
  Just as he had promised, Phil was at Dan's flat in the next half hour, with a bag that Dan guessed was full of clothes and other things Phil would need to stay the night.

  "So what movie are we watching?" Phil asked as he sat on the couch. Dan was by the TV, flipping through his movie collection.

  "I don't really know. What kind of movies do you like?"

  Phil stood up and joined Dan so that they could look through the movies together. Dan held up a movie for Phil to see.

  "The Conjuring?" Phil asked, and Dan nodded excitedly. "I've never seen it."

  "Me neither. I've been meaning to, but I never got a chance."

  Phil looked apprehensive at first, but then smiled and nodded. "Let's watch it." he said.

  Phil started the movie while Dan went into the kitchen to make popcorn and order a pizza. Also, to get away from Phil. Dan already knew that he smelled good, but every time Phil moved, his delicious scent washed over him, and Dan almost lost control.

  If also didn't hurt that he looked extremely fine tonight, in his skinny jeans and a leather jacket. It was a bit different than what he usually wore, but Dan liked it.

  After the corn had been popped and the pizza delivered, Dan and Phil sat back on the couch and Dan played the movie.

  Dan had always liked scary movies. About half of his collection consisted of them. He liked to find all the cheesy special effects and make fun of them.

It was about halfway through the movie and he kept laughing at all the scary parts, and he turned to Phil to see I'd he thought it was funny too. Obviously, he didn't.

  Phil was cowering on the other end of the sofa, almost falling off the edge. His eyes were squeezed shut and his knees were pulled up to his chest.

  "Are you okay, Phil?" Dan asked, pausing the movie and laying a hand on his shoulder. Phil shook his head.

  "Obviously not." he said, whimpering. Dan actually thought it was adorable that Phil was scared, no matted how inappropriate the situation.

  "Why did you agree to watch the movie if you knew you weren't gonna like it?" Dan asked, chuckling softly.

  "It's not funny. I didn't want you to think I was a loser for being scared of a movie at 22 years old."

  Without thinking, Dan pulled Phil into a hug, and apparently, Phil didn't mind because with whimper of fear, he wrapped his arms around Dan's waist and held on tight. Dan wrapped his arms around the boys neck and they sat like that for a few minutes.

  This was the closest he had been to Phil, and he was enjoying it very much. His hair smelled amazing, like raspberries, and Dan inhaled the scent repeatedly.

  When Phil did pull away, Dan immediately missed the warmth of his embrace.

  "Sorry, that was a bit sudden. I didn't mean to weird you out or anything." Phil said, blushing and looking at his lap. Dan smiled at his cuteness.

  "No problem." he replied. "If you ever need to, you know, do it again, I'm always here."

  Way to go, Dan, you practically told him that you want him to do it again. Not that it wasn't true.

  Phil laughed as Dan blushed this time. "Are suggesting something, Mr, Howell?" he asked playfully. Dan laughed.

  "That depends on what you think I'm suggesting, Mr. Lester."

  "Well I think you're suggesting that you want me to hug you again."

  Dan looked at the ceiling. "Maybe.." he said. He closed his eyes and waited for Phil to respond. But he didn't. Instead, he latched onto Dan again, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face in Dan's shirt. Dan was surprised, but he hugged Phil back, sticking his nose in Phil's hair. It really did smell amazing.

  They stayed like that for quite a long time, and Dan wondered why Phil hadn't pulled away yet. Then he hears light snoring and smiled as he realized that Phil had fallen asleep on him. Being that scared of a movie must really tire you out.

  Dan wasn't complaining about the close contact, but he didn't think this was a very comfortable sleeping position.

  He slowly removed Phil's arms and laid both of their bodies sideways on the couch. Then, at only midnight, Dan pulled Phil closer and fell asleep.


  Dan's back and neck were aching the next morning. At first, he was confused as hell about what was going on around him, then he remembered last night: the movie, Phil getting scared, the hugging, oh man the hugging. And falling asleep with Phil in his arms. He was still there, asleep.

  They were all curled up together, arms and legs a tangled mess. Phil's nose was touching Dan's collarbone and his breath fluttered across his neck, making him shiver.

  Dan wanted to stay like this, because no matter how uncomfortable he was, it was worth it to share this with someone, this feeling of...

  Do I love Phil? Dan thought. He'd never been in love, so he had no idea. He sure did like him a helluva lot.

  Grabbing his phone from the table, he unlocked it and saw it was almost 11 am. What the hell was up with his sleep schedule? He'd never woken up this early. But he felt very well rested, better than he ever had. Maybe Phil was changing him for the better.

  He cuddled closer to the male next to him and smiled. This really was an excellent way to wake up. He couldn't get back to sleep, so he just stroked Phil's back and thought. About random things, that didn't make sense. Eventually, his eyes did start to drift close, and he fell asleep once more, surrounded by the sweet smell of Phil and thoughts of his sapphire eyes.

Phil's POV

  The first thing Phil did when he woke up was clutch the warm body next to him closer to him and breathe in his scent, smiling. The second thing he did was realize it was Dan.

  Holy hell... Phil thought. His thoughts were still a bit fuzzy from sleep, but he remembered hugging Dan last night, for a very long time. Then obviously falling asleep. In his arms.

  He really hoped that Dan wouldn't be freaked out about this. It had been an impulse, something he did as a child with his parents.

  Sitting up slowly, so as not to wake the sleeping boy, Phil got up and headed towards the bathroom.

  He had the shower running and was walking into the guest room to get his clothes when he ran straight into Dan.

  "Shit. Sorry." Dan said sleepily, rubbing his face. Phil thought that was cute.

  Cute? Where had that come from.

  "Don't worry about it. Uh, good morning." he said awkwardly. Dan smiled lazily at him.

  "Morning to you too. I... woke up, and you weren't there, so I went looking for you."

  Phil looked at the floor and said, "Yeah, listen, sorry for, uh, last night. I did that mean to invade your personal space or anything. It was an accident."

  Dan laughed at his shyness. "No problem. I quite enjoyed it actually." realizing what he said, Dan blushed deeply and also looked at the floor.

  Things were getting way too awkward.

  "I was just gonna take a shower. So, Um, I'll see you in a bit?" Phil questioned. Dan nodded, stepped out of the way, and Phil went to go get his clothes, still caught up in the sound of Dan's voice.

  Once in the shower, Phil cleared his head of any Dan-related thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

  Back to Dan's POV
  Things were beginning to grow awkward, and he didn't like it.


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