Chapter 2 Remake: The White Death

Intro Music/Theme:


Important Notes: "Octarian Language" = Speaking Octarian


Last Time On Unwanted Colour:

"So that's where you get to the Valley; let's hope I don't get covered in feces," You told yourself. You start to walk up to the sewage pipe but stop.

'Wait... what am I doing?' you asked yourself.

'Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go and kill some agents! Maybe they'll be more of a challenge than Jake Green!' The voice spoke happily and smugly.

Hearing that name... JAKE GREEN... sparks triggered within you, and the voice knew that.

"SHUT UP!!!" you shouted as Your Ink slightly turned black and your eyes reddened. You knew that it had gone out of control. You would kill anyone if you just saw them. So, you managed to calm down and went into the sewage pipe. The one thing in the back of your mind that kept annoying you was that old Inkling.

'Give them a chance...'


Marina Pov.

Pearl and I were walking out of our studio to the sewage pipe. Pearl had told me he wouldn't find us here, and if he did, the Agents would protect me from him. Although they're one the best, there's some doubt in my mind that they don't have a chance. When I was young, I remember the TV show The White Death Massacre of the Square, leaving almost everyone dead. They tried to stop him, but more ended up dead. Even the government just stopped so he could leave us alone, and our old Captain, who died a year ago, didn't allow us to go after him.   

My worries got the best of me as I asked Pearl, "Are you sure?" 

Pearl turns around. "Yes, we're ready to defend you until death," she told me. 

I don't want them to die just for me. I turn to see if the White Death is following us. Thank the Zapfish; he's nowhere to be seen, but something tells me he's watching us. That's when I felt Pearl's hand tugging against my arm. "Come on, let's go," she said as she pulled me into the sewage pipe. As we entered Octo Canyon, I glanced at the food truck and saw (Y/c) eyes staring behind it.

My heart stopped with fear as we quickly left Inkopolis Square. I kept going, but I knew he would follow us. I hope he'll get lost in the sewage system yet... I feel it's inevitable he'll find us tonight. Within a few seconds, we pop out into Octo Canyon and see the rest of the agents waiting for us. Callie, Agent 1, and Marie, Agent 2, A.K.A the Squid Sisters. Agent 3: I don't know her name; only Callie and Marie know. Agent 4, Josephine, and finally, my good friend, Agent 8, also known as... well, Eight, since she liked the name Eight and the number 8. 

Callie was the first to notice us and ran towards us, with a concerned expression, "Is the White Death really after you?" Callie asked worriedly. 

I nodded, "Yes... he is."

That's when I saw Marie walking up to me. She had the expression of a disappointed and ferrous mother. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!" she shouted at me. "I have told you many times that trying to reason with that thing is a bad idea!" she scolded me for my naive outlook on others. She then continues to rant, " You're an idiot to think that a monster can change! You know how many Octolings and Inklings he has killed during a Massacre of the Square! And-"

"SHUT UP!" Pearl Shouted at her, making her stop. She looked at her in shock. It was silent as the cold wind blew past us. Then Pearl spoke up, "I understand you're mad, Marie. But just don't call her an idiot. She was trying to help him." Pearl told her. 

Marie sighed as she calmed down, but she was still upset at her, "Fine... Callie, lead her to the cabin, okay?" she told her sister as she walked away from the group. I looked over to the other agents; Agents 4 and 8 looked concerned about Marie and me, while Agent 3 had a broad expression as always. 

I sadly sighed as Callie brought me to the cabin, "Don't worry about Marie, Marina," she said, trying to cheer me up. "She's like that when she's angry, but deep down, she cares about you."

"Yeah, but this is different. The White Death... he's coming. I know he is—" I tried to warn her before she cut me off.

"Again, don't worry. We'll keep watch. There's no way he'll find us here," Callie said confidently. I worriedly smiled at her, trying to keep calm and think positively, but deep down, I knew this would get messy.  

Eight Pov.

"I heard of the White Death, but I bet I've never seen him..." I commented in the Octarian language as I looked at Marina and Callie talking near the cabin entrance. 

Josephine shrugs, "I was born outside of the city. I only heard the rumours about him, but when I moved to Inkopolis Square, they warned me to avoid the White Death. He usually doesn't care about anyone, and you don't disturb him."

Eight looked over to Agent 3, "Is man dangerous?" she asked in broken Inklish.

Agent 3 nods, "Yeah... as a kid, I saw the news about him. When he first appeared at the Massacre of the Square, where he killed many Inklings out of nowhere. I know he was nobody before that until he slaughtered those Inklings for no reason," Agent 3 says grimly.

Fear crawled up my back, but I was slightly confident since we agents are the best. I looked over the sewage drain and saw nothing. Should I be worried? I don't think he knows how to get here. 

"You know... I never knew his appearance since everybody kept saying watch out for a Pure White Ink. Do you think he's hot?" Josephine asked Three.

Three sighed annoyingly, "Why is that your first thought of him? He is coming to kill Marina, and you are thinking about if he's hot or not?"

Josephine shrugs and smiles, "What, can't a girl be curious?"

Agent 4, Josephine, always confused me. She's always, what she says, lonely and horny most of the time. But she loves to annoy Agent 3 because she says it's fun. For me, I wouldn't say I like to make people upset or annoyed by me. But I know she cares about us. She does what her siblings do and annoys each other but cares simultaneously. But sometimes, she takes it a bit too far. 

Agent 3 is serious, stern, and in her 'edge faze,' as Marie put it. She also has lousy hygiene but doesn't smell that bad—for me, anyway. Even though she's cold as ice, she does care about us. She wants us to be safe, especially after the death of Captain Cuttlefish a year ago. She's like a big sister. She helped me get used to the surface after losing my memories of the Deepsea Metro.

The only thing I could remember is that I tried to escape the underground but got ambushed by Agent 3 during a song after I heard a beautiful song. All I know is that while fighting, we got attacked by something else and were knocked into the Deepsea Metro. I would like to know my past. 

I turned over to a sleeping Octavio, who I tried to ask about the underground. Yet, he was more furious to see his kind join the Inklings, refuse to talk to me, and call me a traitor. I'm still sad about it, but I hope he can see that Inklings aren't all bad and have changed since the Great Turf War. 

I then turned towards the entrance to Octo Canyon and saw White Ink from afar, "Three! Four!" I shouted in Inkish, gaining the attention of Agents 3 and 4 as I pointed towards the entrance. They looked over and also saw White Ink.

This both shocked them, as somehow, the White Death found us and found a different entrance somewhere. "How the deep sea he found us!" Agent 4 shouted worriedly. 

Agent 3 remains calm. "There's another entrance to the Octo Canyon and Valley Four. There are at least seven entrances, but you girls know only two."

Marie and Pearl soon came, "What's wrong, Eight?"

Agent 3 points toward the White Ink, "The White Death has found us but remains hidden. Eight, Four, and I will go check it out." She then turns to Marie and Pearl. You two warn Marina and Callie in the cabin to watch for movement. If he's here, give us a shout. And if we ran into him, we'd give you a shout. Got it?"

Marie and Pearl nodded as they went over the Cabin. We then grabbed our weapons. Agent 3 has her Hero Shot, Agent 4 has her Hero Dualies, and I have my Octo Shot. We also changed our colour to Agent 4's colour, Yellow, by drinking yellow Ink. We then checked on Marie, Pearl, and Callied, as they also changed their colour to yellow, using their primary weapons. We then started our search by laying ink mines and inking the area. The Canyon was quiet as we searched together for the White Death. The Canyon was huge, more significant than the Valley. There are only a few White Ink spots where the White Death has been, and we have found no trace of him anywhere.

This started to worry me; he was either stalking us right now or waiting for the proper chance to strike. Maybe he's already at the cabin.

"Hey, Eight, are you okay?" Agent 3 asked me in Octarian worriedly.

This snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes... sorry, Three. I was in deep thought. I'm just afraid... that's all," I told her truthfully. Agent 3 gave me a soft and comforting smile. She barely smiles at anyone after a year into the agency, even less now after the Captain's death. She only smiles for me so that I can be comfortable and happy. Since we made it out of the Metro and defeated Tartar, we became close, like sisters.

"It's going to be okay, Eight; we're in this together," Agent 3 said softly as she placed her hand over my shoulder, comforting me.

I smiled back, "Thanks, Three... that means a lot..." 

That's when we noticed that Four was not with us, as she usually likes to interrupt our little moments. Agent 3 sighed, "She must have run off on her own... again..."

This isn't the first time she has done it, and when she does, it always annoys Three. Four is the type of girl who likes to show off and do her own thing when doing missions like these, and that's when we heard a bunch of Ink mines explode at once. There were no tracers, but we know where those ink mines detonated and where Four is now. 

"Great..." Three groaned, "She better not get herself killed; come on, let's go!" She shouted as we swam towards the explosion. 


*Fun Fact: I never played the first Splatoon game since I never owned a Wii U. The only time I've played it is at Best Buy*


Four Pov.

"How the Deap Sea did I get lost?" I shouted at myself angrily. I was with them one moment, and now I was by myself. 'I really need a map, ' I mentally told myself, placing many Ink mines around me. 'I wonder how Eight and Three are doing?' I wondered as I looked around my surroundings. That's when I heard something thrown behind me, as it was stuck to the floor. I turned around and saw a White Ink Suction Bomb.


*Suction Bomb explosion sound! With Ink Mines exploding after.*

Thanks to my Hero armour, I survived the explosion as the blast of white ink launched me slightly back onto the non-inked ground. It hurts, but I have been through it before. That's when I heard steps walking up to me. I looked forward and saw (Y/g) shoes before looking up and seeing the White Death himself, looking down at me with (Y/c) eyes. 

I finally knew what he looked like, and I was right. He's hot. I was not scared since I knew if he splat me here, I'd respawn to the Cabin and warn them. "Agent Four..." I heard him whisper to himself as if he were studying me. He then raised his foot, and my eyes widened with fear.

"Wait-" It was too late, as all I saw was darkness as his (Y/g) shoes connected to my face.


*Fun Fact: Agent Four is lonely*


Eight Pov.

We soon swam up to the area where the explosion came from and found Agent 4 knocked out on the ground. "Josephine!" I shouted worriedly as I ran up to her, kneeling on both knees, checking her pulse, and confirming that she was alive. I sighed with relief as Agent 3 followed behind me, checking for any sign of the White Death.

"Is she okay, Eight?" Agent 3 asked with a calm voice.

I nod, "Yeah, she's alive and in decent condition." I looked up to Three, who looked a little confused.

"That's weird. With his reputation, I thought he would injure her more or straight up splat her," Three commented. 

"It doesn't matter, as long as Four is going to be okay," I said, even though she didn't sound concerned for Four. In this situation, she must keep calm and figure out where the enemy is. She has more experience, even for Callie and Marie. 

Agent 3 then looks down at us, "We need to get the Cabin before-"

That's when we heard markers for a Triple Inkstrike towards the Cabin, as we saw three ink strikes explode where the Cabin was. We momentarily stared in fear and shock as Agent 3 looked back at me. "Stay here with Four," she ordered before transforming into her squid form and swimming as fast as possible toward the Cabin.

I watched her leave for a few seconds as I looked down at an unconscious Four. "Everything is gonna be okay..." I said to myself as I felt my words tremble with fear.


*Fun Fact: My favourite games right now are Total War Warhammer, Darktide, Helldivers, Palworld and Splatoon.*


Marie Pov.

I was alone as Pearl and Callie followed the noise of the explosion. My heart beeped slowly as I felt myself tremble with fear. He was not here yet, yet his presence in the Canyon could send chills down our backs. It was like the wind had turned cold, like the White Death himself. I had only heard many rumours and stories about him. I listed all of them down, just in case we needed to know how to defeat him, even though Gramps never let us. 

... I miss him deeply. Things between Agent 3, Callie, and I got complicated since he was our captain. I know that Agent 3 will be captain in his will, but she hasn't accepted that yet. She even spends many nights drinking, trying to find the person who killed Gramps. Callie is still her cheerful self, but sometimes I could tell there's something wrong. We all wanted to see the person put to justice, but we had nothing to go on with, just black ink and a single dualie.

I tried to forget about it as I read the many notes on the White Death.

'The White Death. A hunter watching his prey. All alone, a male Inkling with his gun wanders into the darkness. He tracks you down; you cannot hide once he is on your trail. Enter the night, a flash in the darkness; White Death is heading your way. The fear of his foes, a monster, hundreds died.' I read.

"You're in the sniper's sight, the first kill tonight, time to die. You're in death's way, the White Death's prey; say goodbye," Marina said as she read.

"Ah!" I shouted in fear as I jumped from the seat. "What are you doing outside?!" I asked, still in shock.

"Sorry," Marina quickly apologized, "It was some of the notes of him that reminded me of poems that Inklings wrote."

"Dosn't matter, what you out here?" I asked her once more.

"It's just..." Marina's voice quieted down as she took a deep breath and exhaled. It's all this is my fault. It's all my fault that we're going to get hurt because I wanted to see him change for the better!" she said with a single breath. 

I felt terrible since I was the one who scolded her for trying to do the right thing to a monster who could never change. "It's okay, Marina. You're trying to do the right thing; it's just that not everyone can change who they are."

"B-but you told me-"

"No," I said, stopping her from berating herself, "I know I shouted at you and called you an idiot. I'm sorry, Marina. I just cared for you, for all of us. Even after that, I'm still here to protect you."

Marina smiles, "T-thanks, Marie."

"Marie," an unknown voice spoke above us.

We froze in fear before we both looked up at the cabin's roof and saw him sitting there with an Inkstrike marker in his hand. His front was covered in the shadow of the moonlight, and only his red eyes were pricier through the darkness. Before I could grab my charger, he threw three Inkstrikes in the middle and beside each other. I quickly tackle Marina, moving out of the way. I wanted to transform into my squid form and run, but Marina hadn't changed her colour to yellow and was stuck in it. I looked over to the roof and saw the White Death was gone.

"Marie! Marina!" I heard Callie yell near the entrance. I then turned over and saw Callie and Pearl entering the area. That's when I saw a splashdown raduice around them.

"CALLIE!!! PEARL!!!" I yelled the loudest in my history of living on this planet. Pearl managed to roll out of the way, while Callie wasn't so lucky and was hit by the splashdown; her armour protected her but launched her towards a large rock, hitting her head against it and knocking her out instantly. Pearl fired rapidly towards the White Death, rolling left and right backwards. 

I quickly stood up and dragged Marina away, "Pearl! Get out of here!" Marina shouted. Pearl didn't listen as she engaged the White Death with all her might. I then looked towards the sewage entrance, planning to get Marina out. That's when I heard a loud bang. I turned back as Pearl was knocked out, with white ink all over her head. 

That's when I saw the White Death's weapon. 

It looks like he holds Hoo-man tech and shoots out his Ink colour. I watched him pull the handle up and back as it released some casing holding his Ink colour. He then turned towards us and aimed. Before I knew it, I was in the sniper's sight as darkness took over.

Marina Pov.

Marie dropped me as she was knocked to the ground by the shot from the weapon. I look back at Marie and see she was only knocked out by it. "Do you think a monster can change?" The White Death spoke. 

I turned to face him and saw him right in front of me with the weapon in hand. My heart raced with fear as I spoke, "Y-yes..."

He then squats down so we look at each other eye to eye and asks, "Why? Why do you think you can change me?"

That's when I noticed his eye colour change to his original colour. I have always found it strange that he can change it at will; maybe there's a reason for it. Perhaps right now, I can find out what's wrong with him. "Maybe it's because I'm naive, but I could see the good in everyone. I believe that everyone can change for the better. If they accept, they could change."

"It's too late for me, Marina. There's no going back," the White Death told me.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because I'm a monster, the White Death," He said.

I shake my head, "No, there's something deep within you. A conflict, there's no reason you're talking with me like this from what everyone has said. You want to change, but you feel you can't."

The White Death looked over to Marie, then to Pearl and Callie, "I never thought stars like you four would be secret agents that keep guard of the Octo Canyon or Valley."

"Don't try to change the subject!" I shouted, which surprised even the White Death. "You can change White Death. That's not your name, but I'm determined to help you." I raised my hand with a determined face, and the fear washed off as I stared into death itself in front of me. "Give us a chance, and I will help you no matter what.

He was shocked but also confused about how I quickly changed from fear to determination, yet he was conflicted about whether he could change. He looked at my hand, then towards me, "A man kept telling me that once," he told me, "I killed him because I believed I couldn't change; a monster will never will, just like Marie said," he says as he looked over to Marie, "You're right Marina, there's something within me that's conflicting. A voice that will forever be in my mind. To keep it contained so the Square Massacre will never happen again." He then looks at me, "A friend helped with that long ago before that and gave me my actual name. I thought he was my friend... a brother... but he betrayed me for his selfish gain. That's when... well, that's when the Square Massacre happened. I just lost it and murdered all those people... just because of the voice..."

"And the betrayed..." I said, finishing his sentence. I never knew I would see the White Death with a guilty and sad expression, but here I am. Talking to him as a person, then a monster, as everyone sees him as. "Is that why you're scared to change, to let people like us help? You're afraid because of the betrayal and the voice within you."

The White Death slightly smiles, "Yeah... I guess you can say that." That's when I noticed his left eye change to red before turning back into his colour. 

'Something is happening to him. It's like another is trying to take over him,' I mentally noted as I sat up from the yellow ink below me. "White Death, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here to help you, and I promise you right here, and now I won't betray you like that man you knew," I told him as I placed my hand over my chest where my heart was.

"(Y/n)..." he says.

"W-what?" I asked, confused, getting entirely off guard by what he said.

"My name... I'm (Y/n)," he says once more.

"(Y/n)..." I said with shock that he told me his name. "That's a wonderful name," I told him.

The comment took him back, and he just nodded, "Thanks..."

That's when we heard a Splat Bomb landed right behind (Y/n). Surprisingly, (Y/n) grabbed my arm and dashed out of the way toward the side of the cabin; for some reason, I blushed. Once we made it from the explosion's radius, (Y/n), let's go of my arm. I looked where the blast was before returning to say thanks, as he had just disappeared from nowhere. This surprised me, but I was sad that I was so close to helping him. But I know now that I could change him for the better.

"Marina, are you okay?" Agent 3 asked worriedly as she ran up to me and checked for injuries. "I didn't see you in front of him. I'm sorry, Marina."

"I'm fine, Three," I said calmly. "And I'm not hurt," I said to other agents, "But we need to help them first."

Agent 3 nods, "Yeah, but we need to know where the White Death is. He could still be here."

"(Y/n)," I corrected her.

"W-what?" Agent 3 said, confused.

I looked at her and smiled, "He's (Y/n)."


*Fun Fact: The song Säkkijärven Polkka was broadcast during the Continuation War to jam or explode Soviet radio-controlled mines.*


Eights Pov.

I sat on the ground, afraid, with Agent 4 still knocked out, lying on the floor next to me. That's when I noticed a white blur quickly running through the shadows. I knew that it was the White Death. I looked back at Agent 4 before following the White Death. Within a few minutes, we arrived at another sewage entrance, far from the cabin, where no one would have been or even looked. I was far from where he was but didn't see him anywhere. I slowly and carefully check my surroundings before walking toward the sewage entrance. It was up against a stone wall, surrounded by greenery, making it hard for the naked eye to see. 

That's when I felt a cold wind blow behind me, and a voice said, "You shouldn't have followed me."

I tried to turn around in time, but it was too late, as I was knocked out onto the cold ground.


Outro Music:


A/N: The chapter is done. Since I'm rushing these out, there are probably some mistakes, but I could edit them when someone points them out or re-read them.

Insane Loser: Well, that sucks.

Shut up... Anyway, I hope you enjoy the remaster, and maybe I'll finish the Jake Green arc.

Insane Loser: Admit you hate your own stories. There's a reason you're remastering them or not bothering to work on it.

There's nothing wrong with it, bye!!!

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