
  They had been walking around town for about an hour and a half now, but Dan didn't mind. He was enjoying himself immensely.

  So far, neither Chris nor PJ had brought up the incident back at Phil's flat, but they did keep glancing back at Dan, and he kept blushing every time they did.

  "So where to next?" Phil asked from the front of the group. Dan snapped out of his thoughts and focused on what was happening in the present.

It was about 6 pm, and it was staring to get dark outside. So far they had been to three different clothing stores, one restaurant for lunch, and Starbucks for coffee. Dan hasn't gotten much, just a few pairs of clothes, but the other three had stocked up on shirts, pants, and socks.

  "I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling quite tired." PJ said, yawning loudly.

  "Yeah, me too." Chris said, following PJs actions. Dan could tell they were faking.

  Phil looked back at them confused. "It's only 6:15, guys. What's got you so tired?"

  "Just, uh.....haven't gotten much sleep lately, yeah." Chris stuttered. "Been staying up a bit later than usual." PJ nodded in agreement.

  "Well, if you're so tired, you can head on home, but you two are really gonna miss out." Phil said, smiling at them.

  PJ laughed. "I'm sure we'll manage. Hey Dan, can we talk to you real quick?"

  Dan groaned inwardly, already knowing what this was about. Why couldn't they have just left it alone? "Sure." he said, following them down the street, so Phil couldn't overhear.

  "So, Dan, " Chris said, trying to suppress a smile, "me and PJ couldn't help but notice you intensely studying our dear friend Phil's bottom." At this, they both burst out laughing, and Dan blushed deeply.

  "I.. I wasn't... you guys-it wasn't what... oh never mind, yeah, I was staring! Okay? Just... don't tell him? I don't want him to feel weird around me."

  PJ stopped laughing and looked at Dan seriously. "Hey, don't worry; we won't say anything, but what I suggest is just telling him you like him."

  Dan didn't say anything, just looked at the ground, still blushing.

  "We're gonna leave you two alone." Chris said. "But don't get too saucy, we don't want any baby Phil's running around here."

  Dan hit him, and laughed. "Shut up. That's not even possible. "

  "You never know." PJ said, shrugging. "See ya' later, Dan. It was nice meeting you. Don't give out Phil a hard time." Dan blushed at the double meaning, and Chris and PJ walked off, leaving Dan to go and join Phil again.

  "What was that about?" Phil asked as they continued walking.

  "Nothing, really." he replied. "They just wanted to make sure I didn't bring any harm to you."

  Phil laughed. "Don't take them too seriously. They like to joke around a lot." Even though he was joking about them, Dan could tell that he really cared about them. He wished someone cared for him like that. Maybe his parents, but they didn't really count in this situation.

  "So where are we going now?" Dan asked.

  "I don't know, really. You wanna just go around to mine? Maybe watch a movie or play some bidding games?"

  "Seems good to me." Dan replied. Another chance to be in Phil's house? He was okay with that.


  "What do you want to watch?"Phil asked from the front room. Dan was in the kitchen, making popcorn.

  "Whatever you want, it's your house." he said, pulling the popcorn from the microwave and pouring it into a bowl. He walked into the living room and sat on the couch as Phil pushed the DVD into machine and joined him, grabbed a handful of popcorn.

  Phil was sitting quite close to him, but it was mostly because the couch was pretty small, practically a love seat. Dan didn't even know what movie they were watching, his brain was all mixed up cause Phil did smell really good, and sometimes his arm would brush up against Dan's, and his leg kept bouncing, which was really cute, and-

Dammit! Stop getting distracted, Dan. This is really not the time.

  His body wasn't listening, of course, and he suddenly felt a problem coming on. A very embarrassing problem. He quickly stood up, and Phil looked at him questioningly.

  "Uh, wh-where's your bathroom?" Dan said nervously. Phil pointed down the hallway. Dan hurried down that way and into the bathroom, slamming the door.


  Dan had no idea what the hell was happening to him. Why was Phil affecting him like this? More importantly, why was he enjoying it? He'd never reacted like this to anyone before so why now? It was all so damned confusing!

  After about five minutes of pacing and thinking, Dan's 'issue' had gone away, and he walked back out and rejoined Phil.

  "Everything alright? You were in there for some time." Phil asked. Dan only nodded and tried to stop the blush from creeping onto his face.

  After another excruciating hour of not paying any attention to the movie, it was finally over and Dan sighed in relief. He looked over and saw that Phil had fallen asleep. Damn, he's too cute, Dan thought.

  He didn't want to just leave him without saying anything, but he didn't to wake him either. He also didn't know if Phil would allow him to stay over.

  He looked at his phone and saw it was almost 1 am. He was wide awake, but didn't feel like 'exploring' tonight, not without Phil. He looked over and smiled at his sleeping face.

  Maybe he should wake him, just so he could move to the bedroom. Sleeping on the couch was rough, he knew.

  "Phil." he said softly. "Phil?" He shook Phil's shoulder gently, and Phil slowly opened his eyes. God, he was adorable.

  Phil sat up. "Sorry about that." he said, laughing and rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Guess I was a bit tired."

  "Don't worry about it. I just thought you'd want to sleep in your bed. I'm just gonna head home." Dan started to stand, but Phil grabbed his arm, sending shivers through his body.

  "Don't be silly, Dan. It's way too late to be walking home, you can stay here tonight. You'd have to sleep on the couch, though."

  Dan almost giggled like a stupid school girl. "I mean, I don't mind sleeping on the couch. Only if your sure though." He wanted to be sure.

  "No problem." Phil got up and headed down the hall, presumably to his room. "Night!" he called.

  "Night." Dan said quietly. He laid back and stared at the ceiling, smiling like an idiot. He was at Phil's house. Sleeping at Phil's house, on his couch. Oh, today had been a good day.

  Surprisingly, Dan went to sleep at about two thirty, way earlier than usual. As he drifted off, he dreamed again of those blue eyes that he loved so much.



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