Chapter 2 Gone, Just Like That Huh?!

              Enoch continues on with his task well into the day.  He does not notice when his wife calls him for supper!   He just focuses on what he is already doing right along with singing.  

         Suddenly, he disappears!   This is to say, one minute he stands there busy at work in the field and next thing you know he is gone!  What  I mean is something amazing took place!               

         Genesis 5:4  tells us, "Enoch was a just man, and he was Gone for the Lord took him!"   This means that when Enoch was no longer standing in the field, it was not due to being kidnapped, nor did he die.  God just snatched him up -meaning of Latin word rapturo "rapture"- out of the blew!   Talk about remarkable!   He was one of the few people who never did die, yet he still got to go to heaven!  He has been there ever since then!  This passage is one that few understand, but just the same it is an Old Testament example of the future huge rapture that takes place someday, no one knows when and that is the truth!   

        Now onto the rest of the story, which is by the way more speculation as the details prior to the Bible quote and explanation happens to be anyway.  The only none speculation is the verse that is the only shred of truth within this Biblical fiction book here.

          Enoch's wife thinks it strange, Enoch should not appear when the food is all done. She believes something must have taken place to make him delay his response!  Immediately, she fears the worst!  She thinks, perhaps he has had a heartattack in the field or  something!  She is not sure what to make of this situation. She turns to their youngest son, lets call him Cody, since no one knows his actual name.  She says, "Cody, your father's hearing is not as good as it use to be, so go fetch him from the field so we can we all sit down for the meal!  Now, hurry, you hear me!"    

         The young lad, Cody nods his head in approval.  He runs outside in such a rush he forgets his shoes inside the house.  He runs faster as he sees the field. He is more than happy to see to his father knows the huge feast of rice, corn, bread, tomatoes, and many other things is all ready for them to eat.  He cannot help, but think it funny that no one else should join him!   Most of the time , his little cousins join him when he comes outside.  He shakes his shoulders and heads straight on to the spot where he believes his father to be right now.


       Cody calls out, "Dad, Dad, Mom says the food is ready!  It is all your favorites!  Now, come on out!   Hurry up, will you?  The food will get cold and you know how Momma puts up such a fuss when this happens."   He gets no response.  He is not sure what to think, but  he looks around some more.  He decides, maybe I am in the wrong spot.  He steps more to the right, leans over a bit, cups his hands around his mouth, and yells, "Dad, Supper is ready!  So, what do you say?"  Again, he gets no answer.  Now, he begins to panic!  He is not in the mood for this kinda game.  He thinks, did he really hide further on into the field, so it would be hard to locate him?   

         Cody cries a few minutes later when he still cannot find his father.  He thinks, that is it, he is gone!  He sobs more. He has no idea what to tell his mother let alone his older sister, his nieces or his cousins.  What am I to do?  Oh, what can I do?   

          When Cody does not return within thirty minutes, Enoch's wife wonders, where is that boy?  She thinks, where could he have wondered off too?  She puts her hands on her hips. She exits the house, and says, "Tell, the others I will be back as soon as I can!"   Her oldest daughter smiles, and says, "Yes, sure momma!  I will be sure to let them know."

          Cody's mother, and Enoch's dear wife, runs til she reaches the same area as her son.  She calls out, "Cody, Enoch!   Come on the both of you !  The meal will not get any warmer you know!  Why it is getting a bit cool already!  So come on now!"    

          Cody looks up to hear his mother and turns around at the sound of her voice. He sobs and thinks, great!  Just great!

          "Momma, oh, Momma!" Cody says with tears all across his face.

        "Cody, thank goodness, you are alright!  Wait, what is with the sad look, my dear?"  His mother says.

            "It is pa!"  Cody says.

           "What about him?  He has not taken ill has he?"  She ask.

            "No, if only it were that simple."  Cody answers.

            "Then, what on earth is it child?" She remarks.

            "It is just that father does not appear to be anywhere! " Cody says.

              "Nonsense child, he could not have just up and vanished!   I do not believe that is even possible!"  She says.

           "Well, then where is he?"  Cody says.

                His mother does not answer this time. She heads to the left part of the field, with Cody not far behind her.  The two see no sign of Enoch here, so they head back in the direction they came from and do not see him there either.  Then, finally, they check the reminder of the field.  Sure, enough there is no one else there other than the two of them!  

             "Cody, we better hurry!  We must tell everyone we need help to find him!"  His mother says.

              "Okay."  Cody says  to tired to argue.

                 Cody and his mother run back to the house. Once inside, they sit down.  Cody's mom says the blessing and they begin to eat.  Soon enough, little Johnny,  Enoch's grandson says,  "Grandma, where is grandpa?"  

                  Cody and his mom look at each other.  Cody nods his head.

                  "Well, everyone it seems that Enoch has gone missing!"  Enoch's wife announces.

                      "Missing?  What?  How?"  The others say.

                      "We do not know."  Cody says.

                         to be continued in Chapter 3  Search For Him?

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