Chapt 6: Night Of Love (!Lemon!)


Warning LEMON HEAD, if you don't like it, skip it. But say bye bye to your virginity

Anyways I hope you enjoy 


Your Pov. 

We let go of our kiss and look back into her beautiful eyes. But I need to warn her about breaking this trust. Because I've been broken before and I don't want to feel it again. 

"Just a warning, if you break this trust, I'll kill you," I told her. 

"I know," she told me. I chuckled a little. It's been a while I felt love. Love. I thought I never think or even feel that. 

"Let's go to my place," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked her because I don't want her to get caught with me.  

"Yes," She told me. She then held my hand and pulled me out of the alleyway. The sun was setting down and most of inklings and octolings are going home. It's good for Eight since no one sees her holding a monster hand. We walked to Eights apartment, trying to not get noticed by the inklings and octoling passing by. As the sky goes dark and the stars start to shine, we made it to her apartment. Her apartment was near Inkoplis Square and one of the latest. As we both went in, there where no inklings or octolings in the lobby. She opens the buzzer door and walked towards the elevator. She presses the top flour button and snuggles against me, while we waiting. 

"You're cute," I told her, trying to make her flustered. She just lightly punch my arm. 

"Stop it," she told me teasing me. 

Marie Pov. 

It was still in Octo Canyon waiting for Three to comeback with Eight. It was getting dark and I start to worry about their safety. 

"She never this late," I told myself. Then I saw Three came out of the sewage pipe looking really frustrated. She starts to stomp up to me. 

"Three where's Eight," I asked her. She ignored me and shoved me to the side. She then stomps to the cabin, but before she went in she turns a look at me. Her eyes were filled with rage and sadness like she just lost a loved one. 

"Kissing what we hate!!!" She shouted while slamming the door that could shake the whole world. I was confused. 'Kissing what we hate', I didn't know Eight like someone. But do we hate this person? I walked up and knock on the door. 

"Thee are you ok?" I asked her in front of the door. 

"Leave me alone!!!" She shouted back. I heard her cry after. I want to help her but she wants to be alone. 

"If you need me, I'll be at my building," I told her before leaving. I could hear her cry when I left the canyon. What could happen?

Three Pov. 

Why? Why did she kiss him? He's a monster, he all most kill us! It's my fault that she kiss him.  I should have stopped him before she even could. I don't what to do anymore. I promise to protect Eight, before Gramps... died. NO! I won't give up, I must get rid of him before he gets to do stuff with her. Even though she may hate me after, it's worth it.  

Third Pov. 

Eight and (Y/N) was at Eights home seating on the couch talking to each other. They having a great time with each other. (Y/N) learned more about Eight. Like how she fought inner agent three for a golden toothpick (It was kind of worth it, so you can brag to your friends who don't have it and say you better). While they watch Tv, Eight was thinking when Four told her about boys making girls their girls. 


Eight was sitting down at the table in Inkopolis Square looking at her phone. She was by herself until Four came into the scene. 

"Ugh," She groaned while sitting at Eights table. Eight then put down her phone a look at Four, who looks sad. 

"You ok Four?" She asked her. Four then sighs and look at Eight. 

"No, not really," she told her in a sad tone.  Eight then tilt her head in confusion.  

"What's wrong?" She asked. 

"It's just, no boy wants to make me into their girl" Four complained. Eight was ever more confused. 

"What do you mean by 'Boys making you into their girl'?" she asked. Four was surprised about her not knowing this, although she knew that she an innocent little octoling. 

"Well... its when boys want to make them their girl and no other boy wants to take her," Four told her. 

"When does this happen?" she asked Four. 

"When and Boy and a Girl fell in love" 

"Oh, like threes Ex?" Eight questions. Four then shakes her head no. 

"They don't love each other anymore," She told her. Eight then looks down.

 "Oh... but how does a boy do it?" Eight then asked and look back up. 

"Do what?" Four asked. 

"Do the boy make them into their girl?" she asked again. Four widen her eyes. 

'Shit. Three is going to kill me if she asked her' Four told herself in her thoughts.  She then looks around to make sure Three wasn't around. She then turns back to Eight and took a deep breath, then took something out of her pocket. 

"Here take this," She gave a book to Eight. Eight read the title that says 'Sex and Sexy'. 

"this book should explain how they do it" Four explained to her. 

"Just make sure no one knows that you have it or asked anyone about anything ok?" She asked EIght. Eight then nods and Four quickly left the scene. EIght then opens the book and starts to read about how a Boy and Girl make love. (At least she didn't any Yuri or Yaoi) 

*End of Flashback* 

Eight was out of her flashback when she notices that her head was on (Y/N)s lap. She slowly starts to turn red and sits back up. (Y/N) then looks at Eight as she sits back up. 

"How's your little nap, my love?" He asked her. Eight smiles and nods her head. (Y/n) make a little smile and turns back to the Tv. Eight was getting redder and redder as she thought of him making her his girl. But at the same time, something between her legs just gets wetter and wetter. 

'What is this feeling' she thought to herself. She turns her head to look at (Y/n). 

"(Y/n)... I have a request?" Eight asked him. He then turns his head to face her. 

"What is it?" He asked her. Eight blush was even redder than Yang thinking of that reader in some sort of fanfic (If you don't know... read my other fanfic). Eight then take a deep breath. 

"DoYouWantToHaveSex!!!" She shouted faster than Rap God. 

"Whoa, whoa, calm down my love" He then turns to her and put his hands on her shoulder. 

"Just say what you want to say, and say it slowly, ok?" He told her. Eight nods and tries again. 

"Do... You... Want... to have sex?" she asked him. 

"Well... WHAT!?!" He shouted in surprise. 

"You want to have sex with me?" he asked again. 

"Yes, I want you to make me your girl," she told him.  

"Do you know what that even means?" He asked. 

"Yes, I want you to make me your girl so no other boy can take me," she said. (Y/n) was still shocked about this, but he doesn't want to displease his love. He then puts his hands on Eights and looks into her eyes. 

"Are you sure you want this? You know you can't go back when we do it?" He asked her just in case. As their faces start to get close to each other 

"Yes I want you," She told him to confirm it. They instantly went into a kiss. (Y/n) never had sex before but knows a lot about it, thanks to Aria for being a pervert. But Eight only read about sex and has no idea of how to do it. 


(Y/n) licks the bottom of her lip wanting to enter into her mouth. Eight knew this and open her mouth for him. She didn't give any resistance him exploring her mouth. As (Y/n) exploring her mouth, he moved his hand to Eights tight jacket and unzips her jacket. 

(By the way, she wears her suit form the Octo Expansion) 

(Also, why does this look really look... so... whatever) 

(Y/n) took off her jacket throwing onto the ground, leaving her in her black bra. He then moves his hand down her body feeling her curves and move his hands to her black skirt. He then moves to her body and gives it a squeeze. Eight moans into his mouth of the feeling. (Y/n) then starts to take her skirt off. They both stop their make out and then Eight laid on her back on her couch, letting him take off the skirt easier. (Y/n) then took off her skirt and boots and lay it on the ground leaving Eight in her black bra and pantie. He saw a damp spot in her panties and lightly touch her wet Veemo, though her panties. Eight instantly moans of the feeling his finger touching her Veemo. 

"S-stop teasing m-me" Eight begged him. (Y/n) then took off her panties and see her wet pussy. 

"Pl-please, make me your girl" She begged more. (Y/n) then put his head between her legs and his mouth was close to her wet vagina. He gave it a small lick witch make Eight moans. 

"K-keep doing th-that" she begged again wanting him to lick her more. (Y/n) obliged and starts to lick her. She moans even harder than ever before of feeling a wet tongue sliding along her vagina. (Y/n) then slides his tongue into her vagina exploring it. Eight screams in pleasure at the top of her lungs, probably waking up her neighbours. 

"Ah-ah-ah, d-don't s-stop," She told him as she put her hand on his head and pushes him closer into her Veemo. (Y/n) started to thrust his tongue in her pussy. Eight felt her end and pushes his head even closer.  She doesn't know what is coming, but it's coming. 

"A-ah, (Y/n), something coming!!!" She shouted as she came into his mouth. (Y/n) swallowed her juices and lift his head back up. He then sees Eight painting. 

"You taste good, love" He compliments her. Eight was still in her high. So, (Y/n) took his advantage and took off his gear until he is just in his boxers. He put his clothes next to Eights and then felt arms around his chest. 

"You have so many scars," Eight said to him. 

"It's because of them they gave me these scars," He told her. He then turned around and looked down at Eight but without her bra.  

"But because of them, I get to be with you" He added. Eight felt her heart beat faster. She never knew that she'll be with someone like you. But she did, she fell in love with you because of the Agents and his old Friends. They went into a make-out session once again. But instead of (Y/n) exploring her mouth, it's her exploring his mouth. He then picks her up, while still making out as Eight wrap her legs around his waist. Feeling his bulge in her shorts against her vagina. 

(Y/n) carried Eight into her bedroom and threw her onto her bed. (Y/n) then called over her and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with lust and love. They make out once again for a few seconds and let go of it. 

"Are you sure, love? I mean... this is your last chance?" He asked her. 

"Yes, I'm sure, I want you to make me into your girl," She said with confidence. (Y/n) nod and kneel up looking at her beautiful body. She blushed red like a rose because of you looking at her body. You chuckled at her shyness and took off your boxer. Eight eyes widen of seeing a 12inch dick. 

"th-that is big" She stutter due to her being amazed by your long slong. You position yourself to her pussy and look at her with concern. She nods, to approve of him taking her and your virginity. You slowly pushed into her felling her walls squeezing your dick. She squealed in pain and lust, felling you cock touching her walls but also ripping her apart. You then felt a barrier and look at her. You knew what it is and it will hurt a lot when you break her hymen.  

"This will hurt, love" you warn her as you pushed your way in breaking her hymen. Eight scream in pain of the feeling and felt tears forming. You fully fit you hole dick in her feeling as your tip as enter her womb. You look down at her wet vagina and see blood spilling out.  You look back to her and see a couple of tears falling from her eyes. I went down a kiss her tears away. 

"Don't worry, the pain will be gone soon," you told her. He then hove his hand to her breast and give them a squeeze, which made Eight moan. You then bit her neck lightly giving her a hickey.

"There, that should tell the boys that your mine," You told her. After a few minutes, Eight didn't feel any pain no more. She then looks at (Y/n) and gave him a nod to move. You then obliged and start to move slowly, making quiet grunts, while Eight is moaning lightly.  (Y/n) then to go faster and harder with each thrust, and both moaning louder and louder as he thrust faster and harder. After a while you thrust faster than ever, hearing the skin slapping each other with moans louder than a police siren.  

"ah-ah, k-keep going (Y/n), I love you, I love you!!!" she shouted between moans. 

"I love you too Eight, you feel so good!!!" you responded. You both felt you end and you thrust even faster. 

"Eight, ah, I'm going to come!" You told her.  

"Me-me too," she moaned. Eight came fist moaning while squeezing her walls against your dick. As you felt you Eight walls closed around your cock, you came into her womb, making her moan louder than ever.  


Your Pov. 

We both painted after our orgasm looking into each other eyes.  I lean in and kiss her forehead. I then pulled out and see my sperm spilling out of her. Then you laid down beside her. She then turns to you warping her legs and arms around you and snuggled against you. 

"I love you," She said before the sleep takes over her. 

"I love you too," You responded and fell asleep with her.  

Three Pov. 

As I went into Eights apartment, I found clothes all over the floor. Some of hers and someone else... oh hell no!!! Did he? Did he just? Then I heard moaning in Eights bedroom. I slowly sneak to her door bedroom and open the door slightly. And I saw EIght having sex with the Monster. I felt my cheeks blush a little and left Eights apartment. As I made it outside, I instantly threw myself onto the ground. 

"WHY!?! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN!?!" I shouted, wondering why did she hook up with him. Of all people, him, the monster that everyone fears and hates. 

"I'll fucking kill you," I told myself. As I went to my apartment.   


A/n: yay I did a lemon. Sorry if is shit, it's my first but I hope you enjoyed it. 

But, anyways I hope you have a great day. 

Also Face Reveal

























(Boom, that's definitely me) 

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