Hidden Intention: F for Formal
Author's Note: GOING THROUGH HEAVY RENOVATION (valid for all my work).
F for Formal
Formal- done in accordance of the rules or very officially.
Words: 2217
"Haru-chan!" A voice called cheerfully from across the street, turning heads.
Haruka was seated at a small outdoor table in a cafe she adored, poring over her music sheets. She snapped her head up, searching for the source of the familiar voice. Amidst the crowd, she spotted a bright blonde mop of hair above the others, charging towards her. Haruka felt her heart pound and tried to figure out why he was running toward her out of nowhere.
As he got closer, she could see the glint of his glasses and his joyful green eyes. The pedestrians skidded out of his way as he slowed to a stop in front of her table. He was unnervingly close to her and she had absolutely no idea whatsoever what he wanted, which only made her heart flutter all the more furiously.
"Shinomiya-kun," she greeted politely, careful to hide her confusion and hopeful curiosity. "Do you need something?"
In turn, his grin only grew wider. Haruka blinked. What was she supposed to make of that?
"Nope. Not telling. You have to come see for yourself."
Haruka fumbled. What was he talking about all of a sudden?
"Go where?"
"I'll show you. Come on!" Natsuki urged, but when she was still gaping up at him in a daze, he reached over, gripped her waist with both hands and swiftly lifted her out of her chair. Haruka shrieked, barely grabbing her sheets and purse on time. Natsuki lowered her down, but one arm remained around her waist as he took out his wallet, took one look at the bill on the table and slapped some bills on top. Before Haruka could utter a word of protest, he spoke up.
"I'm going to borrow you, okay?"
Haruka only sighed in response. She knew there'd be no point in fighting him now. She didn't have anywhere to be and he did come all the way here and pay for her lunch. So she looked up and smiled.
"Thanks for that," she nodded to the bill in front of them. He tapped her nose affectionately then tousled her hair. Haruka laughed, reaching up to swat him away and smooth down her hair. When she looked up, her heart skittered at the sight of him watching her with an endearing expression of a scrunched up nose and a lazy smile. Strands of golden hair fell into his eyes and she had to clench her hands to keep from overstepping her boundaries and tucking them back for him.
She ducked her head, fighting back the heat rising to her cheeks. His grip on her waist isn't helping either. He laughs, moving his hand back to thread his fingers through hers.
"You're so cute, Haru-chan."
She flushes red before she can talk herself out of her delusions. Natsuki calls everyone cute, it's nothing special. Natsuki is very open to physical contact; he's like that with so many people! She discreetly gets her breathing back under control, secretly willing her heart to slow down.
When her attention is back to her situation and away from her emotional turmoil, Natsuki squeezes her hand.
"We should leave now." He gestures to the growing crowd of people around them, taking pictures of them. There's a frightening amount of girls who shrieked when Natsuki looked over. They seemed to ignore Haruka, whose hand he was still holding, completely.
"The paparazzi might come soon if they catch wind of this." He whispers by her ear.
She nods. Both acting simultaneously, they made a run for it. Together, they raced down the streets, thankfully less congested now because they'd either crossed over at the sight of the crowd of fans, or they were the fans, left behind. Haruka had to match Natsuki's long, quick strides with her shorter, brisk strides which she found to be quite a challenge.
Once they were a safe distance away, they turned to confirm that they were free of the frenzied mob. They sighed in relief.
"You don't have anywhere to be, right?"
"No, but where are we going?" Haruka asked, trying to find out where it was Natsuki was so adamant on taking her.
He just shook his head, eyes glinting mischievously.
"Well, no time to waste." Natsuki held out a hand, wiggling his fingers as an invitation.
Haruka stared, dumbfounded. She cast a demure glance up at him and hesitantly took his hand, feeling his fingers thread through hers again. She pushed down the fluttering before it escalated to nausea. They began their stroll, swinging their arms to a whistled tune that she recognized as a song she composed for him.
Haruka was feeling tranquil. Time seemed to slow to a stop as she walked with Natsuki, who she found to be a great conversationalist. They discussed tentative music compositions, their lives before and during their studies at the academy. It felt like they had been walking for hours, but she wasn't tired in the least. When he announced that they were in the neighborhood and that it had only been a little over half an hour, she was shocked.
Haruka looked around for the first time since she started walking with Natsuki. The buildings were flawless and modern but packed closely together. The entire place was probably within walking distance. The yards were well-kept and the houses were decorated enough to distinguish one from the other. It was posh but homely, and the serenity of the place reminded her of her home in Hokkaido with her grandma.
She turned speculate Natsuki's reaction, taken aback by the gentle smile that made its way across his face, and the shine of nostalgia in his eyes.
Noting her expression, he informed her, "This is where I used to live."
"Oh. How nice. You must feel lucky living here. It's seems like a wonderful place." Haruka commented.
He smiled distantly before straightening and tightening his grip on her.
Haruka smiled, finding his enthusiasm infectious. She didn't know where they were going or what they were going to do, but if it was with Natsuki, it can't be a bad experience.
Cooking. A cooking school. The one thing Natsuki was notoriously bad at.
The building had a hefty sign reading: A Dish A Day. It was a stark contrast to the boring outwards appearance of the school.
"Okay. It seems like we're on time," Natsuki said as he checked his watch. "Ready?"
Haruka absentmindedly nodded, increasingly aware of what she was agreeing to.
Natsuki grinned and opened the door for her, bowing as she walked past. Her giggle was cut short when she took in her surroundings.
As soon as they walked in, they were overwhelmed by the luxurious decor, from the white marble floor, chandeliers, and gold certificates framed and hung on the walls. Every surface was polished to a glimmer. Natsuki broke the awed silence first, leading her away from the lobby by the elbow.
"This way!" He sang, pushing open black double doors. Haruka managed to read the gold-embossed sign: VIP.
"Why isn't anyone here?"
Natsuki seemed to just notice the lack of staff and customers. "Oh, I rented the place for a few hours."
Haruka's eyes bulged. "How did you manage that?!"
He seemed to be searching for the right words. "I have...connections." He turned and flashed a blinding grin.
She opened her mouth to respond but closed it upon concluding that with him, it was better not to know. He was probably just loaded. Instead, she focused on taking in the immaculately equipped room. The tiles were black and glittered in the florescent lighting and the walls were sterile white in contrast. In the front of the room was a whiteboard and projector, resembling a lecture hall. There were huge stations with a built in sink, cutting board, fridge, and drawers.
It took her breath away. She's never stepped foot in such a glamorous place, much less for her own purposes. And Natsuki had rented it?
"So?" Natsuki looked to her. "How do you like it?"
"You prepared all this for us?"
"For you." He shrugged, smiling boyishly.
Haruka felt a tug in her chest. "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me." She turned to face him. "Thank you, Shinomiya-kun." She grinned as widely as she could, hoping to convey her gratitude. He reached over and pulled her into an overwhelming hug. She squealed into his chest, breathing in his clean scent. She was fumbling for a grip but wrapped her arms around his waist nonetheless. She felt him nuzzle into her hair and let out a giggle.
A thought flashed in her mind as she melted into his warm embrace.
Natsuki can't cook.
He hummed.
"Are you going to be cooking?"
"Well, you will be. I'm going to teach you.
Haruka stifled the mounting relief. She wasn't sure she would make it home unharmed if Natsuki cooked. She decided to keep the fact that she already knew how to cook a secret for now.
Pulling away from him, she said with laughter in her eyes, "Well, what are you waiting for, Shinomiya-sensei?" Dragging out his name, she watched amusingly as he flushed pink.
She turned around, breaking his hold on her. As she made her way over to the first station to take in the details, she heard an ominous clatter of something falling to the tiled floor. She dreaded that it was glasses. Before she could turn around to assess the danger, she felt strong arms wrap around her waist from behind.
A voice made unfamiliar by the low tones and huskiness whispered in her ear, "Miss me?" She shivered, feeling endangered and vulnerable. A glance to the side told her that the glasses were off the floor and in the pocket of his cardigan.
He pressed himself closer and Haruka blanked, capable of nothing more than blushing so red she feared that she'd overheat and implode.
"S-satsuki-san!" She tried to wriggle out of the vice grip he had on her.
"So it's Satsuki-san for me, huh?" He rested his chin on her head, completely engulfing her.
"What about Natsuki? Why isn't it Natsuki-san?" He sounded amused, but Haruka swore she heard a defensive trace in his tone.
She was so genuinely confused; she couldn't possibly think straight with him so close. "Does it m-matter?"
"You're too formal. Say it. Na-tsu-ki."
Haruka barely noticed his smooth evasion of her question with the way his body seeped warmth through her clothes. She realized that caving would be the fastest way to get out of her predicament.
Haruka took in a deep breath, dramatizing her reluctance to divert from her hand slipping into his pocket.
She felt his arms tighten around her, his body tensing against her back. "Too damned cute for your own good." His carnal voice sent shivers racking up and down her body.
Haruka decided to go in for the kill, pushing aside the hazy numbness threatening the borders of her mind. She twisted his in arms, leaning up, angled just right for a kiss...
Just as Satsuki leaned down with his eyes shut, he felt a sudden loss of warmth as Haruka took a sudden step back from his slackened grip. She materialized the glasses that he had stuffed in his pocket.
Before he could curse, she had leaped over and slipped the pair onto his nose. He felt the familiar weight of the lens before he felt a lurch. Natsuki was pawing his way out this time.
Everything went black.
Natsuki cracked his eyes open to see the faint outline of a girl and a hand waving back and forth across his face. He focused his sight and gathered his surroundings.
He looked back to her and smiled. "Fine," he confirmed.
Natsuki was silent for another moment, still pushing back the disorientation that came with hi blackouts. Haruka called his name again.
But that name wasn't right. It was his, no doubt, but it didn't sound right. He hadn't responded to her, prompting another approach.
"Natsuki?" Her voice was mousy and unsure, her tongue trying to wrap around the name.
He felt his heartbeat quicken, his stomach knotting in a pleasantly painful way. He looks into her eyes but keeps still.
"Do you think I'm too formal?"
Natsuki feels a surge of uncharacteristic possession. He leans down and rests his forehead on Haruka's, staring into her wide eyes. "As long as you continue to call me Natsuki, I couldn't care less how formal you are."
Frustration fluttered in her. I'll show you informal.
She slid her hands up to his shoulders and leaned up. "Na-tsu-ki." She felt a rush of satisfaction and power when he froze. She watched his Adam's apple bob; this kind of dominance she held over him was self-rewarding.
Haruka grinned as Natsuki's hands twitched from beside him.
Maybe this being informal thing isn't so bad after all.
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