Chapter 2: Make a new home a bit better

It was late at night as we hear nothing but the sound of owls and other night animals in the nearby forest hunting for their prey while we cut to a large building which has light as we see Y/n finish all food while the rest of the girls also eat as she sat next to Mirei and Mamori as after she finish up her delicious good, she turns to the two and asked while they eat theirs.

Y/n: So let me guess this straight so that I can understand right. We're trapped here in this island because we have this type of virus that allow other girls to turn to weapons by getting them "turned on" and there is a large empire that is living in a castle and ruled by one male person I that castle?

Mamori: It may sounded hard to believe but it's true.

Y/n: Huh well that's one something I wasn't ready for when I woke up on a island. I was suspected to fight my way off this island.

Mamori: Well since you kinda made them mad I guess we have to.

Y/n: Well that's just perfect.

Mirei: Disbite your first time being here you've shown to know your skills in combat.

Y/n: (smirk) I've took part in many fighting lessons and kung fu while travelling around the world. If any guy wants to get near to this girl, they gonna get kicked.

Mirei just looks away and continues eating her food which Mamori tells her.

Mamori: Don't mind her, she's really nice and saved me a few times my first time being here.

Y/n: Really? How long have you been here?

Mamori: I've been here for three days and so dose Mirei.

Y/n: Huh and everyone else?

???: We've been here way longer before you, Mirei qnd Mamori came here.

Then a plate of frute set down on their table by Torino who give Y/n a kind smile while Y/n takes an apple and bites it.

Y/n: Mmm thanks for the fruit Torino.

Torino: (smile) Not at all and I gonna say we never have a Hybrid Liberator in our home.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess it's your lucky day then. Say if this is the island and you all  have the supplies, why cab you not make a boat and leave?

Torino: We can't. There is a large enegry feild that is surrounded the island qnd no one can't enter or leave this island.

Y/n: Then how did you girls get here?

Mirei: We were in pods that get through the enegry feild qnd once through we were set landing into shore.

Y/n: Guess that would explain why my head hurts a lot. Still do you mind tomorrow I'll go check out tusi engery feild and see if there is a weak point taht we can escape to?

Torino: Um sure I'll ask Meifon to come with you tomorrow.

Mirei: You know there is no way to get pass a large high tech enegry feild right?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe so but if learn anything there has to be some power core or something to power this island up. I mean you said that castle has power right? Well ever thought where they get all that power from?

Mamori: Huh you have a point there.

Y/n: (smirk) Even if the shield is heavy protected there has to be something within this island to shut it down. If i know anything there has to be a top secret lab somewhere that scientists are watching us. That's how all movies plays out like Maz runner or Old.

Mirei: Fine do what ever you want but I assure you that it be pointless.

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you say Mirei.

Mirei just looks away while Y/n giggles while Mamori looks like her which her heart skip a beat a bit as she look at her smiling and thinks she is cute when she smiles like that.

After they finish their meal Y/n stay at Mirei and Mamori's room and once that everyone have a nice sleep.

(Next day)

The ocean moves gently as Y/n along with Meifon approach the beach as Meifon Park the truck behind them as Y/n looks over to the sea and picks up a rock and throws it which the rock skips on the ocean until it hits a large enegry feild just like what Torino tells her.

Meifon: Well that's a good throw. You've thrown rocks move often?

Y/n: Mostly when I'm bored or having fun. Still Torino wasn't joking when she said there is a large enegry feild surrounding the island.

Meifon: Yep no one can't get in or out.

Y/n looks at it for a bit until she looks around to see she could find something but nothing.

Y/n: (thought) No signs of anything that is connecting to the enegry feild. Either someone is controlling the feild somewhere on this island or somewhere else?

Meifon: So tell me about yourself?

Y/n: Huh?

Meifon: You know, what you do before you came here. There has to be something you did before you came here?

Y/n: Well I congregation college last month. After college I decided to travel around the world and discover new stuff. After packing my gears qnd money I took a nearby bus and headed north.

Meifon: (smirk) That's interesting. Any end game plans after yoru travel?

Y/n: Well never thought about that but if I would it be in a relaxing place.

Meifon: Like this island?

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah except for a large enegry feild surrounding it.

The two girls giggle and after that Y/n asked.

Y/n: So you do supply runs for Torino and get paid?

Meifon: (smile) Yep. To tell you a secret, I stole some supplies from the castle qnd I've been doing this for a year now.

Y/n: (smirk) And is that the reason why they came and nearly kill me for?

Meifon: N-Nnnnnnoooooooo......okay maybe a little.

Y/n: Riiiight. So anyways let's talk about them shall we? Like how did they started this military like rule on the island or something like that?

Meifon: Well if I recall it all started when Akira first came to the island. Some say the reason why he came here is because of Government reasons or he too has the virus as well which is impossible.

Y/n: He might hold some dark secrets about this island and is not telling us.

Meifon: Agree. If I find out he was I would have storm into his office and tell him in his face that I found out is dark secret.

???: I can assure you I'm not keeping any secrets.

Meifon jumps forward nearly bumping to Y/n as they look over to see Akira coming out of the bushes and walk up to the two.

Y/n: And you must be Akira I assume?

Akira: That is correct and you must be a new girl on this island as well if I'm right?

Y/n: Yes names Y/n L/n and why are you here? Look if it something about yesterday I want to make it clear that they started it!

Akira: I know i want to apologise for that. I hope you will accept my apologies and hope this will never happen again.

He bows to her to show respect while looking up at Y/n which Y/n sighs and said.

Y/n: Guess I forgive you I guess.

Akira: Thank you. Now about what Meifon said I have no idea about this island and it's secrets but I do need help of figuring out about this island and see that your already on it then maybe we should work together.

Y/n: And why should I trust you?

Akira: I understand why your not sure not to trust me but let me assure of you that we are all trapped in this island and if we don't get out, who knows what will happen later on in the future. It's my duty to keep eveyoen safe even it's within my land or not. Please lend me your support and I can assure you we will get out of this together. What do you say?

He lend out his hand to Y/n which she looks at him and knows she can't do this alone so she sighs and takes his hand and shakes on it.

Y/n: Okay but first I need some few stuff from your castle?

Akira: Of course. What is it do you need?

Y/n: Do you base any garden tools or building equipment we might use?

(Sometime later)

The two return and they place down the tools onto the floor while other girls looks at them as Mirei qnd Mamori walks out with them seeing the tools and Mirei asked.

Mirei: What is all of this for?

Y/n: Well since this place is smell and needs qn upgrade in case new people would come, I figured we make a few upgrades to the home and make it better.

Mamori: But how are we gonna do that? We don't have anything to use these tools for?

Y/n: (smirk) You kidding? Just look around you, there is trees, rocks and some animal life as well on this island and we can get these supplies and make this place a great place to stay.

Torino: That would be interesting but what do you have in mind?

Y/n: (smile) Well I figured we start off by ending in some rooms within the house, then start to make a barn to store animals in and a garden to grow and lastly make roads that gose to different ways the just one way which is the beach.

Mamori: (smile) I think this sounds fun! Let's so this!

Mirei: Are you sure about this?

Y/n: (smirk) Sure I'm sure! Now then, if any of you knows about tools and how to use them then let's start by making new rooms. Some can make a small garden while some make a barn. Anyone who isn't can either get plants to plant them into our garden while some will go out qnd get some animals. I thinm about saw a few sheep and cows so let's do it girls!

The girls cheered and some pick up a tool and start building with Y/n while some like Mamori, Meifon and Torino head off to grab some plants and some animals to take back. Mirei watch this as Y/n with the rest of the girls building a barn next to their home. Y/n swipe off the sweat off of her forehead as she continues building building Mirei sees that she is strong and have more spirit then any other girls.

She sigh and decided to help her as she walks up next Y/n and pick up a wood and hand it to her.

Mirei: Try not get q splinter will you.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey no splitter ain't gonna stop me. I know what I'm doing.

She takes the wood from Mirei qnd nail it on the wall while Mirei stare at her a bit while she works and there was this feeling before she shakes it off and continues on working.

Mirei: (thought) What is this feeling? I feel weird when I'm alright here. Doesn't matter.

Everyone was doing their part on working while we see a drone in the woods as cut to the control room where we see Charlotte and Kasumi watching this on the screen.

Charlotte: What on earth are they doing?

Kasumi: It looks like they are making upgrades to their home.

Charlotte: (anger) With our tools. We will not accept this.

She storm off while Kasumi turns to her and tells her.

Kasumi: Don't do anything that will upset Akira.

Charlotte: (smirk) Don't worry. I won't.

She then walks off out of thr room while Tasumi turns back to the screen and stare at Y/n as she gone interested with her and her abilities.

Tasumi: (thought) Just who are you?


It was night time as their upgraded home is done but the barn qnd garden needs to be continued but they decided to finish it tomorrow as inside we see Mirei, Y/n and Mamori in their room as Mamori tells her.

Mamori: You can't sleep with me if you like Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No thanks. I've gone used sleeping in the floor during my travels.

Mamori: (smile) I can see. Say what places have you visited?

Y/n: (smile) Oh you gonna love the places I've been. I went to New York, London, Australia and all these amazing places.

Mamori: (smile) That's amazing! Did you take many pictures?

Y/n: (smile) Yep and I would like to show you girls if those jerks haven't took my stuff. I swear these people have some nerve.

Mirei: You'll get used to it. Time we get some sleep.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah (yawn) Feel pretty tired. Goodnight girls.

Once that they shut off their lights and they fall asleep. It was in the middle of the night when Mamori slowly wakes up and looks over to see Y/n is not in her sleeping beg so she looks out of the window to see her walking towards the forest which she decided to follow her.

After she get changed and sneak her way out she follow Y/n and after a while stumble to a open feild with Y/n looking up at the shinning moon as she turns to her and smile at her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Mamori. Sorry if I wake you.

Mamori: Oh no it's alright. What are you doing here?

Y/n: (smile) Just looking up to the night sky. Gona  say it sure is beautiful.

Mamori: (smile) Yeah sure dose.

Y/n: Say Mamori I know we barely know each other but I think I'm starting to gt close to you.

Mamori: What do you mean by that?

She then walks over to her which made Mamori blush q bit as Y/n walks right up to her and tells her.

Y/n: I mean I'm not into guys but cute girls like you. Your pretty cute and....I really like your cute voice and your cute face.

Mamori: (blushed) W-Whoa thank you Y/n. I...I don't know what to say.

Y/n: (smirk) I know one way.

Before Mamori would say anything Y/n lend over and kiss her which surprised her as Y/n grabs her breast ans squeeze them which made Mamori heart beat harder as she kills Y/n back snd the two fell on the ground as they make out. However the one that Mamori making out isn't Y/n.

In reality we see her just turning herself on while we see Miranda behind her with panel like device on her back to make Mamori hallucinate to believe Mamori is making out with Y/n as she watch this with a smirk.

Miranda: Any moment now and soon she'll burst.

Mamori: (moaning) Oh Y/n~! Oh Y/n~!

She smirks and see she is almost done when suddenly she gets kicked from behind and she was sent flying but sh eland on her feet and we see the real Y/n exit out of the forest in her armor as she asked.

Y/n: Did I interrupt something?

Miranda: (anger) How did you?

Y/n: I was having a walk when I hear moaning so I came over and saw you trying to mess with Mamori. Don't know by you but that's weird.

Miranda: (smirk) You still haveno idea who she is do you? What she can turn into?

Y/n: I've picked many things that she can change but I hope it is something cool so I can use it to beat you.

Miranda: (smirk) We'll see about that.

She then use her ability to summon large man from the ground as yhey surrounded her which Y/n knows their not real so she leaps over qnd grabs Mamori how ever it cost her to lend out a cry as there is a flash of light and Mamori changed into a sword which Y/n likes.

Y/n: Now that's what I'm talking about! Alright boys, let's dance!

The man like statue chargest her which she gose quick and slice up the men statue while avoiding their grab as she moves fast and slashing at them.

Miranda: (shocked) There is no way! How can this be possible!?

Soon Y/n was right up at Miranda's face as she slash qt her and she lend out a yell as she and her partner fell on the ground defeated while Y/n land on her feet and turn to see the two defeated.

The two slowly sat up and turn to her this time in fear as Y/n walks over to them, bend over and whisper.

Y/n: (whisper) This is the part, you both scream and run away.

They did so and they rush into the forest to return home while Y/n chuckle while she looks at Mamori as a sword and throws her to the air which she gose back to normal and Y/n catches her. Mamori is asleep as she nuzzle Y/n's chest which she smiled underneath her helmet as she carry her home.

Y/n: (thought) Got to admit, she is cute when she's asleep.

(Next day)

It was next morning and Mirei was the first to wake up and looks over to see Y/n not in her sleeping bag but rather on Mamori's bed as the two cuddle while Mirei just sigh to herself while she gets jealous for some reason.

Soon Mamori and Y/n wake up and Mamori was surprised Y/n is leeping on her bed and asked.

Mamori: (surprised) Y/n? Why are you on my bed?

Y/n: (smile) I change my mind about last night. Its fun sleeping together and feels nice sleeping on a bed especially with someone else.

Mamori blush a bit but smiled while Mirei just look at them and as soon Mamori enter the bathroom to get a shower, Mirei asked.

Mirei: What happened last night?

Y/n: Let's just say something happen which we took care of. By away, she is one powerful girl you got to admit.

Mirei: You should have told me about this and we Bothwell have handle this together.

Y/n: (smile) Relax Mirei their not gonna bother us anymore. Now let's get change, get some breakfast and get back to work.

She leaps out of the bed and after getting changed walks over to the door and before she left she tells Mirei.

Y/n: I know your cold and serious but you gonna have someone be on your side. You gonna have someone to trust. Like me and Mamori, you can trust us.

Then she leave the room leaving Mirei alone as she looks down and thinks to herself.

Mirei: (thought) Trust Huh. You don't know what I have been Y/n. You just have no idea that I once trust someone before and in return....she broke that trust and now....I can't find trust on anyone anymore.

To be continued................

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