Chapter Twenty: Reconnect


For nearly ten beautiful minutes Larry has watched his love interact with their beautiful babies. The first five minutes consisted mostly of disbelief as he still couldn't believe Laurent was actually before his eyes. After he realized that his eyes weren't deceiving him he's gazed at them and can't tear his eyes away. He's so appreciative to detective Brunet and their lawyer for everything they did to make this happen. His heart has been in a repeated state of fluttering as he catches the expressions on Emma and Ayden's faces while witnessing the joy in their eyes. Emma has been smiling nonstop and Ayden cackles at something funny his papa does whether it's a silly face or a funny voice. He eventually begins walking over to join them. Laurent senses it so he looks up at him and Larry's expression is what he's seen in his dreams lately. It's tender and those sweet eyes that always have a sparkle to them meet his. Laurent is almost hypnotized and he stays on focused on that beautiful specimen until he's on the couch next to him. They gaze intently at each other then Laurent winks, blows a soft kiss at him then they put their focus back on the babies. That's when they notice Emma moving her face towards Ayden and the moment she's close she quickly pulls away and playfully gasps. She does it again and Ayden becomes completely tickled by it so he happily bounces while waving his arms. Larry and Laurent get a hearty laugh out of it but it's also sweet to see them in this element. Laurent is internally melting and all he can think of is how grateful he is that he's home with their little loves. He does wish Kaylee was here to see this sweet interaction...and be a part of it too. She, Emma and Ayden were truly the dynamic trio so it hurts to see her missing from this. It brings him solace to know that detective Brunet is seemingly a step closer to tracking down and arresting the disgusting excuse for a human that took her away from her family, especially heart warming moments like this. He falls into a daze as he envisions her being here then he feels Ayden's tiny hand grabbing a hold of his chin as he looks up at him. It's as if he can sense Laurent's sadness about missing Kaylee so he comforts his papa. Laurent smiles at him then places a tender kiss to Ayden's palm before refocusing his attention on them and joins in on the fun time between siblings while also loving the fact that his amazing husband is still next to him. Mama stepped away shortly after Laurent came over to sit with the kids to whip up some lunch for him. Next to wanting him back home she's been waiting to cook meals that will give his body the nourishment it's needed. Nothing does that like mama's homemade cooking. Since he and Larry were tots they've always loved her savory dishes that she's always created with love. When lunch is finally ready she prepares his plate which is waiting for him upon calling Laurent over to the table. He's holding onto Ayden as he walks over but when he sees a delectable plate of a sausage, peppers, onion and potato bake along with a fresh garden salad he gives him a kiss then passes him to Larry who will join him while he eats. Emma is with them too and as Laurent digs in mama washes the dishes. After the first bite there's already a glow to his face. He then hears little Emma's voice asking, "is it good papa"? Laurent chuckles then replies, "it's very good princess". Larry is thrilled that Laurent can enjoy mama's cooking again and as such conversation is kept to a minimum. Laurent does get a small second helping and afterward he can already feel his strength coming back from being unable to eat previously. Mama takes his dishes to wash them then she insists that he and Larry have some time alone while she looks after Emma and Ayden. Of course they listen to her then Laurent tells the kids they will be back soon. He takes Larry's hand in his to guide them to their bedroom where they're instantly surrounded by the quietness of it. Larry goes inside first and after Laurent gently closes the door behind him they gaze at each other as there's a short distance between them. Then Larry's beautiful voice is heard saying, "I still can't believe you're home baby but I'm so happy that you are". Laurent begins walking over in that smooth and sexy walk of his then takes Larry's chin between his thumb and pointer finger. There's only one response he can give such a sweet statement and he leans forward to kiss those plump lips. Larry's body is nearly weakened from the sensation and he isn't prepared for him to pull away so when he does his lips follow in an attempt to stay connected. Laurent gets a soft chuckle from it then looks into his eyes...

Laurent: "That's what I wanted to do when I saw you yesterday but couldn't". 

Larry: "I missed your lips".

Laurent switches from tenderly holding Larry's chin to caressing his cheek with his thumb as he replies in a sweet whisper...

Laurent: "I missed this face".

Larry: "I missed your face baby and you're home now so I won't be alone tonight". 

Laurent: "You won't be alone ever again". 

Larry's eyes begin to dart between Laurent's smoldering eyes and those full lips. There couldn't be a more beautiful sight than this man and this time he's the one to lean forward to give Laurent a kiss. A minute later they pull away and Laurent whispers, "I could make love to you right now". Larry takes a gentle bite of his lower lip because Laurent making love to him is always an experience that just sends him. But, then he realizes that Laurent said could and his reaction is a delayed one as he now looks confused. Laurent softly chuckles then explains to his love what he means...

Laurent: "I mean that I want us to wait until tonight to make love. After mama and the kids are asleep it will be just us. You, me and the moonlight". 

Larry: "Oki", he replies softly. 

Even Laurent's voice sends him to another place which is partly why he replied so shyly and softly. He's also missed him like crazy so the evening feels like days away...but romantic Laurent also makes his heart swoon and Larry knows that Laurent will make this time another to remember like all of their passionate moments. While there's a sight impatience at waiting he knows that there's nothing better to fill this time than spending it with mama and the babies. They appreciate mama insisting that they take this time to themselves but Laurent also wants to spend more time with the kids too since it's been several days. Tonight will be better once everyone is asleep for the night as their focus will be entirely on each other for as long as they want. Their time of intimacy can go well into the early morning and it will only make them happier. They come in for another kiss which is a bit longer as if they're trying to hold onto the moment. They pull away and whisper beautiful "I love you's" then it comes to Larry that he doesn't know exactly what happened that got him released...though eternally grateful...

Larry: "So what happened baby"?

Laurent: "Well detective Brunet said that his partner didn't have the required subpoena to view the video footage at the store and the child psychologist didn't have any reason to suspect either of us". 

Larry: *smile* "That's because of Emma". 

Laurent: *smile* "Yeah. I'm so proud of her".

Larry: "She wasn't scared or anything baby. She was such a big girl answering all the questions and I'm proud of her too". *pause* "What really got to my heart is the picture she drew of us and drawing Kaylee as an angel". 

Laurent: "I know that was hard for her. She misses her big sister a lot". 

Larry: "Yeah she does. I watch her sometimes and I can see it in her eyes. They were always together and it's not fair that she has to accept being without her". 

Laurent: "No it's not fair bebe", he whispers. 

*brief pause*

Larry: "I remember the day she was kidnapped. When I dropped her and Emma off at school that morning I gave them both a hug then told them that I love them. They started walking to the building but Kaylee turned around and waved goodbye at me as she smiled". *pause* "I never would have thought that was my last time seeing her".  

Laurent envisions Kaylee flashing that beautiful smile at him and now he's thinking about saying goodbye to her too. He told her and Emma to have a great day in school and that he loves them. She smiled at him before telling him that she loves him too. He also gave both of them a hug...unaware that it would be the last time seeing her alive and now he can't help but wish that he held her a bit longer. He looks at his love who's becoming emotional so he wraps him in his arms and as he holds him close he speaks softly in his ear...

Laurent: "Losing her is something we will never get over. She was so full of life and had so much of it to still live and now she's gone...but she will always be with us". 

Larry: "Always", he whispers.

They spend some time allowing their emotions to spill as they comfort each other...and what's also comforting is how hard detective Brunet is working to get her justice so as the tears settle... 

Laurent: "I believe the detective is really close to finding who took her life like it was nothing". 

Larry: "He told me that there's a new development in the case so I feel the same baby". 

Laurent pulls away to gently take Larry's face in his hands then brings him in to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. He then looks back into his eyes then suggests that he go be with mama and the kids. He will join them soon but he wants to take a hot shower in their bathroom first with another purpose of it to essentially rid his body of the stench from that jail cell. Larry nods then leaves his love to do that and heads down the hall. After powerful emotions surfaced thinking of Kaylee and the huge impact her untimely passing had on this family it does soothe his heart to see Emma and Ayden continuing their happy play time with each other. Mama is sitting on the couch smiling as she watches them so he joins her. Minutes later Laurent joins them freshly clothed and now that the shock of him being home has worn off with realizing that he really is home they all enjoy this time together to the fullest. When it came time for dinner little Emma helped out just as she told her papa she was. Her task was to layer the lasagna so with loving instruction from her grandmere she did so with that beautiful smile on her face. Each row of the lasagna noodles were carefully laid across and she even helped ladle mama's special meat sauce as well as spooning it evenly. She was so proud and wanted her papas to see her at work. They told her that she's so sweet to help her grandmere and what a great job she's doing. When they all joined together at the dinner table they savored every bite and Ayden enjoyed his portion too. Laurent couldn't be happier having another home cooked meal and after dinner he offered to wash the dishes which mama quickly shut down as the kids bedtime isn't too far behind so she insisted that he spend the rest of the evening with them. He and his love gathered the babies for movie time which mama eventually joined in. Then baths got underway and now Ayden is on Larry's lap who's sitting in the rocking chair...but he's holding off with reading a bedtime story. He enjoyed family time but since his earlier conversation with his love he was also thinking about Kaylee. There's a picture of he and his love along with Kaylee, Emma and Ayden on top of the dresser in the nursery so he took a hold of it before taking his seat in the chair. He lowers the pic in place and as they look down at it he points at Kaylee. In a soft voice he asks, "who is this son"? Ayden looks where Larry's finger is as if he's remembering her. Larry then replies, "This is your sister, Kaylee. Can you try saying Kaylee"? He then breaks her name down in syllables to make it easier for him to try and pick up. Ayden turned eleven months recently so his speech is steadily progressing. Larry patiently waits to see if he will attempt to repeat something close to it and that's when he hears, "yay yee". Larry lightly gasps and as he tries to keep his emotions in check he whispers, "That's right my sweet son. That's your beautiful sister". Ayden then moves his finger and places it over Emma so Larry sounds out her name too. Ayden repeats her name but it sounds more like, "in-a". Larry just chuckles then confirms that he's correct in pointing out his other beautiful sister. He then points at his papas and saying papa is more like "ba ba". Completely touched by their baby boy knowing his family so well Larry gives him a light kiss to his temple before putting the photo to the side then picking up the book he selected. His soothing voice causes Ayden to fall asleep by the fourth page so he stands up to place him in his crib then quietly leaves and closes the door behind him. He can hear Laurent reading Emma a bedtime story and since it's been days since they've had that interaction Larry can't help but softly step over to listen. Laurent's voice is light and while he hasn't peaked inside Larry already knows that Emma's face is looking intently at the book as her papa reads to her. Larry can always tell when he approaches the end because his animated voice typically fades away. Inside the room Laurent closes the book then he hears...

Emma: *smile* "I'm so happy you're home papa".

Laurent: *smile* "I'm happy too my love". 

Emma: "I really like that story".

Laurent: *chuckles* "Then I'll read it to you again bebe". 

Emma: "Oki", she replies softly. 

Laurent: Your papa is very proud of you princess". 

Emma: "You're proud of me papa"?

Laurent: *smile* "Proud of you, my love. When your papa took you to speak with that lady for us he told me that you did such a good job answering her questions. He also told me that you drew the family and gave your sister her angel wings". *pause* "That was really sweet princess and you know something? You are a very big reason your papa was able to come home".  

Emma: *smile* "I am"?

Laurent: *smile* "Yes you are and I love you...." *opens arms* "....this much". 

Emma: "Wooow. That's a lot papa". 

Laurent: *smile* "Yeah it is. How much do you love your papa"?

Emma's eyes widen in excitement then she raises up to fling her arms open as her also excited voice replies...

Emma: *smile* "I love you this much"! 

Laurent smiles whilst looking at the look on her face and he playfully gasps then joins back in...

Laurent: *smile* "Wow! That much"?!

Emma: *smile* "Yeah"!

Laurent: *smile* "Oh my goodness. That's a lot of love princess and since my arms are open and your arms are open I think we should hug. Ready? Go"! 

Emma jumps down from her bed and rushes into her papa's arms that are waiting to receive her. He holds her while giving repetitive kisses to her cheek as she giggles. When the lovable fun settles he helps her back in bed then bends down to give her a kiss and looks into those sweet eyes...

Laurent: "Goodnight bebe". 

Emma: "Goodnight papa". 

Laurent steps away and once he reaches the door he raises his hand to blow her a kiss then turns the light off. He isn't expecting to see his love standing there...but of course he isn't at all alarmed by it. Larry can grasp his attention in a flash and there's an instant intensity in his eyes. He steps closer then hears the sound of that voice...

Larry: "I see why the kids are so crazy about you". *pause* "You're amazing baby". 

Laurent: "Not like you", he whispers. 

Larry can't recall a time where he noticed Laurent's eyes being more intense than they are now. There's passion and so many other things wrapped in one. Now he feels Laurent's hand touching his so he looks down. They start to raise their hands at the same time and it slowly morphs into those hands turning inward to press their palms together. Larry's eyes follow and it isn't until they lock fingers that he shifts his focus back to Laurent's eyes that are practically burning a hole through his soul. Laurent raises his free hand to gently grab the side of Larry's neck and after a few smooth strokes he brings him in for a kiss. It's quiet and gentle, not to mention incredibly romantic. Laurent gives his loves hand a tight squeeze and the moment their lips break apart he begins leading them to their bedroom to make good on his promise that he will make love to him tonight...

Outside is darkness and the moonlight is painted in grey scale. It sets the mood perfectly just as Laurent knew it would. All the more reason he put off making love to him earlier in the day though his desire for him was as strong then as it is now...if not stronger. The moonlight shining through the bedroom window has fixated on the center of the bed and since Laurent will be in full control he'll be able to look down in Larry's glowing eyes as he makes sweet love to him. They're now next to the bed and Larry is already in heavy anticipation. Laurent goes to undress him and just the touch of his fingertip makes Larry tremble as if a chill from the outside has burrowed through. Now fully in the nude Laurent locks his lips on Larry's neck who tilts his head giving his love better access to suck and pull at the skin as much as his heart desires. Larry's eyes are closed and his mouth switches between falling open to gasp at the sensation and gently biting his lower lip. He also hisses softly whenever he feels Laurent's nibbling that's for sure to leave a love bite. Laurent's hands find their way snaking around Larry's body then using both hands to grab his ass that's incredibly toned but also has a softness to it. A moan erupts from Larry when he feels the squeeze and it also hardens his manhood to its peak. Laurent feels that hard wood touching his thigh so he takes one hand to take a firm hold of it and as he begins stroking it he can hear his love panting close to his ear. The strokes steadily increase and the deeper Larry moans Laurent knows that it won't be long before he's releasing himself in ecstasy. Laurent wants a taste of that creamy goodness so he lets go then seductively instructs his love to sit on the edge of the bed. Laurent drops to his knees and the instant Larry feels the warmth of Laurent's mouth around his wood his head tilts back and he begins panting. Not too loud. Not too soft but very clear that he's immensely pleased. He carefully places his hand in Laurent's hair and begins rubbing it in circles as the pleasure from the steady suction now has him switching from panting to biting down harder on that lower lip. His impending orgasm is unknowingly the first for the night and now that it's squirting into Laurent's mouth Larry's body begins convulsing as he belts out pants in sync with those hard convulsions. Laurent is getting a mouthful of the tasty substance and because it's been some time since he's tasted Larry he's never enjoyed it more. Laurent lets go and watches that still hard manhood spring back then connects eyes with Larry while standing to his feet. Larry's droopy but completely satisfied eyes look at him then slowly lower to Laurent's masterpiece. He licks his lips while quickly sitting up and the next second his hand grabs a hold, strokes it for a moment or so while seductively looking up at Laurent then he opens his mouth and takes him all in. Laurent's hands go to the sides of Larry's fro and as he sucks away he closes his eyes while massaging his hands through it...his hips thrusting forward with Larry moaning as he feels it gently tap the back of his throat. Laurent's climax was already stirring when he was pleasuring Larry just from the sensual noises erupting from him and now he's belting out an "ahhh" as he feels his earth shattering orgasm shoot out. Larry finds it difficult to keep it all in as it's a lot so there's a thick stream of it flowing out and dripping down his chin. When Laurent has released every bit Larry lets go and takes in a deep gasp to regain control of his breathing. His love sees his thick cream on Larry's mouth so he takes a finger to wipe it away then Larry licks it off whilst looking up at him. Now Laurent has the pleasure to be inside of him so he gently rests Larry against the mattress but takes a few moments to make sure he's stretched. He then grabs himself then pushes inside prompting a soft shriek to release from Larry's lips. Before Laurent begins his sensual rhythm Larry feels his love take his hand to place on the outside of Laurent's thigh so Larry can feel Laurent's rhythm as he slides in and out of him. The next second he's doing exactly that. Larry's eyes instantly roll to the back of his head while Laurent gazes down at those sultry expressions of pleasure. In between strokes he and Larry exchange quiet yet passion filled kisses. Laurent then hits his spot so Larry's mouth falls open and he gasps all while Laurent's lips are still connected to his. He eventually turns his head to the side so Laurent has full access to his cheek and neck. It's only a matter of where he wants to drop more kisses first. He takes his pointer finger to run it down the side of Larry's neck where his veins are pulsating through then hooks his mouth again to suck and pull before tracing a line to his cheek to plant kisses there. Laurent sees some wetness gliding down Larry's temple and he isn't sure if it's the passion between them being so out of this world that he's sweating or if it's driven him to emotions. When Larry lightly sniffs he knows it's the latter and it's because he's been so heavy with emotions lately that this time between them simply moves him to tears. Laurent gently wipes the sweet tears away as he places comforting kisses on his lips. Larry may be emotional but the passion he feels for his husband paired with this moment of lovemaking is still there and stronger than ever so as his emotions settle his face goes back to twisting into various expressions. They feel insanely good to each other. So much so that orgasm number two is on the horizon and when they explode both of them feel drained...but of course in the absolute best way. They agree to take a bath together so Laurent gets up to head for the bathroom and get the water running while Larry's nude body rests on the bed as he waits. Minutes later they're in the steamy water with Larry's back resting against Laurent's chest. This was supposed to be a relaxing bath and giving each other a scrub down...but their fueling desire for each other wasn't limited to the bed and with Laurent's manhood still hard as rock and pressed into Larry's back Larry turns around. He mounts Laurent and it's something about the way Laurent feels inside of him in this water that can't be described. Larry begins riding him and their moans are competing with the flapping sound of the water each time he rises and slides down Laurent's throbbing cock. Their deep pants and gasps are echoing all over the bathroom and they only become louder when they feel their third orgasm burrowing through. Upon release Larry throws his head back as Laurent grips Larry's waist and thrusts upward with gritted teeth. This time around it takes a bit longer for their breathing to come back to normal. When they look down and notice that the milky substance that oozed from them floating around the tub they laugh as they're realizing that they can't exactly wash themselves in here so after draining the water they take a shower...

Now fully clothed they rest against the soft mattress that they also equipped with fresh sheets as they face each other. For minutes they don't utter a word as the silence surrounding the bedroom with the still glowing moonlight didn't warrant any words. Just the simple and sweet gaze into the other's eyes. Larry ultimately speaks up to tell Laurent again how he's happy that he's finally home. The entire day spent with mama and the kids was beautiful and their evening alone with Laurent making sweet love to him was all that he knew it would be in anticipation of it. Laurent responds by smiling sweetly then pulling his love into his chest so they can sleep the night away. Laurent falls asleep first and Larry won't be too far behind him. He just wants to watch the man he loves sleep and in the midst of that he's never felt more gratitude for being married to him. This has been the most difficult time in their lives so it felt amazing to partake in the ultimate expression of their love and reconnect through such a powerful moment of intimacy...


A/N: Hey my loves. The subsequent chapters will primarily be on the case as there's still some things to unfold. I just wanted a chapter focused on time with the family as well as time between Larry and Laurent after all they've been through. Please share your thoughts and I'll chime in soon. Love you guys. ❤️  

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