
Realising that the bar was a bad idea to talk with the others while strangers was around you all. So you and Five deiced to lead the others upstairs so you all can have the conversation there.

When you were all around the pool tables, you and Five started telling your siblings about the grandfather paradox.

"Paradox Protocols. The Complete Commission Guide to Temportal Anomalies Chapter 68 'The Grandfather Paradox' It's New Jersey, 1953, and Elmer Tatelman hates his grandfather. Elmer blames everything on his grandfather. His mother's pain, his father's dead, and his own sad life. This could have been just another sad tale about soup, except for one thing. Elmer is about to invent...time travel. You see, Elmer has decided the key to his future happiness is to go back in time and kill his grandfather. Elmer completed his mission, but he's made one crucial mistake. He went too far back in time. You see murdering his grandfather in 1905 meant that Elmer's mother didn't exist to meet his father in 1925. Which made certain that Elmer himself was never born. Elmer killed his grandfather so his mother was never born. But if his mother was never born, Elmer no longer exists. But if Elmer no longer exists, how could he possibly kill his grandfather? And around and around we go. Elmer has created a paradox, the grandfather paradox. The most pernicious problem in The Commission Handbook of Paradox Protocols. This story is not true. But if it were, Elmer would have placed, time, space, and every living thing in grave peril. Don't be an Elmer! We've been lucky so far. With your help, constant vigilance, and a little strategic violence, the Commission will make certain nothing like this ever happens. Or God help us all' Well, that is what we learned in The Commission" you and Five explained as the two of you were telling the others about the Paradox while you were all standing by the pool ball table on the second floor in the hotel.

You have being looking through the book, and you have found out that Luther was born in Stockholm in Sweden to a woman name Monica. Diego was born in northern Mexico to a woman name Elena. Allison was born in Capetown in South Africa to a woman name Victoria. Klaus was born in Pennsylvania to an Amish woman who name was Rachel. Five was born in Dublin Ireland to a woman name Efa who was a butcher and Viktor was born in Moscow Russia to a woman name Tatiana. And yourself were born in Canada to a woman name Millie.

"I'm so confused" Diego said "Shocking" Allison muttered causing Diego to glance at her "Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist" Viktor said while Klaus was laying on the floor, repeatedly hitting himself in the face with the book while Stan let out a grunt as he was doing some ninja move while swinging a pool ball stick.

"But clearly, we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem" Viktor said "Big problems" you and Five said and let out a sigh as Five was holding a mug of coffee before taking a sip while you also took a sip of my mug.

"YAH" Stanley shouted as he jumped and kicked his leg out in front of him.

"STANLEY!" Diego shouted as he pointed his knife at him and Stan looked at him "Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" Diego said "Mom said I need to practice" Stan said "Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad" Diego said with a nod as he was flipping his knife with his hand "Well, I saved your pathetic ass!" Stan shouted at him.

"Okay, hold on. Five, Y/n, so we caused a paradox?" Allison said and Five turned a bit to look at her as he was holding his mug "What does that mean?" she asked "With my knowledge of paradoxes, there is a lot that could happen. It's never really happen before, but I can see signs of it affecting" you said "What signs?" Diego asked "It's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear" you said "What things?" Viktor asked and Five put his mug down on the pool ball table "Right now? Uh, lobsters" he said "And a shit ton of cows!" Klaus said as he sat up.

"But both Five and I have a feeling this is just the beginning" you said "A feeling? Aren't you two retired?" Allison asked and Five looked at her "We want nothing more" he said.

"You know" Allison said as she walked over to Five before she stopped in front of him when he turned to her "You can't drag us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with the fallout. You're not the boss" she said.

"Hey, is not like Five wants an apocalypse. Without him you'd all long be dead, so be a bit grateful" you said.

"Fine, I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming. I think you are forgetting that I can't control if or when the world ends" Five said calmly "Then let's go attack the Sparrows, get the briefcase, and go home" Allison said "This is our home, Allison. Accept it" Five said.

"Who voted you for being in charge about this" Allison said "Hey Allison" you said and she looked at you "You have no idea all the things Five and I has being through, the things we did to save you guys, you are all too selfishness to see it, if it haven't being for Five, you would all have being dead, therefore he deserve some gratitude and respect" you said and Five smiled at you.

He knew that no matter what, you were on his side.

"Respect" Allison said before she walked closer to you "Respect. He is the reason we are stuck here, is his fault" Allison said "This isn't his fault, everything Five and I have done, it has all being about saving you guys, our family. We had done everything for you guys, so don't blame him or me every time something goes wrong" you said "You and him is the reason, that my daughter don't exists" Allison said, raising her voice "Hey it's thanks to us that you are all alive. If it hadn't been for us, the world would have ended, and all people would have died, including your daughter" you said "So you don't want to fix this" Allison said "I will, but who knows what we will fuck up this time if we tried to fix this" you said "So you don't care about Claire, my daughter. How heartless can you be" Allison said "Allison stop" the others said.

"I was with you in getting your daughter back Allison. 'Cause I had a bad feeling that something was wrong and I was right which is why I'm with you in going back" you said "Then talk to your husband 'cause he is so obsessed with you and the twins that he will agree to everything you say" she said "That's not true" you and Five said.

"Beside we have talk about it and I understand his reasons" you said "So you don't care about me not having my daughter" Allison hissed "Of course I do and I'm really sorry about your daughter, but traveling in time is dangerous. And if we goes back who knows what we will changed. It might be worse" you said

"I don't care, it might help us" Allison said as she took a step closer to you "You don't know how it's like losing a child" she hissed at you and you raised a brow "No I don't, but blaming Five who is actually the one that have saved us all is not helping" you said "So you are just gonna turn your back to this?" Allison asked "No, I'm not, I'm going to help as much as I can" you said "It's not enough" she hissed.

But then there was a clattering noise breaking the silence and we all looked over at Stan who knocked over something with his pool ball stick.

"That's it! I'm telling your mom" Diego said "Ooh" Stan said, not sounding scared.

"Wait, where's Lila?" Five asked as he looked between Stan and Diego "Shower. I told her she could stay with us" Stan said "Wait. When did Lila get back?" Viktor asked and Five grabbed his mug before he turned around and walked towards the stairs "Five, where are you going?" Diego asked "Go talk to somebody who only has half her head up her ass" Five answered as he looked back at the others.

"Y/n/n, you wanna come?" he asked "No, you talk to Lila alone. I have something I need to do. But I will bet that she will not be happy to see you" you said "And you don't wanna come with me for protection?" Five asked "Ah, you can handle it. You don't need me all the time. Beside it's not fair for Lila" you said "I will always need you. But you are right. I will meet you in our room later" he said "Alright. Are you even sure want to talk to Lila?" you asked "She's only other person here with Commission experience. We need her as much as I hate to admit it" he said "Okay, but if you are not back in our room in 10 minutes I will look for you" you said "I will. You never have to doubt that" he said before he kissed your cheek.

"Don't leave, Five. Don't leave" Klaus said "No, Klaus. I'm leaving" Five said as he walked away.

"I mean, he has a good track record with this stuff. I feel like we should listen to him" Viktor said as he pointed towards the stairs "Sure" Klaus said as he pointed at Viktor. 

"Hey, quick question" Klaus said before he stood up "Cobra Kai! Yeah!" Stan said as he practiced his karate.

"Do none of you heartless bastards care about our murdered moms?" Klaus asked as he walked over to Viktor before he dropped the book onto the pool ball table.

"Klaus, the only one that we knew plugged into a wall" Diego said "Oh, yeah? Well, this is my real mother" Klaus said before he picked up the book again and he turned it so Diego could see the picture of Klaus' mother "And she's called Rachel. And I have her eyes. See?" he said as he turned to Viktor.

"Yeah, you are right, I can see the resembles" you said as you look at the picture "Thanks Y/n/n" Klaus said with a smile before he looked at the others.

"Come on. We need to find out who did this! This is the thing" Klaus said before he dropped the book back onto the table "This is the main thing!" he said "Is that all you want?" Diego asked "Yeah" Klaus answered, sounding like a child.

"'Cause it's obviously Dad, all right? He knew where we were born. He hated us in '63. Boom. Murders" Diego said.

"You think Dad is capable of killing innocent people?" Klaus asked causing Allison to let out a scoff while Diego let out a laugh "Absolutely" you and Viktor said "Oh, it's Murder City, buddy" Diego said "Yeah, I guess so" Klaus said.

"But real question" you said and they all turned to look at you "If you are saying that Reginald killed our mothers" you said and Diego nodded "But how would he know what mom is ours?" you asked and they all shared a look, not knowing the answer.

Then Luther came walking up the stairs and over to them out of breath from running.

"Little late for a meeting, pal" Diego said to him as you pulled away from Viktor before you turned to look at Luther "I was being held captive. By the Sparrows" Luther said as he extended his arms out to his sides, holding a Sparrow tote bag and a drink in each hand while he was wearing a Sparrow outfit set.

"What?" Allison asked "Wait. Did none of you notice?" Luther asked.

"We're happy you're home safe and sound" Viktor said "Yeah. Oh my God" Klaus said "Stop lying" Allison said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah. Okay. Nice" Luther said as he walked over to the pool table.

"Did they hurt you?" Allison asked "Who? The Sparrow?" Luther said and shook his head "God, no. Not at all. Excellent hosts. Really quite charming, actually" Luther said as he put down the bag on the table and Allison looked in the bag while Klaus touched Luther's Sparrow jacket.

"Oh, and you should see their gym. Outstanding! I really think we got these guys all wrong" Luther said as he slurped on his drink and Allison pulled out a Sparrow Academy record with Marcus, Ben and Alphonso on the front cover "Says the guy they kidnapped" she said.

Diego then let out a whistled causing Luther to look at him "What did they want?" he asked "Oh. Marcus. He's missing. They want him back. Unharmed" Luther said "We don't have him" Viktor said "Well, damn. I was hoping we'd solve that one quickly and then move on to problem number two. Disappearing people" Luther said and they all looked at him "People disappearing?" you asked and Luther nodded.

You then scanned Luther up and down before your eyes widened a bit. You knew what was going on. So you walked over to him.

"Well, it look like you have some real fun" you said and his eyes widened "How did you..." "I can see it on you. You are glowing like Five did after our first time. Beside I'm 59 years old. I'm married. You really think I wouldn't notice" you said "I--" "My mouth is shut. I'm glad you have some fun. Just remember to use protection" you said before patting him on the shoulder.

But Stan accident hit a vase with his pool stick causing the vase to break "Ooh!" he said and we all turned to him "Uh, it was...it was the wind" he said "Who's the kid?" Luther asked and you rolled your eyes "I'm leaving" you said.

"Where are you going?" Viktor asked you "I'm going to find Five and let him know people are disappearing now. Let him know that we have two problems now" you said before walking away.


You walked into the store of the hotel before you walked over to the counter and rang the bell.

"I'm coming" the tailor said as he came out of the back room before walking up the counter "Hello, can I help you young lady?" the tailor asked "Yeah, you are a craftsman right?" you asked "Yeah. It's my job" the tailor said "Good, cause I'm planning on giving something to my husband. Something I knew that he would love" you said "Alright and what would you like?" the tailor "Do you know how to tailor a black suit?" I asked "Yeah" the tailor nodded "Can you make something like that to my husband" you opened your wallet "Yeah, of course. I just need to know how you want it to look like and the size" the man and you pulled up a unfolded paper before you handed it to him.

"I have made a sketch of how I would like it to look like and I have also writing the sizes you need to know" you said and he unfolded the paper "It look easy. So it wouldn't take me long to make" he said "Thank you" you said as you handed him some money.

"I'm sure your husband would be happy" he said "I hope so" you said "If he don't, he is an idiot" he said and you let out a chuckled.


Five entered the bathroom to see Lila in the bathtub with her leg up as she was shaving it.

"The hell are you doing in here?" Five asked "Shaving my nest, you little perv" Lila said as she drop her leg down into the water.

"Don't flatter yourself, Lila" he said as he put my hands in my pockets "I like my women a little less likely to kill me in my sleep" he said as he tilted a little bit to the side "Does Y/n count?" Lila asked "Y/n has nothing to do with this" Five said "We both know that is not true" Lila said, referring to you "Yeah, she is the woman of my dreams" he said 

"We're learning so much about each other" she said "Mm" Five said as Lila slowly pulled up a knife before throwing it towards him, but he reach to blink away.

Five appeared behind her on the other end of the bathroom and Lila turned to him before she blinked away causing Five's eyes to widened.

She then appeared behind him and she grabbed his shoulder before she threw him into a small mirror behind her causing him to let out a grunt while his fedora fell of his head and onto the floor.

Five stumbled backwards and she swung a kick at him, hitting him in the stomach causing him to let out a groan and she punched him in the face.

She then kicked him in the face causing him to fell to the floor.

Lila was panting as Five put his hands on the floor underneath his head.

He turned his head before he spotted a small towel that was laying on the bathtub's edge and he grabbed the towel before he got up and turned around to look at her, ready to fight again.

Lila let out a grunt as she threw a punch at him but he dodged the punch before he with his elbow push her arm down but she punched him on the waist with her other arm and he punched her in the face.

He then wrapped the towel around her throat before he went behind her back and he grits his teeth as he put his knee on her back before he started choking her causing her to gasp for air.

But then she blinked away before she appeared over by the door to grabbed the knife that was stuck in the door.

She turned around before she blinked away and as Five ran towards the door, she appeared in front of him causing him to stop in his track.

She pushed the knife towards his stomach but he reach to jump back before the blade could hit him.

She spun around before she swung a kick at his chest causing him to stumble back.

She then swung the knife towards his face but he reach to ducked down before he got up and punched her right in the face causing her head to fall back a bit.

Five then spotted a small tray with towels that was laying on another bathtub edge.

He grabbe the tray with both hands before he put it between himself and Lila, using it as a shield as she swung the knife towards him.

She lifted the knife up over her head before she moved it towards his face but he put the tray between which cause the knife to hit the tray making half of the blade to go through the tray causing the metal make a creaks sound.

Both Lila and Five was grunting and gritting their teeth as they both was pressing the knife and the tray towards each other.

Five cried out as he push the tray closer towards Lila before he managed to push the tray away so the knife and the tray landed on the floor.

Five threw a punch at Lila but she moved her head to side, dodging his fist.

He threw another fist at her but she blocked it with her hand before she with her other hand push his arm away.

She threw a punch at him but he grabbed her arm before he threw a punch at her but she blocked it.

She swung her arm towards him but he ducked down before he got up and kicked her in the waist.

He then threw a punch at her but she blocked the punch with her arm before giving him a knee in the stomach.

Lila swung another punch at him but he ducked down before he got up and blocked her arm with his arms.

He then grabbed a bottle with some shampoo and he took some steps back before he splash it in her face causing her to let out a groan as she put her hands on her face when it hit her in the face.

He then spun around before throwing a circle kick at her face causing her to stumbled backwards.

Then you enter and your eyes widened.

Lila then threw a kick towards Five but you rushed over before grabbing the leg and then you swung a kick at her which cause her to stumble back. 

"Alright, enough" Lila said as she wipe some of the shampoo off her face and Five let out some heavy breaths and he started panting, knowing the fight was over.

Lila then bent down before she grabbed a towel from the floor and she wrapped the towel around her naked body.

"I'd forgotten how much I hate you two, you puny little turd" she said as she finished wrapping the towel around her body "The feeling's mutual, Lila" Five said as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub, putting his hands on each side of his waist on the edge of the bathtub "As much as I'd love to stand here shivving each other, we have bigger concerns than you" he said as he slid some of his hair away from his face.

"Yeah? Like what?" Lila asked as she rubbed her right eye, to get some of the shampoo out.

"What do you know about the grandfather paradox?" you asked as you and Five walked over to her before stopping in front of her.

"Well, I read the same training manuals as you two did. Why?" she asked "Because it's happening" you said "You two being stupid" she said "Hand over your briefcase. I need to go to Herb and find out how he let things get so cocked up" he said and she leaned her back against the wall "Over there with my knickers. Toss them to me, will you?" she said as she pointed over by the bathtub.

You and Five walked over to the bathtub and you bent down, grabbing her knickers before throwing them to her.

You then saw that she had two of The Commission briefcases "Lila, why is it you have two briefcases?" Five asked as he lifted up one while you lifted up the others.

"Why did you tell us?" you asked "I wasn't planning in sticking around" she said "But why do you have two. One is enough" you said as you lifted the other briefcase before you and Five put them on the bathtub's edge.

"Mmm. One's yours. Nicked it from the Sparrows" she said as she pointed on one of the briefcases before looking back at him "Go on. Give it a go" she said and the sound of a briefcase latch clicks was heard as you got ready to open one briefcase, putting both hands both hands on the briefcase that was standing on the bathtub's edge.

"First, we try yours" she said and you opened it before looking down inside of it while it was making a sputters sound before it power down causing yours and Five's eyes to widened while Lila let out a small nod.

You then closed the briefcase before you put it down and Five grabbed the other one, ready to opened it and the sound of briefcase latch clicks was heard while Lila sat down on the other edge of the bathtub.

"And then we try mine" she said as she was looking down on the floor while Five opened the briefcase but only for the briefcase to make the same sputter sound before it also powered down "Yeah" Lila said as yours and Five's eyes widened.

"This can't be happening" you both said as you looked inside the briefcase "The odds of one of them failing, it's in the millions" you said "But two of them..." "Astronomical. Yeah" she said, cutting Five off before she looked at him "So, what does that mean exactly?" she asked as she rubbed her right eye with her right hand before she put her right hand on the bathtub's edge "End of the world?" she asked as she pointed her left finger on him "Oh, it's much worse than that" you said as Five closed the briefcase before he put it down on the floor again.

"It means you, Y/n and I are gonna have to work together" he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Shit" she said.

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