Mei × Reader

Mei and his sister-in-law was working together with cleaning the house as Ido made preparations for lunch. The wine haired male liked working with his new sister as she was easy for him to talk to and she was enough like Ido for him to be comfortable with.
The young woman put up the equipment they were working with once they were done and sighed, "Hey Mei, what is your opinion on the sudden surge of soulmate encounters?"
"Don't have one. I am just glad that Ido found you and the other two aren't like their soulmates.," Mei said as he was about to light up a cigarette before seeing the glare his sister-in-law was giving him. He put the cigarette away, "you and Ido really don't like my habits."
"We're concerned about your health Mei.," the woman said, "Come on, I think Ido needs some help."
The male nodded and walked with his sister-in-law to the kitchen to help Ido.
Lunch was made but ingredients for meals was wearing thin, the three needed to go shopping.

(Y/n) happily walked around town and spun at some intervals of her walk. Her face had a cheery smile on it. She had a pure and innocent energy radiating from her, she was almost exactly like a child. But she was actually an adult.
The female also wore clothes that was youthful in nature on her small body.
She had a craving for lunch and also had some shopping to do. So she was heading to the store.
Some of the staff of the store looked at her in confusion with some patrons of the store, she did not care. She was an Adult and she had things to do!
The female saw a ruffle of fabric and the legs of an attractive woman walk by.
She looked and saw two men in maid dresses with a beautiful woman in a shorter maid dress. The female had a frillier dress than the two men, it had some bows on it.
The three were talking about what they needed to buy.

The youthful female watched them with immense interest. The two men were handsome and dark in their energy, they had many experiences in their life.
They felt scary and dangerous but at the same time there was a pull to get closer to them.
(Y/n) slowly got closer to them and saw the woman look over to her, the woman followed the gaze of the youthful female and saw who she was looking at.
The woman tapped the Man beside her and pointed to the young looking woman, "Mei, you have an admirer."
The messier wine haired male turned his head to see who the woman was talking about.
His gaze met a girl that had bows in her hair and a cute frilly outfit on.
"A kid?," the male said back to the woman as she started to laugh.
The woman had a kind laugh, "Go talk to her, Mei. You might make a friend."
The wine haired male gave the woman a glare which she playfully returned.
The other male watched as (y/n) slowly approached them.

The man turned from the woman and looked down to see the girl looking at him, her big innocent looking eyes staring up at him from her short height.
He crouched down to her height with a sigh, "Can I help you kid? Are you lost?"
"I just wanted to say hello and that you look handsome.," the youthful woman said with a mature voice that surprised the male.
"Thank you....," the maid male said and looked back at his companions.

Ido had a small smile while (IdoSm) had a grin on her face, Mei turned back to the girl.
"Quick question, how old are you?," the male asked.
"I am in my twenties.," the youthful female said.
Mei got up and looked down at the short woman, "Is that all you want to say?"
"Yep!," the small woman chirped happily, "And can you get that please, I can't reach it."
Mei looked to the shelf he was standing beside and took the requested item down to hand to the woman, she gave him another smile.
"Thank you!," the young woman said and ran off.
Mei heard his sister-in-law giggle, "She was adorable. Oh, I'm staying with you two tonight. Remember?"
The male rolled his eyes. They got their groceries and paid for them before going home to make dinner.

After dinner and cleanup, Ido and his soulmate got ready for bed while Mei sat on his bed in a trance.
The woman with Ido was concerned for her brother in law, this was the first time she saw him in a trance like this. She motioned to Mei after Ido gave her a questioning look.
"He's speaking to his soulmate. It is a telepathic link they share.," Ido explained, "This is the time of day he looks forward to."
The woman nodded and smiled, "I hope they meet soon. Mei deserves a little happiness."
Mei snapped out of his trance and looked over to his sister-in-law, "What?"
"Nothing.," the young woman said, "Goodnight Mei."
"Yeah.," the wine haired male said and got into bed.


(Y/n) was hopping around the stores in town again, she was just browsing and having a great time with her sunny personality leading the way.
She wore the pretty jewelry that her father gave her because she wanted to feel pretty today.
She had a great conversation with her soulmate the night before through their link. She wanted to meet him so much. The way he sounded made him seem so strong and distant from the small woman, how different they were.
That made her think back to the man in the maid outfit she met. He seemed really strong and cool. She heard his name, Mei.

The young woman cheerfully started to make a little song as she bounced with every footstep, Her heart so happy that she did not realize she linked to her soulmate as she was singing.
"Hopping 'round, downtown, making a happy sound! I wish he was here with me!," her sunny voice sang out as she skipped around. She did not know it but that small song caused her soulmate to smile as he was working, giving him a little joy as he worked. The young woman however did not see that her jewels and fancy looking clothes caught the attention of some shady people.
She was looking into the window of a shop and saw a shadow hover over her.
Looking back, she saw a couple of rough looking men standing over her. "Can I help you?," the female asked.
"I think you can.," one of the men said as the other grabbed her, "With the ransom your family will pay for you."


Mei's skin went cold.
Something was not right. The fear, the terror, where was it coming from? He realized that it had to be his soulmate, she was in grave danger.
It had to be bad if her warm feeling was replaced by something so cold. The others noticed Mei's expression change.
"Mei?," (IdoSm) asked, "What is wrong?"
"Something is wrong. She is in trouble.," the Wine haired male said, "She is in danger."
Ido looked back to their boss who had appeared behind him, the elf nodded.
"Go.," the elf Said, "I will allow this."
The wine haired male dropped what he was doing and ran, he linked to his soulmate to see if he could find her that way. 'Where are you?,' he asked through their link.

'I don't know. It is a black luxury car.,' came the response, 'they are driving somewhere, I do t know where. Two rough looking men.'
Mei looked around and saw a car drive by, a pair of men with a tied up person in the back, the person in the he back was blindfolded and gagged.
The wine haired man chased the car and jumped on top of it.
The impact of his landing dented the roof, the car lurched as it swerved in the road. Mei felt the terror in his soulmate but he was not letting this go. He was going to make sure she was safe and make them pay.
He kicked in the roof and made the car crash, he took most of the impact so that the female did not get hurt.
The wine haired male pulled the female out first, the impact did knock her out. He carefully laid her down and pulled the two abductors from the car as well.
Those two were still awake.

Mei slammed both into the cement under him, "think you two could get away with abduction?"
The two looked terrified as he beat them bloody, Ido and his soulmate showed up a little later as Mei landed the finishing blow. He lit up a cigarette and took a drag of it, "Damn idiots."
"Is she okay though?." The woman asked and kneeled by the unconscious female. The woman took a knife she had hidden on her and undid the bindings on the female, "it's the cute little one we met yesterday."
Mei quickly shrugged off his brother and picked up the body of his soulmate. He did not care about his own wounds and just wanted to get away before law enforcement came.
"Move.," the male said and they quickly left.

When they got home, Mei took the female to see their in house doctor.
The doctor was more than happy to take a look at the young woman. He found some injuries but nothing else, "She will be perfectly fine. But I think the growing concern is from audience that is outside the door right now."
Mei looked over to the door to see his sister-in-law and the other two soulmates peeking in with Elf.
The blue haired doctor had a smile on his face, "She will be fine, you can talk to her once she wakes up."
Elf had a sort of grin on his face, he was definitely planning something while the three women with him sighed in relief for the safety of the new woman.
"Don't break her, Mei.," Ikkaku's Soulmate teased.
Kojiro's soulmate gave her friend a flick to the head, "She's really pretty, congratulations!"
"We'll look after her for now Mei, go back to work.," Ido's wife said and took the small woman in piggyback to Mei's room. The other two women followed her while talking softly.
Elf gave Mei a grin, "Good work, I expect you to keep doing well."


(Y/n) felt dizzy and had a headache when she woke.
She looked around and found herself in a clean room with the same woman from yesterday reading beside her.
The woman with the rose mark looked over to her and closed the book before handing her a pill and a glass of water, "Isou said you'd have a headache when you woke up."
The smaller woman took the pill and looked around some more, "Where?"
"You're in your soulmate's workplace.," the maid dress wearing woman replied, "You're in his bed as well. He really went all out to save you."
The small woman looked surprised, "Save me?"
"Yep, he made the car crash and pulled you out of the wreckage.," the woman said and brushed her hair out of her face, "You should know that he is a bit intense at times but he does care."

The woman got up and took the water glass from (y/n), she patted the smaller woman's  (h/c) head.
(Y/n) followed her when she left the room.
She lost sight of the woman and wandered the large building.
She was about to put her foot down again when a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her back, "You almost stepped on her!"
A young blond man leaned down and picked up a spider that was crawling on the floor.
"I-I'm sorry, I did not mean to.," (y/n) said and the male turned around. Her blood went cold from surprise and terror. He had four spider legs growing from his forehead.
"It is okay, you weren't going to on purpose... are you okay?," he asked and the female screamed and ran.
She ran as fast as she could and bumped into something large and solid, she fell to the floor.
A pair of men. They turned to look at her. One with blue hair and one with blond. The blue haired man's eyes were scary as they were pitch black with little yellow dots in them.
The blond was scary in his own right too.

(Y/n) yelped and scrambled away.
She ran away from the two but was caught by a pair of strong hands, she struggled in the grip of the person before she heard a voice.
"Calm down. I won't ever hurt you.," the voice of her soulmate said and made her look back. It was the wine haired man she talked to the day before. The information she heard earlier from the woman with the rose mark clicked.
"Y-you s-saved me?," (y/n) asked, "Mei?"
"Yes.," the male responded through their link, "Why are you scared now? You are in no danger."
The (h/n) haired female looked back and saw the three males she was scared of peeking around the corner, she pointed at them and hugged Mei's neck.
"Those idiots are harmless.," Mei responded, "But are you okay now?"
"Y-yes...," the female replied, "Because you are here..."

"You happy little crybaby.," Mei muttered and walked away to do his chores with the woman in his hold.

(These two are better siblings and people than the Sandra twins...)

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