9: LGTB (parte 1)/ LGTB (1st part)
Bueno, vamos a hablar de otro tema muy importante que está en la sociedad desde siempre pero ha estado muy escondido hasta ahora que es la plataforma LGTB. Por si no lo saben son las iniciales de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales.
Bueno este tema es muy importante para mi hablarlo porque yo misma formo parte de esta plataforma, también conozco gente homófoba que tienen odio intenso hacia estas personas.
Mi pregunta es: ¿Por que vemos normal que una persona se enamore de otra persona del otro genero? Porque es lo que pasa normalmente. Si estas dos personas que son de géneros distintos se enamoran, ¿por que no se pueden enamorar dos personas del mismo genero?
Vamos a ver, por favor a todos los homófobos les quiero decir una cosa: EL SIGLO XV PASÓ HACE TIEMPO!! ESTAMOS EN EL SIGLO XXI, POR FAVOR, CAMBIEN YA LA IDEOLOGIA, QUE NO ESTAMOS EN LA ÉPOCA MEDIEVAL!!!
Que por cierto, aprovecho para decir que no os penséis que en en la edad media y en épocas anteriores eran todos heteros, eh? Había de todo, otra cosa es que se dijera.
Osea la plataforma LGTB ha existido siempre pero estaba escondida, nadie salia del armario, no salían del closet, amigos!!
(Esto solo quiero que lo hagan las personas que se identifican como heterosexuales):
Ahora quiero que cerréis los ojos y os imaginéis que entráis en un lugar con vuestra pareja del otro sexo y en ese lugar tan sólo hay personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales. Nadie hetero, solamente vosotros 2. Imaginaos que, además de ser los unicos, esas personas de la plataforma LGBT os rechazan, os marginan, os insultan, se burlan de vosotros, os miran como si fuerais bichos raros...como os sentiríais? Reflexionar un poco... No os gustaría verdad? Pues así nos sentimos la mayoria de gays, lesbianas, bisex y transex.
Me gusta mucho esa canción de Mecano, que se llama: "Mujer contra mujer", habla de las lesbianas y es preciosa escuchenla de verdad.
Y otro tema que quiero sacar sobre este grupo de gente: realmente no entiendo como pueden haber personas que odian el día 28 de junio. Para quien no lo sepa este día es el dia del orgullo gay. Vamos a ver: conozco personas que dicen: "Pues yo no entiendo por que los gays tienen que salir un día a reivindicar que son gays/lesbianas/bisexuales/transexuales si nosotros los heteros no salimos a la calle a reivindicar nuestra orientación sexual". Sabéis lo que contesto yo a este tipo de comentarios? Pues siempre digo: "eso es porque los gays siempre han estado escondidos y rechazados desde siempre y estaba mal visto ser homosexual. Si tu que eres hetero y hubiera sido al revés, es decir, que los heteros desde siempre hubieran estado ocultos y hubieran conseguido ser aceptados hace bien poco, no te gustaría que hubiera un día dedicado a los heteros? Y ese día, verdad que saldrias a reivindicarlo?" Pues ya está.
A mi el orgullo gay me enorgullece mucho que exista porque, coño, por fin un día para las personas así!! Yo creo que este día tendría que haber existido desde la prehistoria! No entiendo por que hay personas que odian el orgullo gay, a ver, pedazo de homófobos, ¿acaso os están obligando a formar parte de esta plataforma? Pues dejarlos en paz.
Si que puede ser que cuando un ser querido te dice que es homosexual te puede impactar un poco, sorprender, pero no porque no lo aceptes, como harían las personas homófobas, sino porque tal vez no ves a esa persona como homosexual o tal vez porque quieres tanto a esa persona que te da miedo lo que puedan decir de ella a partir de ahora...pero no la rechazas por ser homosexual, es mas, la seguirás queriendo, seguirá siendo la misma persona y tu también...el problema es cuando no la aceptas, ahí ya pasas a ser homófobo.
Le doy las gracias aMariiaalgbt por inspirarme a hacer este blog!!!
Well, let's talk about another very important issue that is was always in society but has been very hidden so far, that is the LGBT platform. In case you do not know it, it's the initials of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals.
Well this topic is very important to me to talk about it because I know people who are part of this platform, I also know homophobic people who have intense hatred towards these people.
My question is: Why do we see it normal for one person to fall in love with another person of the other gender? Because it's what happens normally. If these two people who are of different genres fall in love, why can not you fall in love with two people of the same gender?
Let's see, please, all the homophobes that I want to tell you one thing: WE'RE NOT IN THE 15TH CENTURY! WE ARE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, PLEASE, CHANGE YOUR IDEOLOGY, WE ARE NOT IN MEDIEVAL AGE!
By the way, I take the advantage to say: Don't think that in medieval age and in previous times they were all heterosexual, huh? There were all kinds of sexual orientations, but they didn't said it.
I mean, the LGBT platform has always existed but it was hidden, nobody came out of the closet, they did not come out of the closet, my friends!
(This I only want the persons who are heterosexual, like me, to do it):
Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine that you enter a place with your couple of the other gender and in that place there are only homosexual, bisexual and transsexual people. Nobody heterosexual, only you and your couple. Imagine that, besides being the only ones, those people of the LGBT platform reject you, marginalize you, insult you, make fun of you, look at you as if you were weirdos ... how would you feel? Reflect a little ... You would not like it, right? Well that's how most gays, lesbians, bisexes and transex feel and I give them all the respect in the world.
I like si much this song of Mecano calles: "Mujer contra mujer", it's about lesbian girls and it's precious. Listen to the song please:
Now you have the translation:
"Nothing special
two women shaking hands
the nuance comes later
when they do it under the tablecloth.
Then alone with nothing to lose
behind the hands goes the rest of the skin
a love to hide
and although in hides there is nowhere to hide it
they disguise it as friendship
when he goes for a walk in the city.
One thinks that this is not right
the other thinks that what will be done
and what others think doesn't mind.
Who stops pigeons on the fly
flying at ground level
woman against woman.
I am not for the work
to throw the first stone
if I miss the occasion
And I find them lip to lip in the living room
I wouldn't even dare to cough
If I don't like it, I know what to do
that they make their wall with my stones.
Who stops pigeons on the fly
flying at ground level woman against woman.
One thinks that this is not right
the other thinks that what will be done
and what others think is doesn't mind.
Who stops pigeons on the fly
flying at ground level woman against woman."
These are the lyrics.
And another issue that I want to raise about this group of people: I really do not understand how there can be people who hate on June 28. For those who do not know this day is gay pride day. Let's see: I know people who say: "Well I don't understand why gays have to go out one day to claim that they are gay / lesbian / bisexual / transsexual if we heterosexuals don't go out to the streets to claim our sexual orientation". Do you know what I answer to this type of comments? Well, I always say: "that's because gays have always been hidden and rejected forever and it was frowned upon to be homosexual. If you are heterosexual and have been the opposite, that is, that the heterosexuals have always been hidden and have gotten to be accepted very recently, would not you like there to be a day dedicated to the heteros? And that day, you would go out and claim it? " Well, that's it.
To me day of gay pride I am very proud that it exists because, fuck, finally a day for people like that!! I believe that this day should have existed since prehistory! I do not understand why there are people who hate gay pride, let's see, piece of homophobes, are they forcing you to be part of this platform? Well, so leave them in peace.
If it could be that when a loved one tells you that he is a homosexual, it can shock you a little, surprise, but not because you do not accept him, as homophobic people would do, but because maybe you do not see that person as a homosexual or maybe because you love that person so much that you fear what they can say about her from now on ... but you do not reject her for being homosexual, in fact, you will continue to love her, she will remain the same person and you too ... the problem is when you do not accept it, there you become a homophobe.
I thank Mariiaalgbt to inspire me to write this blog!!!
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