Party time! (part 1)

Forgive for the last two should have been a little more interesting but it was rather rushed. And forgive me for updating this slow!

Third person POV

As Haruka and Ittoki entered the doors, immediately, their views were dramatically altered into some place more grand yet beautiful...but was rather dark.

"We're here!" Ittoki cried out loud.

"Isn't this place where I met Ichinose-san?" Haruka asked.

"Tokiya? Wait...that means I'm the last to..." Ittoki said but his voice trailled off as he did 'OTL'. Anime tears began flying out of his eyes.

"What's wrong, Ittoki-san?" Haruka asked.

Before Ittoki could reply, a round of applause filled the hall. The lights slowly lit on. The glimmering chandeliers were reflected with light, thus glowing beautifully in the middle of everything.

"Haruuuuukkaaaaa!!!" a female voice cried by the stairs. "Omedetou!"

"Huh..? What's happening?" Haruka asked in a rather confused tone.

"You may have forgotten but..." another voice said.

"Tanjoubi omedetou!!!!" all the voices greeted in unison as the light rays all concentrated onto a group of boys, who were standing by the staircase.

"My today?!" Haruka exclaimed all of a sudden but then tears of ojy sprang out of her pair of golden green eyes. ""

As Nanami cried, Ittoki began wiping away those tears gently and said:

"Nanami, you shouldn't be sad. You should be happy and it's your birthday!"

Starish and Tomochika descended the stairs in style and approached to Haruka. All of their faces were buried with happiness, delighted to have Haruka with them as they have pretty much owed Haruka somethingthat can never be replaced by anything.

As you can see, the members of Starish were somehow blushing or shold I say, embarrassed by what had happened during the event.

As usual, Natsuki was just a cheerful little boy who was talking to Tomochika happily...while the rest...

Ittoki was talking shyly with Haruka, Ichinose was rather standing still in his calm stance, deep in thought. Ren and Masato were somehow behaving a little bit off from their character especially Masato. He has been blushing hard ever since then. Ren was only a little bit off, but he seemed serious...unlike his usual outgoing and charismatic self.

As for Syo, he was usually pretty much an aggressive yet energetic boy who is like da bomb in Starish but...he was pretty much in silence. Guess he must be staring into space.

Then...all of a sudden...

"What in the wor-"

"Say, Kurusu-san... I really had to admit are really sly for taking away Haruka-san's precious first kiss," a guy in white princey attire said, which turns out to be Masato Hijirikawa.

"I agree...this munchkin has already grown this far without me even knowing about it," another guy, who wore a pirate-ish costume, said. It was Ren.

"Ren too?! I didn't" Syo said softly as the two guys were eager to spill out the truth from Syo.

"Huh...? How can you prove that to us?" Ren asked sneakily.

As those three were talking about the incident which had happened just now, Shining Saotome, Hyuga-sensei and Ringo-sensei arrived to the scene.Even the four guys namely Reiji, Ranamaru, Camus and Ai were right besidr them.

"It's still night time but ohayo-puu~!" Ringo said cheerfully with a smile as he descended the stairs gracefully while waving at everyone.

"How I wish I was asleep right now...parties like this just bores the heck out of me..." Ranmaru sulked while descending the stairs.

"Well, we had no choice since Shining-san asked us to join in...without his orders, I would have done what has been done," Ai said as he put his hands inside his pockets.

"I'm glad that I could get my hands on the brat who took my delicacies without consulting me first!" Camus said as he tightens his grip onto his scepter.

"Try to calm down guys...I mean its a party! A party for like the first time after our debut!" Reiji said happily.

"Really? As expected, Kotobuki-senpai!" Kaoru said as he walked just beside Reiji.

"Kotobuki-senpai? Reiji would be fine, Ru-chin!" Reiji said cheerfully, making Kaoru sweatdropped.

"Shining-san, we have to be straight forward with the boys after what they have done through out the event..." Hyuga said with his usual stern look.

"Yea...we had to do something abiut it..." Shining said with his arms crossed on his chest.

"So, let the party begin!!!" Syo cheered happily all of a sudden, making Masato and Ren sweatdropped.

"It's not your birthday, lowlife!" Camus approached to Syo with anger and poked Syo's head with his scepter. "and I haven't even show you how hell tastes like huh?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Did I bismerched you in someways? I have never met a foreigner with such a short temper you know?" Syo insulted for what have happened when Kaoru was invited.

"Guys, no more fighting! Not in front of the birthday girl!" Tomochika calmed the two's quarrel as quickly as possible so that it won't get worsened.

"Gomenasai," the both said in unison as they found themselves standing in front of Haruka.

"You just wait..." Camus whispered onto Syo's ear as he walked away.

Syo remained silent. He didn't want to ruin Haruka's party, which was prepared by Starish, Tomochika and even Ringo-sensei, Hyuga-sensei AND Shining Saotome too!!!

The five boys whom just descended the stairs with Ringo and the others not long ago, found some seats and sat on them. They don't seem pleased with the party except for Reiji and Kaoru. Ringo, Hyuga and Shining remained at where the flight of staircase was as they are planning to give out a speech or something.

Starish and their composer, Haruka, and her best friend, Tomochika decided to stop their chatter as they are being asked to listen to Shining's speech.

"As you all know, Starish's composer, Haruka, has grown a year older! This means that she will compose more and learn more AND work more together with Starish. Here we are, celebrating our composer's birthday with joy!"

Everyone clapped their hands except for Camus, Ai and Ranmaru, who were bored by it. After that round of applause, silence slowly filled in the air. This time, Shining allowed Hyuga-sensei to do his speech.

" all members of Starish. We all have seen what you all were up to secretly AND I knew that this would happen. All your feelings for Haruka were sincere yet serious. If all of you were to try and steal Haruka's first kiss, all of you shall be put into another test. But before that, let Ringo-san do his part."

Righr after hearing what Hyuga-sensei had told them, immediately, the boys in Starish were embarrassed including Haruka, who was being loved by all!

"Konnichiwa minna-san, did all of you had your lovey dovey moments? If all of you did, then who will Haruka choose? But first, I will determine a prince title for each of you. The arrangement is not in order," Ringo said as he took out a piece of paper.

All of Starish members were surprised by the sudden happening! They all didn't know that all of them did kissed Haruka nor they were being told! They were only informed about enterimg the event as they can do whatever they wanted since there's no more of the 'no-love' rule

*Flashback* (before Haruka was involved and before the guys move to the other dorm)

At Syo and Natsuki's room...

"Syo-cwan, opun the dwor pwease...somewon wus ouside..." Natsuki mumbled sleepily as he cuddled his piyo-chan plushie right after he heard the knocking.

Syo ignored what Natsuki said and went back to sleep but the knocking got louder and frequent. Unbearable by the sound of knocking, Syo stood up from his bed and grabbed a pillow and walked towards the door. Anime veins began popping out on his head as he was irritated by the knocking. Immediately, Syo turned the doorknob and pull open the door as he threw the pillow onto the person who knocked the door. Unfortunately, the person was gone but only a letter lied on the floor.

"What is this?" Syo asked himself as he crouched down while taking the letter.

Syo slowly opened the envelope and read the contents.

In Ren and Masato's room...

"Hey, Masa...don't you think its time to get your muscles toned up? You'll loose your shape if you only stay in here all day, writing your um...calligraphy," Ren asked as he lifted a 50kg dumbell(if it ever exists) with his right hand.

"It's shoudo, Ren..." Masato said as he continued his writing. "Well, I think it's about time you get your brain to think of some lyrics for your assignment?"

"Well now...Masa, you don't have to-" Ren said coolly but was being cut off by the sudden knock on the door.

Ren walked towards the door and opened it, revealing nobody but a letter on the floor. Ren grabbed the letter and took it back to their rooms.

In Ichinose and Ittoki's room...

"♬♬♪♬♪♬♪♬...." Ittoki hummed as he had his headset on.

"Otoya, Oy, Otoya!" Ichinose called out to Ittoki but didn't respond due to his headset. "Seriously, when he said that he wanted me to help him with something and now....." in a depressed tone.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Ichinose quickly opened the door and saw nobody but a letter.

"This is strange...someone just knocked and disappeared?" Ichinose asked himself as he grabbed the letter.

He ripped off the envelop gracefully and pulled out the contents and read it:

'To xxx & xxx,


You will need to meet with your group members excluding Haruka Nanami, as there will be a short discussion on something. We will need your men power there!

Venue: Saotome's office

Time: 8 am sharp

p.s DO NOT tell Haruka about the letter!'

"This is......OTOYA!!!" Ichinose exclaimed and ran towards his room.


"All of you are here, right?" Ringo asked as he grinned happily

"Yeah," Ichinose replied.

"So, what's the catch?" Ittoki asked.

"Catch? There's no catch, boys," Hyuga said as he rubbed his temples.

"Someone's still missing," Saotome interrupted in a serious tone.

"What do you mean by that?" We are all here, Starish members! Not one more or less," Syo implied.

"You may not believe what I'm currently scheming behind your backs...but-" Saotome said with a 'about-to-burst-out-laughing-voice'.

The door suddenly burst open, revealing a girl in make up, with red long hair.

"Gomene, minna! I'm late!"

It was Shibuya Tomochika.

"President, you told us not to tell Haruka-" Ichinose began.

"But, I didn't say that her friend can't participate with the event," Saotome said in a proud tone. "She will be the one to explain to you all about the plan."

"Yoroshiku na~!" Tomochika said with a grin.


"As I was saying, tomorrow will be a big day as it will be Haruka's birthday. Please get your stuffs packed up and put them into your rooms by today. I know it's a day early before your official move out BUT we have to do it!" Tomochika explained. "I have asked her to wait for me outside of the agency tomorrow! So, it should get sometime for you all to prepare!"

"Um, excuse me, why can't we just have a normal KAWAII party when it's only Haruka's birthday?" Natsuki asked.

"You've got a point there BUT there's a reason behind it PLUS, all of you should celebrate that you all will become real idols and her as a composer!!" Tomochika said.

"So, that calls for a big party then?" Ren asked.

"We got a lot to prepare," Masato added.

"Wait...wait!!! You guys must at least listen to Ringo-san's explanation too before you all get busy," Tomochika said.

"As there will be a event for all of you boys which will involve Haruka. I've got the costumes prepared and all you guys have to do is to pack all your stuffs to the destined rooms and meet us in the costume room in the new dormitory," Ringo said with a smiley expression. "Any question regarding the discussion today? If no, you all may leave. AND do not tell Haruka about it."

*The next day*

"Those boys are so slowww!!!" Tomochika exclaimed. "Haruka will arrive soon!"

"Why don't you go and meet her. And if you were to see any of them tell them about the plan!" Hyuuga said.

"Roger!" Tomochika replied and zoomed out of the room.

As she ran out of the room, she saw Syo and Natsuki, who were still busy chattering in the hallways.

"Can't you guys be faster?!" Tomochika yelled. "you need to get to the make up room as fast as possible and I heard that the two of you need to deal with your plans here but please go and listen to Ringo-san's explanation."

"Roger, we gotta dash, Natsuki!" Syo said as he began running.

Tomochika did the same but in the opposite direction. She ran out of the dormitory and had to pass through the path where the trees are situated along the path. Since she was about to reach outside the agency, let's skip her POV.

*In the make up room*

"Seriously, there are still four of you left who were still not here?" Alright, since the two of you will be the first two after Ittoki's appearance, you guys must change into these. Natsuki-chan will need to sit under the tree, right outside of the dorm's entrance, NOW! And you have to take whatever Haruka will give to you and run into the dorms to make her get into the game!"

"Syo-chan will have to wear this and wait in the hallways until Haruka enter the building. You will lead her deep into the path and you can do whatever you want during that time to entertain her. You can even confess to her," ringo said as Syo blushed all of a sudden. "Hurry up and get changed.

Soon after that, Ittoki and Ichinose arrived to the scene and were asked to change into their costumes. Ittoki was asked to wear the cloak and have to walk to the forest path before Haruka arrive to the dorms. Ichinose will need to wait in the dining hall. The both of them were asked to do anything they want as this time, there's no more the 'no-love' rule.

This is similar to Ren and Masato.

*end of flashback*

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