

"So, did you people hear that? They are expecting you guys to rise to the top!" Shining exclaimed while pointing on to the screen which the news broadcast was shown a while ago.

After speaking, his eyes averted to where the group of idols were standing. What he saw was a group of sleepy looking faces while about half of them were still in pyjamas, except for Ai, Masato and Camus. Only Syo, Ittoki, Reiji, Natsuki and Cecil were seen sleeping comfortably on the floor and on the sofa.

"Ara, you boys are still that tired? Isn't 4am a normal time for you guys to wake up and train, everyday?" Ringo asked as he was staring at them in dismay as he sat with his legs crossed like a boss on a comfy couch.

"Fools that wake up later than that do not deserve to become an idol!" Camus stated as he had a sip from his warm cup of sweet tea. He was sitting at Shining's working desk area together with Ai who was busy starring at the screen blankly.

"Myu-chwann....dat's yew...yew are alwaysss da latest to wake up....among the rest of uss..." Reiji mumbled in his sleep, which deeply embarrassed Camus, as he choked on his tea.

"Silence, Kotobuki!" Was all he managed to say as he gently wiped the drink from his lips with a clean tissue, which Ai gave after being startled by the sudden commotion.

"Camels always hide its tru ssef...wif a sly...facade..." Cecil mumbled in his sleep too as he stretched his arms and legs with a big yawn.

"Shut up, Aijima!" Camus yelled as he nearly broke his cup's handle after hearing what Cecil just said. "Who are you calling camels?!"

"'s not that we are not used to it...just that we were practicing throughout the night and ended up with only 3 hours to sleep," Masato explained, while ignoring what was happening in the background, to which Ringo just looked at him with a 'oh-I-see' face.

"We all know that it's very tiring while staying as an idol and we are very sorry for asking you guys out into Shining's office for a brief meeting this early," Ringo apologised with a bow.

"Hm...the president asked us into a meeting? Isn't it more like kidnapping us?" Ichinose stated calmly while thinking back the past events. Ichinose and Ittoki were still asleep until someone knocked on the door. Ichinose was the one to get the door. In surprise, he was being snuck into a big bag together with the still asleep Ittoki by someone.

For Masato and Ren's case, they were called by Ringo when they are about to shower. Yes, that is when Ren was putting on a robe while Masato undressed himself. Ringo's expression was priceless after looking at them, partially naked.

For Syo and Natsuki, they are being carried to Saotome's office by Hyuga without them knowing. Finally, for the seniors, they were being informed earlier than the Starish by the president himself, so they woke up earlier on time...albeit Reiji, Camus and Ranmaru had a hard time waking up but somehow they managed. Back to where we left off...

"Just to ask, isn't little lamb supposed to be involved in this meeting too?" Ren asked while adjusting his sleeves (he was wearing a robe)

"Unfortunately, nope. Miss Nanami has things to do which was more important than this!" Shining replied. "But, you'll know why soon!" And takes out a microphone out of nowhere and speak, "I NEED YOU PEOPLE'S ATTENTION!!"

Immediately, the boys who were sleeping woke up and stared at Shining with droopy eyes. Even Natsuki who couldn't bear opening his eyes tried to blink as muuch as possible.

"In order for you two idol groups to rise further, I will need you people to work. By working, I meant working, not as idols BUT butlers!" Shining began while posing his signature move. "You'll be butlers for two weeks in one cafe, which was ran by my cousin's nephew. He will explain more about the situation and things you'll need to know."

"EHHHHH??!?!" STARISH exclaimed in unison, while Quartet Night remained undisturbed by the news.

"You called, Saotome-san?" A voice muffled through the door.

Shining allowed him to enter the office. He wore a butler outfit with a red necktie and with a pair of matching black shoes. He is tall and slender AND he has brown hair which was contrasted by his pair of onyx eyes. His demeanor somehow irritated them all. But what's more, he wears spectacles!

"My name is Kei Shintaro(random name) and I am 18 years old. I am the owner of the butler cafe, the SS Cafe. Right now, all the cooks and waiters left the cafe because none of them meet up my requirements. So, I will need you people to replace them for two weeks until I get my hands on some worthy workers," Kei explained with his stoic face and with a tone of annoyance, which annoyed most of the idols. Seriously, he fired them all just because they do not arrive at his expectations? Talk about perfectionist. "I'd suppose you people are worthy enough to surpass my requirements..."

"Oh, by the way, Tokiya and Otoya were put inside a trash bag by me since you guys wouldn't even know why a butler suddenly showed up in front of your doorstep this morning. I do not tolerate such tardiness during the time you two start working in my cafe, understood?" Kei pointed out with a smirk while acting like as if he was their teacher. Yes, he is a total caprice kind of guy! The two boys nodded guiltily.

"How would a cafe boost our popularity? I mean, we could have just do it in our own pace," Ranmaru interrupted as he didn't give a single damn on all the working and stuff even though it was orders from Shining himself.

"My cafe, is filled with working butlers, and those butlers are attracting customers, mainly young ladies! Most of the customers know you people and by that, you guys can interact with them more! Oh, and you guys can experience how falling in love feels like in my cafe since you guys couldn't here. BUT JUST DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!" Kei explained once more. Well, who would take it seriously when they all have someone in their mind.

"Oh, I don't think I can make it for the work...I need to go back to Agnapolis for some meeting," Cecil interrupted, which made the rest gave him glares because of his attempt on escaping.

"When will you be back?" Ringo asked.

"Hm...I'm not really sure myself but I will be back very soon, nyan," Cecil replied but earning gasps from everyone.

"Cat ears?!" Syo exclaimed, being the person who sat beside of Cecil.

"Nyannn!!! Don't look! cover is blown!" Cecil exclaimed as he covered his head in embarrassment. "It always happens to me when I accidentally ate fish...and if I don't get the cure from my hometown, I will remain as a cat forever!"

"That's why you hate fish?" Syo asked, earning him a nod from Cecil.

"That's preposterous! How can a human turn to a cat?!" Kei stated the true fact. "Unless you are created by mixing cat organs into your body!"

"Haven't you heard of magic? In this world, magic exists...even I can use magic an-" Camus explained but slowly got carried away by bragging too much about how he can use magic and whatsoever.

"Don't mind him, continue your talk," was all Ai said, which immediately silenced Camus as no one was interested in his magic theory.

"Well, I shall leave Cecil-san's task until he returns for the rest, you shall do your tasks accordingly with my rules and data," Kei explained as he took out a black clipboard and a fountain pen out from nowhere.

Here are the contents of the paper:

1) NO slacking during work
2) NO tardiness before AND during work
3) MUST wear clean and tidy uniforms
4) ALWAYS greet the customers with a smile
5) MUST entertain the customers when the food hasn't arrive
6) Allowed to flirt, NOT too much and NOT too less

-Hijirikawa Masato(Japanese cuisine)
-Jinguji Ren(French and Italian cuisine)
-Shinomiya Natsuki(Snacks, desserts and drinks)
-Kei Shintaro
-Otoya Ittoki(substitute)
-Mikaze Ai
Event organisers
-Ichinose Tokiya
-Kotobuki Reiji
Leading butler
-Kei Shintaro
-Otoya Ittoki
-Ichinose Tokiya
-Kurusu Syo
-Shinomiya Natsuki
-Aijima Cecil
-Hijirikawa Masato
-Jinguji Ren
-Mikaze Ai
-Kurosaki Ranmaru
-Kotobuki Reiji

"Understood, my minions?" Kei asked with a confident glint in his eyes. The idols nodded except for Ai and a few others that was assigned with two tasks.

"Why am I the coordinator?" Ai asked.

"You are an organised organism that can recollect and memorise datas in an instant. You are fit to be part of it so that's why I humbly appoint this position to you," Kei explained. "I should be proud that I know you this well even though this is our first meeting!" While poking his spectacles.

"He must be a stalker!" Syo pointed out loudly, which made Kei's eyebrow twitched. "And why is Natsuki in the cooking category?!"

"Yes, I am a potential threat towards all idols and that is I, Stalker-san dai ichiban desu!(Stalker no. 1) And I know each and every dark secrets that you guys are hiding, muahahahaah!" Kei explained in an evil tone but was being hit with a paper fan.

"Gomenasai, minna! Onii-chan always became like this whenever someone told him that he was a S. T. A. L. K. E. R," a girl said all of a sudden but spelled the stalker word, whom just appeared behind Kei. "Ah, konnichiwa, Shining-san!"

"Ah, Mei-chan, it's been a while before they even realise you were here in the beginning," Shining greeted the girl, which made the idols stare at her, dumbfounded. Since when is she in here?!

"I haven't introduce to everyone here yet...konnichiwa, I am Mei Shintaro! I am 15 years old, please to meet you all!" Mei introduced. "I'll be the instructor of the cooking category in the SS Cafe!" And stares at Natsuki's direction as if she know him before.

"Natsu-nii, I can't wait to teach you cooking again," Mei said, gleefully with a smile.

"Hai~~" Natsuki sang happily, which made Syo stare at him.

"You taught Natsuki how to cook!?" Syo exclaimed, which earned a nod from her. By that, Syo just look like he just seen a ghost. How can a 15 year old girl taught a guy to cook nasty stuff?!

"Syo-chan, Natsu-nii had improved alot since then, don't you dare misjudge my cooking skills," Mei explained throughly.

"Ahem, any questions?" Kei asked once more before wrapping up the meeting. The idols shook their heads in return. "Good, meet you people tomorrow, 7am sharp! Meeting dismissed!"

After that, the idols left the office while the Shintaro will stay with Shining and Ringo in the office to discuss on something.

*The next morning*
(They were supposed to meet up by 6.30 at the entrance of the agency but...)
In Reiji's room...

"Otoya, we are going to be late if you were to stay on bed," Tokiya began as he put on his usual casual clothes which consists of a white T-shirt and a indigo blazer with a professionally designed badge on it and a pair of pale greeb trousers. "Reiji too..."

"5 more...min..," was all Ittoki managed to say as he snuggled himself into his blankets once more.

"Lemme" Reiji mumbled in his sleep, which snapped Tokiya in an instant.

"You leave me no choice do you?" Tokiya stated as took a bucket of ice water that he prepared since last night incase issues such as this, turns up again. He poured some on Reiji's face first which made Reiji's eyes shot wide open.

"What's that for??" Reiji exclaimed, but his annoyed sleepy face then turned into a slight evil grin as he ordered Tokiya to do the same to Ittoki but on the abdominal area.

Tokiya did what his mischievious senpai instructed and Ittoki ended up waking in a flash. Who knew that he would actually hit his head onto Reiji's because Reiji was leaning so close to Ittoki's face to see his reaction.

"Oh my kami! It's so cold!!" Ittoki exclaimed as he ran to safety.

In Ranmaru's room...

Masato and Ren appears to be well prepared since the two got dressed up. Masato wore a white long sleeved buttoned garment together with a simple pair of jeans while for Ren, he wore a brown scarf, a chocolate brown beanie and a long sleeved black shirt together with a matching pair of for Ranmaru...

He's still asleep, soundly asleep on his comfy bed. Ren and Masato were debating whether if they should wake Ranmaru up when Ranmaru usually wakes up earlier than the two.

"Senpai...wake up now or else we will leave you behind," Masato whispered loudly onto Ranmaru's ear.

Ranmaru shot up like a rocket and checked his phone. He was like cussing himself for not setting the alarm on his phone last night.

"Damn... 10minutes to prepare! Can't you guys wake me up by the time you guys wake up, at least?!" Ranmaru yelled as he ran for the bathroom.

"Well, at least we know what to do next time..." was all Ren said, making Masato stare at him, speechless.

In Ai's room...

"Uwaa~~ Syo-chan is given a pink necktie! Kawaii~!" Natsuki cooed like a kid as Syo was packing the necktie into his backpack. By that time, Natsuki was putting on a blue scarf with piyo chan designs on it together with a dark brown long sleeved shirt together with a pair of skinny jeans.

"How I'd wish I was given a black necktie..." Syo said and yawned while zipping his bag. Syo wore a red beanie with a plain black leather jacket with a pair of jeans.

"You guys should be thankful that I provided a schedule to prevent you guys from oversleeping...," Ai stated as he tied a loose necktie but was miserable at it. For Ai, he wore his usual attire except that he put on disguises to prevent people from seeing him in the public.

"I'll help you, senpai!" Natsuki volunteered, to which Ai accepts his help. "Ai-senpai must still be sleepy after working all day long on his computer, ne?"

In camus's room...

"Camus....Camus..." a voice said to Camus, which Camus responds to with a few mumbles.

"Aijima...what time is it?" Camus asked while rubbing his sleepy eyes but earning a few meows as a reply. "Aijima...stop fooling around... tell me the time!" As he sat up on his comfy bed, while rubbing his eyes again.

"Meow...." was all the voice replied.

"A-I-J-I-M-A! Stop it this-" Camus bursted but he sstopped when he encountered a black cat, which was sitting on the floor with a letter in its mouth.

Camus took the letter from the black cat and read the contents:

Dear Camus,

I went to the meeting yesterday afternoon and returned here since 5 in the morning, with the cure. But by the time I were to reach here, I'll be transformed into a black cat before I could use the cure. May I request you to help me out? It will take me about less than two weeks to return back to my human self, if you do it now. Arigatou, Camus (= ̄ω ̄=)

Aijima Cecil

P.S The cure is just beside my necklace on the desk.

"Aijima's a cat now, huh?" Camus said to himself and stood up from his bed. He then walked to his junior's desk and took the antidote for Cecil. "Hm...he should drink the whole thing down..." Camus grabbed the cat and allowed the cat to drink the liquid like a baby.

After that, he put the cat on Cecil's bed(basically, his own bed) and put away the emptied antidote. Next, Camus went to grab his phone and checked the time. He still has 5 minutes to prepare! Camus then dashed to the bathroom to get prepared.

As soon as he was out of the toilet, he wore a pair of fake spectacles with his hair tied into a loose ponytail. He also wore a long sleeves shirt with a necktie on and a biege coloured coat as the overshirt. By the timw he was about to leave the room, Cecil, the cat, purred to get Camus's attention, which worked.

"Aijima, you stay in bed until you return to your original self!" Camus ordered with his scepter on hand, making Cecil to look at Camus with innocent eyes. "Your master's orders are absolute! Don't you look at me with those...eyes..."

At the bus stop...

"Alright, is everyone here?" Hyuga asked on top of his lungs. He wasn't present in the meeting because he went back to his home to get his van.

"Uwaa~ we're going to carpool a van?" Natsuki asked, full of excitement.

"Myu-chan sure is late..." Reiji stated as he look around for his member. "Ah...there he is! Myu-channn~" and waved at Camus to gain his attention.

"Cecil won't be with us right?" Ittoki asked as he put his bag into Hyuga's van.

"He will be with us," Camus replied, almost in an instant and held the black cat onto their view. "This is Aijima in cat form." Which made everyone giggled like high school girls, except for Ranmaru, who was captivated by the cat's existence.

"Myu-chan, are you ok? You must be hallucinating...I mean Cecil went back to Agnapolis yesterday and hasn't came back," Reiji teased but his goofy self disappeared when Camus remained serious. "What...are you serious?!"

"Cesshi became a cat?" Ren asked with a smirk.

"Alright, if all of you are here, get on the van. There are only 8 vacant seats left," Hyuga told the boys as he was about to start the engine of the van. "Just put your baggages on the empty seat..."

"Well, for the rest of us will be using Reiji's car," Ai explained to the rest of the boys who were boarding the van.

"Cecil, wanna follow us?" Ittoki offered as he approached to the cat, which was being held by Camus.

Before Cecil could react, Ranmaru was starring at the cat with sad eyes as he didn't want Cecil, (to be precise, the cat) from following Starish. Cecil knew that and decided to get off of Camus's arms. The cat then approached to Ranmaru's feet and purred to gain his attention. Ranmaru's instant instinct just made him to grab the cat gently and put it on his arms. While Ranmaru, being too concentrated on grooming the cat's soft fur, Ranmaru let out a slight smirk at Camus since Reiji and Ai were already in the vehicle(Reiji's car).

"I guess cats just don't do well with dog owners...." was all Ranmaru said and went into the car. Camus was furious until he point at the car, where Ranmaru was sitting, with his scepter.

"Kurosaki, dare you insult me with your words, I will summon Alexander and bite you in your sleep!" Camus said but was being interrupted by Reiji's sudden honking. Camus was actually the only one standing outside of the vehicle when the rest of Starish were ready to go.

"Myu-chan, we'll leave you behind the dust!" Reiji teasingly said, which made Camus glare daggers at him. "Scary..."

Camus quickly get into the car and sat beside Ai, who was listening to his Ipod, and continue glaring at Reiji and Ranmaru. With that, they left the agency for their destination.

Hello readers~ How's this first chappy?
Anyway, see you in the next chapter! Do vote, follow and comment! XD

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