Chapt 19: Remember The First



Your Pov. 

It was at three o'clock. I was in my disguised, waiting for Marie. She told me to come at three at the Inkopolis square. I looked around the square and see many Inklings and Octolings hanging out. Smiling, happy, and just having fun. I just sighed, and turn the other way trying to not look at anyone. I heard footsteps coming up to me. I turned my head towards the noise and see Marie in her agent disguised.

"Hey Marie," I said not caring to look at her. "Hey, uh... (y/n) right?" she asked, as I nodded in response. "So, what do you want to do?" Marie asked me. 

I shrugged, "I don't know, usually one of you bring me somewhere." 

"Well, how about we head to a park... y-you know... hang out..." She said shyly, as her cheeks went a little red. 

"Sure, you take the lead," I told her. She nods as she walks ahead of me. I slowly walked beside after. 


*time skip brought to you by (Y/n) pressing his forehead agaist marie's making her blush madly* 


Your Pov.

This park reminded me of something. I don't know why, but it just does. I looked around taking in the park scenery. This park was huge, with small hills. Trees grew tall making shade from the sunlight with Inklings and Octolings resting underneath. Pathways were made with stone leading around the park. On the side of the park was the ocean blocked up by a fence. Inklings and Octolings alike taking pictures with the ocean behind them. I then see a playground, with many children playing, happily laughing. I kept watching the children play, wishing I had that life.

"(Y/n), you alright?" I heard Marie asked making me snap out of my gaze. I looked at Marie and see her worried. 

"I'm... I'm fine," I told her. 

"Well, you wanna walk around?" She asked shyly. 

"Sure," I said. 

We started to walk around the park. We walked side by side, Marie's face was a little red while my face was calm. At the start no one talked, I mostly waited for Marie to star conversations since I was never good at starting a conversation. 

"So..." Marie said breaking the ice. "How was your day?" She asked. 

"It's been fine, mostly Eight and Aria hugging me on the couch while Four took a shower," I told her. 

"Huh... seems Eight and Aria like you a lot..." Marie said as I just nod. 

"I guess," I said depressingly. Marie then turns her head to me, "What do you mean, I guess?" Marie asked.

"Look it's nothing, just... something on my mind," I told her. "And that is?" Marie asked trying to get the answer out of me.  

"Marie, I'm not going to say it okay? So stop," I told her a little annoyed. "Sorry, sorry... I was just wondering..." She said looking away. 

"It's fine.." I said. 

Again, silent. We had walked for two minutes and none of us said anything after our first conversations. I looked around me, seeing couples holding hands as they walked by. Some even kissed. I can tell from Marie's face he wants' to try it with me. I then grabbed Marie's hand, surprising her.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?!" She asked all flustered. "I can tell you wanted this, so I'm going to do it with you," I told her. After that, we walked holding hands together. I was relaxed as for Marie, she was the opposite. She was all flustered in red, as she slowly moved closer to me. I let her moved closer. She was now leaning agaist me, her head was resting my holder. Both of her arms were warped around mine. I can tell she was still nervous but slowly relax. 

'Why do these girls get attracted to me?' I thought to myself. We walked around the area for two hours. Right now we at on a bentch that face the ocean taking in the view. 

"... So..." Marie said after we haven't talked for two hours. "How was the walk?" She asked.

I looked over to her, "It was nice... at first I didn't know this place... but I then recognize this place. it's been a while I been here..." I told her.

"You have been here before?" She asked. I nodded, "Yes... a long time ago..."

*Flashback to childhood*

"Fick off kid!" An Inkling shouted pushing me into the ground. I was just found that I hade White hair, they see me as a freak since White Ink never existed. As I hit the ground, the others laughed. 

I groan in pain as I tried to get back up, but a foot pushed me back onto the ground as it stands onto of me pinning me to the ground, "Get out of here freak, you're not like us," The same inkling who pushed me down said. They all soon walked away from me, playing once again as I laid there on the ground. 

I slowly stand back up, wiping the tears off my face. I grabbed my bennie and put it over my head covering my hair. I walked away from the playground knowing that I'm not wanted there. As I walked through the park, I heard a little girl crying. 

I looked around and followed the sound of the cry. Soon I found a child around the same age as me wearing a Kimono dress. I slowly walked up to her, "Hello? Are you okay?" I asked. 

She slowly looks up to me. She had gray hair, with orange stars as eyes. As Tears ran down her face, I sat infront of her. She slowly moved away from me, thinking I'm going to do something to her.

"Hey, I'm good. Look nothing," I said raising my hands. She hesitated but calms down a little and moved a little forward. 

"Why are you crying," I asked her. She slowly wipes the tears off her face, "N-no one wants to play w-with me..." She sniffed. 

"Don't worry... you're not the only one," I said sadly. "Y-you... d-don't no one... to play too?" She asked. I nodded, "Yeah..."

"M-maybe you can play with me," She said shyly. I smiled, "I...I-I like that," I said happily. She then stands. 

"Come on let's play!" She shouted happily running in the other direction. "Hey wait, up!" I shouted chasing after her. 

For the whole day, we played many games. We play tag, hide and seek, grounders, eye spy, etc. We tried our best to stay away from the playground where the other kids are. Since the girl, notice the bruises on me, and I told her the inklings at the park did this to me. She cried a little knowing that I'm hurt, but I calm her down and clear her tears with my hands. 

As the sun was setting, we sat at the bench looking out to the ocean. We talked about our lives, but I lied to mine. I rather have her not knowing that I had suffered for this long without no one to talk to or even cared. She's was the first one who ever cared for me. The girl told me that she never knew her parents, but she had her gramps take care of her. She also has a cousin that was like a sister to her. She also told me that they singers and wanted to become the greatest stars in all of inkopolis. After a while, I heard people shouting for someone. 

"Oh, that's my gramps and sister calling me," She said sadly. I nodded, "Well, you can go. It's been nice to play with you..." I said sadly but still smiling. 

"Yeah, me too... oh before you go!" She said reaching to her pocket and bring out a neckless that have half of a heart. "Gramps told me that to give someone that are good friends with me," She said handing over her necklaces. It was shining in gold as it has half of the word of friends on it. 

"T-thanks..." I said. She smiles back at me. As she hopped down, I stopped her. 

"Wait... I-I want to show you something..." I said nervously. She turns around, "Oh, what is it?" She asked. 

"This," I said as I took off my bennie showing my White Hair. I heard her gasp, "I know... I'm a freak for having White Ink," I said. 

"So cool!" She shouted, amazed at my White Hair. "What?" I asked confused. 

"That's a cool colour! I never have seen that colour on an Inkling before!" She shouted. 

"So... you don't see me as a freak?" I asked her. "What? Why would I? you're an Inkling after all," She said all confused. I felt tears slowly form in my eyes as I smile at her. 

"T-thanks... for saying that," I said. "Your welcome, uh..." She slowly paused.

"It's (y/n)," I told her. "(Y/n), nice name," She smiled. I then slowly walked up to her, "I-I want to give you my hat.. for the gift and what you said," I told her as I put my bennie in her hands.

"T-thanks," She said as her face slowly grows red. We then heard the shouting once again. 

"Oh, I need to go now,"  She said turning around. 

"W-wait! What's your name?" I asked her. She looks back at me, "It's Marie." She then ran towards her family, leaving me alone.

"I... hope we see each other again..." I said. 

*Flashback ended*

As I told her my time here when I was a child, I looked over her with a shock in her eyes. 

"I guess we did see each other again," I said slowly smiling at her taking out the necklace that Marie gave me a long time ago. 

"(y-y/n)" She said still in shock. She slowly looks down at her sweater and took something out of her pocket. 

It was the bennie I gave her. I saw tears slowly fall from her eyes, "Sorry... I'm so sorry..." She said. I slowly moved over to her and pulled her into a hug. Her face was leaning against my chest as tears fall.

"I'm sorry (y/n)... I had hated you and left you! I could have been there in your life, not having to suffer more from that hate that I gave to everyone to you!" She cried as she gripped my bennie harder. 

"Marie... It's alright... please don't cry..." I told her in a soft and loving tone. 

"No! It's my fault! It's all my fault!" She shouted as she cried more and more. 

"Marie!" I shouted grabbing her face making her face me. We both looked into each other eyes, seeing regret and hurt on both sides.

"It's okay," I said as I press my lips agaist hers. She was shocked at first but soon lean in pressing her lips against mine. We then slowly let go, as I wipe her tears with my thumb. 

"I still love you," I told her.

"I... I love you too..." She said leaning in press our lips together once again. 


??? Pov.

"That's must be the White Death, maybe he can help Ms. Loser," She told herself as she watched Marie and (y/n) kiss.

"Man he's hot, maybe he'll like be better~," She said quickly leaving the scene. 


A/n: Sorry for taking forever. I hopped you enjoy this chapter.

Also, I have exams coming up soon, so good luck to me.

Anyways, have a great day!

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