Chapter Ten: Holding onto Hope
It has now been over a week and two days since the Bourgeois household has been missing a very special and very important part of them. With each day emotions run on a new level and there's also an unspoken tension in the air often. That's primarily because of the frustration Larry and Laurent feel because their little girl hasn't been found. They try so hard to remain positive...but sometimes the statistics of kidnappings inevitably come to them where the longer a child is missing the less likely they are to be found safely then returned home. The instant that thought creeps they swiftly shake their heads as they can't imagine that. Another difficult part of this is watching Emma's normal happy glow get dimmer from missing her sister so much. She plays with her baby brother as normal...but her grandmere and her papas can tell that she wishes Kaylee was next to her as they always play with him together. The heartache that this family is going through comes in waves...grueling, stealing appetite and sleep alike. It's like a shard of glass in their gut that never leaves...and won't leave until she's home. Every day functions such as getting out of bed take so much strength but they push through as Emma and Ayden need them. Mama has been amazing as always and they would be lost without her. She cooks most of the meals now, cleans and also plays with Emma and Ayden when Larry and Laurent are either out putting up more flyers or discussing the investigation with the detective which both of them are getting more frustrated about. They don't understand how other recent crimes seem to be further along in their investigations but this stand still with Kaylee's disappearance hasn't moved an inch. Larry and Laurent are beginning to wonder if the residents that have been questioned were truly honest. They can't imagine why anyone would keep details of a child being abducted from the authorities and it's hard to fathom that she would disappear without a trace and no one saw anything. All they can do is their part and continue searching for Kaylee on their own as well as making sure her picture remains posted around the city. They go back to each place often to make sure the flyers haven't been removed or see evidence of them being destroyed by the elements of nature. They have agreed on and hired a teacher for home school who's been working with Emma. They were very meticulous about who they chose and so far they've been very satisfied with her. She has a masters degree in education and has been an educator for nearly twenty years. Larry and Laurent give her the space to do her job but they also watch from a short distance. She's very kind to Emma who seems to be learning a lot and is also actively participating in each lesson. They're eagerly awaiting the day Kaylee can join her. They can envision her getting excited about a book that has to be read and watching her sit on the couch or criss cross on her bed completely engrossed in whatever book it is. It's currently the afternoon and the kids are in their rooms for an afternoon nap. Mama is washing the dishes from lunch and Larry has been cleaning the family room. Laurent is in Kaylee's room and sitting on her bed. Next to him is the padded case that holds the violin she plays so well. It's open and the flap of it is resting on the mattress. The violin, in his hands. For the most part it's been mostly silence in the room...but now he's taking his pointer finger to gently pluck one of the chords to hear the sound of it as it takes him back to all of the lessons he's sat only inches away while listening to her. His finger gently strikes the next chord and what he isn't aware of is the moment the first chord echoed Larry and mama stopped what they were doing to look in the direction of Kaylee's room. Larry then turned to look at mama whose face instantly turned into sadness. Hearing that hurt him too and he places the towel in his hand down then begins walking towards her room. Laurent doesn't see him standing at the door as his focus is still on the violin...his finger lightly plucking the chords every few seconds. Larry then pushes forward to walk over and sit next to him. Without a single word he places his hand on Laurent's back and begins a gentle up and down motion. He knows his love wants to speak...but he won't rush him. He just patiently waits. He then watches Laurent take in a gentle breath then silently release it before allowing the words to flow from his lips...
Laurent: "It feels like her last violin lesson was just yesterday. I watched her sit straight up with her eyes focused on the sheet music. Then I watched her little fingers switch between the chords and smiled at how smooth each one was". *gulp* "You know the song she's been working is A Thousand Years and I don't think that song has ever been more beautiful since hearing her play it. She's so good bebe". *pause* "I hate the thought of her being in that basement...any basement and if only we knew where it is we would be there. I would call out and tell her to step away from the door so I can break it down. We would run in and pick her up. Hug her. Tell her that she's safe now". *starts to cry* "Then I would tell her how sorry I am for not being able to protect her that day".
Larry: "Oh baby".
Larry quickly stands up and in front of his love who instantly wraps his arms around Larry's waist then he rests his cheek against him as he cries relentlessly. Larry is crying as well while tenderly holding onto him. It's just them and their tears for moments until he feels Laurent pulling away then looking up at him with those sad eyes. Larry takes his thumb to wipe another tear that found its way down Laurent's face...
Larry: "Baby you always protect this family". *pause* "You protect us more than you will ever know".
Laurent: *sniff* "I live to protect my family and I feel like I let her down bebe".
Larry: "You didn't let her down my love. You could never let any of us down".
Laurent knows that his loving husband means that with all of his heart...but he still can't help but feel this way so he closes his eyes and blows out a deep sigh of despair. Then after a soft sniff...
Laurent: "Since you told me your dream of her calling for us it's all I hear now. I just wish her voice could lead us to where she is. I would give anything for that".
Larry: "Me too", he whispers.
*brief pause*
Laurent: *sniff* "I don't know what to do next bebe. Nothing has helped us find her and it's killing me. It's killing all of us".
Just when Larry is about to reply they hear the doorbell. They look at each other confusingly because this is the second time someone has come to their home when they weren't expecting it. The last time it was the detective and when they realize it could be him again their faces soften and as Larry turns around to leave the bedroom Laurent places Kaylee's violin back in its case then goes to make sure the sound of the doorbell didn't wake up Emma and Ayden before going to join him. Larry is on his way to the door with mama standing close by just as curious as to who has shown up. Larry opens the door and he isn't so much surprised to see the detective but another person who appears to be another detective...
Larry: "Hi detective".
Lane: "Mr Bourgeois". *pause* "I know our visit was unexpected but it was important that we saw you today. This is detective Brunet and he has officially joined me in the investigation".
The new detective extends his hand to shake Larry's then Larry steps to the side to invite them in. Laurent is only inches away and he's just as surprised to see another detective with him...but he's also thinking that it's a good thing as two is better than one. He and his love take a seat on the couch while mama takes a seat in the chair diagonal from it. The three of them are looking up at the detectives with their eyes darting between the two of them waiting on one of them to speak up and share the reason for their visit...
Lane: "Our purpose of coming here today is two-fold. For starters, we're going to expand the search. We've already looked outside of the city but we think the case warrants a deeper look right here. There's a wooded area close to the school and we need to get a search team together to scour through them".
Larry and Laurent's eyes widen in fear because to mention a search in the woods means that the detectives are thinking what they have tried their best not to think about. They realize that there's been quite some time since she's been missing...but they just aren't prepared for what they're eluding to. They reach for each other's hand and in a shaky voice...
Larry: "Why do we need to look in the woods detective"?
Lane: "It's just a common part of missing person searches when considerable time has passed. The kidnapper could have made his escape through those woods so maybe there's something there. A piece of clothing or something that belongs to your daughter that you can identify. You can ask your neighbors if they would be willing to be a part of the search because the more people we can gather the better".
Laurent: "When is the search"?
Lane: "We would like the search conducted in a couple of days. That will give you time to ask those you know to help".
Laurent: *nods* "Yeah we can do that". *pause* "But you said there's another reason you came here today".
Lane: *clears throat* "Yes. Since we've been unable to get more details regarding the case we essentially need to go back to the beginning. It's sort of like retracing our steps just in case we missed something".
Larry: "We understand that. How can we help"?
Lane: "Well, we just need to clear up a few things such as where you both were during the time of the kidnapping".
Larry: "I was at work, Sopexa. That's my marketing firm. I had just got out of a meeting when my secretary took the call from the principal of the school".
Lane: "What is your assistant's name"?
Larry: "Shannon".
Lane: *looks at Laurent* "Where you working as well"?
Laurent: "No I was sick. I caught a cold from the ice skating rink we took the girls to over the weekend so I stayed home".
Lane: "Did either of you leave at any point of the day"? *looks at Larry* "Maybe you left your place of business on your lunch hour". *looks at Laurent* "Or perhaps you needed to run an errand that...."
Larry: "Wait, why are you asking us this"?
Lane: "We're just clearing some things up Mr. Bourgeois".
Larry: "Why would you need to clear anything up with us? How did you go from the search and where the kidnapper could have taken her to asking us these questions"?
The detectives hear the change in Larry's tone and while detective Lane doesn't appear to be moved by it as he's just staring blankly at Larry, detective Brunet decides to speak up and answer his question...
Brunet: "Mr. Bourgeois, we fully intend on being a part of the search and everything my partner stated about that is correct. It's just that we're required to ask these questions to those who are close to the victims. It's merely a process of elimination".
*brief pause*
Larry: "You think we had something to do with this".
Brunet: "We're not saying you did. It's just procedure, I assure you. It has to go on record".
Laurent: "Well we don't care for your procedure. My husband and I have been searching more than the police and you're here asking us these things"?
Lane: "If you could just answer the questions that would help us out a lot. As my partner stated, it's a process of elimination. We haven't accused either of you of anything".
Laurent: "It doesn't sound that way to me and I don't understand why you won't use this energy to find Kaylee. That's your job".
Lane: "Mr. Bourgeois, we are doing our job".
Laurent: "No you're not. You can call it whatever process you want but you think we had something to do with this and we didn't".
*brief pause*
Lane: "It's just standard Mr. Bourgeois so if you could please answer the questions that would help us out a lot".
Larry and mama's eyes widen in shock when they see Laurent stand to his feet and belt out angrily...
Laurent: "We told you where we were"!
Larry is now on his feet and in an attempt to calm his love down he places his hand on Laurent's shoulder then whispers to him, "I got this baby". Laurent looks over at him and only the warmth of Larry's eyes can calm him down...but then he looks back at the detectives and the sight of them causes him to huff in rage before taking off down the hallway presumably to go and check on the kids to make sure that he didn't wake them up while Larry puts his focus back on the detectives...
Larry: "Look, we told you where we were and we won't answer anything else. Kaylee is out there. Some creep took her away from us so you get the hell out of here and go do your job. Go and find her".
Larry walks over to the door to open it then stands there waiting for them to get up and walk through it. The detectives look over at each other then up at Larry before getting up and walking towards the door. They're barely on the porch before Larry is shutting the door and locking it. He and mama look at each other in complete disbelief as to what just happened. But, Larry doesn't have any words to speak and he needs to check on his love who was understandably upset by the whole scene. He finds him in Ayden's room and since he's putting him back in his crib he figures Ayden woke up when he heard Laurent's scream at the detectives so he rocked him gently until he fell asleep again. Laurent looks at him and Larry can see that he's still angry. He won't say anything about it in here since the baby is asleep but the moment he and Larry step away from the nursery he doesn't waste a second expressing his distaste at the questioning...
Laurent: "Part of me wants to understand why they need to start with the family but he never asked us this before and he knows that we have been trying so hard to find her. The way he asked the questions today makes me think they do believe we had something to do with it. How can he think that bebe? We don't sleep. We don't eat. Emma and Ayden miss their sister and they really think this of us"?
Larry: "I don't think the new detective does baby. It's detective Lane. It's the way he was looking at us. Maybe he doesn't like that we're married".
Laurent: "I don't care what he thinks for that. His job is to find Kaylee and that's what he better do".
At that moment Laurent lightly crashes his head against the wall and blows out a sigh of frustration. Larry steps closer to him, turns his head then rests it against his loves chest. Laurent wraps his arms around him and they stand together in silence. They're completely unaware that although the detectives left their home they haven't left the premises. They're sitting in their unmarked car that's parked along the curb and detective Lane has continuously side eyed the house...
Brunet: "What are you thinking"?
Lane: "I'm thinking that their refusal to answer additional questions doesn't sit well with me. All it took was simple answers but they instantly got upset".
Brunet: "I don't think getting upset should be cause for suspicion. We've questioned family members in missing person cases before and have witnessed anger".
Lane: "Not like that and if they don't want to tell us where else they may have gone that day then we'll get the answers on our own. We'll start by going to Sopexa and speaking with the coworkers of Larry Bourgeois".
Brunet: "And the spouse"?
Lane: "That will be a little more difficult since he stated that he was at home but we can still question the neighbors to see if they noticed any unusual behavior". *pause* "The lack of an alibi makes me believe that we should look harder at him".
Brunet: "Normally I trust your judgment, but I'm unsure here. What are you basing this on"?
Lane: "They could've cooperated more. That's what I'm basing it on".
Brunet: "Laurent Bourgeois could have really been sick that day and the kidnapper is someone entirely different. I don't think the focus should be on them. Yes they were a bit defensive but what parent wouldn't be and what reason would they have for kidnapping their own child"?
Lane: "You never know with people of their kind".
Brunet: "What do you mean their kind"?
Detective Lane looks over at his partner when asked that question...but instead of answering he just shifts his eyes back to Larry and Laurent's home then cranks the engine and takes off leaving his partner in a state of utter confusion. He begins heading in the direction of Larry's job and the look on his face is one of contempt...
Detective Brunet chose to stay in the car instead of accompanying his partner inside of Larry's marketing firm. He's felt uneasy about detective Lane being so fixated on Larry and Laurent's marriage. Sure they had to do their jobs as detectives...but he also made eye contact with them just as he does with anyone else he questions in a criminal case. Their responses appeared truthful and genuine so he had no reason to think that either of them were behind this. Now he can't help but wonder what his partner's focus on them is really about. He did join the case late so he doesn't know if perhaps they exchanged words at some point or if this is a much bigger issue. Perhaps it's their unconventional marriage. The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes it would have to be as it seems to be a personal vendetta now...
When patrons enter the corporate building the first thing in view is the large reception desk with the large, bold letters of the prestigious marketing firm above. The receptionist is sitting behind the desk with a headset taking back to back calls. He approaches the desk and she politely tells him that she will be right with him. But, the very impatient detective raises his badge as he gives her a blank stare. She locks eyes on the badge and her voice is heard telling a caller, "please hold". She hits the hold button then brings her eyes to his focus...
Receptionist: "How may I help you"?
Lane: "Yes I need to be pointed in the direction of the department Larry Bourgeois works in".
Receptionist: "Yes sir. Just take the elevator to the third floor and when you got off take a right. You will see the double doors straight ahead. I'll call up there to let them know you're on the way".
Lane: "Thank you", he replies flatly.
Receptionist: "You're welcome".
The detective walks with a calmness but the blank look on his face remains and those who walk past him gaze confusingly at him. After all, they can't exactly recall when a figure of authority such as a detective was here and naturally they're curious as to why. Once he's inside he asks for Larry's assistant. Naturally she's surprised to see an unknown person standing before her and even more surprised when he shows her the badge that reveals who he is...
Shannon: "How can I help you"?
Lane: "I'm one of the detectives investigating the case of Kaylee Bourgeois who was kidnapped over a week ago and I'm here to verify the whereabouts of your boss".
Shannon: *looks confused* "Mr. Bourgeois was here".
Lane: "He was here all day"?
Shannon: "Yes he was".
Lane: "He didn't leave for lunch and he wasn't acting strangely"?
Shannon: "Not at all and Mr. Bourgeois rarely leaves for lunch because we're always so busy. I can even show you records of how often I order lunch".
Lane: "Did you order lunch that day"?
Shannon: "I believe I did. In fact, I'm sure I did because Mr. Bourgeois had back to back meetings that day. I'll be right back with the bookkeeping".
The look on the detective's face is one of near disdain...almost as if he's upset that she can prove that he was there all day. She's back over in less than a minute and the log shows the restaurant she ordered from and the amount paid so the detective can't say anything...
Detective: "Ok". *pause* "Thank you".
Shannon: "My pleasure".
The detective can't pretend that he didn't notice her reply in a tone as if she was more than happy to not only show him that lunch was ordered but that she could verify that Larry didn't leave at all. Having no words he merely begins the walk out of the building and to the car his partner is waiting in...
Brunet: "Well? What did you find out"?
Lane: "He was there the whole day". *pause* "But we still don't know if Laurent had been home all day. Our next step is to question their neighbors".
Brunet: "When should we do that"?
*brief pause*
Lane: "Soon". *pause* "Very soon".
Silence falls and just as the detective pulled off from the Bourgeois home with a flat expression he cranks the engine up and does the same. His expression and cold voice has his partner completely puzzled and even though detective Brunet has worked with him on several cases before he isn't sure where the detective is going with such suspicion towards Larry and Laurent...and he's almost scared to find out...
~late evening~
It took several hours from Larry and Laurent to calm themselves of the sheer agitation they felt towards the barrage of questions earlier. They could see detective Brunet getting statements as a natural part of any case but they're without question certain that detective Lane isn't on the same page as his partner. It's on a different level for him but they had to put their anger aside when taking care of the babies. They didn't want Emma to see them upset and Ayden can definitely pick up on vibrations. Now that all the rooms are quiet with sleeping babies in their beds and mama asleep as well Larry and Laurent couldn't help but bring it up as they have been too upset not to. But, there's also the other part of the visit and what the next step is in the case that had them so upset at the thought that they could hardly eat dinner. They had to force themselves to eat and even then it wasn't much. They were so sure Kaylee would have been found in a matter of days. Now that days have turned into one whole week it's beyond devastation. With the sound of their soft tears they speak softly to each other...
Larry: "The woods baby".
Laurent: "I know". *sniff* "I never thought it would go this far".
Larry: "This isn't fair and I can't believe someone just took her away from us. I don't understand why this world is so mean and why there are people who take children away from their families".
Laurent: "The world is a scary place...and we're living in it right now without her". *pause* "We just want her back", he breathes out".
Larry: *sniff* "God please bring her back".
With those heartbreaking words their embrace on each other becomes tighter and they weep together as the thought of this search in the woods becomes all too strong to bare. They pray that it produces clues that will lead to the direction of her being rescued. Until that day comes all they can do is continue holding onto each other as they also continue holding onto hope...
A/N: So, this is taking a very scary direction. Getting the community involved in a massive search and it doesn't help knowing detective Lane isn't on their side. I'm pretty sure my readers have plenty to say about him but also, do you all think this search will produce anything? Sound off in the comments. Love you guys. ❤️
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