My Princess (Ren x Reader) pt 1

Note: You're eighteen years old now and share a room with Nanami in the MC dorms. :/ I'm trying...
(May be too long, boring, and off topic)

"(Y/N)-chan!" Someone called from behind. "(Y/N)-chan!" It was Haruka, one of your friends and students (or kohai; whatever you prefer).

You turned around and said, "Hm? What is it?" Haruka stopped in front of you and took a few seconds to catch her breath, as if she had ran all the way from the other side of the MC dorms.

When she finally caught her breath, Haruka smiled, "It's almost Jinguji-san's birthday. Can you help with preparing his party?" You nodded. "'Course! What can I do?" You asked.

And with that, Haruka explained everything.

You were assigned to keep Ren away from the practice room in the evening while the others were getting ready for the party.

You felt a tap on your arm as you snored away (sorry). It got a bit heavier every tap for three times. Suddenly it stopped. A few seconds later, someone yelled, "(Y/N)!" and pounced on you.

Jolting up, you saw that Otoya had jumped on your bed, laughing. Next to your bed stood Natsuki and Masato. "Wha..?" You mumbled, still half asleep.

Otoya stopped laughing and said, "You were drooling, again (sorry...again)!" You quickly wiped the drool off your face with your shirt sleeve. "What're you guys doin' here?" You asked. Masa said, "Today is Jinguji's birthday." Smiling brightly, Natsuki said, "Haru-chan told us you'd be helping with his party!"

Nodding, you got up and started brushing your hair. "That's right," you said. "But why are you guys really doin' here?" Otoya sat up from your bed and said, "We were going to give Ren (I don't know what Otoya calls him 0:) our presents! Natsuki thought you'd like to go with us." You realized all three of them had neatly wrapped gifts in their hands.

Finished with brushing your hair, you said, "Right...I'll go. You guys go ahead. I know..." You tilted your head towards some of your clothes. The three of them got the message and quickly walked out.

The second they were out you pulled on your favorite dress and shoes and ran out of your room. The guys were already making their way down the hall as you followed behind.


Ren was sitting on the couches in the main hall (you know...the ones next to the stairs...?) with Ranmaru and Tokiya. Otoya and Natsuki ran up to them and handed Ren their gifts.


Masa then handed his gift and sat down next to Tokiya. Ren thanked all three of them and started a chat.


You froze instantly when you remembered what you'd forgotten. Haruka had told you about Ren's party three days ago and you still hadn't gotten him a freaking present. (sorry...once again)
What was even worse was that Ren's birthday was on Valentine's Day.

Ren suddenly turned his attention to you, but you were already running back to the women's dorms. "Where's the little duckling going?" Ren asked.

Inside your room, Haruka was speaking to Cecil and Camus, while Reiji and Syo were messing around. They all turned towards you as you slammed the door closed.

Haruka smiled and said, "(Y/N)-chan! We've been looking for you." You laughed awkwardly as you tried to think of an excuse. "So, where were you?" Syo asked. Cecil added, "You don't usually wake up until noon."

Your awkward laughs turned into weird sobs as you plopped onto your bed. "I forgot to buy a gift for Ren," you said. Syo said, "That's it?" Cecil elbowed him on the arm.

Trying to make things better, Reiji said, "How 'bout a kiss!" Camus smacked him in the head and glared, "Fool! Romance isn't permitted here." You stopped sobbing and looked up at them. Haruka sat next to you and said, "I don't think you need a present for Jinguji-san. He already has you."
(corny, much?)
You wiped away the streaming tears and sighed but smiled. "Thanks..." You said quietly. "Now what do we do about that party?"

The hours rushed by as you and the others prepared for Ren's party. Ren had some work to do at the recording studio in the city so you didn't have to worry about him till later on.

Around four, you went into town to get the cake at a nearby bakery. A few minutes later, you emerged from the shop with a two-tiered strawberry cake.

For some reason, there weren't any taxis available so you went on a painful walk back to the MC dorms. After ten minutes of walking, you opened the box to check on the cake. Up ahead were some teenagers on skateboards.

They skated (is that right?) right past you, but one of them purposely pushed you from behind. You fell to the ground and landed face-first on the cake.

You quickly got up and looked behind back. "You brats!" You yelled at them. The teens yelled back, "Suck it, loser!" They disappeared as you looked down at the smushed cake. You said to yourself, ", no, no..."

"Why is everything going crazy today?" You thought to yourself. You forgot Ren's present, then you ran away from him, now his cake was just another meal for the birds. Tears started falling down on the sidewalk.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast over you and felt a hand gently lift your chin. A person started wiping the cake off of your face with their handkerchief.

Then you saw it was Ren.

When he was done wiping your face, you lunged at him and wrapped your arms around him and started crying.

I felt that I was making this WAYYYY too long, so there's gonna be two parts.
I'm also sorry if this was a bit too off topic... ;-;

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