♔Final chapter♔ The true King of Music

Voting is over! Pls read through this chapter and find out!

STARISH and Quartet Night and the others were enjoying their feast. The extra cheesy lagsana with different types of spices prepared by Ren and the extra crispy and crunchy karage with specially selected herbs cooked by Reiji are specially favoured by everyone. The anko and pandan flavoured mochis made by Masato which are perfectly balanced with its sweetness and puffiness served to everyone, which are highly loved by the Count.

HEAVENS stopped singing their song and decided to hold a small event for their fans to wait for the results.

Suddenly, a suspense of horror, the door clanked open, revealing a young lady dressed in casual outfits despite the snowy season outside. She walked in alone towards the Starish and the remaining people in the hall while showing a scroll in her hand. She had this smirk in her face as the crowd stared at her, confused.

"Who are you?" Masato asked in a rather serious voice.

"My name isn't important...the results are important," she said as she showed them the scroll.

"The results?!" everyone exclaimed in unison.

Shining came walking towards the girl and examine the scroll carefully. The girl just placed the scroll onto Shining's hand and left the room.

"Good luck, minna! You'll need it," she said and closed the door.

There's a slight pause in the hall as they were still eating. Ai Mikaze, who had done eating, clarified calmly that the scroll contains the results for whoever is the King of Music.

"Oh, souka...well, I doubt that either of...NANDATTO!?!?!?!" Syo yelled on top of his lungs.

"Alright, let me announce the results which was voted by your fans, and mine *winks* on whoever was qualified on becoming the king," Shining said with an evil smirk.

Starish, Quartet Night and the remaining quickly hovered at where Saotome stood. The boys were eagerly waiting for the results...well, except for some.

"I won't be the chosen one. After all, I'm not fit to be the King of music. I am the Count of Permafrost," Camus said as he sat on a chair while staring at his scepter, with a sigh. "A Count wouldn't easily be chosen as the king..."

"Count-san...well, you are a count who has all those qualifications which none had ever have. So, to me, you are a fine Count," Haruka said with a smile.

Camus just stared at the girl, somehow a bit flustered but he tried not to show it to her.

"Such disgrace! Didn't you know my name? Don't address me that way, please!" Camus said as he stretched out his palm towards the still smiling girl.

Haruka was surprised by the proud Count she used to know, well, recently known, who was behaving a little bit gentle towards her all of a sudden. Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving everyone in the hall perplexed. The crowd didn't make any sound. Not even a whisper.

"Just what's its problem?!" Syo yelled on top of his lungs.

"Calm down, Syo-niichan...you might hurt yourself again," Kaoru calmed his older brother down.


As soon as Saotome finished his sentence, the red curtains automatically moved, revealing two red royal like chairs, decorated in gold and a few pieces of gemstones, RARE gemstones. That will be where Haruka will be sitting. Tomochika led her friend to the royal like chairs and decided to calm Haruka's nerves down beforr the results.

"And now, for the moment of truth...the true King of Music will be...." Ringo announced through the mic and took the scroll from Shining.

Hyuga pointed the camera at Ringo's direction so that HEAVENS can also enjoy the event that STARISH participated. STARISH and Quartet Night were behaving like good children, who were waiting for their mother to give them treats.

"I can't believe it! It's Ittoki Otoya!!!" Ringo announced as the lights focused onto Ittoki, who was standing in between Ranmaru and Masato.

"Eh...me? Ittoki asked out of the blue as he pointed himself to make sure he didn't heard wrongly.

"You've got that luck, Otoya. Make her happy for me, kay?" Ichinose said as he appeared behind him.

"Uwaa~~~ Oto-chan is really lucky today! I wonder if I should let Satsuki out and haunt you?" Natsuki exclaimed but in a murderous way, which he hide by his usual goofy smile.

"Natsuki...? You aren't serious, ne?" Ittoki asked as he sweatdropped due to his fright of Satsuki.

"Sa~ please sit beside Haruka-chan, nee~?" Ringo said happily.

Tomochika led him to where Haruka was while Hyuga filmed Ittoki, which Ittoki showed a peace sign and a cheeky grin towards the camera. Haruka looked at the red head, full in shock.

"It's unbelievable...but I'm actually the real king of music in this event! I made it again," Ittoki said with a gentle grin as he plopped himself onto the chair.

Ringo approached to the two and asked Ittoki on how he felt after knowing that he was chosen. Ittoki replied happily that:

"To be honest, this is a surprise! Even though I may have a little bit part played in this event but...I'm really gladthat I'm the chosen King of Music on Nanami's birthday! Arigato for supporting me, minna!!!" with a bright smile.

"Ohohohohoho...now for the most dramatic yet romantic part...the two shall exchange lips, infront of whoever has a crush on Nanami-san!" Shining said with a big grin.

"E-eh?!?!?!? I didn't remember about that!!!" Ittoki exclaimed as his face was a total tomato while facing his band members as the lights slowly went back again.

"You better get ready by tomorrow. We shall give a big ol thump on you, red!" Ren said as he cracked his knuckles sarcastically.

"I can't do that!!" Haruka managed to let this statement out of her mouth.

How can she endure all the sudden spread of emotions which surge right into her? How can she face everyone after what has been announced right in front of the boys in Starish and in Quartet Night?

"Nee~~~ why don't you guys kiss already? By just looking at my little junior, he seemed flustered by it. Don't cha think so, Haruka-san?" Reiji suggested happily which made STARISH gave a death glare at him.

"Kouhai? Me?" Ittoki asked as he was perplexed by what Reiji had said.

"Alright! HEAVENS, set this mood into a very romantic one with your new song!" Ringo announced with a wink.

"Roger!" Otori agreed. "Alright, angels, better be prepared for our next event, yeah?"

The crowd cheered loudly as shown in the projected screen. Aftrt a few momnets, the concert hall slowly calmed and became quiet. The lights went out and was being replaced by laser lights that focused onto the youngest member of the group, Nagi.

(note: lyrics will be in bold)

Your gentle smile, reminded me of the past...

The past that we tried to keep

Forever lies in our heart

deep inside of me

were all fragments of you

your pain, your sadness

your everything...all lies in me Oh~

Haruka and Ittoki were enjoying the new song by HEAVENS which hasn't been released yet until Tomochika snapped out of their attention. She signalled them to kiss. Ittoki's face grew alot more redder than he used to. Even Shining did a signal so that they will kiss. Ittoki quickly snapped out of the awkwardness within him and began to speak.

"Ano...Nanami...ever since we met...I realised that I have feelings for you. I couldn't bring mself to tell you as the rule said about 'no love' in this school...."

Nanami just gaze onto his eyes with a smile, so that she can calm his nerves down.

There has never a day that I forget you

Or I lost you

All I need is to steal a glance from you

From your sparkling eyes

So that I won't feel left out

From your life

"...and who knew that I would actually fall for you after all those pain and sad experiences that we both faced together..." Ittoki continued as HEAVENS sang.

Such weird feels, such unexplanable emotions

surging right into my heart

like an arrow

My mind couldn't forget your face

Your smile, your existence

They all remained in my soul

"I guess I sounded real weird but...I just can't get my eyes off you nor able to forget the way you smiled...they way to talk...the way you act...the way you were serious..." he said but his voice trailled off.

Feels like once I've lost you

you still appeared right infront of me

With your usual expression

which calms me down in a flash.

I wonder when will the time stop

for the time we spent alone.

"And there are also times that I would think about the future...like what if we were to be separated due to work and what will happen if you weren't in my life anymore. How I wished that I could stop the time together with you...." Ittoki continued but slightly sad while talking abt the future.

Once, everything went astray

as if I couldn't see you anymore

My heart raced, trying to find out

why those weird feelings kept on popping out?

(this is love)

(love that is)


"Anyway, let god decide if we are going to be together in the future. I'm telling you this because I wanted you to know that I..." Ittoki paused as he looked around for a few seconds. "I love you." and whispered.

Wanting to reach out for your hands

and embrace you

and touch that lips of yours with mine.

I wanted to caress your cheeks

and never let go from my sight

ever again...

Ittoki slowly reached for Haruka's hands. He caressed it with care and decided to reached fpr Haruka's face.

'Ittoki-kun's hand...felt so warm and soft...' Haruka thought as she stare right into Ittoki's eyes.

Without Haruka knowing it, her face was just a few centimetres away from OIttoki's. Ittoki just smiled softly and said that he will steal Haruka's first kiss tonight and will be part of his memories.

The moment he said that was the moment when their lips touched. Their eyes were tightly closed, so that they will be able to imagine that they were the only ones in an empty space.

Shining, Ringo, Reiji, and his members were staring at thw two cupids who were kissing. Such romance. After a few seconds, their eyes opened and they broke the kiss right after knowing their current situation.

Their faces were really red in embarrassment. Everyone clapped eventhough they weren't the chosen ones but still, they had a great time.

"Ne...Reiji, why did they do that? Isn't it against the law? And what's the purpose for the kiss?" Ao questioned as he was anticipating Haruka and Ittoki.

"That is love, Ai-Ai! Today is special so they decided to take down the rule for now," Reiji replied. "Isn't it nice to kiss a girl you liked? Wait...you are still underage, kid!"

"I'm considered as an adult Reiji. I may be fifteen now but I am more mature than you are," Ai replied, which indirectly hurt Reiji.

"I guess this will be the end with Shining angency's communication for today...so, we shall part ways. And of course, we still have one last performance for you angels after this!" Nagi announced cutely.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, IT'S GOOD TO HAVE YOU GUYS HERE! SAYONARA!!!" Shining said as he waved at the camera.

With that, the communication ended. STARISH approached to Ittoki and surrounded him.

"Ittoki, how did you win her heart?" Masato asked as he pierced Ittoki indirectly with his cold eyes.

"I guess I shall call out Satsuki," Natsuki said as he was about to take off his spects but was being stopped by Syo.

"Well, we didn't know what you did but, senpai!!!! TEACH ME!" Syo said as he shook Ittoki's shoulders.

"Eeeh??? I didn't do anything...I just confessed..." Ittoki replied.

"CONFESSED??!?!??!!" Ichinose exclaimed as he acted like he was about to faint but was being helped by Ren.

"Confession? That was a manly action you did. May you be blessed by the muses," Cecil chanted.

"Oy...are you ok? You don't seem like yourself today," Syo asked.

"Wait till I become the king...I shall ask Haruka for marriage!" Cecil said out of the blue, earning anime veins from all the members of STARISH exclude Ittoki.

'I'm really glad that nothing bad had happened but...tbh, all those things that happened today was really surprising...and who knew that...minna from STARISH actually liked me?!' Haruka thought in the seat that she sat since the time ahe was being asked to.

"Alrighty minna, it's time for the present giving event!" Shining announced and everyone lined up infront of Haruka.

First up was Tomochika. She gave her the keychain that she told Haruka it was lost during the morning. Next are:

Ringo- gave her his own made costume

(I hope you will go to the prom with me in the future in this costume!)

Hyuuga- gave her a necklace with her name on it

(Wear it whenever you want)

Shining- gave her a signed poster of him during his youth

(I hope that you will take good care of it!)

Kaoru- gave her a rare shell he found when he was playing with his older brother

(Put it near to your ear and you will hear the sound of calm waves and our laughter at the beach)

Syo- gave her a wristband which was the same as his

(No matter what, we will be best friends!)

Natsuki- gave her a piyo-chan plushie that he made

(Piyo-chan will be by your side so talk to it when you are feeling down or bored)

Ren- gave her a rose to symbolize how much he loves her

(Lady, you may still have a spot left for me...wait for me and I will become a good man just for you)

Masato- gave her a calligraphed paper with her name on it

(So far, this is the only calligraphy that I'm proud of. Please keep this)

Tokiya- gave her an ipod, full of his songs

(If you couldn't sleep, try listen to these songs...they can calm you down)

Ittoki- gave her his fav headset that he uaually used to listen to music

(Nanami! You should use this to listen to songs, this headset is really friendly)

Cecil- gave her a crystal of Agnapolis

(May the muse always be by your side)

Reiji- gave her a red ribbon for her hair

(You'll look 1000% more kawaii with this)

Ranmaru- gave her nothing but an embarrassed stare

(Suman na… I didn't get to give you a thing for your birthday...)

Camus-gave her his favourite sweet

(Woman, you should try this! A gift for your birthday)

Ai- gave a hug

(Birthday girl, I'm hugging you because I love you...is that what I was trying to say since just now...?)

"Ai-ai!!! You are advancing way to fast!!" Reiji said as anime tears flew out from his eyes.

"I think that's what I'vr been trying to say since the moment I meet her," Ai replied calmly and innocently.

"We have a lot to teach to this kid here...or his future will collapse beforr he even step foot on it," Camus said as he massaged his temples.

The end!

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