
"Guys! Come and check this out," Syo waved his smartphone at the group of boys, whom have gathered around the couch since early in the morning.

"What is it, munchkin? Never thought that you'd be this high tension in the early morning," Ren teased while Natsuki chuckled.

"Don't call me a munchkin, Ren! Just look at this," Syo blurted angrily and shoved his phone screen to Ren. "It's from Nanami."

By just hearing the name, all of the STARISH members came hovering the phone. Ittoki managed to stand in front of the phone screen so he reads the contents out loud.

"There will be newbies moving into the dormitory today so be sure to give them a warm welcome."

"That means more talents are coming in," Tokiya muttered under his breath.

"We won't be having this place to ourselves like we used to..." Cecil mumbled, looking quite sad.

"It's alright, the more people living here, the merrier!" Natsuki beamed happily. "And that means I will be able to bake more cookies~"

Ittoki and Syo gave each other a horror look right after Natsuki said that.

Speaking of the newbies, they have just arrived at the entrance of the dorms and are about to enter the facility. Just right before they enter, an envelop flew right onto Cecil's head.

"A letter?"

Cecil opened the envelop and read the contents.

"GOOOOOOODDDD MORNINGGGGOOO, this is I, Shiningggggg Saotomee! There will be a total of 8 newbies coming to live with you guys so please guide them while Quartet Night is still away for about one week's time!"

"The seniors are still busy with their tour, I see..." Masato stated while standing beside Cecil.

The door creaked open, revealing 4 girls that they have met back when they worked as butlers in SS Cafe. There, Ringo and Hyuga lead them into the facilty.

"We are here in the dorms, girls!" Ringo announced with a smile as the girls tailed behind Ringo while being mesmerized by the view of the vicinity.

"This place looks like a Victorian mansion!" A prussian blue haired girl beamed as she stares at her surroundings happily.

"If I'm not mistaken on my hunch, you guys are gonna buy me Quartet Night's album alright?" the blonde questioned her friends with a smirk. (Her hunch: if they are ending up staying with STARISH members under the same roof)

"May your hunch be a mistake," Akako prayed in whispers but was caught by her blonde friend.

"Looks like you are right on the money, Yuuka," the girl with a ponytail stated calmly as she takes in the scene of the surrounding.

Flashback to before the four girls arrive...

The four girls were having a small girls talk in Yuuka's house as there is still another few days more before their school term starts.

"I don't wanna go school..." the prussian haired girl whined while punching on the mattress where she is lying on her stomach.

"Well, reality sucks afterall," Akako muttered while checking the recent updates on Instagram.

"Um...guys, I have something really important to announce," the brunette began, making the vicinity fell into silence. "Apparently, I won't be able to attend the new school term with you guys because I got accepted to a vocational school..."

"Vocational school?! That's cool, Chiharu!!!" Sai beamed in excitement.

Tsuruko, the girl with a ponytail congratulated without a single emotion shown through her face.

"Speaking of vocational, this reminds me of Starish and Quartet Night of Shining Agency! Apparently, they are releasing their new song for The Shining Masterpiece Show!!!" Yuuka beamed excitedly, gaining a small attention of the other three girls.

As for Chiharu, she was rather startled, which Tsuruko noticed but didn't say anything about it.

"Just look at them in their costumes, they are so cool!" Yuuka exclaimed dreamily while checking out the images on her laptop. "Especially Tokiya, he looks so handsome in that wolf outfit...let me submit to your fangs!!!"

"Understandable, I like how this blond guy looks in the musketeer outfit. He looks noble and charming," Sai pointed out with her eyes stuck to the screen.

"You mean Camus from Quartet Night? He sure is a charismatic character here," Yuuka stated with a smile. "Looks like you are starting to like him as an idol now huh?"

Sai remained silent while staring at the screen while thinking the last encounter with Quartet Night last time during the New Years. As for Akako, she just looked at the images without much of a thought since she is quite new to this idol group.

"Girls, have you all ever thought of singing like these idols before and have your own composer?" Chiharu questioned all of a sudden, which the girls just stared at each other, waiting for an answer.

"Even if you ask this all of a sudden..." Akako trailed off. "...I have a feeling that I would say yes..."

The three other girls nodded in agreement which Chiharu is pleased to see. Despite being confused by this question, they eventually agreed.

"Ah...just look at the time, I gotta go now! Or I'll be late for an appointment," Chiharu said in a hurry while glancing at her smartphone.

The four girls just waved goodbye and hoped that she does well in her studies and that she can come and visit them soon.

"I'm so envious of Chiharu...she gets to have her dream come true while my dream is left to rot for years..." Sai stated with a sad smile. The rest of them just sighed as they thought back of their dreams that they have given up a long time ago.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door.

"Probably it's Chiharu again...she must have left something here..." Yuuka mumbled as she went to get the door.

In surprise, it wasn't Chiharu. It was someone else. Someone unexpected.

"Ohayo-puu! Don't mind my intrusion girls~ I'm here to get you all to Shining Agency!"

It was Tsukimiya Ringo! But why does he want to bring them to the agency?

"Ehh?? Why are you here, Ringo-chan?" Yuuka exclaimed while trying her best to contain her squeals. The other girls were quite surprised with the sudden appearance of an idol guest.

"No time to explain, we need to move in a jiffy!" Ringo stated as he went into the house and pushed the other girls to the vehicle which was right in front of the house. Hyuga Ryuya was currently waiting in the car.

"Ryuya-sama!" Yuuka squealed right after she saw who the driver of the vehicle is.

"Yo! We apologise for intruding all of a sudden, but we need your cooperation," Ryuya said with his usual tone.

"Yes, I will comply!" Yuuka immediately went into the car while the rest of the girls are uncertain.

What if they are here just to kidnap them?

" did you know Yuuka's house?" Sai questioned.

"Hm...Shiny-san told us since he is everywhere afterall..." Ringo replied while tapping his chin in thought. "Saa saa~ let's get movin'!"

With that, they left the house and head to the Shining Agency.

*At Shining Agency*

" you girls are the ones chosen for the 'Birth of New Sound' project," a man who was busy looking at manuscripts that was stacked on his working desk. "The dorms are ready and they can move in anytime they wish."

"That's good to hear! Alright, we shall head to the dorms," Ringo ushered without answering the questions that the girls have been aiming at him.

End of flashback

"Welcome to the Shining Dormitory!" Starish welcomed with a smile when the girls started to calm down after being told to leave the house without any specific reason.

"Your luggages and baggages are all in your rooms so you all won't need to worry about anything," Natsuki told the girls, which the girls seemed to not able to take it calmly.

"Even our stuffs are taken here! What should we do?" Sai muttered under her breath as paranoia gets her conscience.

"Let us explain for you all," Tokiya began as he stepped forward from the group. "You four are selected to be in the 'Birth of New Sound' project."

"What kind of project is that??" Akako questioned as she can't take this further.

"This project is an upcoming project specifically for the debut of the new composer as this particular composer wants to have her music sung by people of 'raw talent'."

"Isn't what Mei told us last time when we went to the SS Cafe? Regarding a friend of hers being the new composer needing us?" Yuuka concluded, earning nods from the girls. "Apparently, it got postponed without any specific reasons."

"Raw talent?? Can talents be raw?" Sai mumbled to herself as she finds it weird.

"Basically, a talent that is picked out of the rough. A talent that has yet to be shaped," Tokiya stated. "This particular composer is quite picky of who sings her music as she has her conditions laid out in order to find the perfect candidates from the project."

"The conditions are as follows, " Tokiya continued as he took out a piece of paper with writings on it.

1. To be able to resonate within each other through music
2. To be able to harmonise with each other
3. To have a stable relationship with each other
4. To be able to sing various genres of songs

"Eh...That doesn't sound easy..." Yuuka commented after Tokiya's explanation.

"That's why you all are here to take on a week's training with us before our senpais return from their tour," Ittoki beamed. "Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"One week of training?! That's when the upcoming Shining Live event is coming up!!" Sai exclaimed as soon as she heard that. She's actually an avid gamer mainly on rhythm games so she will do whatever it takes to grab those rewards by joining every events.

"Games again? Grow up will you?" Akako sighed  at her friend, which Sai just pouted.

"Will I be able to do kendo during this one week?" Tsuruko questioned with her straight look in her violet eyes.

"I don't see any problem with that," Syo replied while looking at Tsuruko strangely. Tsuruko only replied an understood right after that.

"Since class starts tomorrow, it's best that some of us take them for a tour around the school compounds," Natsuki suggested with a grin.

"I'll take them along," Ren volunteered with a slight naughty wink, making the girls uncomfortable, well, except for Tsuruko, who paid no heed to a flirt like him and also Yuuka, who, apparently, was enchanted by Ren's smexay-ness.

"I'll tag along. I can't allow a beast like him to be around them without my supervision," Masato said right after Ren volunteered.

"What's wrong, Hijirikawa? It's not like I'm gonna do anything to these beautiful ladies," Ren asked Masato with a smirk. "Perhaps, you can' leave me off from your eyesight?"

Masato's eyes went furious after hearing what Ren just told him. 

"As if I would care less about you!" Masato stated in his angry tone. "Let's go, girls. Leave this guy behind."

"Good grief, do you treat your best friend like this?" Ren asked teasingly.

"Makes me wonder if they swing that way," Yuuka whispered to Sai, which Sai just blushed. (PLS don't kill me for this, my dear readers)

"But before that, we will be doing a mini ice breaking session within the 10 minutes here," Natsuki added with a goofy grin. The girls stood still. They hate ice breaking the most.

" skating session?? Do we have a skating rink here somewhere?" Sai questioned as she scratched her head in confusion.

"Girl, it is ice breaking, not ice skating," Akako corrected while sighing in disbelief.

"Oh...I hate ice breaking..." Sai muttered under her breath, which Tsuruko and Akako also agreed.

"I'll begin first then," Yuuka volunteered to begin so that she can remove the awkward atmosphere. "My name is Yuu Katashi. Only my friends call me Yuuka. Currently, I am 16 years old. I love drawing and writing. Please to meet you all."

"Hi, my name is Rikona Sai...I'm currently 17 years old and please to meet you..." Sai shyly introduced herself as she is terrible at it.

"I'm Akako Masaru...please to meet you," Akako introduced while looking away as she is also the same as Sai.

"Hotaru Tsuruko," Tsuruko stated stoically.

STARISH members are rather expecting a more interesting introduction but it was the opposite.

"Wind is my friend..." Tsuruko added, making the atmosphere even weird.

Ittoki chuckled nervously as he was lost in words. " I guess it's time for the tour?"

"Have a fun trip around the agency!" Ringo waved at them happily before resuming their business with the remaining STARISH members.

First off, the girls were brought around the compounds of the dormitory, where the pavilion garden (the place where Nanami first met Tokiya in the anime) is.

"This place is best for inspiration and for times that you need to relax," Masato stated with a smile.

"I would usually play my saxophone at the bench over there beyond the fields during the evening," Ren pointed out over the lonely bench. "And over there is the Saotome Gakuen, where most of us graduated from."

"When I think about it, maybe Chiharu might have entered this prestigious vocational school?" Akako brought up the topic of Chiharu all of a sudden. Tsuruko gave her the look.

"Nah...she won't be here...I mean if she is, she would have told us with a happy grin that won't go away in 24 hours," Yuuka doubted confidently.

After completing the tour, Masato and Ren led the girls to their rooms. Each of them have their own room since only Nanami lives in the girl's dormitory so they get to have their own space. Their belongings are in their respective rooms.

After settling down in their rooms, they decided to gather around in Yuuka's room.

"But to actually live in here is already enough to satisfy my greed.." Akako stated as she lied on the bed.

"Stop rolling on my bed. At least help out unpacking!" Yuuka told her maroon haired friend as she threw a cloth onto her face.

"Gosh, what in the world did you just threw to me?! Tell me it's not your underwear!" Akako frantically said as she stood up and took the cloth away from her head. "Oh, it's just a towel..."

"It's a good thing that we get to stay in the same room!" Sai said while helping out with the luggage.

"It's only for now. We won't know what might happen in the future," Tsuruko stated while polishing her katana. This made the rest kind of sad to hear that.

"Anyways, things are going to work out. Plus, we are going to start our school tomorrow!" Yuuka told the rest as she took the uniform set that was prepared for them a while ago. "And don't you think this uniform is cute?"

The three girls laughed at how Yuuka could still be optimistic about the sudden changes enveloping them like a wave of the great ocean.

"That's right, we should enjoy the present instead of worrying about the future just yet!" Sai pointed out with a grin. "Speaking of which, what about our upcoming school term?"

The rest of the girls froze.

"Maybe they have settled the stuff for us before we ended up here? I hope," Yuuka assured.


I DEEPLY apologise for putting this story on hold for about 2 years because of university and also for losing the ideas for the story which were in my previous phone and the notes were scattered around in my notebook that has yet to be found. So, there are lots of ideas that have to be scrapped off and some more stuff to change. But this story will stay connected with the previous book. I will not run out of topic, promise. AND THANK YOU ALL for sticking with me for all these years since I started Wattpad. I can never thank you all enough. I have changed most of the things in this chapter so it will be slightly different from before.

Stay tuned for the next chapter~

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