Chapter 15:Wasting Time

Previously on US forces in Eostia

Ronan then looked at Celestine "Got anything magic to witness our demonstration my lady?" he ask

Celestine nod and she made a crystal ball that shows outside

While the US forces in the reserves along in the city also prepares to move out along with the Soviets as they begun to mount on their tanks and trucks but not all of them as some left to guard their base camp

With it not long after of few minutes they heard massed explosion that made everyone except the Allied Generals to cover their ears

Then a minute pass another explosion was occurred with it they also heard the engines of the trucks and tanks in the city moving out to kill any stragglers

Looking at the Ball everyones eyes widen at such devastation in a short span of time looking at the burn remains and limbs and organs are scattered and not only that American and Soviet troops begun to kill the Stragglers without mercy

After Recovering of their shock Alicia then approach Ronan whom looked at her with indifference at the moment he looked to her eyes, she would tarnish their relation with the American

"I DEMAND YOU TO DISMANTTLE EVERYTHING!" she shouted at his face

"What an idiot" Was the though of the Allied and Eastern Eostians



Earlier that day


Mess hall

Luke is eating with his squadron  in the mess hall of the officer area, Luke Belleza wanting to go to Ken as well wanting to see his uncle since the war has started, not to mention he loves fantasy after reading Tolken's book of Hobbits and Lord of the Rings

"So since we would be staying here for unknown amount of time what do you think of their plan if we would be stranded here forever?" Said Bob his 2nd in command

"If we do stay here, then they're going to have a long talk with whoever is in charge here" Said Luke as he eat his stake with Ice Cream as a dessert luckily for them there's one installed in Midway

That a grim reminder for them, they may possibly stay here forever but they keep their hope that they may possibly return back to their world and continue to fight the enemy

"Well at least we are not the only one here though, heard that there's soviets" Said Luke changing the subject that made his squadmates and the crew in the ship that heard him stop their activity as they slowly lean in to know of what he would speak

"So we have commies in this world to share with Fantastic" Said one of the Crew with a groan

"Better to be them than the Nazis or worse Japs" Said Luke he never forgave the Japanese of how they make his cousin, his cousin was a cold blooded killer when it comes to Japs soldier losing many Marines and soldiers under his watch due to false surrender and the way they are treated as prisoners that which it become a war of extermination against Japs since they do not surrender so easily to the point that they are willingly to throw themselves to die which he would happy to do it during air support

Hell he even notice the low quality of Japanese pilot whom he face and have confirmed kill of 100 zeroes  either through air battle and even destroy dozen of Japanese warships he make his shots counts that even one bomb maybe enough to destroy one warship and that one bomb can be easily replace

He remembers during the Battle of Midway where his Father's carrie also participate one of the Yorktorn class carriers, he was there and have destroyed many Zeroes and several ships to avenge Pearl Harbor it was one of his most intense battle in his life battling against the most veteran Japanese pilot and then after that he notice it the increasing lower quality of Japanese pilots which he killed more and more easy by the passing months hell he even even American raw recruit have difficult but still quite manage of destroying Japanese fighters, then after learning Japanese pilots never return to shift with other pilots to teach recruits back in their homeland made their pilots to get lower quality unlike them, Luke return back to US once in a while to teach recruits of how to defeat Japanese fighters in the dogfight

After eating his last meal and ice cream, he goes out to get some fresh air with a bottle of coca cola being a squadron leader of 16 aircraft divided by 4 flights of 4 aircraft each does have some stressed and luckily he rarely lost a single plane let alone a single life which it brings him and his squadron some of the best pilot in US especially now that he would face likely even raw recruits, and he'll have to worry about their AAs, and he have put his faith his Corsair which is not only faster but also better armored

"So, by the way do you know if we would have any enemies in this fantasy land?" Said William the 3rd Pilot who have accompany him to scout the land

Luke chuckled darkly "oh we will have enemies going to face, and trust me, it is enough that i won't care to cause war crimes" Said Luke

"Damn, what this guys do and what's the name of their faction " Said Bob

Luke stop a little before resuming to walk while explaining about the Black Dogs

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FCK?!" Said his Squadron mates in shock and in quickly turns to anger

"Why do you think Uncle Ronan is ready to burn this fantasy land to the ground when he heard of their reasons of making such an Empire... to make Woman as a property? as a sex slave? the closet thing to get that degenerate reason are the Japs and Nazi" Said Luke in dark tone after drinking the last drop of his coke he put it on the floor as they are now on the flight deck 

Luke blood boil of hearing that from his father, oh... he have read his history alright. 

There would be another massacre similar of how their Great-Great-Great Grandfather Ronan Belleza General of the Union army have done to the confederates and their people without so much remorse and it appears it will be done again

He then turn around when they heard an explosion likely from the Army's artillery "The Sex Empire won't win this war and Uncle will make sure of it" he muttered as his squadron mates looking at the City of Ken  

He also heard the nasty thing about Princess Alicia and he hopes she won't do anything stupid



"I DEMAND YOU TO DISMANTTLE EVERYTHING!" she shouted at his face

"What an idiot" Was the though of the Allied and Eastern Eostians

"Can you repeat that one more time please? can't say i understand it" Said Ronan with his growing irritation to the blonde princess and it goes rapidly while maintaining his cool facade, his men and the Soviet who looks who just wanting to shot her here and there

Alicia growl at him "You heard me Barbarian, i said DISMANTLE EVERYTHING! are you deaf or something!" Said Alicia

"And why should i even consider your demand dear? can you explain please?" Said Ronan in sarcastic tone and Alicia din't pick it up

"Oh boy here we go again" Said Ivan in russian as he too have heard that ridiculous demand and explanation

"Well there's a good explanation" Said Alicia as she brushed her hair off before she explain

"This things are.... soulless," Said Alicia in utter disgust "Our knights works so hard to hone their skill and train themselves to perfect the art of war and in honor and fairness of battle, those abomination" She gestured at the Tanks and SPGs that they bring with such passion on her tone that made Ronan wanting to sleep "They destroy everthing of fairness and honor in mere seconds, do you know how much pain they had gone through for this their training, that they put their blood, sweat and tears to hone it? and so I DEMAND YOU TO DISMANTLE THEM! DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!?" Said Alecia

Everyone heard that made the Americans and Soviets wanting to shot her even more her mentality and entitlement was nothing short of disgusting

"Hmm not even medieval periods would be this idiot, hell they even increasingly steal designs and hire such workforce just to have more musket to have an advantage in the battlefield yet this bitch made every single knights will turn on their grave of putting aside such advantage" Though of Ronan

"Told you so" Said Ivan in Russian to Ronan

"No" Was Ronan's answer to her, she wasted he and his mens time

"No?! what do you mean no" Said Alicia as she step closer to Ronan

"Do you understand English girl? or are you that deaf? and it's only one word compared to yours" Said Ronan as he then talk in dramatic tone "It's a simple NO dearie"

Alicia's face red in anger at that, to be blatant to be said no to her face

'you do as i say o--

"Bohoo still no" Said Ronan as he stick his tongue out, in mockery to her, he doesn't consider her to be a competent leader, and worse "eostia is already doom when this kind of leader leads them" Though of Ronan 

"And you are not his President or my Premier leader so back off blonde bitch" Said Ivan standing besides Ronan

Hearing that made them little shock, well not that they would surprise if he says no, after all they are not in this lands and most of all they are not their leader and Claudia and the Eastern side knows it

After all they are not their citizen and they have no obligation to answer them

The Eastern side already decided to stay with the US forces as they have made an agreement before their arrival in Ken since they can see the Advantage that the US can bring to bear and they all think for their people's safety and honor be dammed the Black Dogs shows no honor and so they seek a force does not oblige honor and only knows how to win the war

"You dare to refuse me?!" Said Alicia

"Yes" Said Ronan "We REFUSE YOU"

Before Alicia could speak, Clestine spoke "I... accept your proposal General" Said Celestine

The Western side looked at Celestine with shock while the Eastern side could only sigh in relief

"Your highness you can't possibly---" Alicia was cut off by Celestine

"I already made decision when I invited them Alicia and that's final" Said Celestine before looking at Ronan with soft expression "Win this war for all of us and i promise i will do everything i can to make you return home and continue your wars"

Ronan nod at that as he stood and nod to his Allies and they leave leaving the Eostian alone

When they all leave Alicia could not contain herself "My Lady you can't accept such a proposal for those barbarians!" Said Alicia

Celestine close eyes as she sight at Alicia's stubborn nature "The moment i have invited them here Alicia the decision has already made and i cannot and will not shy away such advantage we have, the Black Dogs have no honor and as much as it hurts me... i choose the lesser evil, they fight with no honor and they will win this war with lesser casualties on our side" Said Celestine there is a wisdom in her tone

"I Won't accept this!" Said Alicia as she leave the room

Graves looked at Claudia "You already accepted don't you?" Said Graves as he narrowed his eyes

"We've seen of how they fight today father, and i stand Celestine's decision" Said Claudia in a firm determined tone

"You'll regret this, mark my words they will make us their slaves" Said Graves as he too leave the room

"Finally the two biggest idiots and stubborn are gone" Said Maia "Well now that they're gone we'll conduct strategy tomorrow and how to beat the Black Dogs"

Everyone nod at that

"Indeed. and my Lady is right Honor will doomed us, i'll prepare to reinforce our defenses, not long after that the Black Dogs tried to invade us" Said Claudia with narrowed eyes as then looked at Celestine

Celestine knows one thing, she did the right thing, making them as an Enemy would be a huge blunder by Alicia's action and not only that, she could tell that the Eastern side is already with the US forces

"I'll call them tomorrow for a meeting even if Alicia and Graves won't come the meeting will continue:" Said Celestine

"Are you sure about this Lady Celestine" Said Prim with a frown she din't like of how her cousin treated the Americans and Soviets, she could tell that they can destroy them if they wanted to, she just hopes her cousin's arrogant won't bite them back when the situation was not on their favor

"Yes Prim" Said Celestine with a sad smile towards Prim feeling sorry for their youngest member, Alicia likely forgotten her to cool off "This is the only way to end the war faster and less casualties"


Scene Change

With the Allied

"Told you she is that idiot and naive" Said Ivan as they walk out from the Palace to get some drink in the Inn

"If she becomes a threat then she needs to die" Said Aaron as he looked to his brother "People like her may possibly hinder our plans if she think her position and authority can save her"

"Not only that, i feel sorry for her people more than to her, she would likely fall to enemies trap like accepting surrender when threatening to kill hostages" Said Nath

"Hmmm... perhaps. we'll determined her homeland's distance and see to it if our longest ranging fighter bombers can reach there" Said Ronan thinking a possible ways to bomb Feoh

"You're planning to bluff them aren't you?" Said Aaron

"Yes" Said Ronan before looking at Ivan "General Ivan do you think your forces can reach there should she becomes hostile to us?"

Ivan nod "No need to worried Comrade, my forces can arrive there, though i need a map first before going there" Said Ivan

Ronan raise his eyebrow "You haven't have a map?" he ask

"No and we have to ask a guide to get here" Said Ivan

"Come let's cool some steam off, just enough not to shot the blonde bitch" Said Ronan as they mount on their jeeps and goes to a nearby inn "And Aaron, i want to see Luke and wanna hear some of his stories" he he said as both of them are in the same jeep

"of course Brother" Said Aaron


And Done

See you next time folks

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