Chapter 7: You can trust me
At the shores of the beach we see Y/n walking along the shore while she stare at the ocean as she scan around in hopes to find anything that might catch her eyes. After a while of walking she stood and stare at the ocean for a bit as she stare at the peaceful ocean for a bit and then picked up a flat rock from the ground.
She look at the rock and the ocean and then chuck the rock through the ocean as the rock skips along the ocean until it hits the dorm shield and sink into the bottom of the ocean.
Y/n: Hm seems that object such as rocks or anythings can't go through the shield. Whoever made this technology must be clever.
She then picked up another rock and was about to chuck it when suddenly she heard something behind her which she turns around and stare at whatever is in the forest.
He stare at it for a bit until the large robot came out of the bushes and land in front of her which she step back and was ready to fight it when Akira step out behind the robot which Y/n breaths in a sigh and tells him.
Y/n: Here I thought your robot friend was about to fight me there.
Akira: My apologies for the scare Y/n. Say have you seen both Aoi and Momoko?
Y/n: Nope. Why? Do they usually go to this area to relax?
Akira: Correct.
Y/n: Well I have been walking through the beach and didn't see anyone until you and your robot friend came.
Akira: It's Shuri.
Y/n: Huh.....looks cool. Still why are you looking for them?
Akira: You see I've sent then to scout deeper into the woods and in hopes to find something important. They were gone for 3 days so I've sent some searching party to look for them but they too never return. I came to this beach to see they are here but it seems they are not.
Y/n: Say isn't it not Charlotte's job or Kasumi?
Akira: That's correct but Charlotte is busy with some things while Kasumi is having a day off. I worry about them and who knows if they might be endanger. Maybe you can help me?
Y/n: You want me to search one of your troops? I mean I don't mind it just that they never seem to trust me due to the breaking and entering of their castle.
Akira: That is true but you are experienced with travelling and navigation through the forest right?
Y/n: Yep, that's right.
Akira: Then I'll trust that you will come back with the lost girls with you. Maybe we can find out what happened to them and hopefully they will be alright.
Y/n: Well I'll gather my gear and see if Mirei and Mamori will come.
Akira: I'm very much appreciate with it Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No sweat it Akira. You know I'm starting to like you, your like the opposite to Charlotte.
Akira: (giggle) That's very kind of you. Good luck.
Once that Y/n heads back while Akira watches her leave as he smiles to himself while he thinks to herself.
Akira: (thought) She really is a cute person I have ever met.
Mamori: Absolutely not! No way!
We see Y/n, Mirei and Mamori at the front of their home as Y/n tells them about what happened and ask if she would come with her to the woods only for Mamori to refuse.
Y/n: What's wrong with you?
Mirei: She doesn't like the woods because she used to live in the city.
Y/n: Oh right I forgot about that.
Mamori: I'm sorry but I can't. The forest is just so scary and who knows what's in the forest.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright, you don't have to go. In fact I'm alright going on my own.
Mirei: Actually I wish to come with you.
Y/n: You sure?
She nodes while Y/n accepted her and soon she gather her gear and equipment for the journey and once that Y/n tells Mamori.
Y/n: (smile) Tell Torino we be back before dinner.
Mamori: Okay. Good luck and be safe.
Y/n: (smile) We will!
And so they head off together as they head north from their location as they walk through the forest as they search for Aoi, Momoko and the search party as they kept on walking through the forest.
They were slinet as they walked as Mirei is looking around while Y/n is in the lead as the two were quiet and hadn't said anything to each other. After what seems like a while Y/n decided to start a conversation with Mirei so she ask her.
Y/n: So how did you end up on the island?
Y/n: You did they kidnapped you while your asleep, did they kidnapped you out of nowhere or something else. You never really told us how they kidnapped you or anything.
Mirei:.....I rather not talk about it.
Y/n: Okay.
Mirei:.......Tell me.
Y/n: Yeah?
Mirei:......Do you like Mamori?
Y/n: Yeah. I like her and everybody else on this island.
Mirei: Including Charlotte and the others at the castle?
Y/n:....Okay some her good while some are.....okay but cone on, can you really blame them? They are just as confused, scared and lost just like us. It's understandable why they act like assholes or selfish sometimes. They just want to survive like all of us.
Mirei: So you don't care if something bad happens to anyone of us.
Y/n: Of course I do, if something happened to any of you then I will feel sad and hurt. You guys are like the people I can trust.
Mirei: And me?
Y/n: Yeah. I mean you trust me as well right?
Y/n: (sigh) I've been on this island a few weeks now and you don't trust me. Why?
Mirei:......I don't know.
Y/n: Look if there is something I did to make you not trust me then let me proof to myself that I can be trustful. I mean I can do very much anything.
Mirei: It's not that.
Y/n: Then what?
Mirei:......I just......find it hard for me to even trust myself most of the time.
Y/n: Why?
She was slient a bit while she looked away which Y/n understood that she doesn't want to talk about. Suddenly they heard something near them which they slowly make their way towards the noise and soon they hear what sounded to be like moans and soon they came up around the corner and immediately see two girls making out at the tree as one has pinned the other against the tree while the two make out and asking some moans.
Y/n: (surprised) Um okay this is something you don't see while waking through the woods.
Mirei: Probably best not to disturb them. We should-
Y/n: Say are those the rescue team? They are wearing the same uniform that the other girls have at the castle.
Mirei: It seems like it. Still why are they suddenly making out in the middle of the woods.
Y/n: Maybe that may give us a hint.
Mirei turn to what Y/n is looking at and see what seems like red mist pouring out from the woods as they stare at it for a bit as Y/n pulls out her bag and reach out two handmade gas masks which he gives one to Mirei.
Y/n: They are not fully gas mask tut this will keep us safe to whatever this mist is.
Mirei: I'll be fine.
Y/n: Suit yourself, don't say I warn you when something weird happens.
She put on hers and they heaf through the mist. At first they see nothing but soon they encountered more of the rescue team making out everywhere while sharing some moans and touch themselves everywhere around the woods.
Y/n: Okay this is weird in so many levels.
Mirei: What is going on here?
Y/n: No idea. Come on, let's see where all of this mist comes from.
They continue to go deeper and deeper into the woods while Mirei suddenly felt weird and feels kinda warm as she stare at Y/n for a bit. Soon Y/n bushes away some bushes and sees a large field of red flowers laying in a huge circle while she can see Aoi and Momoko laying in the middle of the flower and making out just like the rescue team.
Y/n kneel down at the flowers and pick off one of them which she sees its pouring out the same mist that the two have seen before they enter it.
Y/n: It looks like they are infected by the powder of these flowers. I'm no scientists but these flowers may have some side effects to those who breaths into one of those things. If i take a wild guess, this powder may anyone to feel turn on and start to male love to who knows how long. That's probably my wild guess but we should find a way to get them out of here and get them back to the-
Suddenly she felt two hands grabbing her chest all of a sudden which she let out a surprise yell while she look over to see Mirei grabbing her chest.
Y/n: Mirei?
Mirei: (breathing heavily) Y/n.......Y/n.....I can't help myself. Please............please....I want you to-
She then sees Mirei is also infected by the powder as well and got away from her while Mirei breaths even more heavier and slowly walk towards her like a zombie and try to grab her but she dodge and steps back.
Y/n: (thought) I told her to pit on my gas mask. Shit, mine might ran out soon but what if.
She then changed into her armor as her gas mask fell onto the floor while she can see her helmet is protecting her from the poweder.
Y/n: Nice this suit protects me from any gas. Now how to do this? Maybe I can splash them with water?
She looks around and finds a nearby lake which she rushes over and pulls out a bucket from her bag and dips it with water. Once she has a bucket filled with water she approaches Mirei and splashed her with water which snap her out of it as she ask.
Mirei: Wh-What just happened?
Y/n: Just put this gas mask on before it's too late and help me splash some water into the others.
Mirei have no choice and did what Y/n tell her to as the two dip the bucket with water and first splash it on Aoi and Momoko which they let out a yell while they get up glare at them.
Aoi: (anger) What the hell was that for?!
Momoko: (anger) Have you got any idea how cold that water was!?
Y/n: Well it wake you two up right?
Mirei: Seems that the mist is clearing up.
Y/n: Looks like the water must be getting rid of the powder. Come on, let's splash some water with the rest and get you girls home.
Aoi: Why should we help you?
Momoko: Yeah, why should we help you?
Y/n: Then good luck getting yourself back home if you two know the way back.
Aoi and Momoko: Wait we'll help!
And so they go around and splashing the rescue team with some water which did the job as they snap back to reality and realise what they were doing which they felt embarrassed.
Very soon after the job is done as there was slince from the rescue team while Aoi and Momoko approaches Mirei and Y/n.
Aoi: Hey thanks for finding us I guess. But this doesn't makes friends okay!
Momoko: Yeah so you better watch out!
Y/n: (smile) Well just glad you all are alright. Here take this map, that will take you back to the castle.
Aoi: R-Right thanks, goodbye.
And so Aoi, Momoko and the rescue team head off back home while Y/n and Mirei watches them leave as Y/n let's out a sigh of relief while she telle Mirei.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like we did a good job.
Mirei: Seems like it. So Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Mirei: Did I do something while I was not myself?
Y/n: (blush) nothing. Nothing at all.
Mirei: Are you sure?
Y/n: (blush) Yeah....I'm sure.
Mirei:........Alright then.
She then head off wity Y/n following her from behind as Y/n walks up next to her as she pulls out a glass case that contains the same flowers they saw.
Mirei: Are you going to take that?
Y/n: Yeah it seems interesting and it seems very new. Still if we do get back to civilian, I'll guve this to any scientist so they can figure out more about this.
Mirei: Right, try not to sniff on it. We don't it to happen to anyone.
Y/n: Right. Say Mirei?
Mirei: Yeah?
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for coming with me. You know we're the best if we work together.
Mirei: I guess. Say Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Mirei: A few days ago you and Mamori were together alone in the room when I came back. What was that all about?
Y/n: (blush) Oh nothing important that's all. She wants to sleep with me so I accepted and we slept together.
Mirei: Is that so?
Y/n: (blush) Yep! Nothing bad about that right?
Mirei: Right. Well let me you ask you another question. Do you like LIKE her?
Y/n blushes even more while Mirei can see her blushing a lot which she just node and then tells Y/n.
Mirei: Promise me something will you?
Y/n: (blush) Y-Y-Yeah?
She then stop and get close to her, a little too close which made her blush even more as Mirei stare at her for a bit and then tell her.
Mirei: The next time you two ever decided to have some "fun" together. Make sure you included me into I alright.
She was caught off guard by this but she slowly node her head for yes which made her step back a bit and then make her way as Y/n continues to stare at Mirei while blushing while also being confused as she thinks to herself.
Y/n: (thought) Is that really Mirei or is it just the powder?!
She wasn't sure by this and so she catch up to her as the two head back home to get some rest but little did they know they were behind spiced on as we see a drone spying on them and soon after fly into the sky and then gone through the shield and return back to base to show the footage to someone in charge.
To be continued................................
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