Chapter 5: The deeper we go, the more secrets to find
We see the hallway of the abandoned underground laboratory as we see the lights are turned off but quickly the lights all turn on as we can hear the vent system and many other electricity machinery turned on and at first there was only silence. Then suddenly Y/n break through a wall and crash into several other walls behind her as she crash through many holes and then crash into what looks like a storage room as she lands hard onto the ground and then crash into a few boxes that shattered into pieces of wood.
The wooden rubble piled on top of her follow by dust but slowly she came out from the rubble and slowly stumble away from the rubble while she felt her arm hurt a bit but she'll be fine. She then heard footsteps coming through the hole so she hide among the cargo and then we see Saku as he step out from the hole and look around, scanning around the area for Y/n as he step inside the storage room and look around. His wipe dragged along the floor while he looks around for Y/n as we can see her sneaking around the cargo boxes, trying to avoid him as best she can.
She then accidentally knock something that made a sound and Saku stops and turn and look around. After a while he just continue on walking while Y/n peaks over and breath in a sigh. Then Meifon peaks over behind her and Whisper which startle Y/n.
Meifon: (whisper) That was close.
Y/n: (whisper) Jesus Meifon! You scare the living hell out of me!
Meifon: (whisper) Sorry but why did he suddenly attack us? We didn't do nothing to him.
Y/n: (whisper) Must be blind of being tortured for all these years and acts more like a machine then human now, but with a hatred of humans now.
Meifon: (whisper) Crap. Maybe this was a bad idea to come here. Maybe we should leave?
Y/n looks at the cargo that was near them and summon her sword and stab her sword onto one of the cargo and opens it up. Inside was something that amazed them. Inside the cargo were let's of tools and equipment as Y/n reach Inside and grab a tool that she look at and look inside the cargo.
Y/n: (whisper) This cargo is too good to pass off. We're taking them.
Meifon: (whisper) Yeah but the problem is how? Are you even strong enough to lift them?
Y/n thinks about it and then look up to see a claw above them and she turn and see a control room which Y/n tells Meifon.
Y/n: (whisper) Make your way into that control room while I'll hold Saku off.
Meifon: (whisper) Right. Go get hum tiger.
She slap Y/n on the butt and runs off. Y/n just ignore that and make her way deeper into the storage room and looking for Saku. She walked through the left side of the cargo and trying to find him but no luck what so far. Suddenly a grab breaks through the cargo, grabbing her by the neck and then Saku breaks Y/n through the cargo and tossed her at the other side and she crashed onto the wall.
Saku: I found you at last. You humans will not torture me any longer. It's time for you to die.
He pulls out his wipes on each of his arm while Y/n stood uo and changed into her armor and before she could fight him she tells him.
Y/n: Listen Saku! We're not the people who torture you. Those scientists years back are the ones who torture you and turned you into something like that. Please, can we settle this without either one of us get hurt?
Saku: .......No.
He then throws his wipe at Y/n which she dodges and throws her boomerang at Saku but he dodges them and even dodges them when they return back. Then Y/n fires a grapple at his head and pulled him towards her and she punched Saku in the face. Saku slide onto the ground but he stood up and stop himself and then charge towards Y/n and tackle her as the two crash through several cargo boxes and breaks through the wall just as Meifon burst into the control room and leap onto the controls.
Meifon: Let's hope this still works.
After bushing a fee bottoms the claw starts to move and she smirks to herself as she use the claw to lift the cargo and take it to the elevator so the elevator will take it to the surface.
Meifon: (thought) I hope you be okay Y/n. And where the Mirei and Mamori!?
Mirei kicks down the door to what looks like the archive room as they step inside the room and look around to see many files and stacked up tape on tables as Mamori walks over and picks up one tape and looks at it.
Mamori: "Experiment: 33427." I wonder what they were doing in here?
Mirei: No clue but it looks like we're not the only people that used to live on this island. I wonder what happened here?
Mamori: Mirei look!
Mamori rush over to a TV with a VHS tape player underneath the TV along with a tape sticking out of it. The two look at each other and then Mirei pushes the tape 8inside the VHS player and the screen flashes to life and they see a male scientist sitting on his desk and looking at the camera as he starts off by saying.
Ayaka: (recording) Hello, my name is Doctor Ayaka and if your watching this then we're might be good as dead. You see, we started a project that allow us to defeat America and their alliance with a project we call "Project: God warrior." It's our first super soldier and we replace his flesh, bone and everything that is human besides the head and mind with cybernetic and high tech. To some who wanna know how we have the technology to make such a soldier is....classified but what I can say is that deep beneath this island there is something that no one will never suspect. Anyways our first test subject was Lieutenant Saku Tanaka and things seems to be alright at first. But then he start to show anger and fits of rage most of the time. I have a bad feeling that what ever we did to him....he's ready to kill all of us. But to all who listening to this message please and I beg of you please do not let him out apon the world. If you do, we're all good as dead.
Then the video ends as Mirei and Mamori were shocked by this but suddenly the base started to shake follow by some explosions below them.
Mirei: What was that?!
Mamori: Let's check it out!
Mirei: Right!
The two race out the room and head to the sounds to see what is going on.
Y/n breaks through a wall of the cafeteria and crash into a few table and then crash into a wall. She slowly gets up and immediately dodges a incoming wipe and once that she throws her boomerang at Saku as he step inside the cafeteria and gets hit by her boomerang and then Y/n charge towards him but Saku dodges her swing and strike a powerful punch at her stomach, sending her flying and then Saku wrap her around with his wipe and then slammed her onto the ground.
Saku: Weak and pathetic human. Do you honestly think you can stand a chance against me? Well...your wrong.
Y/n: (smirk) Maybe so, but don't underestimate a humans intelligences.
She then grapple a table behind Saku and pulls it towards him which he gets hit by and Y/n breaks free from his wipe and summons a shield and block his incoming wipes as Saku keeps whipping her shield.
Y/n: You don't have to do this! You can come with us and we can take you in as family! What do you say?
Saku: I will not!
Then he grabs a few tables with his wipe and throws it towards Y/n which she blocks with her shield and then she chatge towards Saku and land a kick at him and then dodges his wipes and then swing her sword at him, managing to land a strike at his stomach which cost hij to stumble back.
He then throws his wipes at her that wrapped around her neck as she struggled to break free but then Saku shocks Y/n as he use his electricity on his wipes to make her fall unconscious.
She yells out in pain several times from the electricity while she try her best to stand strong but the electricity was stood powerful for her to handle. She fell fully on both on her knees while the electricity continues to zap her while Saku smirks to see her in pain. Suddenly Mirei came up behind him and swings her sword at him from behind, costing him to move while releasing Y/n as she cough and gaspping for some air while Mirei walks up next to Y/n.
Mirei: You okay?
Y/n: (cough) Y-Yeah I'm fine. Nice timing by away.
Mirei: Thanks.
Y/n nodes and swap her sword and shield with a electro staff and the two charge at Saku as the two land strikes at him while Saku try his best to land a hit at either of the two but he gets hit several times by them. They pushes Saku out of the cafeteria and into the halls as Saku kicks Y/n back while he turn and grabs Mirei's blade and slowly pushes the blade towards Mirei as she try to push it back. Y/n stood up and see this happen so she actived her jetpack and flies towards Saku and grabs him and the two go through a few walls, crashing through the walls and then crashing into a vehicle repair room as the ywo crash onto thr ground.
Saku slide far from Y/n as she slowly gets up and shake her head when suddenly a wipe grabs her neck and Saku start to zap her once more while Saku gets up from his feet and walked slowly towards Y/n. Y/n yells out in pain and trying to gind a way to beat Saku when she noticed a large tank above Saku so she summons her boomerang and she forced to aim at the chains that is holding the tank and then she tossed the boomerang and the boomerang breaks the chains and the tank fell as Saku looks up and then the tank crashes on top of him.
The wipe let's go of Y/n as she fell onto her back and breathing heavily while looking up at the ceiling for a bit before she slowly closes her eyes and then she falls unconscious.
(Hours later)
The sun hits Y/n as we see her slowly waking up and we see her laying at the back of Meifon's truck as she slowly sat up and shake her heard while Meifon came up next to her and said.
Meifon: (smile) Hey your awake. Here I thought your gone for good.
Y/n: What happened?
Meifon: Well Mirei and Mamori found you unconscious at the vehicle repair room and they take you outside after they realise your still alive.
Y/n: And Saku?
Meifon: Maybe dead but without him bothering us, we can now take the cargo we got and take them back. I'm telling you we hit the jackpot right there.
Y/n looks over to see a lot of cargo we see Mirei and Mamori stacking them up as Y/n breaths in a sigh and lend back against the truck.
Meifon: Still there is soke cargo down there bit we can pick them up later. (Smile) Still though we got the jackpot here, no way Charlotte or any other girls at the castle ain't gonna mess with us now and it's all thanks to you.
Y/n: (smile) We all did it together Meifon. Just glad to be out of the bunker and feel the sun light.
Meifon: (smile) Yeah same here.
Then Meifon climb onto the back of the truck as Y/n turn to her and before she could ask, Meifon lend over and kissed Y/n on the lips. This surprised Y/n as Meifon kissed her for a short while and then she stop and look at her and give her a friendly smirk.
Meifon: (smirk) That's your reward for protecting us. Keep it up and I might give you a bigger one.
Y/n: (little blush) U-Um right.
Meifon lend out a chuckle to see Y/n blushing a bit and then the two leap out at the back of the truck and walk over to Mirei and Mamori.
Y/n: So is that all of them?
Mirei: Yeah, that's all the cargo we can get. There is also several tapes we got so we can watch and find out more about this island.
Y/n: (smile) Good to hear. We can collect the rest later on but we should hide it so no one else can find it.
Mirei: We cab cover it up with leaves and bushes.
Y/n: (smile) Not a bad idea. Let's gather some leaves and bushes and get to worm girls.
They agree and they go around grabbing some leaves and bushes and start to cover up the bunkers entrance and after a while they were done and now they loud the cargo they can get into Meifon's truck and once that they have a small break as Meifon hands them water bottles and they take a drink.
Y/n: (smile) Jeez what an adventure ain't that right girls!?
Mirei: (smile) It was kinda scary but to be truthful it was actually fun.
Mamori: Yeah agree.
Meifon: Still is this place the only one or is there more out there? I mean we still have that map and who knows what else those scientists were doing on this island.
Y/n: Yeah your right. Still we should head back and getsome surprises form Torino and the other girls.
Meifon: (smile) Roger that!
The four climb onto the truck and once they were inside Meifon start up the engines and once that Meifon drives the truck back home to deliver the very good cargo and enjoy a relaxing night once they get home.
We return back to the vehicle repair room to see the tank is there where Y/n have dropped it but then the lone wipe outside or the tank suddenly start to move and then immediately the wipe alive up the tank into many pieces and the parts fell onto the ground as Saku slowly gets up and looks around to see Y/n is gone.
He is angered by this but he is too injured to go anywhere so he make his way to the repair room and once inside he start taking some of the parts he needed to repair his cybernetic body and start to get to work.
After a while of working on his body, he gets it done and he make his way through the hall and reach the map room as he step inside and turns on one of the computers and the computer opens up. He type something into the computer and pulls up old news about the end or World War 2 and how the world has change.
Saku looks shocked by this that he was gone for a very long time. He then type something onto the computer, trying to call for help but suddenly there was no signal.
Saku: I see. Someone place around a force field around it from stopping me from contacting th emulsify world. No matter, I'll find a way. Somwhow.
Then his computer made a deep so he press a button and it open up to reveal Saku something as he looks at it in surprise but smirked as he turn and gather his gear while we see the computer screen of a map of the island with a red flashing light at somewhere far off from the island and it seems like there is someone, somewhere at far off from the island is calling for help....and Saku has seen it and he will "help" this mysterious person by any means necessary.
To be continued.......................................
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