Chapt 23: I Have Returned
Jake Green Arc Part One:
Last time on, Unwanted Colour
Four Pov.
(Y/n) and I walked out of the Ammo Knights, as I two bags in my hand.
"Thanks, for paying half of them," I told him.
"Your welcome... that was Sheldon's money I stole anyways... " He whispered at the end.
"What was that?"
I just shrugged, "Well, you wanna go to your friend's home?" I suggested.
"You mean my girlfriend?" (Y/n) asked.
"Wait... this Aria's girl is your girlfriend?" I asked him.
"I thought Eight was your girlfriend?!" I said surprised.
"Well, yes... it's just they're both sharing me," He explained.
"Sharing? That sounds like a fanfiction," I told him.
"Like... Ms. Losers... stories..."
"Yeah... and two other inklings... like one person who likes memes and the other is darker..."
"TadayoshiScarlet and Ginny," He told me.
"Yeah... them..." I sighed.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"Well... since they're... sharing... you... then... can I... you know... share with them too?" I asked.
"Do you love me?" (Y/n) said blankly.
"I said, do you love me. Like Aria and Three," He said.
"I... I..." Before I can answer, someone, butted in.
"White Death!" I girl shouted.
(Y/n) quickly looked, so as I, as we see a blue inkling girl.
"Who are you and how do you know me?" (Y/n) said aggressively, as he pushed me behind himself.
"I was spying on you... and I need your help..." She said.
"Help... with what?"
"It's a guy... Jake Green..."
And now,
"... what does that have to do with me, with this Jake?" I asked this unknown blue hair inkling. I knew who was Jake Green, someone I rather want to forget but can't. He's the one who made me today, a monster who can make him look a better man. This blue inkling, knows I have a pass with Jake Green, the only reason I could think of coming up to me like that and tell me his name.
"You know White Death, I've kept an eye on you since Ms.Loser mentions you saving her," She told me, crossing her arms.
"Wait you know Ms.Loser?" Four asked.
"How do you know her?" She snapped back over to Four.
"Well... I read her fanfictions... there nice..." She said embarrassingly, smiling at her.
"Well, I'm a friend of hers. Ginny, that's my name, Ginny."
"What?! Your Ginny?!" Four shouted.
"Ginny... that's a kinda dumb name," I said. Ginny looked over to me with a pissed-off expression, she then slowly walks up to me and slap my against my check leaving a hand mark.
"Ow... I deserved that..." I growled.
"Don't make fun of my name!" She shouted. "Now then, back to the problem, Jake Green, a member of the Green team and a leader of a gang of Greens. Yeah, that's a lot of Green deal with it. So anyways, Ms.Loser has been capture by him."
"What?" Four said surprised.
"What does that have to dow with me? Yes, I saved her from his gang, but that doesn't mean that care for her," I told Ginny, crossing my arms.
"Really?" She asked.
"Oh, really?"
"Okay, I rather not go on with this, just tell me what you want!" I demanded.
"I want you to help Scarlet and I save Ms.Loser, from Jake Green. From what I have heard, you two have history," She said.
I didn't respond, just stayed silent. I feel like she knows what happen between me and him, but at the same time, she might not know. The attention was on me, both Four and Ginny were staring at me waiting for an answer.
"Yes... we did have a history... one I wished I have forgotten long ago."
*Somewhere else*
Three Pov.
I was once again in my apartment. I wasn't sleeping well, I have stayed up all night just thinking about the White Death, of how I want to strangle him. Callie told me that he didn't hurt her or Marie, even me. So much emotion of anger and hatred for him, yet I want to say thanks. But that's all, he's still an enemy.
But Eight, well she's with him. I'm not sure I consider her a friend no more. She's just an innocent octoling until he came along.
"Ugh! I hate him! I Hate him! I Hate him!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I can't just stop thinking of him. I want him dead laying on the ground dying! I know what he did, I know what he did! He's a monster, the White Death that everyone fears.
As I was clouded with my thoughts of hatred, someone knocked on the door.
I sighed in annoyance, "This better be good Marie..." I growled under my breath. I stand from my couch and walked over to the door, not caring the check the peep-hole.
I quickly opened and door and screamed, "What?!"
"Hello, Alex..."
That was my real name, Alex... the only person who knew my real name was my Ex. Jake Green...
"J-Jake?! W-what are you d-doing here?!" I asked surprised to see him visit me after three years.
"Well, I want to help you," He smiled as he leans against the door frame.
"Oh, no! You're not getting on with me again! You cheated me once, and then twice. I won't go back!" I told him crossing my arms.
"No, not any of that. I know you want to kill The White Death," He told me.
My eyes widen in shock, "H-how did you know?" I asked him.
"Well, you did scream I hate him, which I assume was the White Death and one of your friends told me so."
"And who's this friend?"
"I would say, but I rather not... since they're not cooperating with me. I know you will."
I do not trust what he's saying right now. He knows one of the agents, which one I do not know. Maybe I'll figure it out when I do join him, or he's tricking me into something. Yet, he's talking about the White Death, of how we could both kill him. This is really tempting, but how could I trust him. In the end, it'll be easy to get away, he's not the best turf war player, not even close to the top ten. And I'm the one that is on top.
I sighed, "Fine then, I'll cooperate with you to getting rid of the White Death. But not tricks this time, got it?"
"Fine by me," He said.
*Timeskip Brought to you By Chibi (Y/n) smashing Jake's head against the wall*
Jake and I were walking through Inkopolis Square, "So, where are we going?" I asked, breaching the ice between us.
"What do you think, we're the White Death lives," He told me.
"But I don't think he lives in the crap hole he calls home. Everything was abandon except for his weapon."
"Well, he kinda moved out... one of my spies figure it our before... well he got killed by him," He explained.
"Wait? Did you even set a spawn-pad for your spy?"
"Well... I kinda forgot..." He said embarrassedly.
My hand slowly went over my face and sighed. He's the stupidest Inkling I ever met, "You're a fuckin idiot."
"Thanks, you told me that so many times," He smirked.
"Because you are, now then where does he live now?"
"The same apartment that you and Marie scouted out after Callie was capture-wah!" Before he could finish, I pinned face-first against the wall.
"How the fuck you knew it was Marie and Callie!!!" I demanded.
"Ack! I just! It was obvious! The video he took before he died!" He growled in pain.
Something wrong here, he knew about Marie and Callie. I slowly pulled a single hero dualies and pressed back of his head, "Is one of my friends you were talking about back at my home?"
"N-no?" He said nervously.
I then pressed a barrel back agaist his head, demanding more.
"Okay fine! Yes... there one of them..." He admitted.
"Which one," I asked, as my voice darkens.
"The one who got laid with him! Marie!" He shouted.
"W-what... what are you talking about..." I asked confused. My grip loosens, giving Jake a chance to move freely. He ripped his wrist out of my hands, as I stood in shock.
"Marie joined him just like Agent 8... another person who trust joined your enemy," Jake said turning around facing me.
"N-no... no! It's-"
"Alex..." he said in his smooth voice. I was trying to deny the fact that this happens. Jake can be lying yet... he sounds truthful. I then felt his hands moved ontop my shoulder, making me feel a little comfort. "I was going to tell you back at my home... but... I know, how Captain Cuttlefish died..."
"The same man who took away both Eight and Marie from you..."
Before I could respond, everything started to shake.
Four Pov.
"Yes... we did have a history... one I wished I have forgotten long ago." (Y/n) said bitterly.
"Can you... tell us? It would be great if you would..." I told him.
He slowly turned his head to me, as his expression was now filled his sorrow. "I... I rather not..."
"Why?" I asked.
"I... I just can't..."
I was determined to get some answers out of his mouth, he's been keeping a lot from me and most likely with his two girlfriends also.
"Why can't you! What happened between you and him! I just want to know! You can't keep secret between me, or your two girlfriends!"
"Wait he has two girl-"
"Shut up!" We both shouted at Ginny.
"Okay... I'll be here...." Ginny said.
"(Y/n)! Keeping this to yourself is not good for you! You need to tell us so we can understand what's between you and Jake Green. He must-"
"Shut up!!! Shut up!!!" he screamed in pain, cutting me off. I watched him dropped to his knees. His hands were now gripping his head, with his eyes closed shut. "HE! KillEd him!!! He kIlLed Me!!! hE tOoK eVerYthiNg frOm Me!!! HE MadE me!!!" His voice slowly changes, it was more darken and with more of a growl. His white ink hair soon slowly changes in pure black ink.
The inklings and octolings around us notice the scene and watch the White Death changed colour.
"He's changing colour!!!" Ginny shouted backing up a bit.
"I hate him! I HATE HIM!!! HE MADE ME!!!" He kept shouting. I tried to stop him, but his body was slowly being cover with black ink. The whole square started slowly to shake, while everyone was panicking.
"(Y/n)!!! Calm down!" I shouted.
I then heard laughed from him, but it wasn't his laugh. It sounded like someone else. The black ink slowly dissolved around him. His ink hair was now glowing black. From his back, black tentacles slowly ripped thought his clothing. There were four, twice as big as him. He slowly turned to me, showing his face, his large scar was now black as a void, his eyes now red. He slowly smiled, "It's been a while I've been out of his body..."
"Thanks to you, White Death is taking a break... since you wanted answers... now I, BLAKE PLAGuE, will have fun... and fun I will have with you slut..."
A/n: Chapter done. I'm really sorry for not uploading it for like four months.
Anyways... I hoped you enjoy it... and have a great day.
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