What Makes You Real.


⚠️ Contains Violence ⚠️

We've been down here for hours questioning these fools. They, in other words, have been dancing around the fucking questions. It's okay. Even dancing around the questions, they were still giving unknowingly vital information. Every day for the past month, they've been beaten, tortured, and bludgeoned. Still haven't given up anything. Not the information we truly needed anyways. Lucian our 15-year-old brother, who will be 16 in a few months. Has been letting his anger out on these two.

Dad's idea.

Always dad's idea!

We never wanted him down here, but dad think it would be a great way to release his pent up anger.

"Why did you take my sister.!?" Renzo asks.

"To watch you fall and take what was rightfully mine." He snarls.

What is this batshit crazy man on?



Bath salts?

A little of all three maybe?!

"What do you mean?" Nikolai snaps. He doesn't answer quick enough. Before you could blink Lucian takes his knife and plunges it into this vile man's thigh. His screams filled the air.

"Same spot you stabbed Gems in. Isn't it?" Lucian snarls.

I don't think I've seen Lucian this angry in like never.

It is kind of scary if you ask me.

"Took to long to answer." Renzo says with a smug look.

"He has anger he needs to release." I say with my own shrug.

"Has your dad ever told you who I am?" The man spat. We all look at each other than look over to our father with a puzzled look.

Who is this idiot?

I'm you and you are me. How would I know if you don't?

"I take he hasn't. Let me tell you who I am." He says with a sickly laugh.

Who is this sick fucktard?

How does dad know this man.

I have a feeling we're about to find out what is in dad's skeleton box.

I don't think any of us will like it.

"Rocco Monet." He says.

"Okay? And that name should ring a bell to me why? Does it ring any bells for you?" Nikolai asks sarcastically.

"Nope." I answer while popping the p.

"Never heard of it." Renzo says coldly.

"Your uncle." He states with a chuckle. Those last two words make all our faces pale. All he does is cackle like a crazed mad person.

"You see. Our dear old dad. Your grandfather. Giovanni Rossi before Belisencia came into the picture. Was promised to my mother Genevieve Monet. It was a treaty of sorts between the two mafias. My mother was from the French Mafia. As for the obvious. Giovanni was going to be the don of the Italian Mafia. All was well, I mean I was born. As you can see. But before they could actually sign the treaty and become married. Belisencia came into the picture. She was another Mafia's daughter, who controlled the lower part of Italy. She came back from her studies. My mother and I stood no chance. He left us. Well, kicked us back to France. He spent some time chasing down her. The peace treaty didn't matter. My mother didn't matter. I didn't matter. Dear ole dad took over this mafia. Married Beli. Had three more sons. Handed the mafia over to his 'oldest' son. That was my rightful position. Yet, he handed it over to Lucifer. It was mine! He destroyed my mother. So! I decided to destroy his family. I watched as Luciano crumbled when he's wife was bludgeoned to death. I watched as he spiraled out of control when his twins went missing. One brother, second in command, down for the count. I couldn't get Lucifer's weakness. Kia.... She was always so guarded. So, that weakness was out of the equation. His sons... They were well trained at a young age. The youngest ones were also well guarded. Then came the triplets. I found everyone's weakness after the last one was born." He rants out. His villainous cackles could be heard in this silent room.

"We had someone come in. Someone close to us. Important to us. They managed to gain your trust. So easily I might add. Must have been their caring and nurturing aura. It took five years. But I was able to take the mafia's weakness. Gemma..... I watched from afar as Lucifer crumbled. I watched from afar as the boys slowly faded. I watched from afar as Kia couldn't handle it. Her death weakened this mafia. If Gemma hadn't escaped. And unknowingly ran into her family's arms, I would have ended each and every single one of you." He snarls. Who isn't here anymore. Who left after Gemma was taken. Only three options.

The nanny.

The maid.

The cook.

I pulled out my phone and texted our other brothers. Two should be in their lair by the computers. One should be in his office. Three of them should be out doing our errands for the day. Matteo needs to dig out the employee's files while Vincent and Leonardo hack into databases for information on these three. The other three will be searching every nook and cranny for these three people. Before I could even nod my head towards Renzo to confirm I done ordered our brothers. A gasp is heard from the silent room.

"Gemma!" Lucian says. Panic in his voice.

All our heads turn towards the secret passageway's entrance. Before anyone could even speak. I..... We watch as she storms into the cell. Walks right in front of these disgusting lowlife assholes. Before I could even stop her. She does the most unthinkable thing. She balls her hand into a fist and punches that snaggletooth goldfish wanting to be a piranha in his teeth. You can hear the cracking of his once crazy teeth sound into this stilled room. We all are stunned by her actions. We watch as she grabs that leech by her hair and slams her too much Botox face into the steel table.

Bitch will need a facial reconstruction surgery after that move.

I watch her with curiosity in my eyes. You would think this would scare our tiny sister away. But her small frame doesn't do her justice. She is like a young lioness ready to pounce on her prey.

"Fuck you both. I hope you have fun dancing with Lucifer and his spawns." She spat out. I would say language but in this case that went out the cell door. Hell, the house's front door. The windows.

"You're just as wicked as your father and brothers. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He spat back at her. My face paled at his comment. She's just pure. Our tortured blackened souls are going to corrupt her innocent soul.

"Your once pure soul is now tortured and dark. Like theirs'." She laughs out like a maniac. I forgot she is even in here. When did she wake back up. Bitch five seconds ago was just sawing logs.

Hibernating with the bears!

"Their souls aren't as evil and dark like both of yours. Lucifer was once an Angel. Before he went against God. Before he was banished to hell that is. This Lucifer, however, wasn't banished to hell. This Satan is walking on the earth. And you're in his playhouse. Those five behind me are spawns of this Lucifer. When they get done with you. You'll be wishing God killed you instead. Fuck with my family, that'll get you dancing with the devil. When you die, well when they decide to end your miserable lives. You won't be going the heaven. You'll be literally stripping for the Devil in Hell. Being his little whores. Until than you'll be having fun with this Devil's family." She growls out with venom.

I watch as she walks and stands beside Lucian. I'm shocked over what she said. But I'm stunned when she doesn't go next to Val. I watch as Lucian squeezes her hand and tries to walk her out. She shook her head no. And look back to watching the two creatures in front of us. Dad doesn't object to Gemma being here. Even after our protest. When they don't answer or don't give the correct answer. Hell, if one of us don't like their answer or their comments.. We would walk up to the two sitting behind the steel chair and punish them in some way. But what shocked us to the core, yet our eyes still have pride shimmering through our eyes because of one person.


She walks hand and hand with Lucian. Why do I have a feeling we're going to have a trio of masters in torturing people. Our sweet innocent Gem. None of us stop her though. For one we know you can't stop her when she's determined. For two she won't let go of Lucian's hand and for three we all have the curiosity of what is this girl going to do.

Actually, what the fuck are these two going to do?

When have they gotten close?

Did he open up to her?

Did she find out they're pretty much a carbon copy of each other?

My thoughts and arguments and questions are snapped back when I see Lucian grab his knife and hand it to Gem. Gem hands it back to Lucian and instead picks up a golf club.

What are these two up to?

I don't know but I don't like it.

I watch as Gem swings the club and cracks the bitch of all bitches in her skull. You can hear her skull crack open like an egg.

Egg? Dude! Her skull was crushed like a bug!

Lucian runs his knife across the busted face of Rocco's cloth covered dick. I hold a wince back. Immediately my hands go up to my own. I look over and the rest of my family is mimicking my own reaction.

Is he about to slice his dick off?

If he does that! His ass is insane.

To the asylum he goes!

Throw away the keys!!!

Lucian stabs his knife into the roaches thigh. Same spot as last time. He fishes the blade in his wound and all you could hear is the flesh separating and his whaling screams. Before we could ask a question we hear commotion coming from several of our entranceways.

"We found a lot of fucking information!" Leonardo and Vincent yell from the coded doorway.

"I have the files!" Matteo says out of breath at the second secret entranceway. It is connecting his office to the cells.

"I have the fucking nanny!" Gianni yells at the main entranceway.

"I got the mother flicking maid!" Alonzo screams from the doorway that leads to the hallway upstairs.

"I hand you the lovely piece of shit cook!" Maximus announces from the unknown passageway.

We have a passageway that leads to the pantry?

What the hell!

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I couldn't tell you how proud I am of little Gem. She's facing her tormentors without fear. I knew all along she was brave. I knew she was incredibly strong.

When she.

Not my brothers.

Not my father.


When she gives the word. I will end these two abominable creatures from earth. In her words I'll make sure they make it in time to be stripping for Lucifer. All she has to do is say the word. I am startled from my thoughts. For once. I was startled.

"We found a lot of fucking information!" Leonardo and Vincent yells from several of the bloody entrances. Their constant saying the same shit at the same time and their wording always makes me crack a smile or chuckle. I shake my head at my youngest brothers.

"I have the files!" Matteo says while trying catch his breath from the passageway that connects to his office. Why does he have stairway from his office to the cells is beyond me. All I know is it is way too many stairs to be coming down. His legs have got to be made of steel by now.

"I have the fucking nanny!" Gianni yells from another passageway.

Of course, he would find the ducking nanny.

Yes, I meant ducking.

Kid has really good detective skills.

Too bad he's in the wrong profession.

"I got the mother flicking maid!" Alonzo screams from the doorway that leads to the hallway upstairs.

Did this fool say flicking?

What the hell Lonzo?

"I hand you the lovely piece of shit cook!" Maximus announces from a really unknown passageway.

Is that to the kitchen?

The pantry!

Who put a passageway in the pantry!

When did we?

How did he find that one?!

I turn my head back towards our prisoners. Checkmate I think while sporting my evil smirk.
Can't hide shit when you got two tech nerds for siblings, a brother with excellent memory, a brother with damn good detective skills, two brothers who aren't scared to kidnap fools. Tonight, is getting better and better the later it gets.

"So? Want to speak before the remaining six brothers do? Or before the three unwillingly guests do?" I finally speak.

My voice is raw.


I'm a man of no words. If I must speak it's very few. Having Gem here, I've come to realize I'm using my voice more and more. It's quite frightening actually. These two look like they seen a ghost when the three unwilling guest gets shoved into view. They don't utter a word. They're in complete shock.
I would be too if one of them is your fucking snitch.

Your accomplice.

"The nanny. Gloria Torres. 40 years of age." Matteo mutters out. Gianni shoves the nanny into the cell with all of us. Renzo has a sickening look in his eyes.

"The maid. Roberta Rodrigues. 38 years of age." Matteo again mutters. Alonzo gently moves the maid into the cell. Julian's death glare gets even more deadlier as he glances at this lady.

"The cook. Victoria Antoinette. 42 years of age." Again, Matteo mutters. Maximus like Gianni shoves the cook harshly into the cell. Nikolai's soften features immediately go stone hard.

Three ladies and who is the slimy smelly rat?

"Roberta Rodrigues. 38. Maid. No criminal background. Left because her mother had cancer. No relations to those two Esseri umani disgustosi. She doesn't even know them. There's no evidence to point towards her. We searched through all her records. Found nadda. She's clean besides a speeding ticket five years ago." Leonardo calmly says.

Of course, they'd find a speeding ticket. What the hell?

Renzo nodded his head and Julian placed the maid in the cell beside us directly to the left.

"Victoria Antoinette. 42. Cook. Left France because her husband cheated. That per said husband is Rocco Bianchi...... In other words..... Dear ole Rocco Monet. We went through her records and after the time she came here. After dropping her last name and changing her last to her middle name; we come to find out. She had no communications with those two. Once she left Rocco she never communicates with him whatsoever. Her records show her messaging mother and telling her about what Rocco was up too when she left him. Hence why we had so many guards on us at all times. Therefore, she's innocent until we can dig deeper. A lot deeper." Vincent announces.

He's a cheating child abusing vile Kraken.

Nikolai placed the cook in the cell to right of us.

Well that just leaves one person.

I turn to face the nanny with no emotions playing on my features. Are you the rat?

"Gloria Torres. 40. Nanny. She left for unknown reasons. Further we dug the more confusing it got. But we did find she is none other than a stepsister to Genevieve Blanc. Also known as Genevieve Monet. Records from her phone, which we still had. Thankfully! Shown deleted files that apparently dad's men couldn't recover. However, the brains, us, have recovered them." Leonardo says. We watched as three faces pale as white as a whiteboard. I raise my brow up and give them a sickening smirk.

I think we have found the rat.

"There are some recordings that we will play. There are also some texts we will read." Vincent says.
Vincent hit play and all three voices could be heard in the room.

"It's taking too long Gloria. We need the girl now!"

"I'm trying. She's been well guarded."

"You better hurry up before I put a bullet in your son's skull."

Vincent paused and looked up at us. Those sick bastards had her son in captivity? Why?

"That was six months after she was hired. Years before Gemma was taken. Here are some texts we have recovered." Leonardo says.

G- Don't hurt my son.

R- Hand over my niece.

G- I can't she's too sweet for you to hurt.

R- Hand her over or it'll be your son's life.

G- Why!?

R- Don't make is hard. Her or the boy.

G- I'll be at the store in 2 hours. I have to pick up Ren's dressing. Be there and don't get caught. My son better be safe!

R- I won't harm your son. Unless you have lied to me.

G- I'm in aisle 8.

R- Look occupied stupid!

G- Okay. And fuck you. You're making me do this shit. Asshole.

R- Tongue Gloria. I have your son still.

G- Sorry.

Vincent and Leonardo has tears in their eyes. The rest of us have the look of hatred.



Lucian has his fingers laced with Gemma's. The deadliest one of all of us is those two it seems like. Dad roughly drags her by her hair to the third steel table and ties her to her chair.

"Answer the questions before my spawns have you wishing for death." He growls out. She trembles in her seat and nods her head. She spills her guts out. She sings like a canary. Telling us every single detail. Alonzo left with guard and an hour later comes back with the ex nanny's sixteen year old son Blair.

"Either he can stay in the cells with you; yet still go to school everyday and be guarded and watched. Or he will be upstairs being watched like a hawk. Choice is your's Ms. Torres." Dad growls out.

"Don't hurt him. Please. The French Mafia will want to kill him because of me. Please!" She begs.

"Watched like a hawk it is." Dad says.

You can tell he doesn't want to harm this lady. Nor her son. He's tore between letting her walk freely yet watched 24/7 or being captive in the cells. She was forced into this. Yet, she could have spoken to us about what their plans were. About her son. The planned kidnapping. We would have helped her. We would have protected her. We would have gotten her son back. They both would have been under our protection.

"Gloria. You are hereby sentenced to work in my office with me from 6am to 8pm. You are to not leave my sight. Where I go you go. If I have to shit. You will be in the restroom with me. If I have to kill someone you will be standing beside me. Once I leave my office you will be escorted to your rightful cell. There's no negotiation. This is final." Renzo's voice echoed through the cell.

Mother fucker should have been a lawyer or a judge.

Too bad he is also in the wrong profession.

I walk her to her cell. It isn't our nasty cells. This one is our more up to date. More luxurious cells. She has a small kitchen, bathroom, two small beds. She also has a tv and a very small sitting area. When she er locked in her cell, she can't roam around. We understand why she done it. But she still committed a crime. So, our family is on the fence. This is the best and truly only option to go with. I slam the cell door shut and walk back down the stairs to our not so clean cells. I look over at Gemma and she nods her head. Like she knew my unasked question. She gives Lucian's hand a squeeze and it is all the confirmation we need. Lucian walks up behind the snake and slits her throat. I, however, shoot the slime ball in between his eyes.

Fucking finally.

The maid is free to go. The cook is placed in the cell beside Gloria. She'll stay there until further notice. Until Leo and Vin get the information they need. Gemma walks out and we all follow behind her.

Thank God.

I couldn't stand the sight of those two any longer.


Word Count: 3492

We finally get two other brothers POVs :)

So, what did you all think of their POVs?

What did you think of the chapter?

Thoughts in general?

XoXo :)

Edited: 5/26/23

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