Day 1- Triple surprise

The next day...

"Ohayo-puu~ did you all rest well yesterday? I hope you all did because you'll be having lessons straight 7 days!" Ringo announced with a clap.

The four girls were quite in a mess because they were nearly late for class. It's all because of Sai, who usually has the habit of staying up late, playing Shining Live. And of course Yuuka who had trouble untangling her hair.

"I don't think I could survive!" Sai groaned as she pulled her hair stressfully.

"Hey, I didn't know that there were others involved in this 'New Sound'," Akako whispered to Yuuka who happened to be beside her, while staring at four unknown people walking into the classroom.

"I guess they were also chosen as candidates for it," Yuuka replied as softly as possible.

"Oh wait before we begin, we have four more candidates who are participating in the project," Ringo announced as he checked on the papers that he has been holding while the newbies just stood in front. "They are here by the recommendation of Raging Entertainment."

"EH? I didn't know that we aren't the only ones doing the project..." Akako exclaimed in shock while Tsuruko just remained silent, deep in thought.

"Ara~ I only learn of this this morning so it's not normal to find it surprising," Ringo said while tapping his chin in thought. "Ah right, may you four please introduce yourselves?

"The name's Aihara Miyako. I'm not here to be playing idols with you all so don't think that you can order me around as you please," the girl with dark brown hair, tied in ponytail introduced, no, threatened. Her attitude ticked off the four girls in a flash.

"I-I-I am Yukiho Sayaka. Please to b-be of acquantaince," the girl with short mesmerising silver hair introduced shyly.

"My name's Yamamoto Eugene. I am half Japanese and half French. Please to meet ya'll!" the boy introduced with a smile.

"I am Murasaki Daisuke. Please to meet you all," the boy introduced warmly.

Ringo then ushered them to the remaining empty seats in the classroom and begins his talking.

"Let me explain more about this 'New Sound' project to the eight of you. This project is for the purpose of creating a combination for a composer so that he/she could work well with their song writing," Ringo explained. "Apparently, this composer we got here is quite particular with the voices that he/she wants for the music and hence, we chose the eight of you here to participate in this project."

"So that's why we are the only dudes here?" A guy with mauve eyes joked. Ringo just nodded at them.

"So when can we meet the composer?" Yuuka asked.

"Until you all qualify all the conditions that the composer requires which I will be telling now," Ringo replied with a smile as he began passing sheets of papers around. "Those are the conditions that you will have to pass."

1. People with voices that can harmonize AND resonate with the others
2. Cooperation is crucial
3. With the chances of being eliminated, the candidates will need to work very hard during the one week lesson
4. Not completing any assignment on time may increase the likelihood of being eliminated from the project
5. No spreading of this project to the public
6. Must be able to sing or dance to various genres of music
7. Those who fail to compile with these conditions will be disqualified
8. And of course, romance is forbidden

"Is it just me or the conditions have increased?" Yuuka stared at the paper with deadpan eyes.

"Eh...harmonize with the others? I don't think I could do it..." a girl with silver hair mumbled to herself worriedly.

"Cooperating with these people? You got to be kiddng me! I'm the chosen one so I should be working with the composer this instant!" The dark brown haired girl b*tched as if she owns the decision to everything. She then points her index finger to the four girls. "Especially with those clowns there! They don't worth the chance."

Yuuka's eyebrow twitched in annoyance while Akako was already in the verge of blowing off her fuse.

"I'll tell you what, you haven't seen what we can do just yet!" Sai told the girl off to which the girl just let out a low growl.

"Oh yeah? I'll prove to you that you all don't stand a chance against me!" The girl fought back by jabbing her index finger onto Sai's shoulder.

Ringo clapped his hands in the attempt to gain the attention of everyone in the vicinity which worked miracles.

"Alright, if the few of you have to fight, do it after you done your week's lesson," Ringo stated with a smile which the rest just silently obeyed his words.

"Glad that it didn't end up into a cat fight, right dude?" Daisuke chuckled.

"The name's Yamamoto Eugene," Eugene told him while giving him the look. "You only know me just a few minutes ago so refrain from calling me a dude."

"Mine's Daisuke, Murasaki Daisuke! Please to meet you, jūjin (alien)!" Daisuke introduced once again

"Jūjin?! Did you just called me an alien?" Eugene asked as his mauve eyes widened in horror.

"Eh? Your name is jūjin right?" Daisuke asked for confirmation while blinking his eyes. "Gomen, I'm bad at remembering names."

"It's Eugene. E-U-G-E-N-E," Eugene stated while spelling out each letter of his name.

"I'm right! It's Yuujin (friend)!" Daisuke replied in victory, making Eugene face palmed. Maybe it's hard for some people to pronounce a foreign name.

After the homeroom, there was this silence filling in the air until footsteps were heard, approaching their classroom.

"Ah...they are here!" Ringo beamed and right after that, she clapped his hands together. "Alright! The time has come for you all to meet your guiders!"

Ringo then gestured the tutors to enter the room. As the tutors stepped into the vicinity, everyone's face were filled with undescribable emotions. It was the members of STARISH!

"From today till the end of the week, we will be guiding all of you to the path of idol. Yoroshiku!" Ittoki announced with a bow which the remaining members did the same after that. The candidates were silent, full of undescribable feelings surging right into their souls.

"S-STARISH is going to teach me?!" Miyako blurted.

"Uhh...please can she not," Yuuka sighed.

"This will be our first time guiding soon to be idols in life so do take care of us too!" Ittoki told the candidates with a grin which everyone replied with a yes.

After that, the four newbies had to introduce themselves to Starish as it is important to know each other before starting the one week curriculum. As you all may have known their names since I posted their info in the very first chapter, I won't be writing much about them (considering if I should draw them and post them here...) The other newbies' profile will be at the end of this chapter.

The next thing they knew was the start of the curriculum. For today, it will be Tokiya's turn to teach the candidates about the fundamentals of an idol.

"Good morning, everyone. For today I, Ichinose Tokiya will be teaching you all the theory and the basics of being an idol," the prussian male greeted with his serious face. "For your information, I am a strict teacher so please bear with my teachings and do not fall asleep in my class."

He then eyed Daisuke, who was sleeping like a log, nearly falling flat on his face. Eugene, who happened to be sitting beside him, shook his head in disbelief and decided to wake the guy up with a few jabs onto his partner's shoulder.

Daisuke mumbled a few incoherent words as he slowly woke up, which displeased Tokiya to the very sight of heck.

With a loud yawn, he eyed at Tokiya, who happened to be glaring daggers for interrupting his lesson- no, his lesson has yet to start...

"Daisuke-san, did you hear what did I said a while ago?" Tokiya asked sternly which Daisuke just blinked in realisation.

"I'm sorry..."

Tokiya just sighed.

"For goodness sake, how dare you make Tokiya-sama wait!" Once again, Miyako, the bitchiest among all the candidates complained just to show Tokiya that she is actually attentive but in reality, she just wanted to hog his attention for herself.

And so...Tokiya's endless talking began with theory of music and after that the practicals of vocal practices. Of course, it didn't went very well at all. He did a checklist of the candidates abilities in singing and rated them accordingly:

Aihara Miyako: Terrible...has to improve
Akako Masaru: Needs to work on breathing
Hotaru Tsuruko: Quite experienced, needs more practice on breathing techniques
Murasaki Daisuke: Average
Katashi Yuu: Average
Rikona Sai: Quite experienced but still needs improvement in vibrato
Yamamoto Eugene: Good
Yukiho Sayaka: Needs to be confident

"I'm not sure why did the president choose you guys but I guess you all still needed some time to get used to this," Tokiya commented while putting away the checklist to his bag. "By that, I mean extra lessons. I will be guiding you all properly."

The candidates were silent as they thought that they could have done better and prove to Tokiya that his teaching was quite good. On the contrary, Daisuke seemed disappointed. Comparing himself to the oh-so-great Eugene, he is just an average. It's only the first day yet, he already started to compete with someone out of his league. I guess he is really frustrated.

"The extra lessons that I am about to schedule you all will not contradict with the week's regimen so you all will have a solid foundation in music. I hope that you all are serious in this," Tokiya remarked before leaving the room. "Oh, and please rest up well for today as tomorrow, things are going to get tough."

Once he left the room, the candidates are to have their break time at the cafeteria.

"I'm terribly beat....I never know that music theories are actually hard to grasp..." Akako commented as she bite onto a croquette.

"For people like us who never have a solid foundation in music will have to work harder..." Sai stated while playing Shining Live, again.

"Well, at least Hotaru shouldn't have a hard time to deal with it since she always listens to all sorts of tunes," Yuuka remarked with a grin which Hotaru just ignored while endulging her senses to the pizza that she just bought.

"Listening to tunes doesn't means that her music foundation is good..." Akako implied. "Well, we still have our source of information in the library."

"So, the two of you are quite experienced, he says," Yuuka remarked with a smirk. "What is it that you are hiding?" While eyeing at Sai and Hotaru.

Sai was startled while Hotaru remained composed as ever.

"I'll go to the library and do some studying," Sai excused herself as she slid her smartphone into her pocket and walked away swiftly.

"Hey! I'm not done yet," Yuuka yelled. And by the time she turned to Hotaru, she disappeared into thin air along with her pizza.


Sai's POV

That was close! If those two were to find out, I'm not sure if I could even live! And just when I was so close on getting a full perfect combo on the game just now....

"Sai, we need to talk."

I turned to the source of voice which turned out to be Hotaru, who is still nibbling onto the pizza.

"I don't think our little secret can be hidden for long now..." She began as we walked aimlessly.

"I know. We should let them know. It's unfair for them," I agreed guiltily.

"We should come clean with them then...I wouldn't want our friendship to be destroyed by something like this," I added while playing with my phone. And that was when I bumped onto something and nearly dropped my phone.

Hotaru had a shocking look painted on her face as her eyes met with something that I bumped onto. Don't tell me, it's a huge macho evil gangster!?

"It's that brat from before!"

"Silence! You shouldn't treat the students here rudely. I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

That moment was the most awkward one we ever had. And to think that I had to bump onto that butler who treated me like a guy!

"My pizza..." was all Hotaru could say as she did a 'OTL'.

"Kurosaki, see what you did to her?" The blond platinum guy said which I couldn't remember his name.

"Huh? Is that even my fault, you sugar-loving aristocrat?" That heterochromia guy argued but I could see a hint of guilt in his eyes.

Without any warning, Hotaru stood up and grabbed the heterochromia guy's shirt and pulled him close to her.


The heterochromia guy felt real bad for that small accident though he couldn't apologise properly. Instead, he offered to buy a new one for her. Hotaru let off the collar of his clothes and stared at him.

"Just follow me, I wouldn't want you to land another surprise attack," he told Hotaru but Hotaru seemed unperturbed. "Are you listening?"

"That won't be needed for now..." Hotaru told him off coolly before telling me to follow her. The two of the guys were confused before walking away to their destination.

Wait a minute...why are the butlers from that cafe here walking like models from a magazine?! This doesn't make sense!! And that blond guy reminded me of someone who Yuuka mentioned recently. Who was it?!

"Hotaru, why are they here?" I asked in uncertainty.

"'Them as in Quartet Night? They work here!' That's what Yuuka would reply normally," Hotaru replied as we arrived infront of a building which I'm not so familiar with. I was shocked to the core!

"What? They work here? Hah, Quartet Night?!"

"She told us few days prior today...don't you remember?" Hotaru asked and I shook my head in reply. "Quartet Night is the band that worked in SS Cafe as butlers before."

"Wut?! For real?! Thats why they looked that means the blond guy is Camus..." I exclaimed as news flash upon my eyes, linking every bits and pieces of information. Was I this slow after all this time?

Despite being unfamiliar to the building, Hotaru still proceeded so I had to follow her, in case I got lost myself. The inside of the building was of Victorian design which is similar to the ones in the academy but somehow this feels a little bit different.

Astonished by the vicinity, I forgot to look at where I'm walking towards to and bumped onto Hotaru.

"Hotaru...why did you stop walking all of a sudden?" I asked but earned no reply. Instead, I was welcomed by the presence of a certain brunette.


The brunette was surprised as her attention fall onto us.

"Chiharu, don't tell me this is the school that you are studying in?" I asked as I was in a state of shock. Hotaru remained silent.

"Um...yeah. I was shocked that you guys were here in this building," she replied with a slightly uncomfortable look.

"I have a feeling that you are here within the school compounds," Hotaru stated. "What are your intentions here?"

Hey...Hotaru! It's like as if Chiharu did something awful to be pointed as a criminal...

"I don't have a obligation to tell you guys just yet," Chiharu replied as her face darkened. "It's for you all to find out." And walks away as swiftly as possible.

What's wrong with Chiharu? Did she do something wrong? And how did Hotaru have a feeeling that Chiharu is here?!

At night...

Right after dinner, Hotaru and I decided to tell Akako and Yuuka our little secret that we have been keeping for about 2 years.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell us? Just you know that we are still not satisfied with what you did a while ago," Yuuka began as soon as she sat on the edge of the bed while Akako just lied on the bed.

"We are actually utaites in the social network..." I began, slightly unsure if this is the way to start our conversation. The two of them were shocked in return.

"You kidding me?! Then doesn't that makes you a real singer?!" Akako asked.

"We didn't accept their offers hence that's why we are still here," Hotaru added with her stoic face.

"I was uncertain that time until Saotome gave a little speech about talent in the movie," I stated with a smile. "I wanted to change no matter how small that probability is."

"You shouldn't have kept it from us! It's not like we would spread around," Yuuka pouted in reply. "I mean we are friends!"

Akako nodded in reply which made both Hotaru and I relieved. Glad that the cat is out of the bag now. I think I could fly!

"Anyway, let's study more on music theory before Tokiya-senpai nag us again tomorrow," Akako bluntly changed the topic as she took out a stack of books borrowed from the library. "You guys should be grateful that I am helping myself!"

We all laughed, even the ever so serious Hotaru was giggling. I wonder if we could survive tomorrow's lesson...


Note: the candidates are allowed to use senpai or sensei honorifics on STARISH members.

Profiles of the side characters

Name: Aihara Miyako (愛原美夜子)
Age: 15
Track: Idol
Hobbies: collecting expensive cologne and enjoy a series pedicure and manicure
Appearance: Her wavy dark brown hair tied into a ponytail together with a sidebang but instead, having just a normal bang(because of certain circumstances in the story). She also has a pair of dark brown eyes and pale pink lips.
Description: A rather b*tchy type of girl who's arrogant attitude is over the line. She usually looks down on other people who has a low status in wealth and talent. But throughout the story, she slowly became tamed(well, just a wee bit) because of how Yuu treated her. Apparently, Aihara is easily tricked by Yuu as she can easily fell into the temptation of the cute piyo-chan plushies that Natsuki has thus being taken advantage of by Yuu.

Name: Yukiho Sayaka (雪歩明香)
Age: 15
Track: Idol
Hobbies: Collecting shells and designing things
Appearance: she has short silver hair which she always despised ever since she was young. She also has a pair of ocean blue eyes.
Description: A very shy yet timid girl who couldn't handle guys too much. She is used to be bullied by boys just because of her hair hence, traumatised by the boys. She always tries her best to excel in performing arts as it was her dream to become just like her mother, a former idol.

Name: Yamamoto Eugene (山本イウジン)
Age: 17
Track: Idol
Hobbies: Cooking and taking care of pets
Appearance: A caucasian of half Japan and half French. He has a pair of mauve eyes and dark brown hair. Usually seen wearing a beige coloured long sleeve coat and a necktie together with his while long sleeved shirt, giving him an aura of professionalism.
Description: He is well known for being wife material as his cooking is amazingly delicious! He could also make girls head over heels by singing. Sometimes, he would not treat people who treat him as close friends, as someone he could trust as he don't want to ruin his pride until he himself does the talking.

Name: Murasaki Daisuke (紫大輔)
Age: 19
Track: Idol
Hobbies: Playing guitar and making people laugh with his jokes and his warm smile
Appearance: Usually seen wearing a beanie or his hair tied up into a ponytail. He has a small scar on his forehead that he obtained when he was still a kid. Often wears his favourite denim jacket and a pair of sneakers and of course a pait of dirty green trousers that gives him the look of a bad boy. His charm point seems to be the beauty mark under his left eye.
Description: Despite being a happy person, deep inside, there is a wound that hasn't heal since that day. Other than that, he could be the rainbow of your sadness and would comfort anyone who's feeling the blues and grays. He loves to make friends and through there, he can forget his worries. He cannot remember names properly and at the same time, his remembering is just like a fish's memory sometimes. And he hates losing...

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