You Have Got To Be Joking.

Hey minna-san! Before I get into the story, a quick warning. Ranmaru. And a special shout out to my senpai/oniichan. Now that its all said and done: Enjoy!



"SHUT UP!" Syo shouted, "I just dropped my flashlight jeez, calm down already."

"Kurusu?" Masato frowned.

"No, Santa Clause." Syo replied sarcastically.

"No need to be rude munchkin." Ren snickered.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!!" The blonde shouted.



"You heard the banging too I assume?" Masato inquired.

"No shit sherlock." Syo retorted.

The other duo stared down at him blankly. Syo clamped a hand over his mouth and fixed his light blue eyes on his toes.

"Sorry. Lack of sleep makes me sarcastic." He apologized.

"Uh huh..." Ren said.

"Whatever you're not my mother." The shorter one spat.

He turned on his heel and marched away. Masato and Ren looked at eachother then decided to follow the midget boy.


"God dammit mother fucking bitchyass

piece of shit dickheaded bastard."

The silver haired rocker was swearing his ass off as he marched down the halls.

"This place isn't even that big seriously." Ranmaru grumbled.

Bang bang bang

Ranmaru's phone suddenly flickered and died.

"What the fuck?"" He frowned, "Goddamnit."

Now forced to walk in the dark, Ranmaru continued down the the hall pretty much blind now. Then there was another bang directly below him. Ranmaru looked down at the floor boards beneath his feet that for some reason began to quake.

"What the-FUAAAAAAHHCK?!!?"

The floor caved in and the rocker fell into the hole landing hard on his feet then falling on his butt at the bottom of the at least 8 foot drop. Groaning he brushed off his pants and stood up, looking up to where he had fallen from. It was so dark he could barely make outré hole.

"Are you fucking serious?" He asked aloud, "FUCK!"

Lost in his irritation, Ranmaru punched the nearest thing he could find which happened to be a stone wall.



"Ne Ai Ai, did you hear something?" Reiji asked.

"Mm. It sounded like Ranmaru swearing." Ai replied.

"Welp, lets find him." The brunette announced decidedly.

The duo followed the sounds of swearing to the other hallway. They finally found the hole the rock idol had fallen into. Reiji took one look and began to giggle uncontrollably. Ranmaru glared up at them.

"What?" He demanded.

"You havin fun down there RanRan?" Reiji giggled, "Or do you want some help?"

Ranmaru's eye twitched.

"That goes without saying baka." Ai said.


"Slow down Kurusu." Masato pleaded.

Ren and Masato were nearly running after Syo who was moving pretty fast. The blonde sniffed and kept speed walking. He was fed up, tired, and getting pissed off.

"You're gonna trip." Ren warned.

"No I won't." Syo replied sharply.

"Heehee, oh RanRan."

"Waah!" Syo cried.


Syo had been to busy being annoyed he hadn't noticed Reiji crouching on the ground. The blonde tripped over his brunette senpai knocking them both into the hole. At the last minute Syo had grabbed the closet thing which happened to be Masato's sleeve causing Masato to accidentally fall and push Ren who then tripped over Ai and the they fell as well.


"Oh shit!" The rocker yelped.

Ranmaru then did the only thing a smart person would do in that situation. He booked it. The rocker bolted to the far wall to avoid becoming a landing strip.


"Ow my arm."

"Ow my face."

"Ow my everything."

"Syo get off me!"

"They're morons..." Ranmaru thought to himself in disbelief.


Yeah what do you guys think of this chapter? I hope you like it cause I did this before my homework which is now a last minute rush so be grateful. Don't forget to leave questions or comments in the comments section and yeah. Write for you later minna-san! Chu Chu Nya Nya!

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