Tag Book #4
Hey-o! I was tagged! :D
(*whisper* Thing is, I actually don't mind being tagged - I usually have fun with it!) So yay!!!
I was tagged by @Megapichu0 and @Immature_Potatoe with the same tag thingie, and then I was tagged again by @Cartara, so I'm just gonna mush them all together in one meal-sized chapter for you! :D
First up, Mega's and Potatoe's tags.
# 1 - Your nickname.
Hmmmm, does this mean Wattpad nickname for non-virtual nickname? I'll do both XD
Wattpad nickname is USM (which is fantastic because people are literally calling me Ultimate Spider-Man) and my non-virtual nickname is Bean (I've been called Bean all my life before it became a thing -_- )
#2 - Your eye color.
It's just blue....
#3 - Your hair color.
Ratty, unhealthy, dirty-blonde hair with sass and too much rebellion to listen or cooperate.
#4 - One fact about me.
Hmm, uno fact of moi. Let's see, let's see, let's see.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was spent 10 dollars on an arcade game card JUST so I could play a claw game and get a little stuffed Deadpool doll.
Here he is! :3
#5 - Favorite color
Darp navy blue, a shiny beautiful green, and deeeeeeep dark red. :D Oh, you said COLOR. Only one? Hahaha - impossible. There are too many colors to love.
#6 - Favorite place.
Honestly, my room. When I'm not being interrupted so I can write and draw and read to my hearts content.
#7 - Favorite celebrity.
Tom Holland.
Tom Holland hands down.
#8 - Favorite animal.
Spider-Man. Spider-Man is my favorite animal.
#9 - Favorite song.
*sigh* It changes so often. Huh, let me think....
Erm, I think, right now, it's "Boy in the Bubble" by...I don't know, I don't remember the artist.
#10 - Favorite book.
It's between the Percy Jackson series and the Six of Crows books. I LOOOOVE them both.
Alright, that's the end to the first one, now on to the second!
I was tagged by @Cartara
1| Meaning behind username.
Hehehe, so, funny story that's actually probably quite dull. But gather around the hearth fire my children, and I shall tell you a tale of happiness and finding yourself.
I actually started writing my fanfic stories on fanfiction.net. Before I was OfficialUSMWriter I was a sad little user called I_need_a_username8. I wrote Percy Jackson stories, but I wanted to get into something else. But I didn't know what.
Then, I watched Ultimate Spider-Man and my purpose in life was found! :D I rapidly searched ff.net to read all the USM fanfics but was very saddened that there were not many that I liked. I REALLY wanted to read a fic where Spidey and his team mutated, and there was none.
It was in that shining glorious moment that I recalled the wise words of my internet Uncle Ben.
"If there's a story you want to read, you must be the one to write it" - By (I actually don't know, I haven't read the quote in a while, we'll say it was from Uncle Ben 2.0 for now)
Now, I knew what I had to do.
I decided I was no longer going to be a user wishing for a username! From here on out I will officially dedicate my skills to writing Ultimate Spider-Man. Thus, OfficialUSMWriter was born.
I've been writing Ultimate Spider-Man ever since.
There's my origin story.
|2 (HOLY CRAP I'M ONLY AT # 2?????? I THOUGHT I WAS AT, LIKE, 4 AT LEAST.) Favorite book.
Like, wattpad book? Hmm, I don't know actually. My favorite fanfic right now is "Spiderling, Spiderboy, Spider-Man" by JustMeSpidey, but the author is one ff.net and archiveofourown, so....
But favorite non-virtual book, at the time, is between Percy Jackson series and Six of Crows. mentioned that above, but oh well.
|3 What's your icon and background.
Here is my icon:
It is Spidey sticking out his tongue at Wolverine from "Freaky Friday."
And THIS is my background:
Carnage!Spider-Man from season 2 with Deadpool. I love it cause it's so eerie and awesome and I want to write a fic/one-shot based off of it.
|4 What type of books do you write//if you write?
That's a book genre, right?
5| Recommend 3 books.
Oh well, I'll go wattpad book.
There is "Stuck in the Crossfire" by WandaMaximoff24
"Ultimate Spider-Man One-Shots" by Megapichu0
and "Spiderling, Spiderboy, Spider-Man" by JustMeSpidey (even if they're technically not on wattpad)
6| Secret about your wattpad
Erm....hmmm....what's a secret about my wattpad? I guess it used to be a different username (don't remember what) and I wrote different books on it (don't remember what they were about), but I changed all that when I started officially writing USM books.\
Now! For my tag victims!
I'm only going to do 10, and you guys can decide which one you want to do.
Have fun guys :P
-OfficialUSMWriter out!
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