Chapter 3

Chapter 3

We get dressed and walk to class, I can't help but hold his hand. No one around to really see, since everyone is already in class. We get to the class door, where I just look at him and smile. We enter the room, Yagari looking at us.

"Glad you two could finally join us. Hurry and have a seat." Yagari says.

I take a seat next to Yori, as Zero goes in the back not really caring about class, he starts taking a nap. A Nap? How good that sounds about now. I am so tired. I can't think straight. Yagari is talking but I don't hear a word he is saying. I am still thinking about everything that has been taking place. This was supposed to be a dream right? Dreams don't normally last this long. Not that I am complaining, but something isn't right. I know, right now, I won't be able to hold off on sleep much longer. I just don't want to leave, not yet. Then I sit there and think If I am in Yuki's body. Where the hell is Yuki? In my world? With my family? I know right off. I don't have to worry about her doing anything with my husband. Took her long enough to do things with the men she supposedly loved. Oh thats right, she jumped Kaname a lot faster than poor Zero. Just not this time, no wonder he is sleeping, I did work him over. I smirk to myself.

But really, where is she? The people around me look real, not in a dream. I can touch them. What was really going on? I had no clue. I sit there and keep thinking about all kinds of things. Like how long could I avoid Kaname? I was sure he would come looking for his precious Yuki Sooner or later. What do I tell him? I don't want to be too mean, he really didn't do anything to me. I just don't like all he had done to Zero. What if Yuki and I change back? Then what? She won't feel like this towards Zero and it will hurt him. This may do much more damage to him. I really don't want that. I want to make him feel like he should. Special. I am so lost. I don't know what to do.

Before I know it class is over, Yori tugging on my uniform jacket.

"Yuki, are you ok? The class is over." Yori says.

 "I'm fine. Just a little tired. I see. Zero is still snoozing up there as well. He is so cute." I answer. Forgetting I am Yuki.

" Cute Huh? Is There Something I should know?" Yori asks. "

Do I lie? If I am around for a bit, I am sure she will notice me wanting to touch him. Kiss him? Do I tell the truth? Shit, this is more complicated then I wanted. If I do tell her, how I feel about him. It should make him feel good. That my feelings are real and I am telling people.

"Yes, I love Zero," I respond. 

"We all know that. You would do anything for anyone. " Yori replies. 

"Not like that, I mean I am in love with him. I just finally saw how much I really care for him." I answer.

"OH, I am so glad you finally saw it too," Yori responds. 

"You knew?" I ask.

 "Of course. I knew he cared for you for a long time. You did tell him right?" Yori asks. 

"Yes, He knows. I better go wake him, so we can go to lunch." I reply. Walking over to him.

"Zero, It's time to get up. Its lunch time." I say as I shake him lightly.

"Do I have to? I am so tired. I think you wore me out." Zero answers.

 "That might be true but you can't sleep here in class all day. Some food might give you some strength back."I giggle.

As I start to walk away, his hand pushes me up against him. "Yuki is this really You?" Zero asks looking into my eyes.

 I just pause, If I tell the truth he won't believe me. He may just hate me.

"Yea of course silly, "I comment touching his cheek.

 Zero pulls me in for a kiss, which I gladly accept. I see that he is very confused still. Not even his sarcastic butt head of a self. I see he is scared to let himself believe that Yuki really feels this way about him. It seems, he is just as scared as me that this may just all disappear.

I kiss him back, holding him close to me. Not caring who sees. I am not like Yuki, I want to scream from the rooftop, that I love him.

We both walk hand and hand to the lunch room sitting down next to Yori who just stares at us, not knowing what is going on. She is Yuki's best friend, I think she is realizing something is up even more so than Zero. Since she isn't in a love fog that Zero is in. We sit there eating, and talking. I give special attention to Zero. Talking about all kinds of things and trying to get to know him a little better. Which only goes so far as he still is blocked off. I do see him a bit happier then he was. When I go for his hand or to be close he does his best not to use his natural instincts to push me away. I just see that the instinct is still there. He is afraid of getting hurt.

Later that night, its time for our shifts watching the night class. I have no desire to see Kaname, So I tell Zero I am going to bed. He walks me to his room, where I take a seat on his bed. Just watching him getting ready for the night. I just watch and can't help myself, but let tears stream down my face, scared if I fall asleep. I will never see him again.

"Yuki what's wrong?" Zero asks, Seeing me cry. I grab his hand and let him sit next to me where I hug him tightly. Scouting myself on his lap. I wrap my arms and legs around him. Laying my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing is wrong. I just want you to know. The last day and a half have been wonderful. You have given me everything I wanted and more. I just don't want it to end." I say.

 "I won't leave you Yuki. You never have to fear that."Zero replies. 

"If I ever have to leave you its not by choice. If I could, I would spend my life with you." I state. 

"Then let's do so." Zero answers.

 I just nod, not knowing for how long this will last. 

"You better be on your way. I need to get some sleep. I am dying here." I say. It taking everything I have to let go of him. I look up into his face and take a deep look into his eyes. Wanting the picture to stay with me for always. I hold back tears as inside I am falling apart. He gets up, leaving the room heading out into the dorm. Not knowing anything that really is happening.

I sit on his bed, lost in emotions. Why do I care so much? This hold he has on me is something no other has ever had on me. I don't even want to go back to my real life. I want to stay here and take care of him. Watch over him. I sit there and think, once Yuki is back in her body, things will go back to normal. Zero being pushed over for Kaname once again. Feeling everything we shared wasn't true or real. Feeling Yuki used him or played with him. Which wasn't true at all. I gather a pen and some paper and write him a note explaining it all. Telling him that, I love him dearly, I am just not his beloved Yuki, but everything that we shared was real. I slide it into an envelope and place it in his desk. So at least now, he will have some explanation.

I then take a shower, almost falling asleep in there. I place one of Zero's pullovers on. Smelling his scent making me calm inside. I Get into his bed under his covers feeling him everywhere. It takes no time for me to fall asleep.

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