'Let me show you'
OTP (RanDani)
Part I.
'Why do you like him?'
That was a question that Camus would pop out of the blue, just because, also for his dislike of this certain man he had to share a band with. Even when he wasn't too close to his sister, somehow, deep inside, he felt some kind of resentment...why did he feel that? They're both adults, they don't live together, they take and make their own decisions. Alas, instinctively he felt he had to have an opinion about the relationship he had started to notice. It wasn't an obvious thing, he had to carve out the information with a spoon, he did notice some small things, small actions or reactions that weren't the usual, slowly, and with the help of Mikaze who always seemed to be studying each and every one action all the boys did, he had gathered enough information. Now, according to his head and Mikaze's calculations, Danima was dumb enough to go into their dressers and not only that, but confused Camus dresser with Kurosaki's, hence why they met before his sister dropped the bomb on how she had graduated from Shinning Gakuen's Idol program, without him knowing, she had been there for over a year and a half (thanks to the help of Ringo, who he needed to have a separate conversation), and after the series of events that went after, meeting the rest of Shinning's bands, STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT, apparently Mikaze had met her when she was a student out of pure casualty, and then Haruka became her senpai in the Master Course, so she would also be helping the bands with the composition. That much happened in 2 months, without adding the meetings with the President, Ringo's visits and Ryuuya's consultations with both girls. Now when he did began to count the times when she had to stay with Quartet Night until late, those added 4 or 5 months, and then the individual meetings and practices, since she was so 'kind', she offered to help with choreography and lyrics, of course Camus said no, nonetheless she stuck her nose in his business..those would add 2 more months, and THEN, it hit him, when Kurosaki began to work in his solo Idol song with Haruka, he would meet with both girls, and knowing Haruka, she would also be busy with STARISH, so if his brain worked right, they had hours to spend with each other (hours he didn't know, at the beginning, both Danima and Ranmaru DREADED), so they had the time to get to know each other, and that solo Idol song, which he was also working on, lasted around 3 months, and seeing each other for at least half a day, plus when she offered to buy lunch or just asked Ringo to let her have lunch with the group...it all made sense. Now it was clear.
"Camus-senpai...you ran out of paper there. This must be really important" commented Cecil who just so happened to be passing by the lounge room, and saw that out of the 3 white sheets of paper, they were all scribbled, some in his handwriting, but the other half wasn't his (it was Mikaze's notes that he asked to keep after he found out he did this)
"I was blind, it seems..." Camus sighed, completely ignoring Aijima's presence, until he felt the eyes of said boy, again, he sighed, turning his head to face him
"This is none of your business, Aijima. If you're not busy, you should be working on the project I left you" he scolded
"But Camus-senpai, 100 rules to be an idol? That's a lot to finish in one day!" The green eyed boy replied, and Camus could've cared less
"Then get to work so you can finish this quickly. Now, excuse me, I have a meeting to attend" and with that, the Coint left the place, and a very confused Cecil with it.
That said meeting was actually a reunion with his sister, who he had to ask for help, and with help, he meant Ringo, knowing she wouldn't attend if he himself asked personally. He was in one of the practice rooms, sitting on a chair against the wall with silence surrounding him. It felt like an eternity to wait for such a nonchalant girl to show up, but he knew he had to step first into the conversation, knowing that if there was anything going on between his bandmate and his sister, there would be great consequences for the band and for her, but maybe, the consequences was what she needed to leave him alone and return to Permafrost, as sadly, the Count couldn't realize the real reason she was there, was similar to his, blinded by the idea that was always told to them. A knock was what put him off the thinking boat, and the door opened to reveal his sister, wearing a small smile thinking she was meeting with her senpai
"Sorry, Ringo, I got stuck with Nanami in the- hell are you doing here?" Replied the blonde once she saw her brother there, and before she backed up, Camus snapped his fingers, the door closed and locked behind her. She sighed, knowing this must be serious for him. She walked closer, her arms crossed all the time
"You know you wouldn't have come if I asked you to" Camus replied, standing up from his chair, also walking over to his sister
"Well played, you're right. Now, what is it this time? You always come up with these 'reunions' just to bicker-"
"What's going on between you and Kurosaki?" He cut her off, taking her off guard
"What are you talking about? Going on between us?" Danima scoffed
"I think Diabetes is hitting a wrong nerve-"
"Quit playing, Shatzo. Even Mikaze has noticed this behavior both of you have. Talk now"
"I still don't know what the hell you want me to say! If you were paying attention, you would've noticed I'm working with him and each one of you in your Idol song project, remember?" Danima replied, but Camus knew she was hiding something
"Perhaps you haven't realized because you are a naive and foolish woman. Kurosaki has been acting in a strange manner these past 2 months-"
"Has it affected the group negatively?" She asked
"What does it has to do with-" and now he got cut by her
"Yeah, you say he's acting strange, yet you're the only person out of the group that has complained because he's acting differently. I don't know, maybe you just miss fighting with him" she replied
"How dare you? His way of acting now is distracting, even Mikaze had pointed that out. You're the idiot who seems to not realize your presence is not needed because it is affecting our communications" Camus snorted
"Oh! So now the great Count thinks I am not doing a good job? Well, newsflash, Cryszards, your boss and senpai's BEG to differ, as it seems they want me to keep working on with their idols before I debut-"
"You weren't supposed to even be here, Shatzo. You came here ABANDONING your duties as Countess, remember? You just wanted the easy way out, like everyone else, and now that easy way is making the group feel uncomfortable-"
"Easy way? You call that HELL we went through the 'easy way out'? You are dead in the brain. Ever since I came here I want to actually live my life! If it wasn't for my will to try and see the good in this life, and Ringo who appeared like a miracle and scouted me, I'll be buried in the same place as your mother!" Danima replied, and this won her a slap, a hard one from his brother
"Do NOT mention my mother, as a matter of fact, and for the looks of it, you inherited that will to be a bitch from yours, and yet, you never ever met her, pretty sure she had you to have some money sent to her and run away with the next greatest thing!" And now, Camus was the one who got punched in the gut by her, hard as well
"I may not know her, but you are well aware, that some truths were hidden from us about our past, and part of the reason I came here, was to find her. I know if I became an idol, maybe she'll see me and recognize me...and seriously, hitting a girl? That's so not gentlemanly of you to do, Cryszards, at least I know your bandmates wouldn'thave done that to me" Danima replied, holding her breath for a moment, the discussion went from one point to the other
"Oh really? Then are you trying to copy your mother, and get away with the next biggest thing? Are you really that desperate to be loved like her, because you were never loved by anyone in your life?" Camus replied coldly, and only when he realized what he had said, he sighed
"I went ahead with another topic again, now answer my-"
"And what if I do? What if I have feelings for someone I can't have? At least, even if that someone doesn't likes me the same way, they'll keep treating me like a human being, not a scum, like you did right now to me. After all, that's what you want, power and recognition. You are so out of it, you don't consider others, because you think you're so mighty and high" she sighed, when Camus was going to reply, pulling her by the collar, the door opened behind them, where Ringo and Shinning had listened to the whole conversation. Camus calmed down after a moment, and Ringo went right ahead to scold him and also slapped him, but he didn't say anything, he stood silent. Now when Shinning walked to them, both felt like kids being scolded when the boss began to speak
"Mister Camus, you will have to apologize to Miss Danima for this behavior, as well, you'll go on a small break for the next 2 days, what you have done is not proper of an idol like yourself...and Miss Danima, I do have to remind you, that the no love rule applies to everyone, to not get yourself in trouble, these feeling you have you need to put into songs, not into a person. If you can't follow that, you'll have to leave the agency. Both of you, did I make myself clear?" To his cold voice and claims, both Camus and Danima nodded their heads before the boss left, and Ringo sighed
"I warned you, this was not a good idea-"
"When I'm finished with the Idol solo projects I'll take my leave" and with that, Danima left the room. Leaving Camus and Ringo there
"You were harsh, Camyu"
"It was the truth, she needed a reality check...what I belive was out of hand for me was the smack, though she did hit me back I won't be apologizing" Camus replied
"Both of you hate each other so much I can't understand, and I know your past stories with detail. You have to be less like a father, you are not one to control the other" Ringo said, and with that, he walked away.
Even now, Camus knew that Ringo had a point, but he didn't understand him as well. It was more complicated than that, more than just a push and pull situation. He was mad at her, but he had forgotten why he was.
See you all in part II.
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