Cinderella Syndrome (Reiji x Reader)

I'm well aware that "Cinderella Syndrome" already exists and it means "fear of yada yada" or something of the like. But in this case, that's not the actual meaning. You'll see what it really is
(I really need to stop putting notes in chapters)

"_____!" one of your band mates called out as they unloaded the equipment from the van. "Did you bring the whatcha-ma-call??"
     Holding up a cord, you laughed, "You mean 'the amplifier cord thingy?'"
Today, you and your friends would be performing in various locations out on the streets, just like every Saturday of every week. Your friends never really wanted to be a band in the first place, but they agreed only because they wanted to help you achieve your dream of being scouted and becoming an idol.
     Your band didn't perform just to be scouted though. Every time you all played, people would gather and smile. That was the one of the purposes of being a band: to make others happy.
     As you and your band finally finished setting up the equipment, you all put on your disguises. Sometimes, the police would come by and ask for a license, which you unfortunately didn't have.
     You all waited until exactly eleven to begin playing...3...2...1--
     People turned their heads as they heard music being played from a small corner of the city, drowning out the surrounding sounds of passing cars and whatnot.
     You smiled at the people who began to come and surround your little band. In return, they smiled back and clapped at the end of each song.
      After a short refreshment break, you were all about to start playing again when someone separated themselves from the crowd and made their way over to you.
     He has certainly attractive though not the kind of person you'd call handsome or anything. He looked like your average citizen with his long, brown hair and those eyes. Oh, dayum, those--
     You quickly shook your head at the question he asked. "S-Sorry, what was that?" you asked back.
     "Can I sing the next song with you?" he asked again, smiling, but with all seriousness.
     Turning back to other band mates, they all nodded in approval, all with strange grins...
     "You're in, buddy," you said as you turned your attention back to the man.
     His smile widened as he stood next to you and took the mic you handed to him.
     The band then started playing and both you and the man started singing.
Whoa, this guy's got some talent, you thought to yourself as you stole a few glances at him. You felt that you had seen him before, but you couldn't quite tell with the yellow tint of your fake glasses.
     Finally, the song ended and the crowd cheered and clapped more than ever.
     The man waved to the crowd before turning to you. "Hehe, you and your band are pretty good," he complimented. "Got a name?"
     Shaking your head, you said, "Nah, we just play to make people happy," leaving out your own reason.
     "Well, you girls shouldn't stop playing," he said, smiling as he put his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Reiji, by the way."
     You took his hand and shook it while returning a smile. "I'm--" was all you managed before someone blew a whistle.
     There was a policeman running in your band's direction, calling out, "Hey, you haven't been given permission to set up here!"
     Quickly, you slipped your hand out of Reiji's and bowed. "I'm sorry," you said backing away. "But we have to go now!"
     With that, you and your band mates grabbed as much of the equipment as you could, which wasn't much, and ran off, leaving Reiji standing with the remainder of the equipment.
You all found a hiding place behind a large van (*wink wink*) and peeked out to see where the policeman was. You slumped to the ground, either from disappointment, exhaustion, or whatever, you didn't know.
As you sat, you suddenly realized you didn't feel the bulge in your back pocket that was supposed to be your phone. You looked up at the sky just was your band mates looked over. They quickly covered their ears as you took a deep breath and--

~ A Few Days Later ~

"Is she still upset about losing her phone?"
"That, and losing most of our equipment to that stupid policeman."
"Ugh, he just had to come...of course..."
You and your band mates were wallowing in the living room of your small apartment. You couldn't do much now that the equipment was sitting in the police station storage room.
Grabbing the T.V. remote, you turned it on to put all of your minds away from the loss. The T.V. turned on to the news channel and the picture displayed was--
"Look, we're on T.V.!" one of your band mates exclaimed.
You all sat up to hear what was to be said about the band.
"There's been news going around that a small band of girls who were playing in town a few days ago ran off just after a show," the news anchor lady said, seemingly interested in the topic. "Now, there's two things that make this quite the story.
"First off is that these girls left at the stroke of midnight, leaving their instruments and everything behind. I'm sure you all know what fairy tail this reminds you of. These girls have earned the name 'Cinderella and her band of helpers.'"
Your band mates didn't seem all that upset at what they had been called for they were all too happy that you at least had some attention. Gosh, how did you ever find such generous friends like these?
"And do you know what else made this such a popular topic?" the lady continued. "Kotobuki Reiji, a member of the rising group Quartet Night, performed with them just before they disappeared."
You were suddenly choking on the water you were drinking and coughed like a madman. Your friends laughed as they hit your back to stop the coughing.
"You didn't know?" one of them asked.
You shook your head, "W-Well, I did and I didn't..." you mumbled. "I thought I recognized him, but I didn't think he'd be such a big person..."


"Argh, she keeps popping up in my mind with that pretty smile of hers no matter what I do!" Reiji whined. "Now, I really wanna see her again! Ai-Ai, how am I supposed to find her-- I mean, them!?"
Without looking up from his computer, Ai replied, "If you want to do something, do it yourself. Don't ask me for advice."
Reiji got up and rolled all over Ai's bed. "Eh~, so mean," Reiji whined once more. "But Ai-Ai, this girl...I know she's the one for me!"
Ai glared at him. "If you forgot, we're not allowed to have relationship," Ai said. A thought came to mind though. If I help Reiji and this girl find each other and they get caught, I won't have to deal with this idiot anymore.
"Fine...I'll help you if you promise not to come within five hundred feet from me for the next ten years," he said.
"Eh!? That's too long!"
"Then I suppose you don't want to find that girl so badly," Ai said, turning away to his computer.
There was silence in the room for a few moments. Sighing, Reiji finally said, "Fine..."
"I'm glad you're setting your priorities straight," Ai said, turning his chair to Reiji. "Though I wish you wouldn't do it while messing up my bed.
"Anyway, if you want me to find her, I need something of hers to track her."
Slowly, Reiji reached into his pocket and took out a pretty (f/c) flip phone...

~ The Next Day ~

It was only five in the morning when you heard someone knocking on your door. Sitting up, you groaned to yourself, "The sun doesn't even rise for another hour and a half..."
     You got up anyway and tried smoothing your hair a bit to at least look presentable. "Who could be up at this time of morning..." you asked yourself as you opened the door. The person standing there wasn't at all who you expected. Your angry neighbor or one of the high schoolers just messing around, sure, but...
     Smiling, he said, "'Morning, _____! Sorry for coming so early in the morning."
     Opening the door wider, you said, "Reiji...? How did you...?" There were so many "how did you" questions running through your mind, but there was one that seemed right to ask.
     "How did you find me?" You asked quietly.
     He looked down sheepishly. "This might sound stalker-ish, but I asked one of my friends to find you," he said.
     "You're right," you said, putting a hand on your hip. "It does sound stalker-ish."
     Reiji looked up embarrassed. "B-But I wanted to find you so I could return your phone and your band's equipment," he quickly said, gesturing over the safety rail behind him.
     "Alright," you said shrugging. "Stalker-ish and a bit sweet. Sounds good."
     Reiji handed you your phone. "Thanks," you said to him. "Now let me just change so we can take the equipment up here."
     You were about to head back inside when Reiji said, "W-Wait! I didn't just come to return your things..."
     The two of you stood by the doorway as he started explaining.
     "I actually wanted to see you, _____," he started. "After we sang together in town, it kinda frustrated me that you kept popping up in my mind afterwards and I didn't even know you..."
     He mumbled quite a bit after that, but shook his head and looked up at you with a sort of hopeful look.
     "The point is that I wanted to see your smile again!" he said taking a step forward. You didn't take a step back or anything. You just looked at him in the eyes just as he did you (lol).
     A moment of silence passed between you two before you broke out laughing. "Reiji, this is really sweet of you," you said, smiling at him. "And now...I guess Prince Charming finally found Cinderella..."
He seemed a bit surprised at first, but eventually smiled back. The next thing you know, he was reaching out to cup your face and leaned over to kiss you. You placed your hands on his and kissed back.
The kiss itself was quite gentle at first, but it somehow got rough and sloppy as you went along. You broke the kiss, but kept your face close to his.
"We shouldn't be doing this," you murmured. "Not out in the open, at least..."
Reiji laughed shortly before scooping you up in his arms and carried you inside, shutting the door behind him.

     Er mer gerd, finally done with this!! I was thinking about adding another part somewhere around the middle, but being the lazy salad I am, I decided not to. That, and that I still have to work on homework, story for two tests tomorrow, and prepare for a presentation. ;-;

     Anyway, for the next few chapters or so, I'm gonna put songs that more or so likely go along or sound like they fit with the chapter. For this chapter, it's "(Mada Kimi ha Shiranai) My Prettiest Girl" by Nissy!! :DDD It's so catchy and the MV is so cute >w<

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