Chapt 25: No... We are (Y/n)
Jake Green arc:
Last time on Unwanted Colour
Eights Pov.
The streets are empty. Before Inklings and Octoliongs were screaming to hide. Saying a Black Plague is coming. That's the same name that I heard in my head. That's until they made it towards the square. There's Black Ink and Green ink everywhere on the pavement to the building windows, the stores what was here were destroyed mostly of broken glass. The fast-food truck was gone, while the tables and chairs are in pieces. I slowly walked through the green ink and black ink.
"(Y/n)!!!" I shouted, wondering if he's here somewhere. No response, until...
"Right behind you..."
Intro Song:
And Now
Your pov.
"Ugh... What happened?" I groaned as my eyes slowly opened, blinking rapidly, regaining my vision. It felt like I slept on gravel. My body is usually sore. That's when I noticed I was in a dark and wet place. The floor was flooded with water about 1 inch high, while the darkness seemed like an empty void. "What the fuck?" I cursed, confused, as I looked around. I soon stood up and noticed that I had no weapon on me.
"Well, let's hope there's no one here to kill me," I told myself, even though almost everyone you met would rather kill you. I wandered into the darkness for nearly two minutes and found nothing but emptiness. I felt alone once more, as a bit of sadness came over me with a hint of anger. I ignore those feelings for now. I need to find a way out of this place. That's when I heard footsteps hitting the water behind me, slowly.
"My dear (Y/n), it's been a while, hasn't it?" I heard my voice call behind me, but it was a lower growl. My eyes widen, 'No, not again!' I turned to face him like the last time he took over me. I saw myself covered in Black Ink, slowly dripping and overflowing all over my body. His eyes are only white, with a red pupil, the same as his mouth. He had six tentacles, three sprawling out on each side behind his body, eight feet long and six inches thick. He stood there smiling at me. "So, how's life? I see you have some... company~ this time around~."
This angered me as the room slightly shook. He laughed, "Oh~ I struck a nerve!" I didn't respond; I just stood in place, giving him my death stare. "Well, I never thought I would drop so low for some Octoling whore-"
My face hardens with anger as my jaw clenches, 'No one talks about eight like that!' In anger, I punched him right in the nose, knocking him back into the wet ground.
He laughed with joy, "There we go! Come on! Let's fight for control once more!" He stood up, with his tentacles now pointing at me.
Eight Pov.
"(Y/n)?" I said, scared; this man looked like (Y/n), but he had weird tentacles coming from his back, and his eyes were red except for his sclera. The scar was now dark as the void with black ink slowly dripped out.
He laughed in response, "No, I'm not the White Death~ but I could be a better~" He flirted with me as he walked closer.
"N-no!" I shouted, pushing him lightly back, "And he's not the White Death to me! He's (Y/n)!" I told him angrily.
"Well, too bad~" he giggled, "I have guided and protected him for years, you know? He's always been such a rebel ever since his parents abandoned him. I never wanted to be with him anyways, but he grew on me." He smiled as he looked back at the carnage. "He had me, a power that our race had. A one Inkling army..." His face then frowns. "Too bad that the Old Hunters and the Greens took us all out... well, not all of us."
I was confused. He's (Y/n), but not (Y/n)? "Wait, what are you?"
He looked back at me, "I'm the Black Plague. A curse laid upon the the few Inkling that betrayed the one..." He then started to walk towards me menacingly with his tentacles moving on their own. I slowly walked back into a wall where he pinned me by my hands above my head, "Maybe I'm wrong; you're cute~."
My heart raced with fear as my face made a slight blush. Two emotions are going through me: fear and a little bit of lust. He's (Y/n), I can feel it, but, yet, he's not. That's when I notice him leaning in, 'Wait! He's going to kiss me!!!'
I struggled and tried to escape his grip, but it was useless. I turned my face away from his, but his tentacles forced me to stay in place. That's when I noticed his eyes; one on the right was now his original eye colour, and the other was red. "We..." I heard him say, but this time, there were two voices of (Y/n), "We like you..." Before he could lean into for the kiss, we heard an Inkzooka firing behind (Y/n) or... whatever he's now.
He quickly shoved me out of the way of fire, turned around, and used his tentacles to shield him from the Inkzooka. He then looked over me, "Eight! Get out! ARG!!!!" He started to shake as his eyes turned red. He soon laughed manically as he chased after the person who shot at us. I did as he told me and ran in the opposite direction.
Your Pov.
"Arg!!!" I groaned in pain as I was slammed into the ground by his tentacle—cracks formed underneath me. It hurt, but I have been through worse.
"That's all you got?" He teased. Before I could do anything, he flung me around and threw me far into the air from him. Before I could land on the ground, he spawned right next to me after dissolving himself. He grabbed me by the neck and, with the use of his strength and the force from the throw, slammed me into the ground once more, creating a huge crater underneath us. Huge rocks were thrown into the air, landing all around the crater.
'Okay, that was way worse!' I thought to myself.
"Have enough yet?" He smiled, knowing that I had no chance of winning. I tried to resist using every part of my body to try to break out of his grip around my neck. But it was no use; his tentacles held me down. The same thing he did to take full control of me when Jake Green ruined me. I never wanted him to be part of my life.
"Remember when you first let me take control?" He asked, trying to rile me up in rage.
"Fuck off!!!" I choked as I felt his grip around my neck get tighter.
He giggled, "Ah~ the memories, those Inklings hated you. Mariana Trench, everyone hated you."
(Warning: Torture and Gore are gonna be common throughout the story, read at your own risk)
Third Pov.
A young and naive (Y/n) was sitting in the park, wearing his (H/g), with (C/g), (P/n), and (S/g), where he met a girl named Marie. He found out that she had become a famous song artist worldwide. Her sister, Callie, and she were touring the world with their songs. Although he wanted to see her, he was worried he would ruin it due to him... well, being him. He sighed and smiled at the memories, remembering playing with Marie and discussing their life.
He wonders if she remembers her; it's been so long since they have seen each other, probably even forgetting about him. His smile slowly fades from that thought. He soon accepts that she may forget about him, but he is happy that she made the dream. Although he wasn't that useful, he found a friend and is now in a relationship with an Inkling last year. Jake Green and Ashly Pink.
Jake Green has been a good friend of his. He doesn't see me as a monster as others do. At the same time, Ashly Pink fell in love with (Y/n). They did something called sex that showed our affection with each other, even though (Y/n) had no idea of what sex was at the time. And it was the best day of his life. He'd have never felt so happy ever since we started dating. She's the perfect girl she ever met. They even help him with his other self, keeping him at bay by just being loved by them.
He soon sat up and walked down the park pathway, planning to return to his home. That's when he accidentally bumped into three Inklings. He stumbled back into the ground as his (H/g) fell off.
"Hey! What's the big-" The Inkling said angrily but then noticed his White Ink hair. Their eye widen, "Whoa, it's you!" The Inkling on the left said.
(Y/n) looked up and saw three familiar faces, the same Inklings who pushed him back when he met Marie. Oh... uh... yeah," (Y/n) said nervously. "Imma go!" (Y/n) quickly got up and tried to run from them, but one of them got to the side and tripped me over. He fell onto the ground with a thud. "Owwie..." He moaned in pain.
They laughed, "Aw, look at you, you haven't changed a bit, freak!" Two of them walked beside (Y/n). They picked him up by my arms and raised me onto his feet, facing the Inkling, who pushed him down long ago. He felt my heart race with fear as he struggled against their grips, trying to escape. "Please let me go!" he yelled in fear.
The Inkling laughed, "Wow, freak. I can't believe you came here. Mariana Trench! I'm surprised you lived this long," he then punched (Y/n) in the stomach, causing him to yelp in pain again and again until he coughs out his Ink blood. They laughed at his pain and suffering as (Y/n) cried for mercy. He didn't want to hurt them; he just wanted to be with his friend and loved one. That's when (Y/n) senses him, coming to him at the lowest of lows.
'Bow... and I shall protect you...' he heard him speak within his mind.
'No! I don't-' "Ack!" My thought was caught off as another punch landed on my bruised stomach. I felt anger run through me as I heard him speak again.
'Bow... and no pain shall be felt upon.'
"Please stop... I don't want to... hurt you..." I barely said, from my anger and pain, with a hit of sadness and worries.
They just laughed, "Aw~ trying to act tough, uh?" the Inkling teased, "Well, let's see how tough you are after this!" He then punched (Y/n)'s jaw with a left hook and then used a right hook to punch the side of his face. Both punches made (Y/n) spit out my Ink blood. "How'd you like that?" He said as he grabbed my bottom jaw to force me to look straight at him.
In anger, (Y/n) opened his mouth and bit his hand with all of his jaw strength, at the point where it bleeds thanks to their fangs.
The Inkling soon yelled in pain, let go of his face, and looked at his bleeding hand. "You fishing bastard!" He shouted before punching me with his on-bleeding hand. "Put him on his knees! I want this White Ink Freak to suffer." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flip knife.
(Y/n) eyes widened as he froze in pace, and fear overtook me. "No! Please! Don't hurt me!" he begged before the Inkling sliced his knife, making a huge scar over his left eye, and then shoved the knife down into his eye. (Y/n) screamed in pain and cried out for them to stop. They didn't respond; they just smiled at his pain.
'This is what they do to us (Y/n). They will always hate us,' the voice spoke once more, 'Now... BOW TO ME!!!'
(Y/n) had no choice; the pain was too unbearable. He bowed to him, and a huge blast of black ink launched the three Inklings away as (Y/n) slowly screamed in pain, "ALL OF YOU WILL DIE!!!" (Y/n) slowly transformed into the monster he tried to keep away within, The Black Plague. His eye slowly healed back, except for his scar, as it turned black.
Before the Inkling could respond, the Black Plague grabbed the Inkling, who held him on the right with his tentacle. He then dragged him over by gripping his ankles together as he grabbed both of his hands with the other tentacle. Lifting him off the ground and turning him sideways, the Black Plague soon started to pull on both ends. The Inkling screamed in agony as he was slowly being ripped in half.
The two Inklings froze in shock, as they had just seen this Monster rip their friend in half! The Inklings ' blood slowly spilled all over the ground as he threw the two halves of his body to the side like trash. "Who's next?" the Black Plague giggled. The Inkling on the left quickly tried to pull out his Blaster but was caught dead by his tentacle piercing through his face as his ink blood splatted all over the building of the public bathroom. The weird thing is that they weren't splatted or even respawned in their emergency response on their phones. No... they dead-dead.
Little did (Y/n) know that if they died by not being splatted their usual way, they died for real. The last Inking, that tortured ( /n), crawled back, begging for his life. The Black Plague smiled, "A monster doesn't show mercy." He grabbed each limb and his head with his tentacles and slowly ripped him apart as he heard his screams. He smiled as ink blood was spilled all over him.
*Ten-minute time skip brought to you by The Black Plague being into tentacle hentai*
(Y/n) slowly woke, covered in blood while lying in Inkblood as it now rained on them. He looked up and saw the bodies of the Inklings he brutally killed. He sat up with tears, staring at the dark sky filled with clouds before looking back down. He never wanted to hurt them, not anyone. No matter how much the world hates him, he'll never want to hate anyone back. He soon took out his phone...
'He doesn't care... he never did...' The voice spoke, but (Y/n) ignored him and called his friend.
"Jake... I need help..."
"I never wanted to hurt them! You made me hurt them!" I retaliated, and then I bit his hand.
"Oww!!! What the Mariana Trench!" he shouted in pain as he let go of me and walled back a b t, looking at the bite mark on his hand. "You bit me!" He shouted angrily.
"Yeah, do you remember that?" I smirked at him before being punched in the face by him. Flying me into the ground, as my body dragged against the ground.
"They wanted to kill us (Y/n)! Don't you get it? We're a monster; everyone sees us that!" He shouted in rage as he charged straight at me.
Four Pov.
'Holy ship! That was insane!!!' I thought I hid from the Black Plague in an abandoned building. 'That... thing was not (Y/n)... he was like a monster that I heard he was...' I peeked around the corner, checking if it was clear. I had no weapon, but maybe Sheldon's store had weapons I could 'borrow.' Most Inkings and Octolings have cleared the area as some police forces have blocked the square.
'It's clear,' I told myself as I quickly ran down the street, keeping myself as low as possible; as I entered the alleyway, I accidentally bumped into someone also running. "Ow! What-oh Eight?!" his was a surprise, yet why should I be? She must be looking for (Y/n).
"Oh-hi, Four, are you okay?" She asked.
I nod, "I'm fine, but we need to get out and regroup. (Y/n) is not himself..."
"I know, he conor me about 5 minutes ago," Eight told me.
"Oh, Cod, are you okay?! Did he try to rape you?" I asked, knowing that he did try that with me.
Eight shakes her head, "No, he was acting strange... he told me about some history, how he's a curse within (Y/n).
I raised a brow in curiosity, "Really? Anything else he told you?"
"Well, only he was cuse laid upon a few Inklings that betrayed the one..." She explained.
"Who the One?" I asked her, never hearing anything called the one before.
Eight shrugged, "I-I don't know who's the one," she continued, "Apretenly those Inklings were whipped out by groups called the Gree s and the Old Hunters."
My eyes widened. 'The Old Hunters' are some of the most racist Inklings ever, right next to those Imperail Inklings. They've been cast out of most cities for their beliefs of exterminating anything that might be a threat to Inkling kind, but they are still around, especially in Bad Lands. But I'm not sure who the Greens are... 'Wait... Jake Green!'
"Eight...' I said, grabbing her attention, "I think Jake Green is planning to kill the last of (Y/n)'s kind..."
Your Pov.
"Argh!!!" I yelled in pain as I felt my right arm being ripped from my body by the Black Plague's tentacle. I put my hand over the wound as I stumbled back.
"Can you feel the pain?" He asked, "The anger? The stress? The RAGE?"
I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to let me succumb to my hatred, to embrace the monster that I made myself. Usually, I let it, but ever since I met Eight, the girls... your loved ones. I could not bear to do it. I have changed... wait...
I laughed like a madman on his last legs, "Yes... yes, I can..." I smiled, "Oh~ I could feel it rumble!"
The Balck Plauge expression falls before smiling, "Ah~ good, embrace me, White Death. There will be no more pain, for we are now the monster they fear."
I looked at him, "Oh, I know. We're monsters; they fear us," I told him. "But... not everyone."
He frowned and used his tentacles, using their tips to price me. But was soon held by my tentacles, like the Black Plague. My eyes also widened. 'That's new,' I thought as I looked at the tentacles. I looked back and used my newfound tentacles to pick him up by his tentacles and slam him back onto the ground, setting the dust into the air. Letting him go as the dust cleared. "I'm still the same monster that everyone says, but that does not mean they all fear me," I told him, "I have found that myself, that some Inkling and Octolings can see that this monster has some scars. I'm tired of pushing everyone away."
The Black Plague stood back up and growled, "You're still n ive after all this t me! They are lying! Like Jake and Ashly. Even that Marie girl forgot about you!"
"No... not this time..." As I raised my tentacles, I said, "I have embraced the monster that everyone sees me as, but not as (Y/n)... or as the Black Plague." He frowned as he readied his own. "Today, I'm (Y/n), The White Death!"
The room slowly started to storm as trees grew around us. The storm blew snow from the sky, blinding them in snow as the darkness took them.
Third Pov.
A battle rages in the middle of the square as the Black Plague fights Jake Green. It wasn't their first fight together, but they ensured it was their last. Their Ink covers the area, with Jake Green goons lying dead. A monstrous roar was heard throughout the area as the Black P ague screamed, facing Jake Green's back. He was flung back but regained his stance with his Wakizashi sword and a single Squelcher. His Wakizashi sword is a rare Hoo-men tech crafted long ago. It was modified to use ink and allowed to create ink to fling at their enemies while having the sharpness of a knife. Illegal and deadly.
The Black Plague used two of his right tentacles to grab Jake but was quickly slashed by Jake's sword at blinding speed. Before proceeding, he charged straight before him, aiming his Squelsher. As he fired his weapon, the Balck Plauge punched the ground, turning the floor into Black Ink. Ink was formed from the ground before him, blocking Jake's Ink and his path. The wall then moved forward at Jake.
Thanks to the Ink Resistance on Jakes's shoes, he manages to dodge the wall by moving to the right before using a burst bomb and the ground to free himself of this black ink. He looked back at the Black Plague before being hit by his three left tentacles, which sent him flying back into a wall. The wall makes many crakes around Jake's body as he slumps forward on his feat. Jake soon regained his composure and threw four Curling Bombs on the ground as they raced toward the Black Plague in different directions. He soon followed behind the Curling Bombs, in his Squid form, hiding thanks to his Ninja Squid Perk.
The Balck Plauge then screamed into the air as a black Ink cloud formed above the square and started to rain ink into the round. Trying to get Jake out of hiding. One drop hit Jake, and he heard him moan in pain. He used his now healed tentacles to grab him out of his ink by his left leg. This surprised Jake as he dropped his weapons and was pulled in the air towards the Black Plague, with his mouth wide open.
Before he could devour his dinner, a loud Charger shoot rang through the square, as the tentacle that was holding Jake was shot half by Agent 3. Jake fell onto the ground and ran towards his weapons as the Black Plague faced Agent 3, who looked more angry than usual as she stared back at him. "I remember you," the Black Plague said, "You're that girl that got mad for fucking that little slut of yours~" he teased.
Agent 3 tenses up as she grinds her teeth against each other, "You're a dead Inkling!" She charges her Hero Charger and aims at the Black Plague. Before they could fight, Eight yelled, "Three!"
They looked over to Eight, who was now in her battle gear like Four was right behind her dualies. Agent 3 was shocked to see her here and was about to tell her to get out. Her vision flashes as anger and vengeance take over her as she remembers that she was with him. The enemy... kissing him! FUCKING HIM.
Agent 3 was in a rage at eight, then aimed her Hero Charger at eight, which surprised eight and four. "Alex, don't!!!" Four yelled as Eight stopped and stared at Three with fear in her eyes. That's when the tentacle came and grabbed her arm that held the trigger and the charger barrel, pushing it out of the sightline of Eights as it fired right next to her. Eight heart stopped as she kept looking at Three, feeling betrayed.
Three snapped out of her rage and was horrified that she almost killed her best friend and broke the promise she gave to her. Before she could say anything, the Black Plague grabbed her right leg with her ten acle and ripped her leg right under her. Three screamed in pain as she fell onto her back, as she held her wound.
"Three!!" Eight yelled as she ran towards her. This caused the Black Plague to change eye colour to (Y/n)'s.
"Uh... what?" (Y/n) proper voice rang out.
"You BASTARD!!!" Four yelled as she charged at the Black Plague.
(Y/n) looked over before, his eyes changed back into red, and he whispered to himself, "He's breaking free..." as everything went black.
Black Plague Pov.
My eyes opened from the darkness as I was now in a snow-covered forest. The sun was blocked by grey clouds above. 'This is new,' I thought; usually, it's the empty room I forever lived in. Yet I still feel in control, so he hasn't broken it out yet. That's when I remember fighting both him and Jake at the same time. That's mean (Y/n) is still here, but where?
I soon walked through the thick snow in the cold, wondering where he could hide. Yet, I feel like I'm being watched. 'That coward,' I growled as I kept walking. That's when I saw underneath a tree covered in snow. I then heard a distant bang, "What the?" A projectile, price through my left eye, dropped me onto the snow, dead. But I'm not dead, but I can't move and only see with my right eye, bleeding and in pain. I heard multiple crunches in the snow as the White Death walked up to me and couch down, holding an old hoo-man weapon.
He smiled, "Next time, don't be in the sniper's sight, or you'll be the first kill tonight."
Third Pov.
Black Plague's vision turns black; he awakens to the real world and finds himself stabbed by Jake's sword in his eye. Usually, he doesn't feel the pain; it's more like an annoyance. But this time, he felt what White Death would have felt: agony. The Balck Plague didn't scream; ignoring the pain, he grabbed Jake by the neck and threw him away with his entire force. Jake had to release his weapon as he was tossed like a ragdoll.
He then ripped out the sword from his eye, slightly groaning in pain as it slid out, spilling his ink. He then snaps the blade into two pieces and throws it away. He then looks around to find that Jake disappeared, waiting for another chance of attack. "Coward..." Black Plague whispered to himself as he looked around. That's when he saw Four on the floor, injured, lying and covered in his black ink. 'What happened when I blacked out?' I thought he was in control?' He wondered.
Ignoring his thoughts, he walked over to Four but felt weird. His rage was dwindling, and his hatred was nonexistent. He felt guilty. Anger fills him; these feelings are something that he should not experience. That's when he noticed he was right in front of a scared Agent Four. He remembers what he first said to her. He wanted to torture and agonies the world that hated them ever since their curse.
This is the longest he had control, yet he felt he didn't have control. He stared into Four eyes as she looked at him with fear, anger, then acceptance. "What are you waiting for? Finish what you started, Black Plague."
The name Black Plague... a name he gave himself, something that hoo men fear, now Inklings and Octolings fear. Yet, now, he felt nothing but sorrow and anger, both fighting and grinding against each other. 'What had White Death done to me?' he thought.
Four saw Black Plague's eyes slowly change colour to (Y/n)'s (E/c), "(Y/n)... I know you're there, common and break free of control," she begged.
"No..." she then heard the Black Plague whisper to himself. "I can't... why can't I kill you?"
"Because I know that (Y/n) never wanted to hurt us," Four replied to his whispers.
"Are you sure?" she heard him ask, "After all, he did try to kill Marina."
"He could, he probably could kill all of us he wanted. He first threatened Marina," Four said, "But he didn't, he's... not what I thought Inklings and Octolings said he was. He was alone and hated, but now he has us. I know deep inside he'll never allow anyone to hurt us, especially himself."
The Black Plague stared at the Inkling, absorbing her words, "I can see why he liked you... even though you two just only fucked in that alleyway."
Four was caught by surprise, "What? How-"
"I can see what White Death sees," the Black Plague told her.
"Does... that mean he can see what's happening right now?" She asked.
"No... but," his words are silent as he realizes that White Death has changed something within him. He's talking to Four, like a regular Inkling, not threatening her and, you know, ripping her apart like Three's leg. "Wait... where Eight and Three," he said worriedly.
Four scoffed and laughed, "Yeah, like I would tell you."
Black Plague rolled his eyes in annoyance before thinking to himself, 'Wait... why am I worried... there just sluts for the White Death.' That's when they heard a gr up of Inklings heading in their direction. Most likely, Jake's reinforcements are from his gang. "Cod, dammit..." he swore under his breath as he turned to Four, "We need to go."
"What do you mean we?" She asked angrily.
Black Plague shrugs, "Cause right now, the White Death has done something to me..." he explained, "I have the feeling I need to protect you right now." he then grabbed the injured Four bridal style in her arms. Four struggle, trying to free help, still not trusting the Black Plague. 'Should have knocked her as he did with Eight,' He thought before running into one of the alleyways.
Third pov.
He found himself lying on a sleeping bag in the dead of night in the same snow-covered forest. He felt the warmth of the campfire next to him, where he saw (Y/n), the White Death, sitting on a log with the same rifle cleaning it. With a radio next to him playing a weird song in an unknown language.
Black Plague knew he did something to him and was going to get answers. Before he could get up and attack, (Y/n) spoke, "Don't you dare," he said as he looked over to him, "If we fight more, Jake is gonna win like last time," as he pointed the barrel of the rifle towards him, with a trigger on his finger, resting on his lap.
Black Plague remembers when they fought mentally in their minds at the end of their fight. Although he was in control, (Y/n)'s anger got more assertive, and he fought back, wanting to kill him. They fought mentally, which caused them to almost die by his hand as he also ran from the fight. "Well, it's your fault," Black Plague spat, "You just had to fight me, so you could kill that fucker, rather than I did. I was willing to do the work for you!"
(Y/n) sighed, "I know... he changed me... you changed me," the sound of regret came to his voice, "Becoming the White Death, something that people fear. Leaving me alone for the first time since I was born, getting whatever I want or need," he pauses as the looked at the fire, "Yet I felt alone..." he looked back at the Black Plague, "We felt alone..."
Black Plague scoffs, "Yeah, right... I don't need you..." he lied.
"You do if you want to live," (Y/n) said, "We've been pushing each other away, Black Plague, making our lives miserable."
"You wanted them to live with us!" the Black Plague shouted with rage. This caught (Y/n) off guard, almost causing him to pull the trigger, "Ever since I was cursed with your ancestors and you by Cthulhu, we've been hunted due to our nature to spread fear and destroy anything that threatens us. I'm a monster within you! Just embrace that! You cannot escape me, or you'll die along with me!"
"Cthulhu?" (Y/n) asked, "I thought some random thing that the Cultist made up?"
(Y/n) I'm never really into religion; most Inklings and Octolings don't care or even think about it. The last time Inklings worshiped some god was Cthulhu, but the religion died out due to their zealot nature of killing everything that doesn't stand with their beliefs. That's how the Old Hunters were formed, calling themselves the Hunters, hunting down everything that threatened them and their community even though they turned extreme to what the Cultists did.
"You think they just made it up?" Black Plague laughed, "No, he was real; he created me after what you and your ancestors did against his followers in the Cold Lands."
'The Cold Land ' (Y/n) thought, was that where he's from? From the history books he remembers reading in the libraries, the Cold Lands are not as well known worldwide due to their cold climate, ever-changing seasons, and always snowing. Only a few Inklings and Octolings travel there to see the beauties of the cold mountains and forest, with only a few living near the border of the Cold Lands. They tried to find a city there but failed after many snowstorms stopped their construction. Although certain legends and sightings exist, they've seen Inklings with White as snow co our, wandering deep in the Cold Lands. Now that (Y/n) thought about it, it makes sense.
So that is why his consciousness transforms into a snow-covered forest; it refers to where he is from, like the Black Plague... the empty void of nothing when Cthulhu created him. "Are you resentful of your existence?" (Y/n) asked.
Black Plague looked away from him. (Y/n) knew he needed to know why he was doing this; for too long, he kept him hidden, but now he was here at his mercy. There's no way he's letting him go, or he'll be a danger to Eight. He can't kill him; the only way was (Y/n) to kill himself. However, he had nothing to lose before. Now, he has something to lose.
Meanwhile, the Black Plague was having a mental crisis. He felt all the e emotions he hadn't felt in his life. Anger and Hate were always at first, but now he's feeling pity, sorrow, and sadness. The Black Ink that covered him in his consciousness slowly dissolves, showing the person hidden underneath, his red eyes with slight tears forming—this shocked (Y/n), who had never seen the Black Plague in such a vulnerable position. (Y/n) then put his rifle leaning against the log as he walked over and sat right next to him.
"We've been through it, Black Plague," (Y/n) said to him with a calming voice. "Everyone hated us and despised us. We pushed Inklings and Octolings who dared get in our way or tried to befriend us. We were betrayed and cheated, yet some cared. They care for (Y/n), the White Death," He then looks at the crying Black Plague, "Maybe... they can care for you too."
"You think they could just love me after what I did through my years and even now! I ripped Three legs off!" The Black Plague shouted at him, tears falling from his eyes.
(Y n) nods, "I know, I tried to stop you. But that's when I noticed you only did that to protect Eight," he explained, "I could tell you like her too..."
"We... like her..." Black Plague whispered, "Why was she so nice to you..."
(Y/n) heard jealously in his voice, "Because she was nice and cared. I knew when I talked to her on the roof, " he then gave a small laugh, "Mariana Trench, I still don't know why I decided to kidnap her when I knocked the Agents out."
"Or why you didn't kill them... like the Captain..." the Black Plague said.
This made (Y/n) freeze, as he remembered the death of Capt'Cuttlesfish at his hands after he tried to get rid of him. This is how (Y/n) discovers about the agents after he kills Capt'Cuttlefish. Before he died, he requested (Y/n), "Give the agents a chance... they might change you... for better..."
(Y/n) sighed in sadness and regret, "I guess I wanted to give them a chance... like I'm giving one to you right now," he said, looking back at the Black Plague.
That's when they both felt a stab in the stomach, as a vast stab wound appeared right at the center of their stomach, "Shit... we're losing."
Eight Pov.
We hid in a ruined building, where the Black Plague attacked, as I patched and stopped the bleeding from Three's torn-off leg. I thank the Octo Military-Medic Academy for my medical training, making patching her easier. She passed out from the pain and ink, but she'll live; that's all I needed to know. T at's when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly grabbed my Octo-Brush and 'aimed' at the intruder. Only to see the Black Plague with (Y/n)'s eye colour and Four in his arms with her blushing.
His ink colour slowly changed as he entered, "It's me, Eight, but I don't have much time," (Y/n said as he placed Four next to Three. But I kept my brush ready, pointing towards him the whole time. He noticed my caution and fear and said, "Eight, I'm sorry for what happened here, and Three. Although I wasn't in control, it was my fault it had gotten this bad. I'm (Y/n) Eight," he then raised his hands and slowly and carefully walked towards me.
I saw his eyes and ink change colour as he approached me before stopping with his White Ink and red eyes. His tentacles are still there. I slightly lowered my guard before speaking, "W-what happened (Y/n), who... was that?"
"He's the Black Plague, Eight. He's the other monster that was hidden within me," (Y/n) said, "I wished to have spoken it with you and to everyone else. I was-" he stopped and sighed in a sad tone, "I was afraid that you'd betray me like Jake and Ashly."
I stood there, staring into (Y/n)'s eyes, seeing that he was telling me the truth deep down. I dropped my brush and hugged him. I could sense he was surprised, but he soon regained his composure before hugging me back. "I'm sorry," he apologized again.
"It's okay (Y/n). I forgive you," I told him. We hugged as long as we wanted, which was forever. Behind him, I saw Four smiling, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back at her and saw Three slowly waking up. I quickly let go of my hug, "Three is waking up soon. She won't be happy to see you here with us."
(Y/n) nods, as I saw his ink colour change and his voice change, "We know, take care of yourself. We need to take care of someone, and it'll be over. I-we promise," I heard the Black Plague say.
My eyes widen in shock and fear, wondering if that was (Y/n), the Black Plague, or both. But I nod, "Just don't die, okay?"
He smiled at me, "We won't," as he was about to leave, I remembered I needed to say something to him. I stopped him by grabbing his arm, "W-wait, I have something important to say!!!" Right now, I didn't care if Three saw him; this was the moment I would ever see him again.
He turned, facing me, and looked confused, "What is it?"
"I'm... I'm pregnant..." I could barely say as I felt my cheeks turn my ink colour. "W-with our child..." I said as I handed my pregnancy test to him in his hand, showing it was positive. He stared at the pregnancy test, blushing and in shock. He was speechless. He then slowly looked up at me and smiled, with happiness and joy in his eyes. He then leans in and kisses me, pulling me closer.
After about a minute, we let go of our love kiss, and he spoke, "I love you, Eight."
I smiled, "I love you too, my monster."
"I promise I'll be there with you," he said, letting go of me and leaving me with the other agents as I stared out the door.
"I hope I get pregnant as well," I heard Four say. I see Four sitting up, recovered from her injuries, with awake T ree staring at me with disappointment. This breaks my heart to see my best friend like this. I walked over to them and sat right in front of them. Three turned away from us, laying on her side with her cape over her like a blanket.
I looked down in sadness, wanting Three to forgive me or maybe give (Y/n) a chance. Four saw this, sat beside her, and whispered, "She'll come around. She's always acting all tough before being soft again."
"He killed him..." we heard Three say.
"Killed who?" I asked.
Three didn't turn around as she stared into the wall, "He killed Capt'Cuttlefish," she said in such a monotone voice, barely hearing the emotion in her anymore. We were shocked by the news and wondered if that was true. We never knew how he died, only finding his hat and his clothing.
"How did you know it is?" I asked, skeptical of her claims. He didn't answer; she just ignored me. This slightly angered me, "We l, if he did or not, I still love him. You cannot change my mind." I stood up, grabbed my brush, and before I walked out the door, I looked back at Three, "If you are still my friend, you shouldn't have kept the promise when you tried to kill me!" I shouted, slamming the door, and went to find (Y/n).
I know he wanted to do it alone and not allow me to harm me or our child. But I need to show he's not alone in this fight.
Third Pov.
The Black Plague easily slaughtered Jake's goons, ripping and tearing them apart like wet paper. He doesn't know why they are so loyal and willing to die for him. But who cares when the monster is having his best time killing? He soon killed the last of his goons, ripping his head from its body before throwing it in one of the windows that still stand. He laughed maniacally before being dispersed by Jake Green.
"There's no more running from here," He heard him say as the Black Plague turned around and smiled.
"This is the final battle, Jake—just you and me," the Black Plague smiled, spreading his arms and tentacles out, taunting him.
Jake smiled back and laughed, "Yes, yes, it is," Jake raised his arm, which confused the Black Plague, before shouting, "NOW!!!"
Spotlights on buildings turn on and shine bright onto the unexpected Black Plague, who covered his eyes with his hand and tentacles. That's when eight harpoons with wire attached shout out from the area of lights and pin the Black Plague by his tentacles and shoulders. He groaned in pain as he tried to move, but soon, a massive shock of electricity came from the wires and shocked the Black Plague. They were weakening him every time.
The Black Plague kept struggling, ignoring the considerable pain he was given, trying his best to escape, but all was in vain. He was stuck in place, standing face-to-face with Jake and smiling at him, with Ashly behind him. This enraged him as he struggled in vain to attack them, but slowly tiring him out.
"Well, well, the beast finally has been captured," Jake teased, walking up to him, but far enough that the Black Plague couldn't harm him. He then slowly took out his other weapon, the Tachi.
He was holding it with his two hands, turning it sideways and stabbing the Black Plague right into his stomach. He gasped in pain as his ink blood spat out of his mouth, covering Jake a little.
*Back in your conscious*
"He'd have us pinned!" (Y/n) shouted, clutching his bleeding stomach.
"Just give me a second; I got this! Black Plague groans as stood up.
"No! You don't!" (Y/n) shouted at him, "We need to do this together if we want to survive... or kill him." He then stood up as he saw the Black Plague leaving the camp, "I'm giving a chance of a different life, Black Plague!" He saw him stop and looked back at him. (Y/n) then, he reaches out with his bloody hand and smiles, "We'll always be monsters (Y/n), but we can use it for good, for our loved ones."
(Y/n), the Black Plague smiles and laughs, but he turns towards him, "They better give us a chance, or I'll kill them where they stand," he then reaches out with his bloody hand and grabs his.
(Y/n) smirked, "Trust me, today we are (Y/n)."
*Back in reality*
Jake smiled as he looked down at the tortured Black Plague but then heard him laugh, "What's so funny?" Jake asked. His laughter grew louder and louder and could be heard around the square.
"What's with him? As the monster finally lost it?" Ashly laughed.
They then heard glass smashing where one of the spotlights was, smashing the light into pieces. They then heard a fight and two splatts. They looked up and saw the Octolings they saw long ago Eight. She looked down at them as she broke the wire that held the harpoon to the gun, disconnecting the electricity. This shocked them, and Jake was about to finish the job quickly, but the trapped tentacle broke free, grabbed Ashly by her neck and used her as a body shield. The goons quickly electrocute the Black Plague, but Jake stops them over their phones after he takes Ashly.
Eight then super jumps towards each spotlight, taking it out along with their goons, which were easy spats for Eight. Trust me, she's been through worse. One by one, the wires broke a the Black Plague gained more freedom. Jake watches helplessly as he cannot do anything without harming Ashly, his girlfriend.
"No, you just didn't know," (Y/n) said slowly as black ink and white ink covered him. "I was the monster that had nothing to lose." Jake heard the White Death's voice through the ink. "But this monster has everything to lose!!!" He then made a monstrous roar that shook the city. The roar can be heard worldwide; every living form heard the scream as (Y/n) slowly changed under the ink.
In the Cold Lands, two White Ink Inklings stood near the end of the mountain as they heard the scream. They looked at each other and nodded before disappearing into the mountains.
Deep underground, an Inkling with (Y/c) ink hair and (Y/c) eyes, covered in ink of OIctarian blood. He had a chain sword in his left hand and a hoo-man handgun in his other hand. His revolt just started. That's when he heard the roar and looked back at his followers.
In the Bad Lands (northeast of Outer Splatlands Desert), an Inkling with (Y/c) ink hair with black stripes and (Y/c) eyes stood above the bodies of the Inkling and Octolings raiders with a long sword in his hand. He heard the roar as he looked toward Inkopolis Square before looking at the surviving raiders and smiling.
The Ink that covered him soon dissolved, showing an Inkling with half black and white Ink. His two of six tentacles turned white. The scar kept his black void of ink. The eye kept its red colour, while the other was now (Y/n)'s eye colour.
At the same time, the Three (Y/n) spoke,
(Y/n), the Cursed One: "We... are (Y/n), the Cursed One!"
(Y/n), the Emperor of Octolings: "I am (Y/n), the ruler of the Octoling Empire!"
(Y/n), the Last of Sepioloidea Lineolanta Inklings: "I'm (Y/n), the Poisonous Inkling! And every one of you shall die!"
____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Outro Song:
Ms.Loser: Hi, and Happy New Year. It's been so long since I uploaded it; it is the longest chapter I have written. Also, the stories will be uploaded when I'm done with this story arc and finish at least five chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new year!
Evol: Are you forgetting something else you've been working on?
Insane: Shut it!
Ms.Loser: *Ignores them completely (and you should too...)* I have something to show you.
"From the day we're born into this world is a fight for survival, from out and within. Each of us is fighting for another day for ourselves... and others. We're united under the same world but fight for another day... and forever we shall fight, for the sake of everything we strive for, we must fight to the bitter end." - Gloria Scotts, the Queen of the Norskin (Western Norsak Kingdom).
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