"Because your daddy wants more of you!" He said as he made me lay down and I begged him to stop and he did...
"Show daddy what he wants to see."
"Which is?"
"Rip your own dress off of yourself."
"But, but, but, sir, it's cold outside and in here...."
"Just do as I say sweetheart!"
"A-alright." Then I ripped off the dress off of me like he told me to do.
Before I knew it he grabbed my breasts and said, "These are mine, understand?" Then he smirked at me as his hands moved down to my ass and grabbed it and said, "And this ass is also mine. Got it?"
"Y-yes." I said as I was trying not to cry and looking down to the ground.
He then let go of my ass and moved his hands to my waist and pulls me towards him and said, "Your kitty is mine too. Don't forget."
"Y-yes sir..." Then he pat my head like I was a pet again.
"Good girl." Then he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to his body, I am scared and worried. "Brendon?"
"Can you give me something to wear?"
"Like a bra and panties? Or real clothes?"
"Real clothes."
"I can go buy you some... But for now use this cover." He said as he threw the cover at me and I wrapped it around me as fast as I possibly could and he laughed about how fast I moved. "Now I have no choice but to stay in here...."
"I mean, all you need to do is make sure that you keep the cover around you. If you go..."
"Actually, I feel like I need a nap."
"Alright then..." Then he picked me up and laid me down on the couch and kissed my lips and said, "I'll be back Babygirl, have a great nap..." Then he smirked at me and said, "When I come back if your still asleep then I will come over to you and cuddle up with you..."
"Alright." Then he licked my cheek then left me alone in his big office and I started to go to sleep.
After I finally had gotten to sleep, I heard a the door faintly open and close and someone laughing then the person touched my face with their hand softly and then leaned over to kiss me on the lips and then I felt him pull the cover away from my body and laid down on top of me and next thing I realize is that I felt something inside me and I opened my eyes as fast as I could and saw Scott.
"S-Scott... Please stop..."
"Sh.... Babygirl, your so fucking hot and gorgeous."
"Scott, please stop...."
"Because, I don't want this..."
"You never did want it before but, did that ever stop me?"
"Please just be nice and stop..."
"Let me finish this up, and then I'll let you go." Then after a while of crying and screaming, he finally came inside of me, and got off of me and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "I wish that you liked me."
"I wish that you were nice..."
"I am."
"How is raping me nice?"
"Don't you remember everyday after school when I helped you on your homework?"
"Yeah and I also remember what my punishment was when I got an answer wrong..." I said as I was crying, and sat up.
"I'm sorry, It's just I needed a reason for you to try, and the only reason why I threatened to rape you when you got an answer wrong, was because I knew that you were so afraid to be under me, that's the only reason babe."
"No it's not! You hate me! You just wanted a little sex toy! And I hate you!"
"I'm sorry but, you do not know what you are talking about!"
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, yes, at first I did, just want you to be my sexy little sex toy, but then I forced you to hang out with me. I'm sorry babe. But I had fell in love with you, and now you are trying to make me stay away from you forever... I don't want to lose you, in other words, I'm trying to say. Come with me."
"Why on earth would I ever go anywhere with you??? Firstly, I hate you! Secondly, You just lied to me, you just fucking said that you loved me, you don't if you did you wouldn't of hurt me or scared me or fucking raped me or insult me! Thirdly, just leave."
"How did I insult you?"
"By saying that all that I was good for was sex and cooking. There's more to me then just that!" I screamed at him as I cried, then he walked closer to me and sat down by me and said, "I'm sorry baby, I was just mad..."
"Get the hell away from me!" I screamed at him as I cried more... Then he grabbed my face with his hands softly and then leaned over to kiss me on the lips and said, "Sweetheart. I'm sorry baby I really am."
"Leave me alone now!"
Then he slapped me in the face and said, "I was just trying to tell you that I was sorry."
"I understand that, I just needed some time alone." I softly said as I looked down to the ground and started crying harder.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing, please."
"Okay. Well bye." Then he finally left and I laid back down and covered up and tried to go back to sleep.
Brendon Urie POV,
The meeting was taking longer than expected, so when I finally came back she was sound asleep with Scott next to her singing to her And it pissed me off that he was so close to her without her knowing. So I walk over to them and Scott looks up at me and said, "Oh hi sir, I was just trying to help her go back to sleep."
"Hi... So she's asleep and I'm here now... So can you leave now..." Then he left and I walked over to her and kissed her lips and then laid down right next to her and cuddled up next to her and fell asleep next to her.
After a while she woke up and tried to wake me to talk to me. "Brendon? Do you like me?"
"It's more than just like."
"You love me?"
"Alright," then she fell back asleep and I picked her up and took her down to my car and drove her to my house... "Mmm, where am I?" She asked me as she woke up in my front passenger seat and looked down towards her hand and was handcuffed to my car door.
"I'm taking you home Babygirl."
"Why'd you handcuff me?"
"I don't know really."
"So, will you let me go then?"
"Are you cold?"
"A little bit. Why?"
"Wrap this around you again."
"Alright." So then she did exactly what I said to do and then I pulled her out of the car and into my big house and she seemed surprised by how big and beautiful my house was.
I grabbed her hair and tenderly pulled her to the living room and I let go of her hair causing her to fall onto the floor and she started crying and, looked up at me and asked. "Ar-are you going to hurt me?"
"Awe... Is someone afraid?" As I asked her that she looked away from me and shook her head yes, "Awe, sweetheart don't be afraid. I'm not going to abuse you or kill you, Alright? Only thing that I am going to do is have sex with you..." And as I said that she gulped like she still was afraid.
"You hungry?" I asked her that because she looks like she hasn't even ate anything since she left that stupid orphanage...
"Y-yes p-please s-sir."
"Calm down babygirl, relax please baby."
"I'm- I'm s-sorry sir. I don't know how to relax."
"Just- you know what? Hold on I'll be back babygirl. There's something that I need to do real quick..."
"But sir... Don't leav-" I cut her off and said,
"I'm never going to just leave you somewhere, like your stupid dad. I wonder if he even remembers you..."
"Where are you going?"
"To see if Kiku is still here..."
"The women that cleans up and cooks everything for me..."
"Al-alright, can I come with you?"
"You just don't want to be alone. Do you?"
"Alright, come on over here..." Then she got up and walked over to me and I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to me and kissed her lips, for some reason she didn't want to look at me.
"Kiku? Are you still here?"
"Yes, Mr. Urie-" she said as she came in and saw Claire... "Who is the young naked girl?"
"Firstly, I'm sorry for being naked. Secondly, he owns me now. And thirdly, my name is Claire Bell."
"Nice to meet you Claire but I think that Mr. Urie is going to change your name."
"To what?" She asked as she finally looked up from the ground.
She looked at me waiting for an answer and, I just smiled at her and said, "To Clara, or Claira."
"I- I like the s-second one..."
"Me too.. Claira. Claira Bell."
"I don't know what to do..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, I want to kiss you but, at the same time I want to run away from you and never look back..."
"Well, you already promised me to stop running from me."
"So.... What should I do?"
"I want you to kiss me."
"K- Kiku?"
"Yes, Claira?"
"I-is there anything to eat?"
"If Mr. Urie wants me to fix something, I can... Other than that then no.. He ate all of it this morning."
"Haha, Kiku. I don't eat that much." Then we all three laughed at what I had said.
She kissed me on the cheek, out of nowhere and said. "Sir?"
"Yes?" I said as I looked down towards her and smiled at the fact that I have such a beautiful little sex slave, then I realized that she started talking again and I interrupted her. "Sweetheart? What happened in my office when you were alone with Scott?" She looked at me with a shocked look on her face and said, "W-why?"
"Ever since we got home you wouldn't look at me, talk to me unless I said anything to you, and you seem to be more afraid of me then before."
"Al-alright, I'll tell you but, please don't take out your anger on me..."
"Okay... I promise you that I won't take out my anger on you... So tell me what's up?"
"Scott raped me." She said as quickly as she possibly could and it hurt me when she cried and was too scared to walk to me and get a hug. "I told you, I'm not going to hurt you..."
"But, I just laid there looking at him, it was like I was frozen with fear... I let him do it..."
"It wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for it..."
"I'm sorry Brendon," After a while she finally walked over to me and asked me for a hug and a kiss.
"Of course babygirl," I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a hug and then I kissed her and told her, "Go sit down on the couch babygirl..." Then she went and sat down, but not on the couch, she had sat down on the cold hard floor and I knew that it was making her cute little ass cold so, when I came back in I yelled at her, "Stand up now!" And when I yelled at her she stood up really quick and nearly fell back down and I caught her and she was still shaking from how loud my voice was. "Don't be afraid babygirl." I said as softly as I possibly could then I screamed at her again and said, "I don't ever want to see that ass of yours on the ground ever again, unless I tell you to sit there! Understand?!?!" And she was still shaking from how loud my voice was and then she shook her head yes. And I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me and asked, "Now, tell me why you sat down on the ground instead of where I told you to sit?"
"I-I uh I'm naked and I didn't want to sit on your perfect looking couch..."
"Oh... Well you could have told me that."
"I'm sorry,"
"It's alright." Then I pushed her backwards onto the couch and then I ran upstairs to my room and got one of my shirts for her to wear. And I found one and ran back downstairs and she was still scared, and shaking, but now she added crying to the list and I don't like seeing her cry. "Stop crying!" I screamed at her as I had my hands balled up in a fist and I wanted to punch something right now.
"S-s-s-sorry!" She said as she jumped and tried really hard to stop crying.
"No, no, I'm sorry." I said as I unclinched my hands and she started slowly crawling to me and I just stood there looking at her with a smirk on my face and touched her face as softly as I possibly could and then I gave her my shirt and she softly said.
"T-thank you." And I couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous little body.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Oh... I uh... Just appreciate gorgeous girls."
"Oh..." She blushed and said, "Thanks."
"Your cute when you blush babygirl." And that made her blush more. "You also look hot in my shirt..."
Then Kiku came in and said, "Brendon sir? Dinner is ready..."
Then she went back to the kitchen and fixed our plates, and Claira insisted that she'd help her but I told her. "No, it's her job to do that. Yours is to listen to me and be in my bed when I want sex..." The moment that I said that she gulped like she was afraid.
And she tried so hard not to cry. "But, sir I want to help her..." Then she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "And sir? It'd make me a very happy girl if you'd let me help her..." Then after she said that I started thinking. 'Should I let her help Kiku? Or should I take her upstairs and fuck her brains out?'
"So? Can I help her?"
"Only if you let me do something to you afterwards."
"D-do w-what?"
"Come here babe." Then she slowly walked over to me and I put my mouth right next to her ear and whispered, "Fuck you so hard that you won't be able to move tomorrow." Then she gulped like she was afraid of me, when I noticed that I then whispered, "But, if your afraid then I guess that you can't help her..."
"N-no, no, I want to help her."
"Then you have to be fucked like that..."
"Al-alright." She was studdering and I felt bad for making her this scared.
"On second thought, maybe I should just let you help her without getting something back from you..."
"No. You should get something back. But, I really didn't want to be sexually hurt on my birthday."
"Sh... And you won't be. I can wait until tomorrow to fuck you."
"No problem." I said as I kissed her on the lips and bit her bottom lip as I let go.
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