Chapter Thirty: Consequence


There are at least a dozen cameras flashing. Several camcorders are rolling as they capture the expressions upon Larry and Laurent's face as it's only been moments since they exited the courtroom after the hearing the judge's sentence of their daughter's killer. When the judge announced two consecutive life terms they covered their mouths with their hands as the moment was so surreal. This is what they've been waiting for and the wait was filled with agony because of the unknown. Ramos escaped imprisonment for far too long so to hear the judge proclaim that he won't have any chance of parole essentially sealed his fate and he will never be free again. He will die in prison and as far as Larry and Laurent, even detective Brunet are concerned it can be a slow and torturous death. After the torment he put Kaylee through and the manner in which he took her life he deserves to feel that same torment. It's going on two minutes that they haven't been able to respond to the influx of questions from the press. The main question being how they feel about the sentencing. There are so many words to describe how they feel about it running through their mind from shock to utter relief that it's finally over...but most of all unspeakable jubilation. The ruckus from the press and their continuous questions settle down when they realize that it will take Kaylee's loving parents a few moments to gather their thoughts in order to respond to them so they exercise patience in this instance as they surely can imagine what it must feel like to lose someone so dear to them then attempt to verbalize how they feel about such a verdict and anything else they wish to say as this is their time. They're seen taking in breaths and a moment of silence falls before it appears that Laurent will be the one to speak up...


Back at home mama is in the kitchen doing some meal prep for the next few days. She's been tirelessly chopping vegetables and marinating protein for the variety of meals she will prepare for her wonderful family when she suddenly hears Emma yelling, "grandmere! grandmere"! Naturally she fears that something is wrong with her little Emma as she's been affectionately calling her since she was born so she drops the knife on the cutting board then hurriedly darts out of the kitchen and into the living room. She promptly asks, "what is it sweetie"? Emma is actually smiling then points to the TV as she excitedly replies, "papas"! Mama turns her head towards the screen and sure enough there are her beautiful boys with a "breaking news" headline is flashing across the top of the broadcast. She sits on the couch and Emma steps over to be placed on her lap. Mama sees the emotions in them and she feels a knot in her stomach because their expressions tell her that court didn't go so well. Perhaps Ramos didn't get the punishment he deserved and her heart begins to hurt. But, she's in for a very uplifting surprise...

Larry and Laurent stand at the top of the staircase that lead into the large courthouse. Before Laurent speaks he can't help but notice the elements of this day. It hadn't been a gloomy day. On the contrary, it's been a very pleasant day complete with sunshine and a sporadic light breeze. The sky is blue and there aren't too many clouds in the sky so it gave way to the sunshine to push through. Now it seems as though the sun is shining bright as Kaylee's smile that they will always remember and will keep in their hearts forever, especially on those days where they're missing her the most. Surely this much brighter sun is a sign from her telling them to not be sad because she's resting peacefully now and will always be with them. All they have to do is look up when some days just seem too hard. Laurent feels comfort in that thought so he takes in another breath then his soft, shaky voice begins to speak... 

Laurent: "This sentence is what we've been hoping for". *pause* "My husband and I want the judge to know that we're very thankful that he put Ramos exactly where he deserves to be. Kaylee is no longer with us because he took her life so we're happy that he no longer has the freedom to live his. We miss her everyday and if she were still here she would be bringing joy to us like she did everyday we had with her so...."

Laurent's words come to a halt because his love is beside himself in tears. His head is resting on Laurent's shoulder and every few seconds there's a light sniff. Laurent wraps his arm around him and begins to stroke Larry's arm as he whispers gentle words of comfort in between those sniffs. The press looks at their dynamic and even several of them get misty eyed. For a few short moments it's just Laurent comforting him as a few more tears pour from his own eyes but he's ultimately able to continue his words...

Laurent: " we're just happy that justice was served today and we pray that criminals like Ramos continue to get taken off the streets and get what's coming to them for what they do to innocent children and the heartbreak they put their families through". *sniff* "That's all I can say for now but thank you all so much".

Meanwhile, mama and Emma have been listening to Laurent speak. Emma noticed her papas are in a very emotional state and she doesn't understand why. She turns her head and sees her grandmere crying too so she believes something happened to make them sad. In a soft and saddened voice of her own she asks...

Emma: "Why are you and papas sad"?

Mama: "Oh sweet girl. We're not sad. These are happy tears". 

Emma: "Happy tears grandmere", she asks innocently. 

Mama: *smile* "Yes my love. Happy tears". *sniff* "See, sometimes when we cry it's not because we're sad. Sometimes things happen that makes us sad and we cry, but other times things happen that makes us feel so good on the inside that it moves us to tears too and today something happened that made us cry happy tears".

Emma: *smile* "Like what"?!

Mama: *chuckles* "Something very big my love and when your papas come home they will explain it to you. For right now just know that your papas and I aren't sad at all, oki sweetie"?

Emma: "Yes grandmere", she replies softly. 

Mama: *smile* "That's my sweet girl", she whispers. 

Emma understands now and is very happy that her family isn't sad because it always makes her sad when she doesn't see smiles on their faces and sees them crying instead. Now that her grandmere has explained a bit about what's going on they look back at the TV. They see detective Brunet has stepped to the podium so mama decides to put in a children's movie for her and when Emma is focused on that she goes back to the kitchen to finish her meal prepping...

Detective Brunet was standing only inches away from Larry and Laurent as he watched their very emotional but very relieved state. When Laurent stated that was all he could say in this moment the press didn't waste a moment shifting questions to him as he's been the head detective on the case. He steps forward to the podium more than willing to piggy back on Laurent's responses or answer the questions that were too difficult for him. He isn't at all surprised that the first question he's hit with is how he feels about the sentencing having worked so diligently on the case and ultimately arresting Ramos...

Brunet: "First and foremost, criminals who have a record of major crimes should not repeatedly be given deals for short sentences. Ramos is one of those criminals and as long as I am a detective I will make it a priority to see that longer sentences are imposed, life sentences whenever necessary. If this means that I have to work directly with prosecutors and work to change these laws so crimes such as these won't happen then that's what I will do. In this case, I absolutely believe the punishment fit the crime but what's most important is that the Bourgeois family feels peace and at ease knowing that he's off the streets for good".  

He then looks back at Larry and Laurent to get an idea of whether or not his response was sufficient. When he receives a gentle nod from Laurent he nods back then turns to the press for the final time...

Brunet: "Thank you all for coming but the Bourgeois men have no further comments at this time and would like to get home to their family". 

As the press begins to disperse the detective takes a few moments to speak to them before he heads back to the precinct...

Laurent: "Thank you for stepping in detective. I wanted to answer more of their questions but I can't believe this is finally over so I'm just...."

Brunet: "Overwhelmed". 

Laurent: *nods* "Yeah. We both are but very happy". 

Brunet: "Understood". *pause* "I want you both to know that even though the case is over you both can still call me for anything". 

Larry: "We will detective and once again we really want you to know how much we appreciate all of your hard work. You have been so great and remained so professional throughout all of this. Everything you have done has really helped us get through it all and we thank you for standing with us". 

Brunet: "That's what I'm here for", he replies softly. 

There was a time that only handshakes between the three of them were given...but before they leave one another for now they give each other the famous hand clasp and bro hug as if they've been long time friends. When they pull away he reminds them once more to call him for anything, no matter what it is and he will be there. With that, they say their goodbyes for now then turn to head in separate directions. Before the detective arrives at his car his phone sounds off signaling that he has a text message. When he checks it he sees that it's the internal affairs board requesting his presence again and he's a bit confused as he thought his part in the claim against his former partner was over...but they need him so he'll be there and he gets in his car to take off...


Larry and Laurent have finally arrived home from a triumphant day in court. On the way they didn't talk much as they mostly held each other's hand as there was a still small amount of tears from both. Of course they're unaware that mama and Emma saw most of the press interview so they've been trying to mentally prepare explaining this to Emma as she will notice their mood. They walk inside and they hear the sounds of a happy Ayden and princess who they're sure is the one entertaining him to make him laugh. They turn the corner and they're right. The sight of it only adds to the joy they feel from their victory. Laurent smiles as he calls out, "we're home" so both sets of those gorgeous little eyes turn in their direction and while Ayden excitedly bounces up and down in his activity saucer Emma smiles as she runs over. She gives them both big hugs then Laurent picks her up but before he can even say anything...

Emma: *smile* "We saw you on TV"!

Laurent: *smile* "Yeah"?

Though Laurent smiles back at their princess they're both curious as to how she saw their press conference. Mama has since walked in so they quizzically look over at her...

Mama: "There was a breaking news segment and she called me to look at it". 

They both nod and although they love to see Emma smiling they're confused because surely she has questions since they were both emotional. But, their hearts will be touched when Emma will essentially explain why she wasn't sad when she saw them crying because only mama could explain it in such a way that she would understand...

Emma: "I saw you and papa crying but grandmere told me they were happy tears".

Laurent looks back over at mama and smiles as his heart is touched indeed. She smiles back at him and his love then Laurent looks backs at Emma...

Emma: *smile* "Grandmere said that something big happened too"!  

Laurent: *chuckles* "Your grandmere is right. Something big did happen that gave us happy tears so let's talk for that". 

Emma nods as she smiles and with a tender grasp on her Laurent begins walking them over to the couch. Larry is right behind them and he picks Ayden up so he can join them. They all sit down and Ayden is already bouncing in glee. Laurent gets a chuckle from it then he looks over at his love who smiles and nods for him to proceed...

Laurent: "Princess, remember when I told you that mean people do mean things and a really mean person took your sister away from us"?

Emma: "Yes papa", she replies softly. 

Laurent: "Oki well there's the police who help people and there are people called lawyers who help too. Very often they work together because they agree that when someone does a very bad thing they need to be punished so the really mean person who took Kaylee was punished for hurting her so he won't be able to hurt anyone else ever again. That's why your papas were crying happy tears today. You understand princess"?

Emma: "Yes papa. Would Kaylee be happy too"?

Laurent: *smile* "I believe she would be my love". 

Emma: *smile* "I love when Kaylee is happy". 

Larry: *smile* "We love it too princess", he whispers. 

Laurent hears that from his love so he turns to look at him. He's happy to see that a small but beautiful glow has returned to his eyes. The impact statements they gave were the most emotional part of their day as they mentioned all of the amazing things about Kaylee and wish they were still able to witness. But, the light after all the darkness they've felt over these last several weeks was seeing Ramos taken away to the prison that we will be his new home for the rest of his natural life. It won't bring her back and that's a pain that will forever be a part of them but as Maureen told them as she spoke those comforting words in the market days ago...they will be able to rest easier now. It's a long journey ahead, but as they always tell each other, they will get through it so Larry and Laurent simply enjoy the sound of laughter from Ayden and the sight of Emma making him laugh. Mama wasn't far away so she comes over to join in this beautiful time together and the happiness from the babies that radiates all around... 


Detective Brunet has arrived at the precinct and is outside of the same room where his initial meeting with the internal affairs board was conducted. Part of his text message was instruction to wait outside until he's called inside so that likely means that his former partner is currently inside. He's internally hoping that his punishment isn't a minor one and that he really feels the effects that resulted from his hate towards Larry and Laurent. Ramos has now been put away and if the board does what he hopes then justice will be served in another aspect. For now, he merely takes his seat and waits. How he wishes he could be a fly on the wall inside that room right now...

Detective Lane is sitting at the center table and his countenance is one of heavy nerves as he's unsure about what he will hear. Being on leave has been a challenge because for it to be unpaid he hasn't been too confident that the final outcome will be in his favor. The chairman of the board was livid about his hateful words and that's what has been on his mind the most. They connect eye to eye and he seems just as upset now as he was that day...but all he can do is wait to hear the final decision...

Navarro: "Detective Lane, to say that this board is disappointed wouldn't do any justice. We are deeply disturbed by your actions towards Mr. Bourgeois then to have no shame in lying about them makes it more disturbing". 

Lane: "I understand and I'm very sorry. I know the board didn't believe me then but I hope that you believe me now when I say that I am regretful of the choices I made. All I want is a chance to do better". 

Navarro: "When you became a cop you took the diversity training and understood the importance of it. You also knew how seriously the police department takes any and all training as they ensure that our officers perform their job competently. The victim and her brutal murder should have been the only thing on your mind which in turn would have driven you to seek justice for her. Instead, you made a conscious choice to, for lack of a better phrase, throw all of your training out of the window and carelessly point the case in the wrong direction because of your judgement of her parents and their life choices. You made the statement that you're a fifteen year criminal detective who always does your job, and being a fifteen year criminal detective is all the more reason you should have conducted that investigation properly and with integrity. You knew that your actions were detrimental and you never had the intention to leave your personal feelings out of it. Those feelings guided every wrong step you made and as a result Mr. Laurent Bourgeois spent days in a jail cell that he didn't belong in. If it weren't for detective Brunet stepping up and not allowing you to get away with your behavior there's a strong possibility he would still be in there fighting for his freedom. Do you recall what you said at the end of your conversation with detective Brunet"? 


Navarro: "Now you're choosing to remain silent. Well I'll remind you. When your former partner told you that you put an innocent man away you replied with, you're damn right I did and I'll do it again. Is your memory refreshed now"?

*brief pause*

Lane: "Yes sir". 

Navarro: "I thought that it would be and you expect this board to forget this incident and allow you to go through training again as if that will erase your callous actions or prevent you from this poor judgement in the future". 

Lane: "I was hoping so sir because I really do love my job". 

Navarro: "If you loved your job then we wouldn't be here. Your despicable actions are against everything this department stands for and as such you are no longer a detective with this police department. You will turn in your badge, collect the remainder of your things if necessary, and leave the premises". 

Lane's head drops and it takes him a moment before he can stand up. He knows that there's nothing he can say to change their mind so he ultimately stands up to exit. He's so stunned by what just happened that he doesn't notice the chairman is behind him nor does he notice that detective Brunet is outside waiting. With his head still slightly down he just walks in the direction of what is now his former office. Detective Brunet didn't need to see his face as his physical demeanor confirmed what his gut already knew would happen. He's then called into the room by Navarro and once inside he takes the seat at the center table. As he's looking at Navarro it's easy to tell that whatever was said between him and Lane was intense because he looks as though he's upset...but that seems to cease once he begins speaking...

Navarro: "Detective, I wanted you to hear directly from me that your former partner is no longer a detective. Hate and prejudice will never be tolerated whether a detective has been on the force fifteen years or fifty. Myself and this board really commend you for coming forward. I'm sure it was a shock to you to witness such behavior from someone you've worked with for years but you were correct in bringing it to our attention". 

Brunet: "Thank you sir". 

Navarro: "You're very welcome, and we thank you". 

Brunet: "You're welcome". 

Navarro: "Your captain is aware of what took place today and I'm certain he will reach out to you very soon if he hasn't already. Are you still in contact with the Bourgeois family"?

Brunet: "Yes sir, I am".  

Navarro: "Excellent. Please contact them as soon as you're able to and inform them that the police department would love for the two of them to come here so we can make a formal, and public, apology. The date and time will be established shortly and you will be informed by your captain so you can relay that information to them". 

Brunet: "Yes sir and I'll give them a call right away". 

Navarro: "Ok. Then that will be all for now". 

Brunet nods then stands up to turn around and begin heading in the direction of his office. On the way he sees Lane coming out of his and their walking slows down as they look intently at each other. Walking from both eventually stops when the stare becomes more intense. Brunet thinks that he's going to say something to him. Perhaps some venomous words will come out of his mouth such as setting him up and making him lose his job which of course he did all on his own. He's shocked to see that all he does is drop his head then continue walking towards the exit for the last time. Brunet looks back in his direction and when he's completely disappeared he pushes forward to go to his office and make that call to Laurent...

~phone call~

Laurent: "Hey detective". 

Brunet: "Hi Mr. Bourgeois. I don't mean to interrupt time with your family but I have more good news". 

Laurent: "No it's oki. What is it"?

Brunet: "Lane was fired because of his mistreatment towards you and your husband". 

Laurent: "Wow". *pause* "Well I can't say that I'm unhappy to hear that". 

Brunet: "It's what he deserved but that isn't everything. I was informed by the chairman of the board that made the decision to let him go that the police department wants you and your husband to come down to the precinct so you both can receive a public apology". 

Laurent: "That will be fine. When"?

Brunet: "It hasn't been determined yet but once the day and time is given to me I'll give you a call. I just wanted to give you a heads up". 

Laurent: "I appreciate that detective. I'll tell my Larry". 

Brunet: "Ok. I'll be in touch soon". 

Laurent: "Oki. Bye". 

Laurent releases the call and since he didn't step too far away Larry overheard bits of his conversation. He also sees somewhat of a puzzled look on his face so he hands Ayden over to mama then stands up to walk over to him...

Larry: "What is it baby? You oki"?

Laurent: "I'm fine my love". *pause* "The police department wants to give us a public apology. He'll call back with the details soon". 

Larry: "I think it's great that they want to do that for us". 

Laurent: "Yeah and the other detective was fired". 

Larry: "Good. He probably thought that was never going to happen so I'm happy that he was". 

Laurent: *nods* "Yeah. If they gave him a slap on the wrist then nothing would have changed so he would do the same thing while wearing a badge he doesn't deserve". 

Larry certainly agrees then silence falls as Larry is now taking in all of this. Suddenly Laurent's phone rings again. Perhaps it's the detective calling back because he forgot to give him some additional information...but he's surprised when he sees a very familiar number and he looks up at Larry to say, "it's the university". Larry's eyes widen a bit then he watches his love take the call. It's a short one and all he hears Laurent say is "sure" then asks "what time". After replying that he'll be there he releases the call and once more turns to Larry...

Laurent: "The dean of the math department and the president of the university want to meet with me tomorrow at 10". 

Larry: *smile* "You're getting your teaching position back". 

Laurent: *chuckles* "That could be it", he whispers. 

Larry is confident that's exactly what it is so he has no words. He just continues to flash that beautiful smile then envelopes his love in a hug who embraces him too. For several beautiful moments it's just the two of them embracing with sporadic gazes in the other's eyes as well as a few light but sweet kisses. They embrace for the last time and when they pull away Laurent notices a few droplets of tears have fallen from Larry's eyes which he delicately uses his thumb to wipe away. Given the days events he knows that they aren't tears of despair and he sweetly tells him that whatever happens tomorrow happens. For now he suggests that they go back to their family. Larry agrees so they join hands with Laurent leading the way and the rest of the day goes by as normal. Dinner at its normal time with Emma requesting to watch a movie with her papas which is customary though she typically falls asleep. When they notice they smile then Larry goes over to her and when she feels being picked up she opens her eyes so he replies, "it's time for bed baby". Her groggy but sweet little voice replies, "oki papa" so Larry gives her a kiss on the cheek then brings her into him so she can rest on his shoulder while he takes her to her room. Eventually everyone else is in bed and Larry is instantly asleep in Laurent's arms...but sleep has yet to consume Laurent because if he is getting his job back he's thought of something very special to ask of them. With the hope that it will happen he eventually closes his eyes, gives his love a gentle forehead kiss then falls asleep with him... 


A/N: Hey my loves. This was going to be the finale but I decided to extend it by a couple of chapters to add some things. So, Lame was let go and I'm sure we're all happy about that but please share your thoughts! I'll chime in very soon. Love you guys. ❤️

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