Chapter 5

They all stared at me. I could feel the hair on my neck stand on end. Why did this have to happen to me on my first day?

"Um, m-my names Clover." I stutter, trying to grasp the door handle. I was about to leave the room to freedom, until one of them notices and slams the thing shut.

I've just lost my only way of escape.

"Well, this our room. And no one is aloud in our room." The brunette smirks. A blonde girl grabs my hand and pulls me towards a cupboard. Her grip on my wrist reddens my pale skin.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." I try and run but no use. One of them punches my stomach, making me weaker then I was before. I hunch over, unable to fight back.

They shove me into the wooden closet, my back smashing against a poll. Oooo Everything hurts.

"By the way, I'm Tiffany. That's Rebecca and Mia. Don't get in our way!" Tiffany closes the door and giggles. They then start  kicking the sides of it, shaking me everywhere. I feel my tummy flip.

"Bye loser." They yell out, leaving the room that was 'apparently' theirs.

Darkness surrounds me as I struggle to get out. I reach for a handle, hands smashing into every broom in my way, knocking it to the ground. Eventually I find the metal thing I was looking for.

Locked. Great, just great.
"Help! I'm stuck in here!" I yell out, using my vampire powers to make my voice louder, but no use. Not a single sound came from outside.

Sighing in defeat, I crumble to the ground. A sharp object touches my soft skin, ripping the tissue. I yell out in pain as the blood trickles down my arm.

I try and touch the wound but it causes more pain. I feel my eyes prick up with tears, thinking about about how terrible this day has already went.

I've only been here for 4 hours and I'm already the class loser. I might as well not go to school at all.

"Is anyone is here?" A boy yells from outside. My eyes light up as I realise I can get out of  this gloomy darkness.

"Yes! Get me out of here! Please!" I shout back. I hear him unlock the door of the closet. Light blinds me as the doors open to the outside world.

I get a glimpse of the boy who rescued me for the first time.

The boy is my age, with brown sparkling eyes, glistening in the sunlight from the window. He has brown wavy hair, like a colour of chocolate and creamy skin that looks softer then an blanket.

"Hey. Who put you in here? I could go teach them a lesson if you want?" He reaches his hand out to me, only then noticing the bruises and scratches on my arms and legs.

"This girl, but I forgot her name." Truth is I did remember her name. It was Tiffany. Except I'll just get into more trouble if I told the nice boy. And I don't want to get beaten up more then I already am.

The boy doesn't look convinced.
"What's your power?" He asks me, dragging out of the wardrobe. This question hasn't been in my mind yet.

How could I go to a power school without any powers? Think Clover, think!
"I can test people's DNA?" I say, unsure of my own answer.

"Hm, never heard of that power before? Are you a Quinta?" He asks me, though I'm now bored of the questions.

"I don't know." I notice a pen on the floor and bend down to reach for it, only forgetting that I got a beating from the girls. Pain hits everywhere and I fall.

"I'll take you to the medical office. I've heard the nurse is really nice." He lifts my weak body from the floor and hold me up. I find my feet and start to slowly walk towards the door.

"It's fine, really! I'm not in that much pain." I lie, limping out the class. The boy is not convinced.
"Nope! I'm not leaving your side until I drop you off at your dorm." He grabs my arm and pulls me down a long corridor.

"What's your name?" I ask, praying at the same time that I won't run into my brother while I'm with him. Dominic would probably through a fit that I've already gotten beaten up, only to then realise that I'm holding a boys hand.

"Oscar. Power: Transportation." Oscar says and pulls my helpless body into a room. There is a counter to the side and a mini seating area to the other. Another door is on the left going to God knows where.

"It looks a bit busy. Maybe we should come back another time?" I say but Oscar is having non of it, walking up to the counter carelessly. At least he cares.

"Excuse me, can we have the nurse please?" He asks pointing to my shoulder. The woman at the counter nods her head viciously and picks up the phone.

"See, wasn't so hard? Come with me." Oscar pulls me into the door on the left. In it is a bed with a sink to the side of it. Medical room this must be.

"Ok! What's the problem here?" I hear a familiar voice walk into the room. I turn around the find my own mum wearing a nurses outfit. I almost die in embarrassment. And mums face doesn't look to happy either.

"Clover! What happened? I leave you with Dominic for a few hours and he already loses you!" She screams at me. My pulse quickens.

"Please don't tell Dominic about this! He'll never let me out of his sight again!" I shout. In the corner Oscar seems shocked at what's happening. The last thing I wanted was someone knowing my mum worked here!

"I think he already knows. One of his friends saw you and came to me. And he's probably telling Dominic right now." I hear a door slam.

"Clover! What did you do?! I leave you for a second and you get yourself beaten up!" Dominic yells, making both me and Oscar jump out of our skins. I'm sure that Australia could hear him!

"I'm sorry! It's not my fault I'm not ordinary!" I scream back. Silent fills the room as I realise what I just said. Oscar.

"There, all fixed. You can go now Clover." I gesture to Oscar, letting him leave the clustered room first. Dominic worriedly looks at me.

"Clover, I'm going to make sure who ever done this to you, will pay." He looks at me straight in the eye.

Nodding, I leave the room. What's could happen next?

Hey! So I know, I keep forgetting to post but, the holidays are coming so I'm going to try, and I say try, to create 2 chapters in a week. But only for the Easter holidays!

So you guys have met Oscar! What do you think of him? And will he suspect anything?

See you next week!

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