Chapter 1 - Volume 1 - Ressurection

A weightlessness, a foggy awareness that usually comes when drifting off to sleep, or having woken up from sleeping in a bad position that ruins my sleep. I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a starry void. "This is new..." I had nobody to speak to but myself. "Maybe there's an afterlife after all." turning around, I'm facing a blackish green wall. "No, this is no wall, what the hell is this?" continuing to investigate the object in question, I can see the size of this object was astounding, like I'm was staring at the sun from only a mile away. Then, the object turned around and looked at me with its 9 eyes.

Now, I'll never let it be said Marcus isn't a rational man, something that came from being a man of science for his whole life, but this planet sized, nine eyed, betentacled... thing was a bit much for me to handle. So, Marcus Aurelius, being the articulate man I am quickly reasons the statement that I think fits the scenario quite well.

... Maybe we can drop the "articulate".

The thing seems surprised that I said something to it, and it quickly shrinks down to a level that's now only around the size of Mount Everest. I can't lie, I half expected to be pulled into a black hole. "Oh my," it says, in a voice that reverberates through my head, it must be telepathically communicating. "You're quite right, I must say I'm surprised you can see me and retain your sanity! You're certainly a unique one." I can only assume this is some kind of eldritch entity, by the appearance, size, and abilities I've seen thus far. "Ah well, I suppose eldritch is the closest thing you could equate me to. What great observational skills you have." The entity said that last bit with a dry tone. "Now, are you going to leave me with all the talking here?" Good point. "A fair question, I'm just not quite sure what to think about this situation, I did die after all, now I face a cosmic being. As far as I know, you want to do something really cliche, like consume my soul, or send me to eternal suffering for your amusement."

"HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Ow, that laugh was so loud it feels like my head is going to bust. "Oh, another time I might have, yet you are an exception. All but you have been simply reduced to insanity by my glorious presence. Consuming your soul isn't something I'm interested in, and eternal torture becomes quite boring. You, however, are an anomaly. I will give you a deal. I will grant most any request. Think it over, we have all the time in the multiverse here." Well this is an easy answer, it's not like I can do much here, after all. "I wish to be reincarnated to world with troubles of their own, so that I can help them. "Really?" The entity asked, I doubt it's truly out of the loop on what I'm thinking. "You don't wish to be reborn in your old world?" Another easy answer. "I may not have finished my work, but Jake is a smart man, with my work, and what I already accomplished, he should be able to cure the Plague, If he hasn't already."

The voice rises in power, every word spoken falls into my head like a hammer-blow from fate itself. "Very well, my Promise shall be kept. I will bestow upon you gifts to aid you in your journey, and a body that can handle the stresses of this new environment. Now go! Go forth with the knowledge that you have attained the favor Shub-Niggurath!"

A booming, cracking noise like the dimension we occupied was tearing asunder, indeed, a tear in the void appeared below me, and I am pulled through with a flash of light that blinds me.

In an elaborate tower, a well-dressed man takes a long draught from his coffee mug. He glances out of the window to his left, it's a beautiful day, and he couldn't see anything wrong with it. Then he sees it, an ever so slight disturbance in the forest a small distance from the tower in which he resides. A few dozen trees in a circle, all pushed back by a gust of wind, and a small green light that vanished as abruptly as it came. "Is something the matter, Headmaster Ozpin?" The man, who we now know as Ozpin, turns back to the professor in his office, and gives a warm smile. "Of course not Glynda, what could be wrong on such a fine day?" Ozpin stands, setting down his mug, and grabbing his cane. "So fine a day, I will go for a stroll through the Emerald Forest. Please, enjoy your time off." And with that, he steps into the elevator, and descends from the tower. Glynda sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, used to the eccentricities of the headmaster. She turns away from the desk to leave as well, and wonders, (not for the first time) why there is only one elevator leading to and from the tower.

I awake startled, immediately getting to my feet from the facedown position I was just in. Information comes flooding into my head all at once, almost too much to process. It's truly stunning, like I have eyes in the back of my head! Its hard to describe; I can simply sense things in a small area around me. I know, for instance, every bird on that tree branch exactly 4 feet away. However, I can't have it distracting me, at least until I get used to this. Come on Marcus, deep breaths, in and out, in and out. Slowly, everything calms down, I have just awoke in a forest, in a neat circle of bright yellow flowers. Gathering myself, I notice a few things on my person that I could only assume were from Shub-Niggurath. Firstly, I was wearing a light suit of chain mail, with leather over the top, it was in many pieces to allow me to better maneuver, and it was so light it seemed to barely weighed on me at all. Secondly, I was wearing a thick leather belt, with a sheathed dagger of middling length, it was exactly 1 meter long, hilt included. Last but not least, I was wearing a solid metal mask over my mouth and nose. Couldn't really tell why, it seems to be airtight. Perhaps the atmosphere isn't ideal for me? All in all, the armor and dagger aren't too efficient unless this is the best this time has. I may need to change this later.

One problem, I'm not exactly sure where to go, a forest with no man made objects in sight isn't exactly ideal. Luckily it seems fate is on the side of Marcus Aurelius, for there is a river. Though where do I go? Upstream, or downstream. Upstream, there is a sheer cliff, about 5 kilometers away. Downstream, the foliage gets so thick after about 100 meters I couldn't easily traverse it.

Upstream it is I guess. Hooray, walking near-aimlessly.


Gah, I must've misjudged, the cliff doesn't seem much closer, but I must've covered at least 2 kilometers. Not only that, this walk has been painfully boring, and quiet. Howling not too far away from me quickly makes me perk up, I never used a dagger before, but the growling coming from the underbrush ahead tells me I just might have to. A black blur tears through the bushes and leaps straight at me. I immediately hit the floor, and it overshoots me. Dashing towards it, I plunge the dagger through the throat of this massive black beast. It manages a strangled yelp before it collapses. I barely have time to comprehend that it's disintegrating before my very eyes before another one pounces on me from the side. All I see are the fangs flashing Before my eyes, and the white bone like armor adorning the creature before it tries to chomp into my arm. The jaws of this bear sized wolf clamp down, and while it hurts like a bitch, the armor keeps me and one piece and allows time for a retaliatory strike.

I bash the creature on the side of the head with the pommel of my dagger, striking it where the armor is thinnest. It recoils, buying me time to stand. The creature circles me for a tense few moments, I don't dare initiate combat with such  a disadvantage of being injured. Without warning, it sets towards me as fast as it can, and faster than I can block. It swipes at my side with its large paw, and I feel something crack as I am flung into a tree. I've felt this pain before, bruised ribs, nothing I can't handle. I would've been able to stand and continue fighting, but the wolfish creature is too fast, and bears down on me before I can muster a proper defense.

Suddenly, a green blur, a loud crack, and the wolf staggers before me and crumples to the ground. Seeing the wolf simply crumple and die was surprising, I never even saw the blow that killed it. Judging from the cracked faceplate leaking a tar like sludge, it seems a blunt object caved in the skull.

A man clearing his throat tears me from my thoughts, and scares the hell out of me. I whip around pointing the dagger at the direction of the noise, only to be met by an older man, wielding a cane. "Well hello there young man, is that really any way to greet someone who has assisted you?" Putting two and two together, I sheathe my dagger. Not that it would have helped me any. If this man was so fast as to kill the wolf faster than I could mentally process it, he could likely make just as short work of my skull.

"Thank you for the assistance kind sir, would you be so kind as to tell me where we are? I seem to be a bit lost." The man only chuckles, saying "Lost indeed, in that getup you look to be from the wrong time, not to mention wrong place. We are currently in the Emerald Forest, on the cliff just ahead resides Beacon Academy, of which I am the headmaster. South of which, is the city of Vale. I am Professor Ozpin, what is your name young man?"

Right then, It's quite obvious I'm not on Earth. This is in line with what I requested at least. I incline my head in respect and introduce myself. "I am Doctor Marcus Aurelius, master of all things mechanical and medical. I thank you for your assistance Mr. Ozpin, I'm not uh... not from these parts. Is there a more secure place we may speak? I didn't come here to battle the locals, and I may have ribs that need tending to."

Ozpin cocks an eyebrow, he doesn't seem to fully believe or deny what I've said. "Quite young looking to be a Doctor, though you are correct, I managed to see the blow the beowolf landed. We have proper medical facilities that you may be treated in. I will escort you there, are you able to stand on your own?"

"I can stand... I don't mean to offend your hospitality Mr. Ozpin, but I've long known almost everything has a price, there a catch to your assistance?" Ozpin chuckles, "None at all, I simply wish to ask you some questions. Mostly I wish to know how you got to be in this forest. It is very dangerous, and you don't seem to be too skilled of a fighter against the creatures of Grimm., and you claim to be skilled in 'all things mechanical and medical', I'd like you to elaborate, though this can wait until later."

Well, it seems to be the best deal I can hope for, really. A chance to demonstrate my skill is something that could've taken an extraordinary amount of time otherwise. A chance to show said skill to someone who claims to be from a prestigious academy could be invaluable. "And elaborate I shall, I accept your offer. Let us be off to your Beacon, Headmaster."


"Holy shit!" It sort of hurts to be loud, but damn! This place looks much less like an academy, and more like some kind of massive palace or fortress from a high fantasy movie! What the hell are they teaching here?

Ozpin glances at me holding my side. "While I have heard enough profanities from students before, please try to keep it to a minimum whilst on school grounds. We've not much farther to go, and my colleague, Glynda, cares not for rule breaking." As far as rules go, it's not too upity, and he really doesn't seem to care anyway, but I'd like to be on his good side. "You got it Oz," i say, with a two fingered salute. "I'll make sure to watch my mouth, just a little bit."

True to his word, we arrive to the infirmary shortly after our earlier exchange, we didn't pass anyone in the halls that didn't look like staff. I'm assuming this is either a weekend or a break. I don't really want to blow the fact I'm somewhat of a reincarnated alien just yet, pointing out I don't know what day it is may be a bad move. I'll try and keep this hidden as long as I can, but it'll eventually slip, it always does.

I'm sat on a padded examination table while a nurse checks me over, minus the chainmail and leather of course. Wow, that just sounds weird. He sucks in his breath "Yeah, looks like you bruised a few ribs there, Headmaster Ozpin tells me you're something of a Doctor, so you probably know the drill. Stick to light exertion, don't go getting your chest bashed in by more Grimm, yada yada. I'll get you some bandages you can lightly wrap yourself in, and some light painkillers if you'd like." At least he's not a complete fool. "Yes, that'd hit the spot, just make sure they're not anything that affect my clarity of thought." He leaves, entering a locked back room, and Ozpin, who was standing in the corner of the room, comes forward.

"Before you ask, yes I would've treated this myself had I access to a workshop of my own, but, this is not home, and it's always good to have a second pair of eyes." Another classic Ozpin smirk, this guy is just full of 'em. "No, that was not going to be my question, albeit somewhat related to your answer. You aren't from around here, are you? And before you answer, I mean this world."


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