Chapter 6: A big problem (Lemon)

A few days gave gone by and with many supplies they have gotten from the bunker that Y/n, Mirei, Mamori and Meifon have brought, they can make some very new upgrades around their place and now instead of just a building that housed 30 or 40 girls, it's now a small town with a gate at the entrance along with two watch towers at the entrance and all around the area for some protection.

Homes are also being build and they have managed to build only six houses so girls can sleep in. They chop down some trees and managed to make a stable and nice home. The main building is where they will store in any other supplies as well ad spar rooms for any girls that either rather wants to sleep in there or the houses isn't enough for all of it.

Syill we cut to Y/n, Mirei and Mamori at the cafeteria room and looking at the table fill with some positions or chemicals they have found at the bunker as Y/n picks up one and looks into it as she shakes it a bit and ask the two.

Y/n: Any idea what these potions do?

Mirei: No idea.

Mamori: Is it even safe to drink it?

Y/n: (smirk) You wanna take a sip?

Mamori: (nervous) N-No thank you please!

Y/n: (chuckle) Just kidding.

Then Torino enter the room and walks over to the trio and ask them.

Torino: Any idea what those chemicals can do?

Y/n: No idea. Either thid might be the cure for the A-virus and V-virus or it's the opposite of it.

Torino: Well is there anyway we can find out what they can do?

Y/n looks at the potion that is on her hand and she thinks about it and then pulls off the cap off and was about to drink it when Mirei grabs her arm and ask her.

Mirei: Are you sure this is a best idea? What if these potions will kill you?

Y/n: Well we can't leave them somewhere to br forgetting. We gonna know what they are and what they can do either it kills me or not....or turns me into a monster.

Mirei looks at Y/n for a bit and then she let's go and Mirei, Mamori and Torino steps back while Mirei warns Y/n.

Mirei: Hope you know what your doing.

Y/n: (smirk) One way to find out.

With a deep breath she takes a massive drink from the potion and once she is done she set down the empty class test tub onto the table and stood there for a bit to wait for something to happen.

After what seems like ten minutes nothing happens as Y/n pets on her body and sees there was nothing and turn to the rest and they too see there was nothing.

Y/n: Seems like I'm fine.

Mamori: Strange. Was it water you must have drank?

Y/n: No it tasted different to water. Anyways I'm gonna go and take a nap, night girls.

She then heads off to her room to get some sleep while the other girls look at each other and wonder what that potion dose to her. A while later we see Y/n sleeping in her bed peaceful when suddenly she groan a bit as he roll for a bit and suddenly her chest start to grow and bit while Y/n groan even more almost like there was something wrong with her body.

(Hours later)

Y/n slowly opens her eyes and slowly sat up from her bed and lend out a yawn while he straight her body and looks out from the window to see it was still day time.

Y/n: (thought) Must have fallen asleep for problem a short few hours. Oh well, I can take a shower and see what is happening with everybody else.

She make her way to the bathroom to take a shower. Soon we see her taking a shower as she grab some soup and dose her hair and her body as she feels how relaxed she is when she realised something.

Y/n: (thought) Is it me or do I feel a bit heavy? Probably nothing I'm sure of it.

She was in the shower for a while and once she was done she step out and walk pass a mirror but then she stop a bit and walk back and look through the mirror because she noticed something. Her chest was a bit big as she shake her head and looks at the mirror even more and sees it is not some trick, her chest got a bit bigger.

Y/n: The hell? I must be seeing things right now because there is no one my chest can't be that big.

She looks around just to make sure no one is around and once she sees that no one is around, she grabs her own breast just in case they were real and they were real Indeed.

Y/n: (surprised) The hell is this?! How did this happen? There is no way my chest can't get that big unless....unless I've drink that potion a few hours ago. If that's the case then this would explain a lot.

Suddenly her chest grown in front of her as she steps back in shock and her chest grown a bit more and then stop. Now her chest were huge, probably the same size as Torino's as she thinks to herself.

Y/n: (thought) Okay there has to be a way to reverse this somehow. There have to be a way. Wait, the potion can wear off in due time so all i have to do is just wait until things will go back to normal.

Then there was a knock at the bedroom door which Y/n came out of the bathroom and walks over to the door and ask at someone at the other end.

Y/n: Hello?

Mamori: Hey Y/n! Good to see you awake! Me and the other girls are gonna take a spar bath if you wanna come?

Y/n: Umm sure, just wait here for a moment.

She gose around getting change as she pits on her clothes but when she try to put on her shirt on her, it is a bit tight due to her big chest. She struggled to get her shirt on while she move around and accidentally bumping into things while Mamori can hear some things falling and ask.

Mamori: Y/n? Are you okay? Do you need help?

There was no answer so Mamori let's herself in and she step into the room while she said.

Mamori: Are you in trouble Y/n? Can I help you with any-

Then she stop in mid sentences when she sees her huge chest as Y/n turns to see Mamori looking at them as there was silence between them and then Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Um I may explain.

(Short while later)

At the spar bath place we see Torino, Mirei and Meifon within the hot baths together naked and they were just waiting on Mamori and Y/n. They realise they were taking too long but before one of them could go out and search for them, they hear Y/n call out to them.

Y/n: Hey girls, sorry for the wait.

Meifon: Finally what took you two so lo-Holy watermelons!

The trio were shocked to see Y/n now with gaint chest as she carries them over with the help of Mamori. Once there the two climb onto the hoth bath and once inside Y/n sees the surprised and shock faces to see Y/n suddenly have gaint breast.

Meifon: Okay you better tell me those are fake because if so, I might think your just messing with me because of my-

Y/n: No this ain't a joke, this is real. I think it was because the potion I have drink a few hours ago.

Torino: (surprised) Oh my.

Mirei: It just makes your chest bigger?

Y/n: Yeah and it continues to grow as well. At this rate I don't know how big they would get.

Meifon: (mutter) Wish I drink what ever that potion was instead of Y/n.

Torino: Do you know when I will wear off?

Y/n: No idea but if I have to guess tomorrow they might shirnk back to normal. Still it's gonna be hard trying to get a shirt on with these things.

The four girls stare at her chest in silence which Y/n noticed this and cover her large chest and calls out.

Y/n: Stop looking at them!

Torino: (smile) Sorry about that.

Meifon: So since we are all here, what should we talk about?

Y/n: Well I've been thinking and I never get to know most about any of your pasts. Maybe you four can tell me a bit about your lifestyle before being trapped here.

Meifon: (smirk) I'll go first. I used to own a farm with my folks and I deliver fruits, vegetables, meat and anything to nearby towns or villages. We got a lot of money because of it and it was good until one day I was stopped by those man in black outfits and next thing I know, I woke up here.

Y/n: (smile) Guess that explains the usual delivery and the stealing?

Meifon: (nervous) W-Well....we sometimes steal some stuff from our rivals but in my defence they were stealing our supplies first so yeah!

Y/n: (smirk) Sssurre you do. What about you Mirei, any back story you wanna tell us?

Mirei: I......I rather not.

They stare at Mirei for a bit whike Mirei doesn't say anything, almost like she wants to forget about her past.

Torino: (smile) Guess I'll tell you my story. I was once a teacher in a small Elementary school within a nice small town. I have a lot of fun bounding with my loving and caring students until one day, I was walking home when these were in black suits kidnapped me and next thing I know I was here.

Meifon: The same black suit dudes that I've saw? Wait, are they some government agents or what?

Y/n: Probably but if I have to guess, they probably 5he same dudes whike I was asleep.

Mamori: It also happened to me as well. I was doing track at my highschool until those man in black suits came and took me away.

Meifon: Still why taking us away. We didn't know about this virus until now so why taking us to an island where no one will not find us?

Y/n: More importantly are there more islands out there that also has trapped girls like us or what?

The girls were silent as they think about it but then they were interrupted when Y/n groan a bit and then her chest gets even more bigger which surprised the girls.

Meifon: (surprised) Jesus now they are gigantic!

Y/n: Damn it this sucks. I feel like I'm gonna throw it because of this.

Torino: (smirk) Well at least we know who has the biggest chest on this island.

Y/n: Huh?

Then Torino walks over and grabs both of Y/n's chest which made Y/n gasp in surprised as Torino jiggles them a bit while the other girls blushed while Torino giggles.

Torino: (giggle) They are pretty nice. Their like big pillows or balloons.

Y/n: (blush) C-Can you stop that to-

Then Torino turns around and lay on Y/n's gigantic breast like a pillow as Y/n blushed even more while Torino nuzzled them while she said.

Torino: (smile) Your soo warm Y/n. I can probably take a nap here if you like?

Y/n blushes even more as Torino giggles even more while Meifon dives her head into the water, feeling even more jealous now.


Night came as we see Y/n and Mamori arrive back to their rooms as Y/n lay on her bed as she grab on her gigantic chest while she tells Mamori.

Y/n: Damn let's just hope these things get small because I really don't want to walk around with gaint breast.

She lend out a chuckle while Mamori doesn't say anything and locks the door and next thing Y/n knew is that Mamori gets onto Y/n's bed and the two look at each other.

Y/n: Um hey Mamori? You do know Mirei will be coking soon so why did you lo-

Suddenly Mamori lend over and kissed Y/n on the lips which suddenly made her blush as Mamori suddenly kissed her oit of nowhere and soon Mamori pulled back and blushed as well.

Mamori: (blushing) I-I-I'm sorry. I-It's just....I can't handle this any longer. I just....I just wanna do it with you. Besides, Mirei said she be looking around at the bunker and she won't be back until tomorrow. We have the whole room to ourselves and I wanna use this time to spent some private time with you.

Y/n blushes even more when Mamori told her this as she clear her throat and then tells her.

Y/n: (blush) J-Jeez Mamori thanks. I mean....your really a cute girl including many others on this island.

Mamori: (giggle) Thank you Y/n. Now, I wanna do it right now.

Y/n: (blush) You mean....right now now?

Mamori: Right now.

(Lemon start)

She then kiss Y/n once more and this time she get onto Y/n's lap and grabs one of her gigantic breast and squeeze them while Mamori gets her tongue into Y/n's mouth and lend out some moans that were cute. Y/n was surprised by this and soon she can't hold this any longer and kiss Mamori back.

Mamori made a cute gasp once Y/n's kissed her back  and the two made out on the bed as Y/n reach down and then grab Mamori's butt and squeeze them.

She lend out a small moan while the two continue kissing. After what seems like a while the two stop making out and the two look at each other in lust in their eyes.

Soon we see theie clothes on the floor and we see the two completely naked while they shut off all the lights in thr room and made out once more.

Y/n: (moaing) Mamori~!

Mamori: (moaing) Y/n~!

This gose on for a while and then Mamori stops them buried her head into Y/n's gigantic breast which made Y/n lend out a moan and then Mamori stops and start to suck on Y/n's breast which made her lend out a pleasure like moan as she lower her head back a bit while Mamori grabs her other gigantic breast and squeezing it while sucking and licking Y/n's breast as Y/n lay her head down onto the bed and lend out some shory moans while she grabs holf onto the bed.

This gose on for a while until Y/n can feel it as she grabs tighter onto the bed and then calls out to Mamori.

Y/n: (moaning) Mamori there they come! Here it comes! Oh my god~!!!!!

Her milk burst into Mamori's mouth and she drink it all of it while Y/n breaths heavily. She never felt this so much pleasure in her life as Mamori crawl up to Y/n and look down at Y/n as she breaths heavily and gently touch Mamori's left cheek.

Y/n: (panting) Your too cute Mamori.

Mamori: (giggle) I know. Your cute as well.

Y/n giggles and the two made out once more. Later we see Mamori at Y/n's waist and start sticking her tongue into her vignia which Y/n lend out some moans and gasp as Mamori continues as Y/n lend her head back and grabs hold on the blanket as Mamori continues until Y/n lend out a cry of pleasure as her cum burst out.

Mamori licks all of them up while Y/n is breathing heavily and then she crawl up to Y/n and the two made out once more while Mamori reach down and start sticking her finger into Y/n's Vigina which made Y/n gasp in surprised but she kissed her even more while Mamori kisses her back while Mamori dicks her finger deeper into Y/n's vigina and soon Y/n enters into her orgasm and after a few gasps until she can't take it anymore and lend out a loud moan of pleasure.

After that she lend out a sigh as she rest her head onto her bed while Mamori sees Y/n close of passing out so she lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek and tell her.

Mamori: (smile) Goodnight Y/n.

Y/n mutters something to Mamori but she was too tired to speak it loud and then passes out ad everything turns black around her.

(Lemon ends)
(Next day)

It was morning as we see Y/n groan in pain while she slowly open her eyes and sat up from bed. She shake her head while she feels her chest and she can feel them being back to normal as she breath a sigh of relief.

Y/n: (thought) Thank god. No big chest for this girl. I rather have okay breast then huge or gigantic ones.

She looked over to see Mamori sleeping next to her as Y/n gently smiled a bit and lend over and kissed her on the forhead which she lend out a soft giggle.

She smiled while she gets up and get a quick shower and get change. Once changed she opens the door and then sees Mirei was in front of her.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow Mirei morning! Good to see you back.

Mirei: Seems your chest are back to normal.

Y/n: Yep! Now I have wear an shirt with worrying about them being ripped off.

She looks over to see soke clothes laying on the ground and Mamori still sleeping on the bed naked as she looks to Y/n as she sees this and nervously said.

Y/n: (nervous) Uuuummm I gonna go and help out with Torino for breakfast. See you down there okay? Okay.

She then heads off while Mirei watch her go as she looks over to see Mamori sleeping. She was a bit jealous that Mamori got the first go with Y/n before Mirei as she looks down and thinks to herself.

Mirei: (thought) Maybe......I can be a bit more nicer to Y/n next time. Maybe.....I can ask her out when ever she is free.

To be continued..................................

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