Vanilla Latte - Chapter 4 | End
A/N: Sorry it took so long, but yeah I always comeback. I finished it. Here you go! Perfect reason to re-read this again. Once again, thank you for waiting patiently. Love you all.
Jimin was as energetic as ever on Monday morning when he woke up. A week had passed since Jungkook's brother visited and this weekend they had hit the sports bar on Saturday. Jungkook who was working overtime needed to unwind and by the end of the night, they were both drunk, stumbling into their apartment and breaking into a fit of giggles.
When they parted to go to each other's bedroom Jimin wished Jungkook would come again. He'd be lying if he didn't look for the nights Jungkook slipped under his sheets and held him. He slept better those nights.
He quickly got ready. He sifted through the clothes in his closet, spotting the pair of pants he hadn't worn in so long. His eyes and face lit up considerably at the sight of the peach-colored pants. It was a gift from Yoongi. It went so well with his white fuzzy sweater.
Let's wear this today. It's been so long. That was his favorite pair. How did he even forget it was there?
He quickly shimmied into the pair, frowning when he couldn't button his pants properly. What the—
Jimin tucked his stomach inside and tried to button it only to realize it wasn't working. He turned to look at himself in the mirror and grabbed his ass with a frown. Horror washed over him as he quickly discarded that and tried the other one he hadn't worn in a while. When did he put on weight?
Panic washed over him as he tried another. This one, he was able to button but it was still tight. Shit. He was eating too much these days and it was showing. He ran to the weighing machine, his heart almost stopping when he saw his weight.
Oh, God!
What do I do now?
I need to cut down my food now.
He gripped the waist of the pants that were a bit too tight on him. His jaw clenched as he turned to look at himself. His ass felt like it was going to burst out of the pants and he felt like crying.
This can't be happening.
He'd worked so hard to shed the baby fat and get into shape. With a scowl, he chose one of his loose t-shirts, thinking of ways to bring down his weight as soon as possible. He could do this. If he could cut down on his meals, he could bring this weight down in a week or two. He hurried outside remembering the birthday order he had to fulfill before four in the evening.
He was bent down, tying his shoelaces when Jungkook came out of his room, yawning and looking disheveled.
"Good morning," he greeted with a smile as he straightened.
Jungkook, however, kept staring at him, more like at his pants without returning his greetings. Jimin, always thinking the worst of the things, grew self-conscious, pulling his t-shirt down to cover his ass.
"Ah, I'll see you later?"
Jungkook only nodded, eyes blinking as Jimin hurried out.
Gosh, he must hate me now.
Dread filled him. Jungkook must have seen how tight his pants were. It was never good when the insecurities he tried hard to overcome came back at him at full force. He took the stairs instead of the elevator. He should have worn something else.
Before he could dwell more in his pity-party, his phone pinged with a slew of text messages.
From Jungkook:
U have no idea what just happened
Woof woof
Bark bark
I think I had my gay awakening for the hundredth time since I saw him
He was tying his shoelace alright
U should have seen him in those tight pants
Fuck me
He's got one hell of an ass
I fucking forgot to breathe
And those thighs
I'd gladly choke
Jimin almost stumbled before catching himself by grabbing the rail. He expected a text from Hannah but it was Jungkook. He froze reading and then re-reading the texts. His eyes weren't deceiving him, were they?
From Jungkook:
How can someone be so beautiful?
Tae! I swear he ruined every man out there for me
How did I get so lucky?
Jiminie hyung is so fucking HOT!!!
Have u seen those squishy cheeks???
So fucking pretty
And those little hands...he's so small and precious
I wanna hide him in my pockets
Jimin chuckled, a few tears of relief sliding down his cheeks. Jungkook wasn't staring at him with disgust. He thinks I'm sexy and pretty. He covered his mouth, trying to control his sniffles.
From Jungkook:
Why r u not saying anything?
Oh, fuck!
It's not what you think
I'm sorry
I can explain
Please let me explain
Jimin pocketed his phone and ran back inside.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Jungkook stared at the messages with horror. Panic flooded him.
I fucked up.
No, no, no.
He began to pace the floor, pulling at his hair, the horro of what he did making his heart sink deeper. Why did he have to text Taehyung right now? No, it wasn't Taehyung though. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
How could this happen?
Jimin hadn't replied.
He must be angry, right?
This was what happened if you tried to sleep-text to someone. He palmed his face, almost breaking into tears. Did he misread the signs? Jimin liked him back, right? He knew Jungkook had liked him back too, right?
He was in no way subtle with his feelings and there was no way Jimin hadn't gotten the clue. There were just so many incidents to count. He wouldn't take offense, right?
"Fuck this!"
He needed to talk to Jimin. Better come out with it before it turned into something else. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. But before he could build up the courage to when the apartment door flew open. His eyes flew open.
"Oh, my God!" He put a hand on his chest. "'re here."
Panic once again set in and he searched for proper words to explain, not wanting to fuck this up when Jimin flew right into his arms with a sob.
"Hyung...I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I'll stop." He almost felt like crying and Jimin's sniffles weren't helping.
Jimin pulled back. "Did you mean it?" he asked. "Those texts...did you mean it, Jungkookie?" His eyes brimmed with tears.
Jungkook swallowed, but nodded. "Y-Yes, hyung. I like you," he admitted. "Maybe a bit too much. I know it's only a few months, but I'm smitten with you." He chuckled. "Everyone around me knows. I just..." He scratched the back of his neck. "That's not how I wanted to confess."
Jimin shook his head. "Why are you so adorable?" His tears fell free. "I thought you were disgusted."
Confusion filled him and he looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean I was disgusted?"
"I..." Jimin shifted from one foot to the other. "I couldn't fit into my old pants," he sniffled. "I thought...I thought..."
"Woah, I'm gonna stop you right there, hyung. Is that why you're all shaken up?" he asked, searching Jimin's gaze and his heart pained when he realized it was. "You think you've gotten fat and I was disgusted."
Jimin looked away confirming his suspicions.
He gripped his chin, making him face him. "I can never be disgusted with you, hyung. To me, you look healthy and glowing. When I first came here, you used to look at the verge of passing out," he said softly. "Why would I hate you for being healthy?"
"But...But I..."
"I don't know what kind of asshole you dated before me, hyung. You're the prettiest human being I ever had the pleasure to meet. You're beautiful in and out. I'm grateful that you even gave me the time of your day. You're so perfect, hyung."
Now Jimin cried outright in his arms and Jungkook wondered if he said something wrong. He didn't though. He only spoke the truth.
"Hyung...say something. Did I say something wrong?" Jungkook asked. "Jiminie hyung, you're gorgeous. Do you know I literally forgot to breathe when I met you? Imagine my surprise when I found out you were my housemate. I was so happy and I knew I was screwed. I couldn't even hide the attraction I felt for you. Everyone literally found out the moment they saw us together." He chuckled. "I really like you so much, hyung. Even my brother made fun of me calling me whipped."
"I like you too," Jimin croaked, fingers curling in front of his t-shirt. His eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I've liked you since the day we met."
Jungkook pulled back to cup his face. "Really?"
"You're not the only whipped one here." Jimin huffed.
"But it feels surreal..." Jungkook breathed. "'re way out of my league. It's just like a dream come true."
"Shut up." Jimin buried his face into his chest again. "You really think I'm sexy?"
"Hyung..." Jungkook groaned. "Don't remind me." He dug his nose into Jimin's shoulder. "I almost nutted on sight and was trying hard to not get caught."
Jimin laughed, lifting his head to gaze into his eyes. "Kiss me?"
"Now?" Jungkook's eyes widened.
Jimin nodded. "Please..."
Jimin closed the distance between their lips. Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut. His fingers dug into Jimin's hip, pulling him closer as he tilted his head. The soft, pillowy lips moved over him like the fluttering wings of a butterfly. Jungkook's breath rushed out and he felt his entire being melt.
He pulled back. "Shit, hyung. I didn't brush. I—"
Jimin silenced him with another kiss. When Jimin pulled back, he chased after him, this time deepening the kiss. Jimin held his face, returning the kiss. He sucked on his bottom lip, licking over it and relishing the softness. How could someone be so beautiful?
Jimin smelled so good. He moaned in his throat. He pulled back with a groan, burying his face in Jimin's shoulder. "We need to stop if you don't want to be late."
Jimin chuckled, hugging him and resting his cheek on his shoulder. "Yeah."
They stood like that for a long moment, calming their racing hearts. Jungkook fought the goofy grin that was threatening to take over.
"So, ah...I'll get going." Jimin stepped back. "You also have to get ready."
Jungkook just pulled him back into his embrace. "I haven't had your fill yet." He nuzzled into his neck. "Go out with me? Let me woo you and sweep you off your feet."
"You already did that." Jimin laughed. It sent vibrations along his body.
He straightened. "Then let me do it again." Jungkook pouted.
"Okay." Jimin's eyes twinkled. "Sweep me off my feet then."
"Yes!" Jungkook pumped his fist in the air.
Jimin shook his head, stepping back from him with a grin. "I'll get going then."
"Okay." Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other before kicking the couch with a beaming smile. "See you for breakfast?"
Jimin bit his lip to contain the smile before leaving the apartment. He clutched the strap of his bag close to his chest with a shy smile as he rushed down.
Jungkook wasn't usually this nervous during his dates. He has dated before and even went out with a few girls in the past before he figured out his interest in men. But still this felt different in too many ways.
There was a slight tremble to his hands mostly due to excitement. He was well aware that Jimin was that one. His search has possibly ended here given Jimin also felt the same way. It was finally his day off and he couldn't wait to go on a date with Jimin.
Their friends were excited and thrilled when he revealed the news to them. Then there was Yoongi hyung, who congratulated him but also gave him a stern warning before squeezing his shoulder as a form of encouragement.
"Jimin hasn't been this happy in a while. I hope you will make sure that smile is permanent on his face."
"I will, hyung. I won't take this chance for granted and he means a lot to me," Jungkook promised.
Outside Jimin's café, Jungkook shifted from one foot to another, running his hands several times through his hair. A wave of heat crept upon his cheeks and he couldn't stop moving.
Jimin hadn't closed up yet. Saturday nights were always busy for him, but the urge to just storm inside and whisk him away was growing stronger with each passing moment.
Tonight was their first official date. In the past, ever since his crush began to intensity and blossom into something more, Jungkook would imagine every outing as their date. Taehyung would give him that knowing smirk before pushing Jimin toward him at every turn. Not that he needed to do that often considering how they were always drawn toward each other.
Just as Jungkook walked around another round, Jimin exited the café, looking radiant as ever. He wore a simple white sweater with blue skinny jeans, but it was the smile on his face that changed the game.
Jungkook felt himself staring at him, feeling breathless. The first time he met Jimin surfaced in his memory. Only this time the angel was going out on a date with him.
"Hey," Jimin greeted, a warm blush coating his cheeks, approaching him shyly.
"H-Hi." Jungkook glanced down at their feet with a smile that mirrored his. "You um...look great."
"You saw me already this morning." Jimin didn't meet his gaze directly, his smile radiant and growing.
"I thought you looked great in the morning, but you look even better now," a compliment flew off his mouth easily. "I mean..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Y-You always look good."
"Thank you." Jimin cleared his throat. His face was red either due to the weather or he felt the same way as Jungkook did. The gamer wouldn't know yet. "So um..." He glanced around, the smile in his eyes, making them twinkle. Or is it the lights? "Should we get going?"
Jungkook broke out of his trance. "Y-Yeah. Let's...this way."
"Where are we going?" Jimin asked, their hands brushing against each other as they walked.
"There's this place near the Han River," Jungkook replied, enjoying the warmth Jimin radiated. "It's nothing flashy, but a hole in the wall kinda place where we can eat and just talk."
Another smile found its way to Jimin's face. "That sounds good."
"Oh." Jimin suddenly halted. "Are we riding this?" He blinked, glancing at Jungkook with wide eyes.
Jungkook looked at the motorcycle, another wave of heat creeping up his neck. "Um...yeah. I borrowed it from Taehyung hyung. The weather is nice for a ride and..."
"Whoa! This is amazing." A child-like wonder overtook his features. "You really thought through this, huh?"
Jungkook grinned. "Just thought it'd be romantic."
Jimin chuckled. "Yeah?" He sidled up to him, smiling widely. "I can't wait."
His contagious excitement infected Jungkook too. He handed a helmet to Jimin, his heart skipping several beats as their fingers brushed. Once Jimin settled, looking adorably bundled in his helmet—and Jungkook fighting an internal battle to munch his puffed cheeks—he mounted the bike, casting a glance over his shoulder. He would stare at Jimin all day, doing nothing if he could.
"Hold on tight," he told Jimin. "And be careful with your leg. It's hot." He pointed at his feet and Jimin immediately pulled it away from the silencer. Jungkook nodded to himself. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." Jimin casually put both his hands on his shoulder. "Let's go!"
The moment felt surreal to Jungkook as the motorcycle came alive with a familiar purr of the engine. It was his favorite sound. Memories from his teen years when his brother bought a second-hand motorcycle came to his mind.
Riding was one of Jungkook's most favorite things. When he wondered what he could do for their first date and after raking his brain for all week, he asked Taehyung if he could borrow his motorbike for a night.
It turned out to be the best idea because Jimin wrapped his arms around his waist, making Jungkook's breath hitch. Just like a scene out of a romantic movie, he found himself grinning from ear to ear as they sped into the night.
"This is so good!" Jimin commented as the chill air beat down on them. "Woah, so relaxing."
Jungkook smiled. It was a nice change after being holed-up in his office the entire week. He could tell Jimin needed it too. He worked twice as hard for his small business.
The vehicles and the scenery whirred past them. Jimin's occasional "Whoa!" paired with his comment about something he saw along the way was more delightful than the bike ride itself. Jungkook didn't know there was something more enjoyable to him than the ride.
They reached the Han River, parking the motorcycle in its designated space. Jungkook helped Jimin with his helmet and then led him toward the small ramen shop he found during one of his office dinners.
Jimin let out a delighted gasp when he spotted the cozy little ramen shop. Tiny lights twinkled around the shop's exterior with two decorative plants placed on each side of the door. The delicious aroma of food mingled with various sauces wafted to their nostrils, stirring their hunger.
Jungkook took Jimin's hand, leading him inside. They slid into a small booth, their knees brushing as they sat across each other. Jungkook couldn't glance away as Jimin looked over the menu, his features bright and radiant with excitement.
Jimin's reaction to the small ramen shop was endearing to him. "Ah, everything smells so good in here," the pastry chef mumbled to himself. "I'm gonna eat until I explode."
Jungkook chuckled. "I'm happy to indulge." He leaned over to take a look at the menu. "What do you wanna try first?"
"How about some spicy ramen and takoyaki?" Jimin asked. "Can you keep up with my spice level?"
"You know I can handle my spice very well, hyung." Jungkook smiled. When their eyes met, both laughed out, their initial level of nervousness having faded away.
Jungkook reached over the table to take Jimin's hand in his, thumb caressing the back of his hand. "I'm really happy, hyung. Thank you for coming out with me. I still can't believe you said yes."
Jimin scoffed. "I've been sending you heart eyes since the first night we met. I can promise it's not one-sided."
Both chuckled one more time.
"We should eat." Jimin sobered a little, a smile still playing on his lips. "We can be cheesy later."
"Okay," Jungkook immediately agreed, wanting a moment to recover from feeling gobsmacked all over again. "I'm famished, actually."
They ordered the food and when it arrived, they settled into a light-hearted conversation that flowed easily without any moment of awkwardness. Jungkook couldn't help feeling butterflies in his stomach every now and then. Only Jimin could have this effect on him. However, unlike before he didn't have to tamp it down. He could allow himself to openly feel it and even relish it.
They basically inhaled the food, even ordering another round. Both skipped on alcohol and settled on some soda. Jungkook ordered a third serving of ramen and Jimin had to unbutton his jeans so he could eat, which caused another round of laughter between them.
"Are you enjoying it, hyung?" Jungkook asked as they finally exited the restaurant.
"I feel like I'm about to explode," Jimin groaned. "What does that tell you?"
Jungkook gave him a shy smile. "That you like it a lot. Come. We should get some dessert."
Jimin immediately shook his head. "I can't swallow another bite."
Jungkook scoffed. "There's always some space for dessert." He dragged him away to one of the stalls.
Jimin didn't protest when they arrived at the waffle stand Jungkook had been eyeing from earlier. He swiftly ordered two ice cream waffles, choosing their favorite flavor available on the stand.
Their waffles arrived warm and golden, cradling generous scoops of creamy vanilla and dark chocolate ice cream drizzled with caramel and topped with fresh strawberries and crumbled cookies. Jungkook handed one to him, watching his face as they both took their first bite.
"Mhmm...this is so delicious," he couldn't help but groan at how good they tasted. "This is just so perfect. Like you."
Jimin coughed as if he didn't expect it before bursting into laughter, but he nodded. "This is really good." He took another bite, savoring it.
Only silence followed as they busied themselves with the dessert. It melted in Jungkook's mouth, the waffle crisp on the outside, yet soft and fluffy within. If Jungkook wasn't feeling so full, he might have gone for another one.
"Oh God! That was so good but I can't eat anymore." Jimin threw his head back to stare at the sky, planting both his hands on his hips. "We should go for a walk. My stomach will really explode."
"But it's worth the risk, hyung." Jungkook winked. Together, they began to walk hand-in-hand along the Han River.
The street lights overhead cast a warm pool of light across the path and some reflected on the river's surface. The city lights danced like stars and he could see several boats far into the river.
"Once my position is permanent, we should go on one of those." Jungkook pointed a finger at the decorated boats. "It must be so good to watch the city from there."
Jimin glanced in the direction of his finger and nodded. "Yeah and it's so peaceful here."
They continued to walk in silence. It was only the sounds around them along with their shoes kissing the pavement with every step.
"You know what?" Jimin broke the silence. "I used to be really conscious in my previous relationships. You already know I wasn't that lucky and my choices were subpar."
"It couldn't have been that bad," Jungkook mumbled. "You chose me."
That earned him a chuckle. "No, seriously. I was always thinking about the way I dressed or monitoring how much I ate. But tonight I wasn't thinking about anything. I enjoyed it, thanks to you."
Jungkook glanced at him with a soft smile. "You really have nothing to worry about, hyung. Those who said otherwise were insecure assholes who were scared of you outshining them."
Jimin threw a glance that told him he didn't believe his words.
"Seriously, hyung." Jungkook stopped and put both his hands on his shoulders, forcing him to look at him. "I told you before. You're way out of my league," he said in a serious tone. "You're so stunningly handsome that you make me forget my surroundings."
"You make me feel things, hyung. If anyone's lucky in this relationship, it's me. I mean it."
Jimin's features softened before it turned emotional. He opened his mouth to say something but held back or he couldn't say anything just yet.
"You'll never have to be conscious around me, hyung. I learned a couple of things during these past few months. If you feel like you're putting on weight, then work out with me. We can burn those calories together. But never ever feel insecure about yourself, hyung. I'll be very sad if you do."
Jimin chuckled, several emotions crossing over his features. "You have a way with words that make me feel better."
Jungkook shrugged. "I try."
Jimin nodded and they began to walk again. He moved closer to Jungkook this time and the gamer tried to hide the way his heart pounded at his closeness.
They strolled through the silent path, littered with people here and there just enjoying the scenery. The Han River flowed steadily beside them and this time the silence was so comfortable. Jimin's presence beside him was so calming, yet his heart wouldn't stop racing every time he slanted a glance at him.
"Can we sit here for a while?" Jimin asked and Jungkook immediately agreed.
They sat together to bask in the peace a little longer. Jungkook didn't know how much time had passed as he played with Jimin's small fingers as he always wanted to do. The wind ruffled their hair and brushed against them, cooling their skin. Jungkook, who usually had trouble staying idle in a spot, realized he really didn't mind staying put in one place as long as he was with Jimin.
After what felt like hours, they finally left the place to go home. Jungkook was one happy fella, riding the motorbike with his crush turned soon-to-be-boyfriend behind him. Upon reaching, Jungkook walked Jimin to his bedroom door, both bursting into laughter at the absurdity.
"We should do this again sometime," he told Jimin. "It was nice."
"I'd love to," Jimin said.
Jungkook shifted from one foot to another. "Can I kiss you, hyung?" he asked. "I really want to." The memory of Jimin's soft, plush lips gliding against his the other day refused to leave his memory. He'd been longing to feel his lips again.
Jimin nodded shyly. His lips curved into a shy smile, his cheeks tinged pink. When they closed the distance, their lips finally meeting in a soft, chaste kiss, everything felt so perfect. But Jungkook was naturally greedy. He wasn't going to be satisfied with one. So he went in for another and another.
The kiss was gentle, but also eager. Jungkook sucked his plush lips between his teeth, nibbling it gently one more time before letting go half-heartedly. Jimin's taste and smell still lingered even after they parted.
Jungkook had to blink several times to convince himself to stop going overboard on their first date. He cleared his throat and put on a much needed distance between them. "W-We should go to sleep," he stated. "Good night, hyung."
"Good night."
Jungkook turned to go to his room only to pause. "Another date tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. "Same time?"
"Aren't we going out with others to the new club that has opened?" Jimin wondered.
"Yeah." Jungkook shifted on his feet. "I mean...We can go as a couple?" His ears grew hot and he fidgeted with his t-shirt. "W-Would you come with me as my boyfriend?"
Jimin's features lit up with surprise but also something soft and warm. "Y-Yeah." He averted his gaze and cleared his throat. "I'd love that."
"Okay." Jungkook couldn't believe his ears and he couldn't stop the griin that was lighting up his features. "Boyfriends then." He clenched his fists so he wouldn't fist pump the air. "Good night!" His voice was slightly higher than he intended before he rushed to his room.
Inside the room, he jumped into the air, fist pumping twice.
"Yes, I did it!"
He ran around a few times, excitement and joy coursing through his veins. When that wasn't enough, he jumped on the bed and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it before flopping on it like a starfish. A goofy grin spread on his lips.
He hugged the pillow, rolling from one end to another with the same enthusiasm. Jimin said yes. He had a boyfriend now.
Grabbing his phone, he shot a text to his brother and then Taehyung.
To hyung:
Jimin hyung said yes. I have a boyfriend now. Tell mom that I'll bring her son-in-law home next time I come over.
To Taehyung hyung:
He said yes!
I have a boyfriend
Oh, God! The date was so magical
I was so happy I'd have proposed tonight if this isn't our first official date together
Gosh! I can barely wait
He's in another room but I already miss him
Oh my god! I can't believe I have such a gorgeous boyfriend
Punch me so I know it's real
You should have seen his! I think I'm in love
He couldn't help but reread the text several times to ensure he really had a boyfriend because it still felt so surreal. Sleep took a long time to come that night because he was just too excited to sleep. His mind kept replaying their cute, little date on repeat mode and Jungkook found himself grinning foolishly, remembering every tiny detail.
Jimin heard Jungkook's excited yell, his own enthusiasm too hard to contain. He slipped inside his room, hearing the unmistakable sound of someone running and yelling inside the other room. Their walls were certainly thin considering he could hear Jungkook's muted scream from the other side.
His heart skipped several beats, raced and then fluttered. All in a random motion. He couldn't believe he had just spent a dreamy first date with Jungkook.
His phone vibrated and sure enough, there was a text from Yoongi asking him how it went.
From Jimin:
He's just so amazing, hyung. OMG! I don't think he can get any perfect.
Gosh! It's just so perfect.
It was the best date ever
He took me to this cozy, little ramen place by the Han River and then we took a stroll
I ate so much I can hardly breathe
Can you believe I had to unbutton my pants so I could eat more?
Jimin locked his phone, throwing it on the side of the bed as he stared at his ceiling. The date felt too good to be true. But he knew sleep wouldn't come so easily tonight. Not when he was so happy he wanted to fly.
Still, he tried to close his eyes and try, only to replay Jungkook's shy smile and handsome face behind his closed eyelids. His lips still tingled with their kiss.
He rolled over to hug his pillow, imagining it was Jungkook. A soft squeal escaped his lips as he hugged it tight, falling asleep sometime after midnight while dreaming about Jungkook.
The next morning, Jungkook was already at the kitchen, making them coffee when Jimin woke up. His eyes were heavy with the sleep he missed. All night, he tossed and turned, only thinking about Jungkook and their first date.
He froze at the sight of Jungkook staring into the space while stirring the coffee mug. He looked disheveled with his face puffy.
"Good morning." Jimin pulled him out of his thoughts and approached him with a small smile. "You're up early." He took one coffee mug, taking a refreshing sip. "You could have slept for some more time. It's Sunday."
Jungkook's response was to turn around and hug him, burying his face into Jimin's neck. "It's all your fault," he complained. "I could barely sleep a wink."
Jimin's heart fluttered like hummingbird wings. "Yeah?"
Jungkook nodded into his shoulder. "I should have just come to your room. It drove me nuts that you're just one wall away and I was alone."
Jimin chuckled. "You could have come over."
Jungkook pulled back, suddenly looking bright. "Yeah? You would have allowed me?"
"We already slept together, Jungkook-ah." Jimin turned around to hide the heat spreading on his cheeks.
"Hmm...but it was nice." Jungkook hugged him from behind this time. "Do you mind if I come over to the café today? I'm really clingy when I like someone and I don't think I'll survive a day away from you after you said yes."
Jimin laughed fondly. "I love me a clingy boyfriend. Suit up."
True to his words, Jungkook spent the entire day, lurking either in one of the tables, drawing or in the kitchen, hovering around Jimin like a moth drawn to flame. Hannah teased them relentlessly but that fell into deaf ears as the lovebirds only had their eyes and ears toward each other.
When it became unbearable, she had chased them away, telling them to get the hell out, which they did.
A few hours later, they found themselves in the packed club with music pulsing through the floor and into their chests, neon signs flashing hues of electric blue, red and green. They arrived a little earlier than their friends, standing by the bar with a cup of drink they ordered.
By now, Jimin could sense the magnetic pull that was drawing him closer to Jungkook. They haven't even gotten over the shy glances and brushing hands but also couldn't ignore something sparking inside of them at a deeper level.
"They'll be here in another fifteen minutes or so." Jungkook pocketed his phone and turned to Jimin. "Should we dance for a bit until they come?"
They finished their drinks before Jungkook led them through the throng of people to find a spot on the dancefloor. At first, they began to casually dance around each other but when the song changed, Jungkook pulled him closer.
Under the flashing lights and thickening crowd around them, they could barely see past each other's shoulders. They were in public, yet the same crowd also offered a sort of privacy with everyone dancing in their own world.
Jimin flushed red when he felt Jungkook so close to him. With the crowd pushing their bodies even closer to feel each other's warmth, Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. Then they moved together in sync.
Jungkook's hands found home in Jimin's waist, fingers fluttering over the thin material of the t-shirt he wore before settling on a spot. With the alcohol buzzing pleasantly in their blood, the music and the closeness set the mood.
Tension rose as the song changed. By now both have warmed up enough they were way past any lingering awkwardness. Jungkook's hand on his waist moved more confidently and his lips hovered close to Jimin's ear.
Their breaths mingled and their eyes locked. Jimin could feel the tension between them crack and snap. Jungkook's gaze darted between his eyes and lips.
"You're driving me crazy, hyung," he whispered, breath fanning over his ears after one particular move brought them even closer than they were before.
Jimin shivered involuntarily, body arching into him in response. His reaction sent a wave of shock over him but a brush of Jungkook's lips on his neck washed it away. His fingers curled around Jungkook's neck as his body continued to move on autopilot.
Fortunately, Jungkook pulled back when the song was over and he glanced away. "I think our friends are already here," he announced, guiding Jimin back to the bar.
Taehyung waved at them excitedly, winking at Jungkook before whisking him away. Namjoon and Seokjin pulled him aside.
"We heard about you and Jungkook," Namjoon said. "Congratulations. He's a good person."
"Thank you." Jimin blushed.
Before Seokjin could say something Yoongi approached them, clapping on Jimin's back and introducing Hoseok to him.
"This is Yoongi hyung and that's his friend Hoseok hyung," Jimin introduced him to Namjoon and Seokjin.
"Hey, I'm Namjoon."
"I'm Seokjin. You'd have seen my face before." He grinned. "Jimin said you're a music producer."
The conversation flew by so easily that Jimin had nothing much to do but just stand there with a smile as both groups of friends got to know each other.
Jungkook was back by then with a tray of drinks for everyone. A short round of introductions later, they all surrounded a high table, drinking together.
A few drinks in, Jungkook swept him back to the dance floor again. This time there was no holding back with alcohol courage aiding his movements. Jungkook was all over him, hands bolder than before as it snaked around his waist, trailed all over his back and dipping as dangerously as above the curve of his ass.
Jimin's breath hitched, having not expected his boldness. Heat crept onto his chin. Their noses brushed and Jungkook leaned closer, lips brushing over his. The gentle press of his lips soon turned into a heated kiss, their surroundings fading into the background.
The song changed into another one when they pulled apart. Jimin gazed into Jungkook's smoldering eyes as he tried to catch his breath. Jungkook looked too handsome today. Well, he was always breathtakingly handsome but Jimin just didn't allow himself to look at him longer than necessary because he made his heart beat crazy.
They may have been officially dating for only a day but Jimin knew their dynamics began to shift way before that. With every meal they shared and every time they spent together, he was lured closer and closer to Jungkook.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself," Jungkook whispered. "You're so gorgeous. I can't believe you said yes to me."
"You keep saying that." Jimin flushed red.
"It's the truth. I can't believe I got so lucky," Jungkook gushed. "Don't ask me how I kept my distance from you all this time. You weren't my boyfriend then."
"Yeah?" Jimin's heart raced. It galloped like a horse all over the place. The praises were going straight to his heart like an arrow piercing through the flesh, only it made him shiver in delight. Then it traveled to his brain, making his head dizzy.
"I've only heard the word enchanted and bewitched before. But I'm experiencing it for the first time," Jungkook confessed, expression sincere.
Jimin swallowed thickly. "You're too good to be true."
"Right back at you," Jungkook smiled. "Wanna get out of here?" he asked, voice soft yet hopeful. His brows were slightly creased, matching the tension that was crackling between them.
Jimin was no stranger to physical intimacy and he knew interest when he saw one. He was the same too. He wanted Jungkook and there was no doubt. For a moment, he did wonder if it was too early to give into this desire, but then he reasoned that he had waited enough for the right one to come.
"Okay." He nodded, breathing shallowly as his heart pounded in his chest. A slight tremble raked his frame.
Aside from the insane attraction he felt toward Jungkook, he also felt this was important for him to know if they were really compatible. Not that he doubted anything, but his past insecurities poked their head at an inconvenient time and it'd take a lot of time to let go of his inhibitions.
What if Jungkook didn't like it?
Is it too soon?
Perhaps if Jungkook proved him wrong, maybe things might change. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't pay attention to the crowd as they careened through the throng of people. He could only think and feel how Jungkook used every opportunity to press close to him and how their bodies brushed against each other.
Arousal sizzled in his belly and desire ignited under his veins. However, it was more of an anticipation and excitement with a fraction of doubt.
But this is for my sake. It has to happen at some point and I need to know if he really likes me. All of me.
Jungkook's fingers intertwined with his and he tugged him toward the bar, where they briefly looked for their friends. When they found none, they exited the club and hailed a taxi.
"I'll text them." Jungkook shot a quick text to Taehyung while Jimin did the same with Yoongi.
To Yoongi hyung:
I'm leaving with Jungkook
See you later
From Yoongi hyung:
Don't forget the condoms
Have fun
Jimin's cheek flared and he immediately pocketed the phone. The heat spread to his ears and it was too palpable despite the air conditioner and generally cool interior of the taxi. It didn't help that Jungkook moved closer, their thighs pressed together as the taxi slipped into the night traffic.
Jungkook kept glancing outside the window, his knee bouncing uncontrollably as if he was growing impatient. It was new to Jimin. No one has ever shown him that kind of interest so explicitly.
He gripped his thigh tighter or else he would want to kiss Jungkook and that would be indecent behavior in public. His grip was so hard that he felt like it'd leave a mark. But then Jungkook took his hand between his and began to play with his fingers.
Jimin couldn't help but smile fondly at the gesture. He could sense his impatience. Jungkook tugged at his fingers, tracing his short nails and chuckled to himself before comparing the length of their fingers.
"Your hand is so small, hyung," Jungkook commented. "Look." He pressed them flat together and showed him how his large hand swallowed Jimin's small one.
Jimin rolled his eyes playfully and pulled his hand away, but Jungkook snatched it back. Jimin let him play, allowing it to distract him. Fortunately, soon they were turning around the corner that took them to their street.
Jungkook paid the driver while Jimin stood there for a moment, wiping his clammy hands on his pants. There was no doubt in his self intentions. He wanted Jungkook. No, he needed him like he needed air to breathe.
The moments they spent in these past few months culminated into this. It was just the nervousness and awkwardness of doing something for the first time together. Things had just escalated after they had admitted having feelings for each other.
"Give me a moment," he told Jungkook as he remembered there were no condoms or lube at home.
"Okay." Jungkook frowned, gazing up and down with a puzzled expression.
"I just need to run to the store," Jimin offered.
"Oh." Some of the confusion cleared from his face. "I'll come with you."
"No!" Jimin's voice came louder than he intended. "I mean...I'll just take a moment."
Jungkook's frown deepened. "Okay?" He regarded Jimin for a long moment before he relented. "I'll see you at the apartment then."
Jimin nodded, relieved that he didn't have to go through that shame of shopping for condoms on their very first time together. If in case, nothing happened tonight, at least he won't look like a fool.
He hurried to the nearest convenience store, grabbing a box of condoms and lube, ignoring the curious look of the store owner, whom he knew too well. He had no time for this. His cheeks were burning so hot he doubted if he resembled a tomato.
Jimin just grabbed a few bottles of soju and some ramen too, just in case. Jungkook sometimes ate late nights and now it was becoming a habit to restock his pantry frequently. A fond smile tugged at his lips when he thought about how easily this came to him.
If one didn't include romance and intimacy, they already lived like a married couple. His cheeks stung some more. Fortunately, the elevator was deserted and he rode alone.
Now there was no question Jungkook would be waiting for him in the living room. So the soju was only a cover.
"Oh, you didn't take long." Jungkook stood up from the couch as soon as Jimin slipped inside the apartment.
Jimin tried his best to school his features. "Yeah." He lifted the drinks and ramen. Jungkook hurried to get them from him.
"We could have gone together for this," Jungkook mumbled, carrying them to the kitchen.
Instead of responding, Jimin rushed to his room, emptying the contents in his pockets into his bedside drawer and shrugged off his jacket. Then he went out to the bathroom as if he was in a hurry. He used the washroom and swiftly showered, hoping it didn't look so eager.
Though he cleaned himself earlier in the shower, he did it once again just to satisfy his self-consciousness. But then another thought struck him. He didn't know Jungkook's preference.
Ah fuck.
Jimin took a few deep breaths and decided some things were better figured out in its course of time. When he came out, Jungkook was hovering outside the door with a deep frown. "Hyung, are you alright?" he inquired with concern in his voice. "I didn't make you uncomfortable, right?"
"What?" Jimin shook his head. "No. I was just..." He pointed at the bathroom. "Had to pee." He laughed awkwardly. "You're free to use it now."
Jungkook regarded him for a long moment before nodding to himself. Then he went to change with the same frown. Jimin took a few moments to regulate his erratic breathing and calm down taking that opportunity. He was just glad Jungkook didn't ask more questions even if he could tell Jimin was hiding something.
He stayed in the living room, not wanting Jungkook to get a wrong idea. Jimin could barely stay put in his place and now it was his turn to bounce his knees restlessly.
Jungkook came out, looking like sin. He only wore his shorts, foregoing his t-shirt. Droplets of water were still dripping from the tip of his hair. Jimin's throat went dry and he forgot to blink.
The gamer's gaze locked with his and just like that the atmosphere around them crackled again. Just as Jimin wondered how to approach him, Jungkook came to him with a smile and his eyes darkened upon staring at Jimin's face longer. It was as if he was responding to the tension in the air.
When they kissed again, Jimin didn't hold back. It was like a switch being turned on. One second Jungkook was pulling him up to kiss him breathless and the next, Jimin was wrapping his legs around his tapered waist.
Jimin's heart raced like crazy and he leaned into Jungkook's touch as if he was almost helplessly drawn to his allure. Their lips molded together as if they were perfectly made for each other. Jungkook pushed him against the wall, kissing him and licking into his mouth.
When they pulled apart, Jungkook stared at him intently. "Is this okay?" he asked. "I'm's just..." His chest heaved.
"It's okay," Jimin rushed to say. "Kiss me. Kiss me more."
Jungkook obeyed without further hesitation. They kissed until their lips were red and swollen. Still it wasn't enough. Jimin could feel the rush of all kinds of emotions in his chest.
He didn't oppose when Jungkook carried him into his bedroom, slowly lowering. There was a moment of hesitation when Jungkook glanced at him.
"I-Is it too soon?" he inquired softly. "We can just cuddle and go to sleep. I don't wanna do anything you don't want to do."
"I want this," Jimin replied, surprised with his bold statement. "I mean...if you want it too."
Jungkook cursed under his breath and kissed him again. Their hands were all over their bodies, tugging, fisting and disrobing each other. Jimin flushed when their naked bodies brushed against each other.
The feeling was different altogether. But Jungkook gave him no time to overthink anything.
"Oh shit!" Jungkook suddenly lifted his head from the crook of his neck where he was sucking a hickey. "We don't have condoms or lube." He lifted himself off the bed. "Do you think the store would be closed by now? Oh God! How could I not think of this?" He jumped off the bed, grabbing his shorts and pushing one leg into it.
Jimin chuckled, pointing at his drawer. "I thought about it."
Jungkook paused, appearing surprised for a moment before a brilliant smile brightened his features. When he settled with the newly bought condoms and lube, both didn't address how new it was or that it was still unsealed.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, hyung," Jungkook whispered. They began to kiss once again and Jungkook stopped once more. "I didn't ask about your preference. How do you want it?" The gentleness in his voice made Jimin want to swoon.
"You," he whispered breathlessly. "You do it please. I cleaned earlier in the shower."
Jungkook smiled. "Okay. Relax then, hyung." He kissed his nose. "Let me know if anything makes you uncomfortable, okay?"
Jimin nodded several times. "Okay."
No more words were needed after that. Jungkook took his time exploring his body, mapping every inch of his skin, whispering praises as he kissed every part.
As things grew heated and they made love passionately all night, Jimin could only hear Jungkook whispering how beautiful he was and how good he felt throughout. How easy it was to want Jungkook.
When the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, the new lovers lay tangled in each other's embrace, body worn out after spending hours engaging in their passionate affair. Their breathing was now calm and steady as opposed to earlier.
Jimin blinked his eyes open to see Jungkook sleeping peacefully next to him. His face soft and content, lips slightly parted and forming a pout. His gentle snore drew a smile on Jimin's lips.
He couldn't resist running his fingers gently over Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook's eyes fluttered open and a lazy grin warmed his features. "Good morning, hyung," he murmured. "Is it late already?"
"Good morning." Jimin shook his head. "I woke up early as usual. You can sleep for another hour or so."
Jungkook rolled to his back with a soft groan. "It completely slipped my mind that it's Monday."
Jimin chuckled. "Did you sleep well?"
"One of the best naps if you asked me." Jungkook scooted toward him, pulling him closer. "I'm sorry for keeping you up until two a.m. but I don't regret the upcoming long hours a bit."
Jimin's smile widened. "Yeah?"
"Mhmm." Jungkook nuzzled into his neck, hugging him tight. "Did you like it last night, hyung?"
"Mhmm. What about you?" Jimin asked, his heart racing. But there was no anxiety this time because Jungkook's words and actions have assured him enough.
"I'd do this everyday for the rest of my life if I could," Jungkook announced. "And I think the best part is waking up beside you." He grinned. "I like it so much."
Jimin only closed his eyes, inhaling deeper and relishing the moment. He wanted it to last. But it was also getting late. He had to get ready and open his café.
However, Jungkook had other ideas. "Stay," he whispered, pulling him tight and throwing a leg over his hip.
Jimin could only sink further into his embrace, savoring the moment. When Jungkook pressed a soft kiss on top of his head, he knew this was not just a fleeting thing for them and it was going to be something more permanent.
As he lay there, wrapped in Jungkook's arms, he knew this was exactly where he wanted to be, feeling the exact things he was feeling right now.
I think I'm falling in love with you, Jungkook.
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