Anon, BLM, PrideFall, Covid19
Hey guys, now heres some truth....normally I dont do any updates like this as I used to hate getting involved in things like these but it's starting to annoy me and I hate seeing so many people hurt, upset and sick, I used to ignore bad things due to fear of judgement since I'm a slow learner and have an...extremely different point of view on things. Anywho let's start off!
The first one, Anonymous, now, I used to and still am VERY into them! If you dont know, they're a large group of hactivists who hacks into police, government and such. They took a 3-6 year break/went lowkey after a CIA case /from what I've seen/heard tell me if I'm wrong apologies I was too young to know/care/understand at that time/ but now they have come back from the shadows! They're now helping us with what's been wrong, they have hacked into Minneapolis Policr Department Offical Website and also pretty much doxxed the fuck out of all the officers whose done crime and handed out emails, passwords and addresses, they've also been tweeting the hell out of Donald Trump /istfg you stand him please leave I'm not dealing with this idiot fucker on my page/ and had tweeted out a document of what hes done like pedophilia, sex trafficking, ect. He also had been the one to have someone killed. They are also supporting and helping with the Black Lives Matter movement which is amazing!
That brings us to our next topic, Black Lives Matter. This is something that's been going on for over 52 years now and people STILL are hating and shit, I dont understand why cant everyone get along, its completely bullshit, the colour of your SKIN should not define weather you live or die or if you're protected by police, Black Lives DO Matter, EVERYONE does, no matter who you are or what you are matter, in this moment, ESPECIALLY Black Lives, they dont deserve to be shot and killed for no reason, the protests going on, if you're part or going to one please be safe and protect eachother! Wear masks, take off piercings, cover tattoos, bring milk for the tear gas, Fight for them, another way to protect eachother, Stand infront of a black if they kneel down and an officer is infront, most of the time Whites dont get shot if they're peaceful due to privileges they have, take advantage of your privileges in this situation, stand infront /I've actually seen a video on Tik Tok from one of the protests of a white moving infront of POC to protect them which I found sweet/ One out of Four officers are now in jail for the George Floyd killing which is a win! People are opening their eyes to the wrongs which is also a win. I may be white but I'm on YOUR side, I hear you, I see you, I care for you POC, I always will, I hate how people have to be split, uncared if not the same, its complete bullshit! Its OUR TIME TO STAND UP AND FIGHT, everyones tired of being peaceful, I dont blame riots happening, I wish I could do more and go to a protest but I'm no where near any place to do so and all flights, buses and stuff are cancelled. STAND UP, FIGHT BACK, NO JUSTICE NO PEACE.
Speaking of Riots and protests, that brings me to our next topic PrideFall, I'm pretty sure some maybe most have heard of this. PrideFall is starting today for all of Pride Month, it was started by people on 4Chan to doxx and cause harm to people part of LGBTQIA+ as told, it is best to put your accounts on all social media to private if you can, but, unlike most, I'm leaving all of mine on public because FIGHT ME, I AM A PROUD LGBTQIA+ MEMBER AND I WILL STAND UP FOR MY PEOPLE, wanna fight me? Oh I'll take it on! Fight back against people like them, DONT back down, like Lloyd showed up, NINJA NEVER QUIT, NINJA DONT BACK DOWN NOR GIVE UP! We are in this TOGETHER as ONE, they can beat us til we're on our knees and kill us but even then we wont give up, we stand as one together, stronger together, theres alot Ninjago taught me throughout the ten years of being on air, and I keep them close, its helped me improve alot, I'm not as afraid anymore, I WONT back down! We can get through these issues!
Speaking of Issues, brings us to our next one, Covid19/CoronaVirus, I hope all of you are taking safety precautions and being safe out there, wearing masks and continuously washing your hands, staying inside and at home unless theres a protest that you should go to, I hope all of you are staying healthy and safe, 2020 is a rough year and basically like a movie of some sort, I hope things end up getting better
Stay Safe and Keep Fighting, thank you essential workers/mostly hospitals and paramedics/ for all your lovely work during these harsh times /doubt any will see but still/
Stay Safe Guys,
I'm working on alot of stories I hope you guys will enjoy, just waiting for my special love to finish My Prince with me then it should be up within a month hopefully less but I'm not gonna rush him on the cover.
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