Chapter 1 Remake: Unwanted

Intro Music/Theme:


Third Pov.

A lone Inkling walked casually through the city's alleyways at night, avoiding Inkling and Octolings. It's been years since he's been born into this world, yet he still lives in a world that hates him. For the colour, he connects change and the monster he holds within. He has pure white Ink hair, and his (Y/c) eyes, his (h/g), (b/g), and (s/g) seem strange choices of freshness. But it's the best he's got since he can only steal these gears from other Inklings and Octolings. His name was (Y/n), and his parents abandoned him in literal trash when he was just born. He never knew or heard of them, but he preferred that way.

If he ever met them, it'd be messy, like the rest of these bastards who tried to get rid of him. The world can fudge themselves, 'I will live how I want...' (Y/n) thought as he entered another empty alley. Little did he know a curtain old Inkling came into view as he entered. (Y/n) stopped momentarily, not expecting someone, noticing it was just a weak old Inkling. (Y/n) was in his usual disguise, with a hat that covered his ink hair so that this old inkling wouldn't expect a thing. 

'Probably taking a shortcut,' (Y/n) thought before walking forward, ignoring the old Inkling. 

"Excuse me, young Inkling. Can I talk to you," The old Inkling asked as he walked past him. 

(Y/n), continued to ignore him, walking slightly faster than before. Before he could leave the alleyway, the old Inkling spoke, "White Death, may I speak to you?"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen, knowing he's been caught by an old Inkling, but he was no threat; why fear him? "Leave old Inkling; this is not a fight you can win..." (Y/n) threatened, not bothering to turn around. The old Inklig didn't respond. Instead, he heard him walking up to him slowly with his cane matching his movement.

"That is something I cannot do, White Death," the old Inkling responded, "And there's no need to fight; I just want to talk."

(Y/n), sighed in annoyance, "You testing my patient, old Inkling," he said, turning around and showing off his now red eyes. "You know that I'm capable of; you don't want to piss me off."

The old Inkling wasn't threatening or fearing (Y/n) threats, just shrugging it off, "I know what you're capable of. I have seen many things, even the massacre of the Square six years ago, where your reputation skyrocketed at the White Death. Even during the Great Turf War, I haven't seen such a massacre; even the government doesn't want to not deal with you." 

"You're a veteran of the Great Turf War?" (Y/n) asked; he thought most of them were gone by now.

"Yes, I am. There are some things I wish I could forget, but there are some things you must live with..." the old Inkling said. "...And for the massacre, there's no justifying what you did, but I understand why you did it or why you could not do it."

(Y/n) felt the monster within him stir, urging him to kill him right now. (Y/n) ignore it as he tried to suppress the urge, "What do you know? Ever since I've been born, everyone hates me!"

"I don't hate you. I want to help you," The old man told him. 

This caught (Y/n) off guard, 'help me?' he thought, confused, "What do you mean, 'help me'?" Before the old Inkling could say anything, (Y/n) cut him off, "No... that's a lie. I've been lied to before, old Inkling. Your tricks are poor old inkling."

The old Inkling sighed, "It's not a trick (Y/n). I want to help you."

'Kill him now...' a voice whispered in the back of (Y/n)'s mind, but he was too busy being shocked by the old Inkling, a name his old nemesis gave him. "How do you know that name?! Who are you?! Do you work for HIM!?!" (Y/n) shouted as he took out a single dualie hidden in his gear and aimed it at the old man.

Once more, the old man wasn't threatened as he walked up to him, showing that he was no threat. "No, I do not know who He is. But I'm a captain of my own Squid Platoon, which is new. However, my agents won't agree with me on this. But I'd like to recruit you as an agent, as we'll help you." 

'Don't trust him. Only I protected you...' the voice spoke once more. (Y/n) hated the voice, as the voice's feelings were mutual. This got him slightly angrier and more aggressive, "Just stop, old man, there's no saving me. Not after what I become..." (Y/n) spoke more grimly as he lowered the guard of his weapon. 

"There's always-"

"I'm a MONSTER, old man!" (Y/n) shouted, cutting him off, "I heard this before from an Inkling I used called a best friend. So there's no in the deep sea I'll trust you, stranger!" Although four thought of another tricking him into helping him, his guard lowered as his doubts crept in, although the voice kept speaking, 'He's no saviour, we will suffer the same fate as before...'

His anger soon came to sadness as his emotions caught him off guard. He'll always feel guilty about taking lives away, even though he tries to rationalize them. He will be haunted by them, by the guilt he will forever hold.  "I should stay away from them... from everyone... they will die... because of me," (Y/n) said in a sad and depressing tone.

"I, too, was haunted by things I did during the war (Y/n)," the old Inkling said. (Y/n) slightly looked up at him and saw the sympathy in his eyes, "The war was brutal, as there was no game anymore. Just hatred and survival. I, too, had killed many Octolings... but Inklings as well who sympathize with the Octolings," he explained as he walked up (Y/n) once more, "Sometimes I wish I can go back and change them... but it's the past, we cannot change them. For a while, I was like you, a loner. Thinking I'm better off dead and isolating myself. My wife died during the war by the Octolings, while my children grew away from the war, luckily. But I was rarely forced to see them again. When the war ended, I forced myself to watch over the Octarians in the Octo Valley, where they were now forced to live. That's when I saw my children... I was happy. But also, that's when I met the two Inklings that changed my life..." The old Inkling calmly reached into his pants, which caused (Y/n) to bring his guard up and hold the trigger right toward his head. 

The old Inkling didn't react as he pulled out a photo.

(Not Owned By Me!!!)

They both look familiar to him, but the one on the right triggers something within (Y/n) that the voice doesn't like. That's when it hits (Y/n), as he lowers his dualie, "The squid sisters..."

"Yes, my grandchildren, they have changed my life, as I get to raise them with my children," the old Inkling smiled through his white beard. "They're my light in my darkness, and I'll do anything for them."

Second Pov.

"Marie..." you whispered under your breath. You remember that smile, her smile. Your heart aches as you recall your childhood memories before you became what you are. The smile of the first child who was nice to you. Her smile... 'She abandoned you (Y/n). You never saw her again. She lived a better life without you...' the voice whispered, trying to manipulate you, as he felt these feelings that you both hate feeling. 

"I remember you (Y/n)..." the old Inking said. "Although she doesn't... I did. I remember you two were happy playing together at the playground (Y/n)," he then gently grabs your arm without the weapon, which causes you to press your gun against his right cheek in response. 

"Just... leave me alone..." you begged the old Inkling, as your emotions were in shambles. As you tried to figure out what was happening to him. 

'Kill Him NOW,' The voice within you demands.

"I can't (Y/n)," the old Inkling responded, calm as ever, "I suffered as you did, and I know that changing is hard when you cannot forgive yourself. But we can change this together (Y/n); there's always a way out." The old man calmly closed his eyes.

'Do it! We will suffer more! He'll be a burden of our sins!' The voice shouts as the pure white ink hair slowly becomes black, and the voice is forcing itself to take control.

"If you kill me here, just hear me out. If you can tell, I'm an old Inkling; I told you my story and how I saw things that no Inkling or Octolings should see or do. My grandchildren changed my life, as did the rest of the agents. They're my family... and maybe you can be part of ours," 

'Do it!' Your hands tremble with guilt as you press the barrel harder against his face.

He slowly opens his eyes and looks at death itself in the face; what he sees within isn't just a monster but a cursed Inkling who wants to be loved.

"Just give them a chance..."

"I can't..." you cried. That's when you felt yourself moved away, as your arm was now in control of the voice.

"Yes, you can," the old Inkling smiled.

"Cuttlefish, where are you?!?" A voice shouted beyond the alleyway.

'DO IT!!!'


Black Ink exploded from where the old man stood. His hat and cane remain. Sadness and regret came over you as you dropped the weapon. "I'm sorry... it would have been best if you had left us alone," you said. 

'It was for the best, White Death,' the voice said before disappearing as your ink colour changed to white. For the first time in a long while, you wish you hadn't pulled the trigger. But it's too late now. You then heard footsteps coming from where the voice was. You quickly left the sense notice, but before you, when you glance back where the old Inkling died. "I'm sorry, Marie..." you said as you went. 

You are the White Death, the Unwanted Colour...


*1 Year Later*

*Fun Fact: White Death (A.k.a you) wasn't based on the actual White Death, but when someone reminded me of that, I went into the Finnish part. So I guess you're kind of... Finnish, I guess*


Second Pov.

You wake up early in your makeshift home—all you have to sleep on is a cardboard box. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Then, you walked out of the alleyway without wearing your usual disguise. You only use it when you want to be left alone or not to notice you or travelling far from your 'home.' The entrance of the alley had many signs in front of it. From 'Danger' to 'White Death lives here.' Why You asked? Because people want to warn you that a monster, the White Death, lives here. You walked to Inkopolis Square and saw inklings and Octolings walking around. 

Ever since you met the old man, something has changed within you. You were a little more merciful than usual for the past year. The White Death usually kills anyone who confronts you; basically, there's no way in the deep sea that anyone will confront you. Although some idiots do, he usually leaves them in a state they'll recover from. Within about six months, it's better than being dead, you told yourself.

Then again, you still question yourself: can I go back?

Since your reputation as the White Death, you can almost get away with everything. Like your hot coco, you would like to get a cafe store near your home. As you walked towards the cafe, the streets were surprisingly busy near your area. Usually, they try to avoid where you live. The Inklings, Octolings and everyone there saw you as they knew what you looked like with your gear and that apparent white ink hair. They quickly dispersed and ran, and you noticed some had phones in their hands. You shrugged it off, not caring about what they're doing. 

As you walked in, everyone was surprised, stopped talking, and looked at you with fear. Some quickly and quietly left, while the rest moved far away from him, sitting or standing near some tables. There was no line, luckily, because everyone dispersed. You then approached the counter with a somewhat fearful female Inkling behind it. She knew he'd come at least three times a week and had grown not as scared when she first saw him but had somewhat gotten used to it. She even already has his hot cocoa ready. 

(Own by Umbra from Open Art!!! Not Me!!!)

"U-um... Here's your hot cocoa, White Death," the scared Inkling said, quickly placing it on the counter. Usually, you didn't care for her, but since meeting that old Inkling, you somewhat feel sorry for her. They were getting paid at minimum wage jobs while having to fear the White Death. 

'Why should you care?' the voice asked. You ignored him, grabbed your coffee, and went to your table. Your table was set beside the window. No one ever sat there since they knew what you'd do if they did. You casually sat at your table, looking out the window, while sipping the hot cocoa.

'Another day living, why must you risit me (Y/n)? Ever since you met the old man, you've been soft. Showing weakness will kill you (Y/n),' the voice teased you. He's right in a way, but you never admitted, 'I threw an Inkling off a building after he chances me thinking he could take me down...' you told the voice in your head. 

He didn't respond. Somewhat pissed from his silence, you kept drinking the cocoa until, from the reflection of the mirror, you saw an Octoling and a small Inkling glancing at you. But your vision slowly centers on the reflection of your face, with a significant scar on your left eye. 

'You'll always be the White Death...' a male voice spoke from a distant memory.

Third person.

A short Inkling and an Octoling glance at the 'White Death' as he dealt with some memories that kept creeping back into his mind. They always knew that he was a dangerous inkling. New residents or visitors warned everyone in Inkopolis Square to look out for the White Death. They always saw him walking around the square, everyone trying to avoid him or handing him money when he got too close. But they were only interested in the large scar going through his eye.

"I wonder how he got that scar," The female Octoling said with sympathy. 

The little female Inkling shrugged, "Why should we care? You know how dangerous he is. We almost got caught by the paparazzi. We should do now," the small Inkling demanded, not wanting to do what the female Octoling wanted. 

"Maybe I can speak to him." She starts to get off her chair.

"Wait, what?!" The tiny female inkling quietly shouted as she pulled her 'roommate' friend back down. "He's going to kill you, Marina! Remember? We always tell on the news to stay away from him!" she whispered.

Marina chuckles and understands her worries, "Don't worry, Pearlie. I'll be fine," she told her. 

Pearl loosens her grip and sighs. "If he does anything to you, I'll kill him, ok?" Pearl told her with a bit of anger in her voice. Marina starts to walk towards the 'White Death.' When she is halfway there, everyone starts to look at her and, seeing her, walks up to him. No one knows that Marina is walking up to them due to her disguise (Pearl is also wearing it).

"What is she doing?" a random inkling asked another inkling. Everyone started to mumble about this random Octoling going towards the White Death, while some quickly left the cafe to escape from what was to come. As she walked up to his table, the inkling turned his head towards her, giving her an annoyed look as he looked up and down.

Instantly, the White Death saw through her disguise. They weren't as well hidden as they think they are. Well, for the White Death. He knew that this Octoling was Marina, but what confused him was that Marina, of all things, was approaching him.

"What do you want?" the White Death asked annoyingly. He knows he couldn't hurt one of the most popular band members of Off the Hook. If he did, everyone in Inkopois Square would haunt his butt down until they'll all dead. And he doesn't want that. So right now, he's just got to deal with it and somehow shew her away.

"Um... is-is this s-seat taken?" She asked nervously.

The voice then spoke, 'She's pretty cute~. You know we could ra-'

"-No..." (Y/n) said flatly, cutting that voice in his head, not wanting to hear that thing Sea Crab. But forgot he said it out loud, and Marina thought it was a response to her. 

"C-can I sit?" she asked kindly. Everyone still watching gasped, and the White Death was asked to sit at his table. Pearl was ready for her dualies if he started attacking her best friend. 

The White Death mentally face-palmed himself and sighed in annoyance. "Sure, if you want to," he said, somewhat calmly but still annoyed with her, that stupid voice, and himself. Everyone was shocked about this. He never wanted anyone to sit on or near him. Pearl was also shocked but still ready to see if this was a trick. Marina sat at the opposite ends of the table and looked at you while you looked out the window, trying to ignore her. 

'Such a beautiful Octoling. I think I have something I like~,' the voice said seductively. The White Death mentally groans and keeps ignoring him.

Marina keeps staring at him. His gear and hair make him look pretty edgy but attractive at the same time. She was afraid to ask him why he was like this and how he got that scar, but she knew that if she asked anything, she might die. She thought she should ask small questions.

"Do you have a name?" she asked nervously. 

The White Death turned his head to face her and saw a nervous expression on her face, like she was facing death itself. He sighed, accepted that there was no escape from this Octoling, and spoke, "No, I never had. The only name I was given was the White Death."

She was saddened to hear this. "Why is that? Did your parents ever give you a name?" She asked.

"No, they abandoned me when I was born, so I never knew them," the White Death told her truthfully. The voice didn't like that, 'She's trying to kill us (Y/n), we should just get rid of her right now... well before we have some fun~.' 

She was heartbroken to hear him say that. "Oh, I'm so sorry," She told him. 

"Don't be. They probably hated me anyways..." the White Death told her like it was expected.

"That can't be true, I sure it's-" 


The White Death smacked the table angrily, thinking of the people who brought him into this world. This caused everyone in the room to tense and caught Marina by surprise while Pearl was ready to jump and defend Marina. "No. They hate me. Just like everyone else... just because of my colour, just because I existed in the first place," the White Death then looked over to Marina with now red eyes, "I'm the White Death of Inkopolis Square, the monster..." he said grimly, trying to scare off Marina. 

Marina gulped but stood her ground, "Yes, you are the White Death. I'm afraid... I'm going to tell you this... I don't hate you."

'I don't hate you (Y/n),' the old Inkling voice said, rising from his memories. This shocked the White Death briefly, as his eyes changed to normal. The voice growled, but it didn't do anything.

"Yes, I won't forgive you for what you did all those years ago to those people, but I'm trying to understand you, and maybe you can change with my help..." Marina told him.

'Change this together,' The old Inkling voice spoke once more. Something triggers within, similar to the incident with that old Inkling who stood up from his seat. 

'Kill her now!' the voice roared angrily. For a moment, you would have, but now... you couldn't hurt her. You stared at her and saw the fear in her eyes when you stood. The Inklings, Octolings, and the Jellyfish stared as they feared the worst.

But this time, he does something different. 'Give them a chance...' the phrase repeats in his head. He calmed down as these feelings went away. Although still annoyed, he was curious about Marina and why she was trying to help him. The White Death had a plan that neither Marina nor the voice knew; he made sure no one could hear him and quietly spoke to Marina. "Next time, Marina, where a better disguise? I'd rather not kill you in public. But I give you a pass, okay? I'll see you tonight," the White Death falsely threatened her and left the cafe. 

This froze Marina in fear, as everyone returned to us all things as the White Death left. Pearl then ran up to Marina to check on her. "Marina, you ok? What did he say to you?" She asks her. Marina turns to her.

"Pearl, he sees through my disguise, and I think he's going to kill me," Marina told her, shaking and thinking of her death. Pearl hugged her to comfort her. Marina starts to cry on her shoulder.

"It's ok, Marina, we will protect you," She told her, patting her back. Everyone saw this and knew she was going to die tonight.



*Fun Fact: For some reason, I was listening to Thomas and Friends when writing this chapter*


Second Pov.

You are on the roof of a building, looking at the sunset as everyone in Inkopolis starts to go home. But you? You have a target. Marina, you would follow her and find this Squid Platoon the old Inkling talked about a year ago. You have done some research about them and tried to search for them. All you know is there are at least eight agents, consisting of five Inklings and two Octolings somewhere at Octo Valley, but you need to learn how to get there.

From what you heard from Marina and how similar her speech was to the old Inking, you predict that Off the Hook was part of the Squid Platoon, which surprised you. You knew they were good at the Turf War, but you never considered them secret agents.

'I wonder if they're all women... Oh~ That'll be fun~' the voice spoke. You ignore him, 'When did you get all horny?' you thought to yourself, annoyed. Once the streets were empty and almost everyone was asleep, you super-jumped into one of the alleyways and searched in the dark of the night. Once you reached the square, you saw Pearl and Marina walking towards the sewage pipe near the shops. You quickly and sneakily ran towards the food truck and hid behind it. They look around for you but don't see you.

Once they saw the coast was clear, Marina asked Pearl, "Are you sure they are willing to protect me?"

"Of course, Marina, we're in this together. Now, come on, we must get to them before he sees us." 

"Yes, we will defend you even if it will kill us," Pearl responded as they entered the sewage pipe.

"So that's where you get to the Valley; let's hope I don't get covered in feces," You told yourself. You start to walk up to the sewage pipe but stop.

'Wait... what am I doing?' you asked yourself.

'Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go and kill some agents! Maybe they'll be more of a challenge than Jake Green!' The voice spoke happily and smugly.

Hearing that name... JAKE GREEN... sparks triggered within you, and the voice knew that.

"SHUT UP!!!" you shouted as Your Ink slightly turned black and your eyes reddened. You knew that it had gone out of control. You would kill anyone if you just saw them. So, you managed to calm down and went into the sewage pipe. The one thing in the back of your mind that kept annoying you was that old Inkling.

'Give them a chance...'


Outro Music:


A/N: This is a remaster chapter because, for years, I hated and cringed at old stories. They reminded me of my High School days. And yes, I will go through each chapter and remake it. Will I finish the Jake Green Ark?

Evol Loser: Probably not...

Anyway, I hope you have a great day. 

Also, I hate my life, but I did it!!!

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