Seduction Secrets: V for Vixen
Vixen: a spiteful and quarrelsome woman, but attractive nonetheless.
Words: 1074
Masato had about enough. He kept telling himself that each time was the last straw, that he'd get up and unravel himself from around her finger. But each and every time, without fail, Haruka would do some maddeningly erotic thing and have the nerve to not realize. To her, it was probably nothing out of the ordinary, just minute actions that she doled out everywhere. Every bloody second was an internal battle for Masato and the perpetrator had no idea the burden of his growing lust was on her hands.
For one, he craved every part of her, knowing he'd be caught and chided for staring but continuing to blatantly burn his gaze into her. Another part of him was blindingly jealous that everyone else could see what he noticed every second of the day. Of course, he prided himself on hiding his emotions fairly well. He admit, time around his friends, the other members of Starish, had softened him considerably.
Unfortunately, their influence didn't stop at rounding out his edges; he came to realize that he had grown horrifyingly perverse. Perhaps it was the consistent prolonged exposure to Ren and the horny buffoons that added onto his comments about Haruka's new perfume or her sweet, lilting voice. Or maybe he had just became far too infatuated with the girl and his constant attention to her was his brain's way of signaling to him that the desire had to be acted upon.
The dominant thoughts in his mind these days were certainly not pertaining to his work as an idol and they were distracting him terribly. At lunch, Haruka's blouse lifted as she reached for the fruit platter on one of the higher shelves, and Masato couldn't stop as his mind churned and sparked with the pale sliver of skin that became exposed to him, coyly peeking out from the school vest. The effort to keep his face stoic was ridiculous, but that didn't keep his eyes from staying glued to the supple skin nor did it do anything to keep his mind from wandering and wondering what it'd be worth for him to kiss and nip the stomach that was available, maybe a little lower...
He started out of his self-induced reverie when Ren cleared his throat, an immensely smug and amused expression on his face. Like the bastard knew exactly what had been running through his head. He hadn't even noticed Ren when he sat down at the table awhile ago, who kept his icy blue eyes trained on Masato's line of sight.
"Me too, Masa. Me too." Ren chuckled, sipping his coffee and not looking at his friend, who was fighting back a furious blush.
"Shut it." Masato muttered back, promptly ripping his gaze away from Haruka, who was shimmying her hips in an attempt at the utensils that lied next to the platter. He swallowed a throaty groan, then sighed in relief when Otoya reached up to help her and the devilish movement ceased.
When lunch finished, the group trailed after Haruka and Tomo, who were discussing issues that Tomo had dubbed "confidential" and "for our ears only". Suspicious glances were passed, but no one dared to go against Tomo's words. Masato watched as the girls spoke in hushed tones. Haruka's papers fell to the floor, flurrying everywhere before she dropped to her knees and began scooping them into her arms.
Masato nearly choked as the tempting sight of her behind swayed in front of him. The school skirt was not a long one, and did little to cover Haruka's bottom. Kami, what was this girl doing to him? It seemed he wasn't the only one with thoughts along a similar train as the other guys visibly tensed up, Syo audibly wrangling out a grunt before Natsuki managed to clasp a hand over his mouth.
Order was restored when their composer stood back up, strolling to class, animatedly chatting with Tomo like she hadn't just ensued silent chaos. When they got back to their classroom, Masato internally congratulated himself for his poker face.
Later that day, Masato found that he had, once again, made a fool of himself. It was during one of the many practice sessions Starish held after school, when Haruka decided she wanted to have a snack during the number that didn't incorporate her piano accompaniment. She must've thought it absolutely brilliant, bringing in Pocky, of all things.
The moment she whipped the packet out, every head was turned. The dancing never ceased, but like everyone else, Masato had his peripheral vision pinned on Haruka. Some were excited, anticipating the show Haruka didn't know she was putting on, others were embarrassed that they'd been caught looking but had no plan on stopping, but all had their attention captured because everyone knew how Haruka ate her Pocky.
She took a Pocky in her mouth and suckled it, licking the chocolate creme off before nibbling the stick. Every time she did this, there was a falter in Masato's step. It would've been noticed if it weren't for the fact that everyone else had given up too. When she placed two Pocky in her mouth, however, there were too many alighted eyes for Masato to just stand abide any longer.
He exhaled exasperatedly, and strode over to where Haruka sat obliviously. Luckily for him, the other guys were still too dumbfounded to do anything. He stilled in front of her, gulping as she licked the sticky sweet residue off her fingers. Clearing his throat, he almost instinctively looked away bashfully as Haruka peered up at him through her thick lashes.
This is ridiculous, Masato thought to himself. Taking her chin between his fingers, he tilted her head up to face him. He consciously felt his self-restraint slipping away, taking his rationality with it. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers, parting hers swiftly and swept his tongue inside. He swallowed the moan that spilled out of her, barely constraining his own at her sweet taste. He licked the chocolate off her bottom lip as he pulled away.
The short, heated kiss dragged the others out of their daze. At once, through his own haze, Masato heard rapid shuffling, but all he processed were the words from the girl who started it all.
"It's about time." Haruka whispered, smiling timidly, her eyes holding secrets he couldn't comprehend.
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