Chapter 4: Secret histories about the island

At the underground halls of the castle we see several female guards waking about doing their patrol throughout the halls. It was just a boring day as they have to walk around and report any suspicious activity but there is nothing underground except for their feet and the sounds of something in the vents which they shrugged it off ad just some rats but they were wrong.

Inside the vent we see Y/n and Meifon climbing through the vent and try their best to not draw any attention while sneaking through the underground area of the castle. Y/n was taking front while Meifon is at the back as Y/n slowly and carful move through the vent while looking both ways and keeping moving while Meifon can't help herself and ask while in a whisper.

Meifon: (whisper) Say why are we climbing through a vent? More importantly why are we here, we've gotten plenty of supplies to last for a few months.

Y/n: (whisper) Well have you ever wonder who made the castle or this underground base and who prepare all of this?

Meifon: (whisper) I basically don't care about that but go on?

Y/n: (whisper) I've spoken to Manori and Mirei when they were captured a while back and they told me how this place looked like someone used to live here or there were a groups of people here until they all suddenly abandoned it and run off.

Meifon: (whisper) Yeah and then Governor take over this castle a while back.

Y/n: (whisper) Yeah, i think this castle must have something that might give us some hints about this islands history and what make this island important and possible find a way to get out.

Meifon: (whisper) So you want to know more about this island and possible find a way to get out of here? You think we can find something down here?

Y/n: (whisper) One way to find out.

Meifon just smirks at her while they crawl through the vent for a while until they stumble apon something that looks interesting. They open the vent and climb out of the vent and land safely on the floor. It looked to be dark so the two pull out flashlights and they look around.

They shine their lights and seen many shut down computers and other technology that look to be abandoned for some time. They look around carful just in case any other guards find them here but soon they shine their flashlights on a large computer screen as the two walk over and Y/n tap one of the dusting keyboards and soon the screen lights up and start to heat up.

Meifon: (smirk) Looks like you got the magic touch cowgirl.

Y/n: Yep. Now, let's see what this computer has.

Once the computer was done she began searching through the files for any information that she can find. Meifon turns back to the door and see it still shut, as long they don't make any noise, they should be fine.

Y/n searches through the files and after a long while she open up a file that looked like a map to the island with some X marks in some parts of the island as they look at it.

Meifon: What are those X marks for?

Y/n: I think they might be hidden bases as well. Look, there's one near our home!

Meifon: Jesus look how many they are. You think there is someone within any of those bases?

Y/n: If someone is in one of those bases then he or she might tell us. I'll print out the map and we can get out of here.

Y/n dose so and once that they wait for it to print and while they wait Y/n looks over to see Meifon starting at her.

Y/n: What?

Meifon: How did you get them a bit bigger?

Y/n: A bit bigger?

Meifon: You know.....your "Melons?"

She was confused but she look down at her chest and realised what Meifon ment and cover them while blushing a bit.

Y/n: (blush) Is it really that necessary to ask me?!

Meifon: Hey I've saw them a but smaller, how the hell did you get them bigger?

Y/n: (blush) Who cares how I got them bigger?

Meifon: (smirk) I do. Come here! Wanna see if they are real!

Then Meifon grab them and start to squeeze them while Y/n lend out a cute yell in surprise which cost the female guards to hear that and start banging at the door they were in which they stop and look at the door bagning.

Female guard: Whose in there? Open up at once!

Meifon: Whoops. Guess that's my fault huh?

Soon the map is done printing and Y/n quickly grab it and the two make their escape to the vent just before the door burst open and the female guards with weapons in hand search the abandoned room and see nothing.

We then cut to the two girls exiting out of the vent that is next to the underground entrance doors as they climb onto a boat and once on they roll away just before any of the guards will notice them.

Meifon: That was a close call.

Y/n: Yeah but at least it's worth it. We got the map, now we just need to return back and show this to the rest. Hopefully we might end up finding a clue of escaping this island.

Meifon: Let's hope so. Hey just the wonder if have a question?

Y/n: If it's about my growth of my chest then it's none of your business.

Meifon: It's not that! I was wondering about that if we do escape what will you do? I mean the government might track us down if they ever find our we escape. So what is your plan if we do escape?

Y/n: Well I haven't thought about that plan yet. Still I won't be escaping alone, we are all together.

Meifon: (smile) Heck yeah girl. You know, your a pretty cool person. Soo cool in fact we probably one day get married once we escape out of this island.

Y/n: (little chuckle) Yeah....wait....are you serious?

Meifon: (smirk) Maybe, I think your my type.

She wink at her while Y/n blushes as they continue to roll the boat and finally made it out of the cave and roll back to Meifon truck so they can return back home.


They return home as Y/n show the other girls the map they brought back as she place the map onto the table which they look at the map and find it very interesting.

Mamori: What are those X marks?

Y/n: I believe they must be hidden bases across the island and there is one near here. One of them must be a clue of getting us out of here.

Mirei: It was still risky for you to go there, knowing how many guards they were at the castle.

Meifon: (smirk) Relax she was with me, no need to worry about anything.

Mirei lend out a sigh while Torino came over and look over the mapl

Torino: You sure it's safe to go and check out all of these bases one by one?

Y/n: I'm sure of it. Which leaves me to question, why hasn't Akira hadn't sent of of his troops to investigate any of those bases?

Torino: It's maybe because those bases might be cursed.

Y/n: Cursed?

Torino: Indeed. Same say the reason why no one hasn't check out those abandoned bases is because they believe they can hear the cries of who ever been there still around. Some say that if anyone gose there, they will only to come out and terrified.

Mamori: (scared) That sounds scary.

Meifon: (smirk) Never worry, I'm sure it's just some scary rumours to scare anyone away. Besides I think that's what you like, ain't that right Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) You know it. Still this is only shot. We don't need to go there in a large group so who is with me?

The girls didn't say anything until Mirei raised her hand as they see that Mirei is in.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome! Glad to have you aboard.

Mamori: If she's going, I'm going as well!

Y/n: You sure about this? You can stay if you like?

Mamori: No way! It might be scary but I can be brave if I can try.

Y/n smile while she pat her on the head which made Mamori blush while Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smile) Now that's the spirit. We can head there for 10 minutes but first, I need a shower.

Meifon: (smile) Sounds like a plan! I'll get some equipment and we be ready!

Y/n: (smile) Awesome!

They split off as Meifon, Mamori and Mirei get there things ready while we see Y/n stripping down and jump into the shower as she turn on the shower and start to wash herself while feeling the warm water on her. She was enjoying the shower when she hears someone enter the bathroom and enter the shower with her and then she was hugged from behind by Torino who was naked while she press her breast onto Y/n's back.

Y/n: O-Oh hey there Torino. G-Guess your here to share a shower with me huh?

Torino: Indeed. But I'm also here to make sure if your really going through this. I fear that you and the rest may not return alive.

Y/n: It's the only way. Sometimes we have to take the risky parts of our adventure in order to achieve impossible things. I learn that during my travels and besides, we can make it out alive, like always.

Torino: I guess so.

She then hug Y/n tight making Y/n blush a but while Torino smile a bit while she said.

Torino: (smile) Your soo brave you know. Some girls can't even stand a chance against anything before Mamori, Mirei and you came. I find you the most brave and not only that, Cheerful person I have ever met.

Y/n: (little blush) U-Um th-thanks Torino. Your also kind as well and m-make others smile no matter what.

Torino: (giggle) Your such a sweet heart. So much so I wish I could hug you forever.

Torino hugs Y/n one last time before she lend over and kiss her on the check and let go as she climb out of the shower and dray off.

Torino: (smirk) I leave you a spare towel for you to dray up. See you later okay~?

She then turn and wink at her and then walk out of the bathroom leaving Y/n blushed and believe that just happened. Still she finish off taking a shower and once that she dray herself and meet up with Meifon, Mamori and Mirei after she gets changed.


We see Meifon's truck driving through the road that they never token as they find it very creepy for them to be in a unknown area but thanks to the map that Y/n has, it wasn't long until they find the base. Meifon Park the truck right in front of the base and see it was a bunker with a large entrance as they exit out of the truck and walk towards the large metal gate.

They look around to see nothing there but soon they see a control console so they walk over and Meifon open up the panel and mess around with some wires.

Meifon: Man this is gonn take a while to get this door to open.

Mirei: Can we not slice it open?

Y/n: Best we wait. We don't want anything to go off in there.

Mamori: She's right. Just wait a bit longer.

Mirei: Fine.

Meifon: Aaaaaannnnnnddddd open!

Then the entrances door start to slowly open as they watch it open and after a long while they door was fully open and they see a lift in front of them. They step over and Y/n press on a button and the lift gose down. They wait for the left to land at what ever floor this lift is taking them. Soon they made it on the floor and they all turn on their flashlights and they shine around as they look around and see nothing but another door in front of them. They walk over and suddenly the door open which surprises them but they still walk through the door.

The door shut behind them and they see they were in a higher with everything falling apart around them as they make their way through the halls and looking at the ripe off doors that looked like what ever happened here, it wasn't pleasant.

Mamori: (scared) Wh-What do you think happened here?

Meifon: Maybe some ghost, a murder, a zombie or anything that may jump at us any second now.

Mamori: (scared) Meifon please don't scare me like that!

Meifon: (smirk) Sorry just making sure your still brave.

Mirei: That's enough Meifon.

Meifon: Sorry.

They continue on walking through the halls until they arrive to a door and once open they see something glowing and they step into the room and they see what looks like a cryo chamber that is active as Y/n gets close and wipe over the fog on the glass and step back in shock.

Mirei: What is it?!

Y/n: (shocked) There's someone in there?!

They were shocked so they rush over and look through the glass and they do see someone in there. It was a male human which shocked them and more.

Mirei: (shocked) Your right! There is someone in there!

Meifon: (shocked) Not onky that, that person is a dude!

Mirei: Still who is he?

Y/n: Girls check this out.

They turn to Y/n looking through some files on a table ad they walk over and once there Y/n wipe the dust away with some papers and pick up one.

Y/n: His name is Lieutenant Saku Tanaka of the Japanese military during World War two. According to this, he was apart of a experimenting to create super soldiers to defeat the allied forces. The projects called "Project: God warrior."

Meifon: So that guy in that cryo chamber is a super soldier?! That's wicked cool!

Mirei: So this island used to be a research island to experiment super soldiers or ultimate weapons during World War 2?

Mamori: If that so what happened here?

Y/n: No idea. Mamori, Mirei see you both can find something to get the power back online while me and Meifon stay here and look through with these files.

Mirei: On it.

Mamori: (smile) Okay!

The two head off to try to get the power back online while Y/n and Meifon look through the papers to see what is they can find. After a while of looking through the file Meifon gets bored and throws some papers away into the air.

Meifon: Damn this is boring. Can we not just wake this guy up? Maybe he can help us?

Y/n: We're not too sure about him. All we know that he used to be a soldier for Japan, we have no idea what he will do if he wake him up.

Meifon: Guess so. But still, too bad we didn't find anything that can get us off this island.

Then Y/n stumble apon a file and calls up to Meifon.

Y/n: Meifon come and check this one out.

Meifon walk over and stand next to Y/n as she point to the male scientists and said his name.

Y/n: Dr Daiki Suzuki of the Japanese military research team.

Meifon: Okay so what?

Y/n: When I was a little girl, we were told about this scientists and how he died in March 21st 1940.

Meifon: Okay so?

Y/n: According to this, it looked like he was apart of the project in September 11th 1943. Two years before the end of the war!

Meifon: You think he might have fake his death? For what reason?

Y/n: No idea but I believe there is more secrets about this island we may think.

Meifon: Damn.

Suddenly the lights came on as they look to see the lights were on.

Meifon: (smile) Awesome looks like the power is o-

Suddenly steam comes out of the Cryo chamber as Y/n and Meifon turn and see the Chambers door open as they stare as the door slowly opens up and once fully open, at first nothing happened but then a metal hand grabs at the side od the cryo chamber and then another and soon Saku is awaken as he climbs out of the chamber and lands onto the floor with his metal feet as he stood up straight and they were in shocked to see he was part cyborg as he look at his hands and his body before he turn to the two girls.

Meifon: (scared) We might be screwed.

Saku: Identified yourselves.

Meifon: (whisper) Wait? Why is he speaking all machine like?

Y/n: (whisper) Must be all the robotic parts around his body. Let me talk to him.

Meifon node as Y/n walk up to Saku as he stare at her while she back at him and she tell him.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, this is my friend Meifon. We're not here to harm you, we wake you up and we're here to get you out of here.

Saku: Y/n L/n and Meifon? I do not see that you two aren't soldiers.

Y/n: We're trapped on this island by the people who kidnapped us here and kept us here.

Saku: I see.....the people your talking about? Are they....humans?

Y/n: Well.....yeah they are.

Saku: And you and Meifon are also humans as well. Correct?

Y/n: Yes? Why?

Suddenly he pulls out two wipes out of both of his hands and he swings them at them which Y/n quickly dodge and summons her armor and land on her feet and get into a battle stand while Saku tells her.

Saku: Humans have abuse me, tortured me, brainwashed me and done terribly things to me. All humans must be destroyed, starting with you!

He wipes the floor with his wipe while Y/n pulls out her sword and gets into a battle stand.

Y/n: (thought) Well......this is bad.

To be continued.............................

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