

I strolled down the streets of my town, waving at my neighbors as I was going to meet my friends. I sighed, really just wanting to explore the forest today but Kayano and the others just had to summon a meeting today. I walked into an alleyway seeing the others already there waiting for me, sitting on dumpsters and/or eachother in some cases. I leaned on the wall. "Alright, what is so important that you just had to call me here?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. "You're such a party pooper (Y/N) c'mon, this'll be fun!" Kayano said cheerfully. I raised an eyebrow, me and Kayano having vastly different definitions of the word 'fun'. Terasaka scoffed, pushing Kirara off of him. "Pfft. Please. More like we just need a vampire hunter in training to accompany us." He growled. Kayano pouted. "That's not nice Terasaka." She grumbled. "Well it's true." Rio said, rolling her eyes. Me and Oakada shared a look. The purple haired female gave the others a nervous expression. "I still don't think this a good idea guys." She said, voice trembling slightly. "Oh c'mon, we have the all mighty 'vampire hunter in training' with us." Terasaka said. I sighed. "You guys want to go out during the Scarlet Night don't you?" I questioned. They all gave me looks before nodding. "Not happening." I stated simply. "C'mon (Y/N) don't be a kill joy!" Rio said, throwing her arm over my shoulders. "No. Too risky." I growled, being the only logical and mature one in this group. "C'mon (Y/N) it'll be fun." Kirara said, nudging me slightly. "And risk getting my blood drained by some d*mn vampire? Hell to the no." I hissed. Terasaka scoffed. "Oh please. All that bulls*it about vampires isn't real." He growled. "Really? Explain the dead bodies with no blood then Terasaka." I snapped back. "This is foolish and idiotic, and I will take no part in it." I growled. "It's either this or we go to a party to find you a boyfriend." Rio said. "You can't make me go anywhere." I said. "Oh please (Y/N). You're 16, you've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and you never socialize. I think everyone will gladly help me force you to a party. So choose. Either you can make sure to keep our a*ses safe tonight while we walk around in the woods, or we can all drag you to the Blood Moon Party tonight. Which would you honestly rather go to? Cause' I'm fine either way." Rio reasoned. I growled low to myself, eyes darting around the small group. Could I really protect all of them during the Scarlet Night of all things? Why are my friends such morons? I thought. I sighed. "Fine. I'll guard you guys during the Scarlet Night and we can walk around. Only for ten minutes, tops. No more." I growled. "Deal!" Everyone except Oakada shouted. I sighed again. "If any of us die or get captured this is on you." I mumbled, leaving to go home a grab my hunter supplies.

Once I reached home I was greeted by Koro-sensei, my teacher and expert level Vampire Hunter. Karasuma and Irina were in the kitchen, also Vampire Hunters. I wasn't anyone's child. I didn't have a family. Koro-sensei just took me in since he's always wanted a daughter. I shook my head, conversing with the adults for a minute before going back up to my room. I got my pure silver gun and some bullets infused with holy magic. Used specifically to kill and/or severely wound vampires. I slipped the small weapon inside my pocket after loading it and waited for the blood moon to rise. I snuck out through the window and met my friends at the edge of the forest. "Alright idiots, lets get a move on so we can get this over with. Remember, ten minutes tops." I growled, getting out my gun. I cocked it and everyone gave me shocked looks with how serious I was. "If anyone spots something, hears something, or even smells anything that sends off red flags make a beeline for the town and look for Koro-sensei or one of the others. They should all be out on patrol tonight." I growled. "Ground rules: One, never leave my line of sight unless I pull my gun on someone, in which case you run. Two, I'm not to be questioned in any way, shape, or form. Three, if you see someone walking around in the woods besides us, let me know immediately, do not engage." I hissed. "What does engage mean?" Kayano questioned, raising her hand. "It means, don't go near them, don't call them over, don't attack, don't do anything, except let me know. If someone confronts us let me do the talking. You have no idea who could be a vampire and who's just an idiot walking around during the most dangerous time of year." I growled. "Alright. Let's get this over with." I said, leading the group into the forest. The blood moon cast an eerie red glow over the forest. I could feel the others quietly mumbled how cool this was. Meanwhile me over here being the only smart one had my ears and eyes open for any kind of sounds or sights that may be suspicious. After a few minutes I started to relax a little. I quickly checked my pocket watch. Only about five minutes left with no sightings. C'mon (Y/N) you can do this. I thought. "Well hello there. What are you...five doing out here?" A male voice questioned. We all froze and I mentally cursed myself for jinxing it. 

We turned and saw a red haired boy, about our age leaning on a tree. He was wearing a red long sleeved v-neck with gold trim and black sweat pants. He looked pale but then again with the blood moon's light it was hard to tell. Kayano opened her mouth about to speak before I shot her a vicious glare. I held out my arm, backing the others up slightly. "We could ask you the same thing. Not everyone has the guts to be walking around during the Scarlet Night. With the exception of Vampire Hunters and Hunters in Training." I growled, hiding my gun behind my back. The red headed male snickered a little. "Point taken. Or if you're a vampire. You forgot that part." He pointed out. I glared at him in suspicion when I felt someone pull at my shirt. I looked behind me to see Kayano with a terrified expression on her face. "Oakada is missing." She whined quietly. My eyes widened and I muttered a quiet 's*it'. "Hm? One of you is missing?" The male questioned, still leaning on his tree. I growled low pulling my gun out and pointing it at him. "Vampire." I hissed. The others immediately started running back the way we came. The male laughed a little. "Whoa! Not many people realize that until they see the fangs so as long as I keep my distance no one really notices." He said. I growling moving my finger towards the trigger. "Tsk, tsk, now. Normal guns have no effect on us remember?" He questioned, rolling his eyes. I smirked a little. "No one except Hunters and Hunters in Training. Do you really think a group of kids would have the guts to be out here unless one of them knew what to do?" I questioned. His eyes widened slightly. "Oh s*it." He muttered. I fired off a bullet and he dodged using his speed. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and I finally noticed his eyes were a bright gold color. "Well then, seeing as how I don't want to get shot, I think I'm going to try some easier prey. They said her name was Oakada right?" He questioned. My eyes widened as my smirk vanished. "B*STERED!" I shouted. He laughed and ran off in the direction we came. I sprinted after him, fast but not nearly as fast as he was. I reloaded my gun as I ran, eyes wide in panic. I cursed myself for not trying harder to try and stop them from coming. I finally noticed my hands were shaking, making it harder to reload. "D*mnit." I cursed. I finally got the bullet in the camber and cocked the gun. I let out a shaky sigh when I heard a familiar scream. "OAKADA!" I shouted, heading in the direction of the scream. 

By the time I arrived I saw that d*mn vampire already grabbing her by the wrists. I pointed my gun at him. "LET GO OF HER D*MNIT!" I shouted. "(Y/N)!" Oakada shouted in relief, tears streaming down her face. The Vamp hummed to himself, shooting me a smirk. "Well then young Hunter in Training. You got here faster than I thought you would." He said. I growled low, training my gun right at his head despite my hands still shaking. He tilted his head to the side a little. "Hm? You wouldn't actually shoot at me when I have your friend would you?" He questioned. Oakada forced a dry laugh. "Think again a*shole. If (Y/N) doesn't hesitate in firing off the gun at Terasaka I don't think she'll hesitate with you." She said, shooting him a look over her shoulder. I pulled the trigger and managed to cut his cheek. D*mn shaking. He hissed in pain, cupping his cheek and releasing Oakada. "RUN!" I screamed at her. She stumbled to her feet quickly and ran off with tears in her eyes. The red headed vampire glared at me, pulling his hand away from his cheek. He clicked his tongue again, examining the blood on his hand. "Been a while since I've seen my own blood." He mumbled to himself. I quickly reloaded only to have him in front of my at an instant. He had a knife in his hand, but delivered a swift punch to my stomache faster than I could dodge. I was sent spiraling into a nearby tree and I think I heard something crack. I laid on the ground in pain, edges of my vision blurring. I opened and closed my hands, not feeling the cold silver of my gun. "D-d*mnit." I cursed before coughing. The red head barked a laugh. "I like it when you humans think you can stand up to me of all vampires. Especially one as young as yourself." He paused for a minutes as I felt something trickle from my mouth. Blood. I thought, touching my hand to the small trickle. I laughed dryly before shakily pulling myself to my feet. I started coughing again, more blood flying out of my mouth and into my hand. I pulled my hand away looking at the black substance. "Heh." I snickered, seeing the vampire's shocked expression. "What? Not used to seeing a human with black blood? It's a special defect in my family. At least from what I've been told." I said. I hissed in pain, legs shaky. "D*mn that hurts." I growled. "How the f*ck are you still standing right now?" The Vamp questioned. I laughed weakly again, edges of my vision still blurry as I waited for my head to stop spinning. "You want to know why? Alright then a*shole. I'll tell you." I growled. I slid into a guard despite my injuries and the protest of my aching bones. "Cause I'm a f*cking (L/N) d*mnit. I may not remember much about my family. But I'm proud none the less." I hissed. "Come at me f*cker. I have nothing to lose." I taunted with a smirk. He bared his fangs and took a step forward, readying his knife only for my legs to give out under me. I fell to the ground with a thud, causing him to stop in his tracks. I growled low and tried to pull myself to my feet. "No, no, no." I hissed, falling again and coughing up more blood. After many failed attempts my vision grew increasingly blurry. I laid there in pain and chuckled quietly. Not exactly how I expected to die, but I was fighting a vampire so, huh. Guess that counts. I thought. I heard footsteps and saw the blurry image of the vampire approaching me. "Take...another...step. I f-f*ckin' dare ya'." I spat angrily. Finding it hard to speak. My breath came in short pants as the vampire walked closer. I hissed a little as he keeled next to me. He placed one of his hands over my ribs and his hand started glowing. I hissed again, trying to ward him off but he still sat there. "Hm. Broken ribs, possibly punctured a lunge too. Not looking awfully well for you....(Y/N) was it?" He questioned. I growled a little to myself as he chuckled. "Never seen a human so feisty, nor gutsy might I add. Alright. How about a deal then?" He questioned. I gave him a look despite barley being able to see him. I tilted my head a little, signaling that I was listening. "So you have two options. Lay here and eventually die because face it, humans don't have the things needed to heal this kind of injury, or, I heal you up back at my castle. Because we vampires can do that. On one condition. You can't attempt to try and run away nor fight back once you're healed. Simple as that." He said. I hissed a little to myself. "Don't worry. I never go back on my word." He added. "One more....condition." I choked out. He tilted his head to the side. "Oh? And that would be?" He questioned. "You can't......go after my friends." I hissed out before coughing violently. "Save your breath. And deal." He said, extending a hand to me. I saw blood red flames wrap around his hand and hesitated before shaking his hand weakly. After that my vision faded into complete black. 

~Karma's POV~

I chuckled a little as she passed out. "D*mn. Never met a human like this one. Loyal to a fault and sass to boot." I said quietly. I pulled my hand back letting the fire fade away when I heard foot steps pounding closer. I sighed, scooping up the (H/C) haired female bridle style when Karasuma and Koro-sensei came into view. They pointed their guns at me with furious expressions. "Karma." The both growled in unison. I smirked at them. "Well hello to you too. How long has it been? Twenty, thirty years?" I questioned. "Twenty five and a half a*shole." Karasuma hissed. "Let go of (Y/N)!" Koro-sensei shouted. "Tsk, tsk, I don't think you want that. You see she's badly injured right now. And without some magical assistance, I don't think she'll make it. I don't think you two want that to your precious student now do you?" I questioned. Their shocked expression were priceless. I snickered a little. "She's a brave one, I'll give her that. Let me guess, she's pulled the trigger on a vampire before hasn't she? I could tell. Then again she did miss her target. Managed to hit my cheek though. So points to her for actually hitting me. It's been a while since I've seen my own blood." I stated with my ever cocky smirk. "A*shole! He's lying! He only wants her blood!" Koro-sensei growled, aiming his gun directly at my head. Just then (Y/N) started coughing again, more of that weird black blood trickling down from her mouth. I readjusted my hold so she would be more comfortable. "Oof. Wrong. Broken ribs and possibly a punctured lunge. She needs treatment and you humans don't have the tools necessary for treating this kind of injury. I'll be taking her now. Ta-ta." I said. I snapped my fingers and teleported back to the entrance of my castle. I slammed the doors open causing eyes to fly to me immediately. A maid ran up and took (Y/N) for me. "Get her to the infirmary asap. And get the best healers we've got on her stat!" I barked. She nodded. "Right away sire." She said before scurrying away with the human female in her arms. I sighed a little in annoyance. "D*mn. Didn't even get to feed. And tonight's the f*cking Scarlet Night." I grumbled. I then smirked slightly. "Then again, I did bring back something much more interesting." I said. I shook my head a little. "A human with black blood. How unusual." I said. One of the castle servants approached me. "My lord." He said, bowing to me. "Sir Asano is requesting a visit." He said. I nodded. "Tell him I'll be right up." I said. The servant bowed again. "Yes Sire." He said before leaving. "Well, well, well. So the King returns. How was your hunt?" I turned and smirked at the silver haired vampire. "Itona. My hunt was pleasant. Unfortunately I didn't get to feed. But I did catch something." I said. Itona raised an eyebrow. "And that would be?" He questioned. "First, I need you to do me a favor." I said. "Go to the library and bring me anything you can find on the last name (L/N)." I commanded. Itona nodded before bowing to me. "Right away your highness." He said before darting off in the direction of the library. I smirked a little to myself before strolling up to my throne. Oh, it feels great to be king. I thought to myself.                                                      

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