Chapter 3: A titan girl
It was a peaceful day as we see Y/n by the lake with her spear that she crafted as she stare down at the river waiting for her move. After a long while she slowly move her spear and raise it into the air and the stabs her spear into the lake while she stab two fish.
She pulls them out and she smirks at the fishes she has captured and walks back to her crafted bag and throw the dead fishes into the bag and we see other fishes that she caught in there as well.
Y/n: (smile) There. That will keep us going for a while. Wonder what Mirei and Mamori are up to with the mushrooms? Oh well.
She grabs the bag and make her long journey back home. It's been like days since she was on this island and she start to like it as her new home. The girls were very nice, well a bit too nice but she can shake it off. Well nit all girls as some who live in the castle that may not want her in but she can live without living in a fantasy like castle.
She wall through the dirt road while she can't help but hear nature around her with many peaceful sounds around her. Still disbite being alone she can't help but feel like she isn't alone so she stop and looks around, she scan the trees and bushes and now she knows that someone is spying on her.
Y/n: Alright come out and show yourself already. I know you are spying on me now show yourself.
At first there was silence and Y/n thought it was all in her imagination when suddenly two hands wrap around her gently while her back of the head was pressed with some women breast as the she giggled behind her.
???: (smirk) Well aren't you a cute one.
Y/n leaps away from her and turn to see the woman with massive breast that can't be possible. Then another footsteps are heard behind her so she turn and summon her sword and aim the tip of the blade at another women who stare at her and the blade she is holding.
??? 2: Impressive. You can summon a weapon without a need Extar.
Y/n: So you were spying on me? Just who are you two?
Lady J: (smirk) The names Lady J and that's Rain.
Rain: We're a Hybrid just like you but we can each turn into weapons.
Y/n: So you two are Hybrids? Huh, thought I was the first?
Rain: No your not. Unlike you we rather not be in any of those factions and live alone.
Y/n: That's kinda lonely?
Lady J: (smirk) Maybe but it's good to meet another Hybrid like yourself. A strong and cute one in fact.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?!
Rain: Lady J please leave her be.
Lady J: (giggle) What ever you say.
Rain: Yes we were spying on you but it's because we didn't know if it was true until we see you and you summoning q weapon right now.
Y/n: So what now?
Rain: Listen there is many dangerous people that might want your power so if your in trouble by anyway, come to our home and we can discuss our ways of escape.
Y/n: So you two also wanna escape as well.
Rain: We believe this island may have hold secrets and possible a way out of here.
Y/n: That's what I was thinking. I was thinking there is a base that control those shields that is surrounded the island or somthing to get us out.
Rain: Still if your in trouble but anyway, come to us and we can make our plans to escape.
Lady J: (smirk) It's nice knowing you but we have to leave now, see ya.
She kissed Y/h on the cheek and once that the two disappeared into the trees while Y/n stood there confused by all of this.
Y/n: (thought) Can this bloody island get any weirded?!
(Moments later)
Y/n return back thinking that this island cannot get any weirded but she spoke too soon when she turn around the corner and looks over to be met with a giant naked girl with everyone else around her as she stare at the giant girl and sighs.
Y/n: (thought) Well fuck me then.
Mamori: (smile) Hey Y/n!
Mamori, Mirei and Meifon rush over to her and qs they walk up to her Mirei ask while she fold her arms.
Mirei: Guess you want to know a few things.
Y/n: Um yeah like first off, who or what happened to her? Secondly do you know any other Hybrid girls on the island because I met two while out fishing.
Meifon: Well we can answer that second question for another time but the first one, her name is Nimi and short story, she was kicked out of the castle when her and her girlfriend didn't show of transforming.
Y/n: So she is a Extar? How did she get this big?
Then Kasumi approaches the group and tells Y/n.
Kasumi: Wr don't know fully how this happen but I'm leaving her for your care until I figure out what has happen to her.
Y/n: Now she's our responsibility? Aren't you the people that kicked her out?
Kasumi: Yes but bringing her back in this size will spread panic.
Y/n: Huh you gonna point.
Nimi: You must be Y/n? Nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. So how dose it feel being giant?
Nimi: Hard but I feel kinda exposed if you know what I mean.
Y/n: Yeah i think I do. Say is there any clothes in her "size" that we can put on?
Kasumi: I don't think so.
Torino: Well I've found this laying around, we can use this.
Then she pulled out a large white blanket and place it on the floor.
Y/n: (smile) Nice. Now we just need to draw out the bikini and underwear and we're all set.
They do that right away and once that is done the next step is to cut it so Y/n takes out her sword and cut it and once that is done Nimi tries it on and it fits well.
Nimi: (smile) It fits! Thqnk you so much.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. How's about we try it out at the beach.
Nimi: (smile) Sure thing.
Once at the beach Nimi create a large splash that was something any girls have ever seen and soon they all join in with their swim suits and play while Y/n watch this in the distance with Kasumi walking up beside her.
Y/n: So why leaving Nimi in our care? I mean we don't mind and i understood the panic that will make qt the castle. Still why though?
There was a long silence from Kasumi until she pulls up her glasses and tells her.
Kasumi: Don't give me wrong I never like this group but to be completely honest I never agree to Charlotte's ideas. I believe she is abusing her power and dose what ever she wants while our leader dose nothing about it.
Y/n; Well not all ways nothing. Well kinda off.
Kasumi: Still I've never agreed to Charlotte and we have arguments time to time. That is why Nimi rather be with you all then at the castle.
Y/n: What about her partner?
Kasumi: Noe I believe is in cell. Charlotte was the one who punished the both of them for not awaken their power.
Y/n: Well that sucks.
Kasumi: What we do know about them they are in the relationship before they were sent to this island.
Y/n: Man that even dose suck even more. Anyway we can get Noe out of her cell?
Kasumi: There is nothing we can't do. Even though I don't like Charlotte's rule I still must follow by the rules.
Y/n: (sigh) Rules, Rules, Rules, that's probably what you are. You always following rules and sticking to it until your grave. Just because there is rules there, that doesn't mean you have to follow them.
Kasumi: What are you saying?
Y/n: I'm saying that yes, rules are there to protect people but follow by the rules in a strict way is not gonna help you to see the world around you and what other life holds. What's the point following some dumb rules and be yourself.
Kasumi: Be myself?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. The reason why those girls are happy is because they don't have to stick with the rules they were giving. They can live out here and do what ever that makes them happen. I mean it's a island, you can basically do what ever you want and no one can't stop you. What I am trying to say is that don't like Charlotte or anyone tell you what to do. Just be yourself and make your own decisions in life. I mean your a smart girl so i can see you as a perfect leader yo our group.
She smiles while Kasumi blushes a bit while her heart skip a beat a bit. Something she hasn't felt for a long time but before she said anything a volleyball hits Kasumi in the face. The girls apologise while Kasumi decided to teach them a lesson by taking part of it as well while Y/n smirks to watch her play as they have lots of fun.
It was night and everyone is asleep and laying in bed. We see Y/n awake and laying on top of the roof of the building looking up at the stars that looked to be pretty when Mamori came up and sat next to her.
Mamori: Should you be bed?
Y/n: (smile) And miss the stars up tonight? Yeah right, this is my only chance to look up at the stars without why lights blocking my veiw.
Mamori looks up and she wad right. They are beautiful as they look over to Nimi see her sleeping as Mamori tells Y/n.
Mamori: You think she can see Noe again?
Y/n: Maybe but who knows. If I know it better you can't contain love, you just can.
Mamori: Guess so. Say do you have a crush on someone before you were captured and taking here?
Y/n: Not really. I mean I'm not a interested of guys and never understood why other girls talk about other guys all day. I mean I don't mind being around them but in a type of romantic why I mean.
Mamori: Guess so. I've never have a crush before I was taking here. But I've gone with this weird feeling and I don't know what to do with it.
Y/n: This weird feeling?
Mamori: It's like I do want a lover but I don't know which one. Would I wanna be with a boy know.
Y/n realise what she ment by that which she smiles and lay back and tells her.
Y/n: You don't have to question anything about it. You can make your own decision and which way you like. You like girls or boys. I mean I used to be like that when I was a kid but my parents told me just be myself and chose what ever I want.
Mamori: And what did you choose?
Y/n: Well I do like girls but I don't care what ever they are, I just like being around them and maybe ask to hang out together and see how it gose.
Mamori: (smile) See what you mean. Even if it is a date or just to hang out.
Y/n: Mostly hang out and we even joke about being "Girlfriends" back then. Just a little joke when we were young.
Mamori smiles by this and can't help but stare at Y/n for a bit as she yawns to herself as she tells Mamori.
Y/n: You can go back to bed if you like. I'm just gonna go to sleep up here.
Mamori: (little blush) M-Mind if I join?
She was a bit surprised but she nods and Mamori lay next to her as she can't help herself and cuddle her which Y/n blush but find it really cute so she cuddle her back and Mamori blushes once more but a smile appear on her face.
Mamori: (thought) This feels so nice. Wish this will last forever.
Soon the two fall asleep while Nimi started to group a bit as well while they all slept.
(Next day)
A scream of Nimi is heard which woke everyone up and wonder what's going on. Then they see what's wrong which is Nimi's Bikini and underwear were torn because her body has grown again.
Y/n: (surprised) How is that possible?!
Nimi: (scared) I don't know but I'm scared!
Mirei: If she continues to grow, who knows how large she might get.
Meifon: Dose anyone have any ideas?
Y/n: Hmm well there is one way. We can go and get Noe and break her out of prison.
Nimi: (surprised) Really?!
Y/n: (smile) Sure, think about it. What ever is going on with you must be your Extar virus. If we get Noe, maybe we van sort thid out. Now we just need a Plan to-
Nimi: Right! Let's go and break Noe out of her prison! Holf on Noe, I'm coming!
She thne runs off snefore Y/n could even finish her plan as they watch her head to the castle to rescue Noe.
Y/n: Well so much for our plan.
Mamori: If she gose running in, Charlotte might try ti hurt her.
Meifon: Come on! I can take us there!
Mirei: Right let's go!
The four climb on and Meifon drive off to the castle to stop Nimi before it is too late but as soon as they got there tehy already see her inside and made a large hole at the entrance as they enter to main castle and see her looking for Noe.
Y/n: So this is what's inside the castle looks like? Huh, I'm Impressed they kept it clean.
Mirei: Wr don't have time for this!
Y/n: Right sorry, you three find Noe while i sort out Nimi.
Mamori: Okay. Be careful.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, I'll be fine.
She then chained to her armor and once the trio left Y/n leaps on to one wall to another and lands at the balcony facing Nimi as she tells her.
Y/n: Nimi calm down!
Nimi: But I gonna find her! I must find her!
Y/n: Look I know but making a lot of noise isn't gonna help. We just need to take you back before Charlotte will-
Charlotte: What is with all the noise?!
Then her qnd her group of girls under on the balcony and they were surprised to see a giant girl while Y/n slowly turns to them and said.
Y/n: Ummm hey there Charlotte. This....ain't what it looks.
Charlotte: Really? Because I can see you and a giant girl attacking this castle! I hope you are ready for your punishment.
Y/n: Wait we're here to try and find Noe. She might help us finding out to stop Nimi's growing.
Charlotte: And why should I help you both?
Y/n: Because your the one that kicked Nimi out of the castle remember.
Charlotte: (smirk) Well it's their own fault for not awaken their power.
Y/n: (thought) Jeez what is her deal?
Charlotte: Enough talk! Time for your punishment.
Y/n: If you mean by action then bring it on!
Y/n summons both sword and shield as she is ready for battle. Th3n Charlotte start to make out with six girls in front of them while Y/n stood there and gets really impatient as she stood there and wait for Charlotte's service to get turned on a changed already.
Y/n: (thought) Jeez this is taking forever. Who ever made this virus didn't put a skip button to skip this.
Finally her serves get turned on and they each changed into her armor she too is ready for combat.
Y/n: Finally your done. Now let's see how strong you are.
Charlotte: (smirk) Gladly.
She then charged to her and swings her attached blade but Y/n blocks it with her own and the two clash blades whike Y/n dodge her attack as she leaps over her and land on her feet. She looks up as Charlotte turn and dashes towards her and try to swing at her but immediately Y/n disappeared and Charlotte stab the floor instead.
She dose her best to pull her blade out of her and omceshe did Y/n was behind her as she turns around and block Y/n's strike and the two continues to clash blades while Y/n dodge Charlotte's swings many times over and over.
Charlotte: (thought) I can't imagine to think she can be this skilled. I thought she gone lucky but know I see how strong she is when it comes to combat.
This gose on for a while and then Y/n kicks Charlotte as she slides back and looks up at Y/n as she smirks.
Charlotte: (smirk) Must say I am impress. But this ain't gonna stop me of destroying you.
Y/n: (smirk) Seriously. You know in the end I'm gonna beat you in the end.
Charlotte: (smirk) Let's see about it.
Then the two charge at each other and swing their blades at each other but before the blades would be clashed, a robot appears and grab both of their blade.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow!
Charlotte: (surprised) That's Torino's personal guard!
Y/n: (thought) So not onky Torino is leader but also has a badass robot?! DAMN IT I WANT TO HAVE ONE!
Noe: Nimi!
They all look up to see Nimi looking down at Nimi qs Nimi smiled at her.
Nimi: (smile) Noe.
Noe: Why did you leave me! I thought we get through this together but you left me!
Nimi realise that she is right but Y/n joins this by telling Noe.
Y/n: Wow Wow Wow it's not Nimi's fault for leaving. She was forced to leave by Charlotte. Do you really think Nimi have a choice?
Noe: Still she should have rescued me!
Y/n: By how? (Sigh) Okay look I'm not a councillor or anything tgqt helps our relationships type of way but what I can tell you is that love could be a challenging way in life. Sometimes when ever you two pick out a rule to each other and thinm it will never be broken, will be broken in any way. But not to each other but to other people. All I'm saying is that you can't blame on who start who or who broke who, you can repair it and talk about it. You two are lovers and I think seeing you two is cute and don't let people like Charlotte split you apart in any way. No matter what happens even if Nimi was force to leave or you were force to leave always remember that you two are a couple and never let this island break you two apart.
Noe realise that Y/n is right so she leaps off and falls towards Nimi which she catches and then there is a bright glow while it shrink down as Y/n looks down to see Nimi back to her normal size as they hug which she smiled.
Torino: Nicely done Y/n.
She turn to see Torino walking up to her as he looks down and tells her.
Torino: It seems that Extar can grow if they haven't awaken their power yet.
Y/n: So that is the side effect of it?
Torino: I believe so but we can explore that in later times.
Y/n nods and then turns to Charlotte as she tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) Wish we can continue this battle but in think the job here is done. Catch you later.
She then leap off the building and lands on the ground and meets up with the rest while Torino and Charlotte watch this from above.
Torino: (smile) She really is a interesting girl. Don't you think Charlotte?
Charlotte: Yeah, an annoying one.
Still she stare at Y/n as a little blush appear on her face to see where smiling but she shakes off this feeling and walks off. Torino smiles while she looks back to Y/n and thinks to himself.
Torino: (thought) Maybe I can spend q bit more time with her while I search the way out. (Giggle) Guess she is cute, hope we can see each other again.
To be continued...............
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