Chapter 2-'The vampires tale'
November 1st, 7:30 AM
Awaking to bright light shining in your room, your heard talking downstairs, a group actually and with that you groaned sitting up, 'do they have to be so loud..' you thought. Stretching, you yawned loudly your fangs showing.
You were born with sharp fangs, and white fade to red eyes, you were a one of kind to uraka, she loves you with all her heart and thinks of you as her own daughter.
You sighed moving the blankets of you and getting up, a cackle heard from downstairs, you could only imagine either it was 'katsuki' or someone else you didn't know. Getting into a black tanktop, white jeans and black converses you smiled at your outfit loving it.
Though it was different from what others wear you didn't care one bit, fixing your bed you grabbed your phone, 3 new messages from the unknown number.
Unknown: why should i tell you kitten?
Sent at 1:00 AM, read at 7:41 AM
Unknown: ignoring me?
Sent at 1:45 AM, read at 7:41 AM
Unknown: fine then, play hard to get just know a cat doesn't play with its food, meaning im the cat your the food darling
Sent at 2:30 AM, read at 7:42 AM
Staring at the messages, you started to get creeped out. Their the cat your the food? Is that some sort of riddle?..
You: the hell is that supposed to mean creep?
Sent at 7:45 AM, read at 7:45 AM
Unknown: creep? Oh no darling im not a creep just merely making sure my prey doesn't get away. This isn't the game of cat and mouse unless you want it to be
Sent at 7:48 AM, read at 7:48 AM
You: look i dont know who you are or why you have my number but leave me alone, i dont need your little problems to add to the list here and by the way, im not playin cat and mouse here, im just simply trying to get away from a creep who's probably a stalker.
Sent at 7:50 AM
Strange they didn't see your text, you shighed turning your phone off going downstairs only to stop not only was there the one wherewolf from last night but the succubus to and a summoner.
Your eyes darted between all of them, noticing their gazes staring into your soul, at least thats what it felt like was happening. "Morning dear" uraka broke the silence, "morning.." you mumbled plopping on the sofa.
You heard a growl, "don't growl at me, theres nothing to growl at." You stated sitting up to look at them. "How did you survive last night!?" The succubus questioned, "its simple, uraka taught me certain things growing up, now that im 19 years old im always aware of my surroundings." You answered with a chuckle at the end.
You began to wonder if that number was from someone that was in the woods, but still how could they have gotten your number??. "Hey y/n you wanna hear the vampires tale?" The succubus spoke up. "Sure why not." You answered back.
Sitting crisscross on the ground The succubus took a seat infront of you with five pawns. "There once was a boy, he was a happy little boy, his family was strange. They kept things from him." He started, "why you may ask? Was his mom was a vampire and his dad was a wherewolf, his siblings were a mix of vampire and wherewolf. Its the forebidden love, he was the only normal child." You sorta felt bad for the little boy, how hard of a life did he have?..
"Now the boys full name was shouta aizawa, but his parents and siblings called him by his first mame, shouta. One day he got too curious and found his mother dead." He knocked a pawn down, indicating it was his mom. "His father found out about what had happened and blamed it on him, thats when his siblings started to hate him, everyone turning their backs on him. He begged and begged for someone to believe him but no one did." He moved a pawn from all the others, indicating that everyone wasn't near him anymore.
A saddened look on your face, "he grew up being bullied by his siblings by the age. of 15 he had became depressed, but he had gotten bitten by a vampire, so he kept that a secret not only did he not know he was a strong vampire in his blood, the addition of vampire nlood made him even stronger." He made a small red flame around the one pawn. "He wnated revenge so one night, he snuck out of his room/coffin. Finding his siblings room first he killed them off" he knocked down two pawns leaving the one that you could only think was his father.
"Covered in blood he found his fathers room, his pupils dialated before he pounced, killing his father in cold blood. Now remember he was only 15, he had nobody else but his dearest friends toshinori and mic. Toshinori was a human, and mic was a summoner." This tale was far more interesting then the ones uraka has told you.
"The castle far out in the woods is where his family onced lived, that being his home anyone who dare enters is either killed or turned into a vampire. And thats the tale of shouta aizawa." You nodded. "Interesting also can i ask your name?" He nodded. "Its kirishima but some people call me kiri, or as baku calls me shitty hair" you smiled. "Its nice to meet you Kirishima, im y/n or as my friends call me soully." He nodded helping you up.
"I'm mina ashido" The summoner spoke up, you nodded, "katsuki bakugou.." The wherewolf grumbled. "Its nice to meet all of you." A smiled going across your face uraka got an idea.
She clicked her tongue, "how about we all go down into the woods and show y/n around?" She raised an eyebrow. Everyone nodded, you weren't to sure about it givin last night.
But you'll do it since your new friends know the woods way better then you do. You all left heading off to the woods.
To be continued..
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